Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity (application) in the middle group “Tulips - spring flowers”

Self-analysis of the teacher

On March 18, 2021, I conducted direct educational activities with children of the middle group on an application on the topic: “Tulips - spring flowers.”

The NOD lasted 21 minutes, 6 children were present.

The purpose of the GCD was the following: the formation of the environmental perception of children 4–5 years old through artistic creativity.


- develop children’s ideas about spring flowers;

- introduce children to the parts of flowers;

- recall the gluing technique; cutting along the contour;

- get joy from your own creativity.

Preliminary work.

In preparation for the GCD, I did the following work: prepared a lesson summary, looked at spring flowers, introduced children to the names of spring flowers, looked at the parts of a flower for the lesson.

GCD move.

During my educational activities:

• Techniques were used to attract and focus children's attention: a flower vase.

• Methodological techniques were used, such as: introductory conversation, explanations; questions for children; reminder of how to perform actions; answer completion; assessment of the implementation of actions; use of clarity; Physical education is moving.

• During the lesson, I tried to carry out individual work when I asked questions on this topic, and also reinforced the material with choral answers.

• I noted the good emotional mood of the children, as I tried to make this activity interesting.

• We managed to fit into the limited time of the lesson, since everything was thought out in advance.

During the GCD, I used a change in types of activities: at the beginning of the lesson, the children were on the carpet, then they studied at the tables, physical exercises were carried out. just a minute.

Summing up the GCD.

• When summing up the lesson, I thanked all the children for an interesting and exciting activity and also asked the children whether they liked the activity or not.

Thus, as a result of the direct educational activities, the set goal was achieved, because all the tasks were successfully completed, the children really liked this form of educational activity, and they willingly got involved in the application activities.

Author: Marina Nikolaevna Duginova, teacher at MBDOU CRR kindergarten No. 51 “Rodnichok”, Azov district, Kagalnik village, Rostov region, Russia.

The article is published in the author's edition

Summary of a lesson with children 4-5 years old using the application “Spring is Coming!”

Summary of GCD for application in the middle group

“Spring is coming!”

Purpose of the lesson:

— Formation of children’s knowledge about the time of year outside the window;

— Continue to learn how to use a brush and glue, carefully paste the image;

— To develop the ability to understand and carry out an educational task;

— Develop fine motor skills of children’s hands;

— Instilling in children a caring attitude towards all living things.

Progress of the lesson:


Suddenly a sparrow chirped After the winter cold, The sun is brighter and warmer, There are puddles on the paths. All frozen nature has awakened from sleep, the bad weather is receding, it is coming to us...


Children: spring!


Indeed, spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity and activity! This feeling covers all people. Poets write poetry, artists write paintings, and composers compose music. Guys, close your eyes and imagine that you are now in a spring forest.

A recording of birds singing in a spring forest sounds.

Educator: Open your eyes. Spring came to visit us (I’m showing a homemade Vesnyanka doll).

Spring Doll: “I am Red Spring!

I wake the Earth from sleep.

I fill my kidneys with juice,

I grow flowers in the meadows.

I drive ice away from the rivers and make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere, in the field and in the forest, I bring joy to people! »

I didn’t come to you empty-handed today. I’ll show you what to use now, but first let’s play.

Musical game "Stream"

Springfly doll: You made me happy, you danced beautifully and cheerfully. For this I leave you a basket with gifts. Goodbye!

Children say goodbye to the stonefly.

Educator: Let's see what's in the basket? And there are a lot of paper blanks for making springfly girls! Here is the finished girl (sample). Guys, take your seats, sit back and listen. Did everyone succeed? Well done! This is the body of a girl, we glue a sundress on it. Next we glue the handkerchief and the face. It works out great.

