Progress of the lesson: - All the children gathered in a circle! Let's hold hands tightly and friend
Lesson notes on the social world in the middle group. Topic: “Health School”. Lesson notes
Abstract of the scientific and educational activity “Experiments with flour” Municipal government educational institution “Cherepetskaya Secondary School Central District named after. N.K.Anosova"
Summary of a modeling lesson in the second junior group on the topic: “Merry bagels” Topic: “Merry
Multimedia presentation as one of the forms of work using ICT in preschool educational institutions At one of
Example 1 My first favorite toy was a teddy bear. We called it quite unusual
The concept of “children with disabilities” covers the category of persons whose life activities are characterized by any limitations or
Abstract of OD in the senior group on the topic: “Gifts of Autumn” Synopsis of GCD in the compensatory group