Non-traditional technique of drawing with palms; methodological development for drawing (junior group) on the topic

Drawing lesson: “Cheerful palms”

Objectives: to introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique (palm); learn how to independently come up with the composition of a drawing; develop creative imagination, attention, fine motor skills and hand coordination.

Equipment: simple pencil; set of gouache paints; brushes; palette; jars of water; napkins.


Teacher: Today I offer you a new way of drawing. You've never drawn like this before. We will trace the palms and come up with interesting designs from them. (Then the lesson is conducted with a demonstration of drawing diagrams.)

Baby dinosaur Smiles sleepily: Mom is nearby, dad is nearby - What else is needed for happiness?

Take a closer look: It's a cactus. It's prickly. And when the rains come, all the thorns will bloom.

The elephant gave flowers to the baby elephant, and then said in his ear: “You eat better, my glorious son, so that you can grow up strong, like your dad.”

How many stars are there in the sky? I wish I could get at least one, If you can’t get even one, We’ll bark at the moon.

There is a stump in the clearing, It is not low, not high. Look, guys, what's growing on it? Honey mushrooms!

The octopus dad couldn't catch up with his son for an hour. The octopus barely calmed down a little, Because he needs to sleep, The legs need to rest.

A seahorse rushes quickly, as fast as he can. Under water. Here I am stuck in the thick grass, I shout: “Gotcha, stop!”

Together with my friend, we draw a riddle, Palm, press the other one in order. Let's add circles, decorate them again - And now our butterfly is ready.

A scarlet flower has blossomed in the thicket, Each petal shines like a firebird. This is such a miracle. On my sheet of paper a fairy tale comes to life in complete darkness.

Teacher: - Do you want to try? Take a close look at your hands. Place your palm on a piece of paper. Turn it, move it. - Look! Imagine! Let your imagination run wild! Our palms can turn into whoever we want! Did you come up with it? Then press your palm and trace with a simple pencil. - And then fill in the missing details. - Well, now you can color your drawing using pencils, crayons or paints.


Guys, we are a little tired, let's take a rest: We painted today, Our fingers are tired. Let's shake our fingers and start drawing again.

Teacher: Well done, guys! Look, we tried our best, and we came up with beautiful drawings. Guys, did you like turning your palm? (Children's answers). Today we will arrange an exhibition so that parents can also admire your work.

Here is the exhibition of “funny palms” we got:

Preparing to paint an autumn still life

The teacher asks the children what time of year there are many bright and rich shades of warm colors in nature; nature literally breathes warmth. This time of year has always attracted artists, poets, and composers with its luxurious beauty; they admired this time of year and conveyed their admiration to people through their vision of the beauty of nature. How many famous people have left us their masterpieces in painting, poetry and music! What time of year do you think it might be? (autumn). What time of year is it now? What autumn months do you know?

What is the difference between early autumn and golden autumn? (In September, autumn is just beginning. The first yellow leaves appear on birches, maples bloom with yellow and red foliage. They say about such an autumn - early autumn. In October, all the trees dress up in autumn outfits, the leaves begin to fall. They say about such an autumn - golden, lush autumn ).

How do we know that late autumn has arrived? (In November, there is almost no foliage on the trees, there are frequent cold rains, frosts set in, and the first snow falls. This is called late autumn).

Autumn has its own colors. What colors of golden autumn do you know? (Red, yellow, orange, green, purple, warm, crimson, golden).

More useful materials for talking with children: A selection of poems about the colors of autumn for drawing classes with preschool children can be found here in the article about drawing an autumn forest using the technique of leaf prints on paper.

The teacher invites children to draw an autumn still life and shows how adult artists and children who are learning to be artists draw still lifes.

How to analyze these still lifes with children: The teacher shows the children a table with warm and cold colors and the still life invites them to think through what color palette the artist tells us about autumn in his still life. Does this painting have more warm or cool colors and shades?

At the end of the conversation, the adult asks: “What colors will you use to tell your story about autumn in your future still life? Think about it, and you and I will begin to draw an unusual autumn still life.

The still life will consist of maple leaves that stand in a vase. We will draw maple leaves using our palms.”