Now let's warm up:

Here is a clearing, and around (spread your arms to the sides with a wide gesture) Linden trees are lined up in a circle (clasp rounded hands above your head) The linden trees are rustling with their crowns, (arms at the top, swing them from side to side) The winds are humming in their foliage (lean forward) Down the tops bend down (leaning forward, swing your body from side to side) And swing them, swing them. After the rain and thunderstorms (straighten up, raise your arms) The linden trees are pouring streams of tears (smoothly lower your hands, fingering them) A tear drops from each leaf (hands down, shake your hands vigorously) Must be thrown onto the paths. Drip and drip, drip and drip - (clap your hands) Drip, drip, drip - drip! How weak the leaf is! (“drop” your hands) He will wash himself with the rain, (stroke first one, then the other hand) He will grow stronger every day. (clench fists)

Educator: We did the warm-up well, but all that remains is to decorate our stoneflies a little and draw their eyes and mouth. You can continue to apply.

After the guys have finished their work, the teacher displays the work: guys, look what wonderful Spring girls you have turned out to be! Do you like it? Each work is good in its own way. Our work is over, now you can clean up your workplace.


Applications on the theme “Spring”: interesting ideas for crafts

Seasons change each other: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and so on year after year.

And it’s not for nothing that we started the list in spring, because spring is the time of the birth of new life, in spring the grass blooms, the trees turn green, the rivers are freed from their icy shackles.

Applications on the theme “Spring” are especially popular in kindergartens and schools, because we are all so happy about the arrival of spring! For children, spring is a harbinger of summer, which means holidays.

Spring has come, and with it came interesting ideas for crafts and applications that can be made both in kindergarten and in 1st grade. Such applications can be made from anything: from cotton pads, from napkins, from colored paper, from cereals and pasta. There are really a lot of ideas and materials, the main thing is to choose an interesting and beautiful plot, because spring is a time of inspiration!

Spring forest

The first master class on the theme “Spring” with templates is one of the versions of applications on spring themes. We will create a spring forest that has just woken up from its winter sleep.

To make crafts, take:

  • Colored paper. You can also use velvet paper for some elements;
  • White paper;
  • Colored cardboard;
  • Glue;
  • Pencil;
  • Black marker or felt-tip pen;
  • Ruler;
  • Scissors;
  • Cut out templates (see photo).

It is better to cut out the templates in advance and distribute ready-made cut out figures to the children.

Before starting work, remind your kids about safety precautions when working with scissors so that children do not damage their clothes or fingers.

So, let's get to work.

  1. Let's work on the details first. Take white paper and cut it into three identical strips. Let's twist the strips so that we get three identical tubes - these are birch trunks. Using a marker, we will apply a design on them - thin black markings on the bark.
  1. Next, trace the sun template on yellow paper and cut it out. Using red velvet paper, cut out the center of the sun according to the template.

  1. When the parts are ready, we start working with glue. First glue the yellow sun onto the blue cardboard, then place the red center on top of it.
  1. Now let's glue the birch trunks. You can arrange them however you like.
  1. Next, we’ll make a birdhouse. From colored paper or cardboard, cut out the birdhouse parts according to the templates and glue them to one of the birches.
  1. Then we move on to birch leaves. Take green paper, trace the leaf templates and cut them out. To get several leaves at once, you can fold the paper in several layers and only then cut out the leaves. Use scissors to give them volume, slightly cut them, and bend them in half. This way our picture will look more voluminous. We glue the leaves to the birch trees.
  1. Cut out bird templates from black paper. You can use velvet paper to show texture.
  1. We glue the birds onto tree trunks, and glue wings cut from any colors of paper to them.

Crafts on the theme of spring from buttons - rainbow

Preparatory stage: an adult places buttons on the drawing in advance, selects them by color, sequence, and size.

Draw a rainbow on cardboard. child a pheasant, explaining that the first letters of the words correspond to the colors of the rainbow - every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is going . Apply glue along the basting and lay out buttons according to color. When the rainbow hangs like a rocker, glue two white paper clouds to the sides of the seven-color arc.

Instead of an afterword: look at a selection of exhibition works of preschoolers, we hope you will find the ideas embodied by the children useful.

Corrugated paper aster

  • Secrets of builders: working with couplings
  • DIY New Year's crafts - 9 best options

  • Crafts from cocktail straws for children

You will need: corrugated paper of purple, yellow, green and light green, scissors, wire, glue gun, pencil, ruler, watercolor paints, brush.

