Cognitive and research project “Invisible Air” in the senior group.
Cognitive and research project “Invisible Air” in the senior group. Educator: Take a plastic bag. What's in it? Children:
Leisure summary for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of kindergarten
Leisure summary for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of kindergarten Leisure dedicated to Mother's Day,
Methodological development Complex lesson “Bread” for children 3-4 years old
Summary of a lesson on the development of coherent speech for children of the senior group with special needs “Journey to the Kingdom of Birds”
Summary of the GCD on speech development “Bird” for young children r Summary of the GCD lesson
Summary of GCD in the junior group on the topic “In the autumn forest”
Summary of educational activities with children of the first junior group on the topic: “Journey to the autumn forest” Transcript
Funny riddles for primary school children.
Next riddle When planning a holiday for children on September 1, be sure to include a moment with ditties and proverbs
Long-term plan for the long-term project “A fairy tale is knocking on our door.”
Planning a thematic week “Visiting a Fairy Tale” in the middle group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard Organization
Summary of educational activities in valeology younger age Topic “Let's preserve our health”
Work program on valeology for grades 1-4 “Hello, children!” Work program on valeology for
Summary of lessons in the middle group on familiarization with the surrounding world “Wild Animals”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Murtazina Rezeda Vagizovna Teacher IKK MDOU Kindergarten No. 143 combined type “Rainbow”
Card file of conversations with children of middle preschool age on the topic “Rules of Etiquette”
Project “Fun Etiquette” in the middle group Second week “Culture of Behavior in Public Places” Monday
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