Making drawing templates

Engage your little one. First, draw his hands on colored paper. It's easy to do. Place your palm on the surface and trace with a pencil. Repeat the same with the second handle.

If the child liked the procedure, then it can be done an infinite number of times. Otherwise, once is enough. Then you can cut as many times as needed.

Crafts made from palms with your own hands turn out to be unusual, and on different topics.

Funny hedgehog

First, draw a silhouette of a hedgehog on a white sheet of paper. Then cut out 10-12 palms from brown and orange paper. Glue the bright pattern tightly to each other on the back of the needle.

Now you need to cut out 4 ovals from red and white paper (make them mushrooms). They are fixed between the “needles”. Cut out a green stripe with a fringe, add it from below, you will get a wonderful grass-ant.

As you can see, handcrafts made from palms for children are simple to make, but look very impressive. Children often ask to decorate their room with similar appliqués.

Rainbow shards

Colorful stained glass windows with intricate leaves leaving bright reflections on the floor have always been considered a luxury. Their production has always been labor-intensive, and craftsmen were worth their weight in gold. Of course, it’s not easy to accurately recreate the technology, but templates and stained glass paints will help you achieve the effect of antiquity, or use painted angels to decorate window glass for Easter.

If you have an old lampshade lying around in the attic, don’t rush to throw it in the trash. Better give him a second life! Cast a spell and it is guaranteed to refresh the interior.

And a pickle jar can easily be transformed into an original vase or candlestick - painted or pasted over with figured decor. Place a candle inside, and the flame illuminates the silhouettes of trees, grass, houses where tiny fairies live.

Beautiful butterfly

By making this beauty, you will not just captivate your child with an interesting activity. The main thing is that by working with small elements, the baby will develop fine motor skills. The variety of colors will allow you to quickly learn the palette and shades. As you can see, the benefits are undeniable.

Cut out two palms in different colors. Colored elongated oval. Different sized circles. Two stripes (very thin). Fold the colored paper in half. We place our hand on it so that the wrist is in the fold, circle it.


An easy craft in the form of a Dove of Peace is made using the following technology:

  1. Take a thick sheet of white paper and trace your palm with your fingers outstretched.

  2. Draw a red beak on the thumb and cut out the detail.
  3. Using a figured hole punch, shape a light green twig and attach it to the beak.
  4. Attach a long wooden skewer to the back.
  5. If desired, make several of these birds and place them in a vase, tying them with ribbon at the base.


Step-by-step technology for creating a bright clown:

  1. Lay out your palms on colored sheets, trace along the outline, then cut out. You should get about 15 blanks.

  2. From loose cardboard, prepare parts in the form of hair, boots, a hat and a butterfly. Color in appropriate colors.
  3. Coat the parts with glue and fix them in the right places.
  4. The next step involves shaping the colored palms into a suit and arms, then attaching them to the base with adhesive.
  5. Finally, use felt-tip pens to draw facial features and glue on a butterfly.
  6. If desired, decorate the clown costume with sparkles and ribbons.


This simple octopus craft is fun and cute.

Step-by-step production:

  1. To make a picture from several mollusks, you will need a cardboard blank of A5 or A4 format.
  2. Place a child's brush on a colored paper sheet, trace it and cut out the resulting shape.
  3. Glue your palm onto the cardboard blank so that your fingers point down; these will be the tentacles of an octopus.
  4. Create eyes from a white sheet, and pupils from a black sheet.
  5. A pinkish or red paper strip will serve as a smile.
  6. If desired, decorate the animal with a bow, beads or hat.

World of plants

You can endlessly make handicrafts on the theme of palms. Let's build a vase with daisies together.

Prepare: corrugated white paper, yellow paper napkins, a set of colored paper and for scrapbooking with a pattern, colored cardboard, stapler, glue, paper clips.

Roll white paper into several layers (10 cm wide). Outline the hand and cut it out. One flower requires 6 templates.

The middle is made of a napkin folded into a square. Staple, trim the corners. Unchrome it. Make leaves and stems from green paper (spread out fingers are outlined). The vase is made from a scrapbooking sheet.

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