Design of the “Beauty Salon” play area in the middle group of the kindergarten.

How to work with the material?

Our selection of cards is designed to develop children's speech and thinking, familiarize them with the world around them and form initial ideas about professions.
The manual can be used for classes with children from two and a half years old, but it can and should be taught at both 4 and 5 years old. It’s just that activities with a child at different ages are structured differently. So, for a child of two and a half years old it is enough if he knows the name of the profession and can name most of the objects shown in the picture. We already expect from a three-year-old child that he not only knows the names of objects of labor, but can also tell in what profession these objects are used. At 4 years old, a child understands the purpose of most tools and can talk about what a person does in a particular profession.

You can download free pictures of various professions for children. They are suitable for thematic classes, both at home and in early development clubs, in junior schools.

Your child will get to know such professions as: secretary, carpenter, cook, reporter, tour guide, policeman, director, welder, courier, nun, psychic, inspector, dentist, pharmacist, drummer, driver, artist, stylist, district police officer, waiter, nurse, flight attendant, bellhop, pilot, architect, nanny, doctor, singer, guide, cashier, musician, ceramic artist, fireman, hairdresser, photographer, salesman, engineer, veterinarian, teacher, accountant, builder.

Game corner “Hairdressing salon” in kindergarten

Kolosanova Natalya Dmitrievna

Game corner “Hairdressing salon” in kindergarten

On the occasion of the day of the role-playing game at MAAM.

“The game is not empty fun. It is necessary for the happiness of children, for their health and proper development.” D. V. Mendzheritskaya.

Play is the most important, interesting and meaningful thing for a child. This is joy, knowledge, and creativity. Gaming activity is the leading activity for a preschooler.

It is not for nothing that the game is called “leading” - it is thanks to it that the child gets to know the world of objects and people around him, enters the world of social relations, the community of adults. Through play, a child learns about himself and his capabilities. “Game is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity”

noted V. A. Sukhomlinsky. The game develops what the child will need in his adult life. Everything that makes up the richness of the human personality develops in play. With the help of story-based games, the child expands his horizons, explores the sphere of human relationships, and develops communication skills.

According to the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, teachers are required to improve the quality of educational work with children through the organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment in the group. The subject-spatial environment carries enormous opportunities for pedagogical influence on the child - it educates and develops him.

for corners in accordance with their theme, however, general provisions are highlighted for all children's activity centers in kindergarten :

meeting the interests of children;

filling the material base taking into account the age characteristics of pupils;

aesthetics, attractiveness and comfort - to create a good mood;

convenience and accessibility of corner materials for every child ;

optimal location in the group room (relative to the light source, other thematic corners );

taking into account the regional component when designing a corner .

We invite you to get acquainted with our game corner " Barbershop "


When creating this play corner , we set the following goals: to expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of a hairdresser , to cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite address to elders and to each other, to teach gratitude for the help and service provided.

Children took an active part in choosing the name; they decided to use a name associated with our small Motherland - Trans-Urals.

To decorate the hairdressing salon , we became hairstyle designers.

Parents took an active part in the production of attributes for the game. They made robes, capes, towels, checks, money and collected very necessary and beautiful little things.

Our salon employs ladies' and men's masters. We purchased special kits for them.

Also in the corner there are “Rules for working with hairdresser’s


To improve the professional skills of our hairdressers “Braid your hair” was produced.

. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the process of its creation.

Our play corner is very popular and brings us the joy of creativity and play.

Thank you for your attention!

What's the best way to tell it?

  1. For example, let's talk about the profession of a doctor. A doctor is a very necessary profession. The doctor is dressed in a white coat and has a special cap on his head. This is a doctor's form. The doctor treats children and adults from diseases. The doctor works in the hospital. For his work, he needs special tools, such as a phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, etc. The profession of a doctor is needed in order to protect and treat people from various diseases. With the help of these profession cards in pictures, your child will expand his horizons, learn a lot of new things, develop speech, especially important for 3 years old, and memory. You can download professions in pictures here completely free of charge - click on the image below to download for free:
  2. A seller, for example, sells goods in a store. This profession requires communication skills and accuracy. The seller must also be able to count well, and the child’s attention should be focused on this.
  3. An engineer is a complex technical profession that requires good knowledge of mathematics and technology. An engineer can find use in a factory when creating new technical developments.
  4. A driver is needed everywhere. This is not just a person who drives a taxi. Drivers are required at enterprises, at construction sites, for intercity cargo transportation, etc. This profession requires endurance, attention and, of course, the ability to drive a car.
  5. A veterinarian treats animals. He must have a medical education. And, of course, the veterinarian must love our little brothers.
  6. The cook loves to cook, but he does it according to culinary standards and requirements. A cook is needed not only in canteens or restaurants, but also in organizations, schools, and kindergartens.
  7. The builder participates in the construction of houses. This profession requires physical strength. Construction is a very necessary profession.
  8. The hairdresser does our hair. A hairdresser must have dexterous hands and a subtle artistic taste.
  9. An accountant calculates costs and profits at enterprises, firms, and organizations. An accountant must have an economic education and have mathematical abilities.
  10. A teacher is a rather difficult profession. It is necessary not only to be able to present the material in an interesting way, but also to organize the children’s work. The teacher must have moral restraint and tact, and know his subject well.

Design of the “Beauty Salon” play area in the middle group of the kindergarten.

Role-playing game

- This is the main type of game for a preschool child. It has the main features of the game: emotional richness and enthusiasm of children, independence, activity, creativity.

The main feature of a role-playing game is the presence of an imaginary situation in it. The imaginary situation consists of a plot and roles. The plot reveals the content of the game - the nature of the actions and relationships between the participants in the events.

According to the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, teachers are required to improve the quality of educational work with children through the organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment in the group. The subject-spatial environment carries enormous opportunities for pedagogical influence on the child - it educates and develops him.

There are general provisions for all children's activity centers in kindergarten:

— meeting the interests of children;

— filling the material base, taking into account the age characteristics of the pupils;

- aesthetics, attractiveness and comfort - to create a good mood;

— convenience and accessibility of corner materials for every child;

— optimal location in the group room (relative to the light source, other thematic corners);

— taking into account the regional component when designing a corner of the subject-development environment.

I propose to get acquainted with the design option for the “Beauty Salon” play area in the middle group of the kindergarten .

To create this gaming zone, the following tasks were set:

1. Encourage children to take initiative in communicating with peers about the game “Beauty Salon”.

2. Encourage children to display various actions of adults (clients and masters, communication between people, relationships) in the game “Beauty Salon”.

3. Continue to encourage children to develop interesting ideas for the “Beauty Salon” game, and to implement them, independently set reproductive and initiative goals for themselves and their peers.

4. Continue to teach children to accept play tasks set by their peers, or tactfully refuse them, and independently agree on play interactions.

5. Encourage children to choose original subject and role-playing ways to implement ideas in the game “Beauty Salon”.

Game actions

, which children acquire while playing “Beauty Salon”.

— Visitors politely greet the master, ask for a service, consult with him, and thank him for the service.

— The salon contains shampoos, hair conditioners, jars of various creams, combs, elastic bands and hair clips, bracelets, hats, perfume catalogs, and a telephone for communicating with the client.

— The master washes hair, dyes hair, combs hair, does haircuts, does makeup.

There are also 2 mannequins in the salon for creating different hairstyles.

When the beauty salon is open, there is a whole line of people wanting to get beautiful hair and makeup done. The master offers magazines of various perfume products to waiting clients. The salon's clients are satisfied with the work of the master!

Tell children about professions

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