Master Class

  1. Prepare a strip of purple corrugated paper 4 cm wide.
  2. Tint one edge of the strip with purple paint and set aside to dry.

  3. Fold the strip several times.
  4. Make cuts along the unpainted edge. The first blank is ready.
  5. Make the second blank in the same way, only take a purple strip 6 cm wide.

  6. Prepare a strip of yellow paper 3 cm wide.
  7. Fold the yellow strip several times and make cuts.
  8. Wrap the wire with a light green piece of corrugated paper and secure with glue. This will be the stem.
  9. Wrap a yellow blank around the end of the stem - these will be the stamens.
  10. Twist the ends inside the purple piece, which is 4 cm wide, using a pencil.

  11. Step back from the base of the stamens and glue the petals.
  12. Take a 6cm wide purple blank and wrap it around the bud as shown in the photo.
  13. Twist the ends of the petals and straighten the middle.

  14. Cut out 6 sepals from green paper, then glue them on.
  15. Cut 6 long leaves of different sizes from light green paper and glue them to the stem.

The corrugated paper aster is ready! You will find even more flowers HERE.

I recommend watching this video!

Note! Crafts on the theme of vitamins and healthy foods

Crafts on the theme of spring from waste material

You need a craft urgently, but what to make it from and how doesn’t occur to you? Grab our ideas, and the material from your home bins.

Hedgehog from a bottle

Plastic bottles of any shape are also suitable for children's crafts, you just need to use your imagination a little.


  • Plastic bottle 1.5 l;
  • Pine cones – 25-30 pieces, a handful of dry grass or moss;
  • A sheet of cardboard, Moment glue, acrylic paints.

Process of creation:

Cut off the top and bottom of the bottle. Lubricate the edges of the parts with glue and insert them into each other. Paint the bottle black, and after the paint has dried, draw white ovals.

Paint the narrow part of the container (the muzzle) with gray paint. Draw the eyes, eyebrows, insert a wire mustache. Cover the bottle with cones, starting from the back of the hedgehog and moving to the sides. Leave the belly and head as is.

Secure the craft with varnish, then place the hedgehog on a piece of cardboard covered with moss.


Let's make a chicken from a Kinder Surprise container; we also need: plastic eyes, plasticine, cardboard.

Open the container and put some weight in it to make the craft more stable. Glue the eyes on the future rooster.

Roll four balls from red plasticine, flatten and attach to the head - a comb. Make a beak from two flattened sausages, and legs and wings from small ovals.

Cut out a lawn circle from green cardboard and place the chicken and plasticine flowers on it.

You can make several chicks and place them in a decorative basket, stylized as a nest.

Autumn craft ideas for kindergarten

Let's start with the simplest compositions. It is difficult for kids to make intricate crafts, so appliques made from dry leaves, chestnuts and acorns would be excellent options. Such applications will delight the little ones.

A wreath made of leaves is also a fairly simple children’s garden craft, but no less beautiful for that.

Such a wreath will be an excellent craft if you do not have time to stock up on natural materials. Just cut out the leaves from colored paper; it will be especially chic if you decorate the leaves with paints or gouache.

Very simple crafts for kids - trees with colorful foliage. There are so many options for making them!

All children love hedgehogs and many people associate this animal with autumn. Cute and prickly hedgehogs with an apple or mushroom on their back will delight children. They are made simply: as a rule, the body is made of plasticine, and needles - seeds (or other natural materials) are pressed into it.

Note! DIY Christmas crafts made from felt

Children in the older group of kindergarten are no longer so interested in making simple compositions, so we found several more complex options, but making them will not be difficult. For example, a doll with a dress from dry leaves is not difficult to make. You need to take the top half of the doll and place it in the neck of half a plastic bottle. Due to the shape of the bottle, different styles of dresses will be obtained. The leaves are glued in layers and moment crystal glue is used. Of course, girls will like this craft more than boys.

The following crafts are universal, both boys and girls will be delighted with them. Of course, these are already beloved houses made from natural materials. In such a house you can settle fairy fairies or animals, or you can leave them on their own.

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