“Compiling riddles using TRIZ technology as a means of developing vocabulary in children of senior preschool age”

The amazing world of mysteries based on TRIZ

Pedagogical workshop for teachers “The amazing world of mysteries based on TRIZ”
Author: Margarita Viktorovna Bodyan, teacher-methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the LPR “Preschool educational institution “Ladushki””, Rovenki LPR. This development will be useful for educators and primary school teachers. I advise you to try Alla Nesterenko’s models for composing riddles with children 6-8 years old, since they already have a fairly complete understanding of the objects of the world around them. Goal: demonstration of models for composing riddles for preschool children based on the models of Alla Nesterenko. Objectives: - to introduce teachers to models of composing riddles; — increase their competence in the field of innovative technologies; - develop creative thinking. Our modern world is changing very quickly and this makes it unpredictable. Many people will agree with me that not all of what we were taught in the family, preschool and school was useful. When preparing our children for life in this new world, we need to take into account: in the lives of modern children there will be many more non-standard situations than ours, and all we can do for them is to teach them to act creatively, unconventionally and solve any problems. There are a large number of ways to achieve this. It's no secret that all children love to solve riddles. Watching them, I noticed that if the teacher asks the same riddle after some time, then most of the children in the group simply remember the answer. As for me, it is more important to teach children to compose their own riddles than to simply guess familiar ones. Using the material of riddles, many problems can be solved: from systematizing the properties of objects and phenomena to building models and developing associative thinking. At the same time, writing riddles is creativity and speech development. Now we will learn how to compose riddles using models from the candidate of pedagogical sciences, certified TRIZ specialist Alla Nesterenko. We have a table in front of us, let's call it a support. Suppose we decide to make a riddle about a samovar.

After filling out the table, insert the links “How” or “But not” between the lines of the right and left columns. For example: shiny, like a coin;
hissing like a volcano; round, but not a watermelon. It is clear that the task described above requires the ability to read and write.
This requirement can be circumvented by giving support verbally (it is well remembered) and actively helping the child. In addition, very often words can be replaced with pictures. Now let's try to learn how to make a riddle for an object by indicating its parts and their number. For example: “4 wheels, 1 engine, 1 steering wheel, 1 cabin” is a car.
Or “4 legs, a lot of needles, 2 ears” - a hedgehog. Support:

Another model, the peculiarity of which is that a child, comparing one object with some other object, finds common and different between them.
What does it look like? ….. What is the difference? For example, a riddle about a scallop. -What does a scallop look like?
- On the fence. - How is it different from a fence? - You can't climb over it. -What else does it look like? – On the grass, but it doesn’t grow. - What else does it look like? - On a saw, but doesn’t saw. Next he suggests composing the riddle as a whole, using the connectives “How” or “But”, “But not” or “But without”.
A fence, but you can't climb over it; grass, but does not grow; she saw, but did not saw.

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Master class Methodology for composing riddles using TRIZ technology methodological development

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Golden Fish" in Tsimlyansk


347320 Rostov region, Tsimlyansk, st. Oktyabrskaya, 39 tel. (291) 2-49-08 INN 6137006469

Master Class

Methods for composing riddles using TRIZ technology

Educator: Boldina E.A.


The purpose of the master class: to provide the opportunity to use TRIZ methods for composing riddles using reference tables using the example of the topic: “Riddles as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.”


— introduce the features, methodology, algorithm for composing riddles for children, forms of work;

— show with specific examples how to write riddles (electronic presentation) in work on speech development.

Practical significance: this master class may be of interest to educators and teachers who are specialists in working on the speech and intellectual development of preschool children.

During the master class, the methodology (algorithm) for composing riddles for children in different ways using reference tables will be demonstrated.

Predicted result of the master class:

- teachers get an idea of ​​the methodology for composing riddles for children using reference tables in different ways in their work on the speech development of children:

— intensifying the introduction into the educational process of educators of methods and techniques for activating the intellectual and creative abilities of children.

Organizational moment, message of the master class topic

— Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

— I am glad to welcome you to our master class.

— One ancient Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do it and I will understand.”

— These wise words can be taken as a motto, a condition for successful work with preschool children, since it is through demonstration, observation and their own practical activity that the child develops.

“And we, preschool teachers, are creative, restless people, and in our work with children we often follow the proverb: “It’s better to see a hundred times than to hear a hundred times.” Or better yet, do it a hundred times.

— Therefore, today I would like not just to tell, but to show and give the opportunity to practically try out some of the methodological techniques that I use in my work with children on speech development.

— But before I announce the topic of today’s master class, I would like to ask you: about whom can this be said?

Educates, but is not a parent

Teaches, but is not a teacher

Studying, but not a student

Playing, but not a child. (TEACHER)

— What genre of literature do you think this text belongs to? RIDDLE. Today we will look at the methodology for composing riddles using TRIZ technology. A riddle is a means of developing the speech of preschool children.

General characteristics of the riddle

— In my work with children, I, like all educators, often use such small forms of folklore as nursery rhymes, fairy tales, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, including riddles.

- Let's remember a little, what is a riddle?

— A riddle is one of the small forms of oral folk art, in which the most vivid, characteristic signs of objects and phenomena are given in an extremely concise, figurative form.

— Types of riddles: folk and original.

— Types of riddles:

  • Descriptive, for example:

My caftan is green,

And the heart is like red

Tastes sweet like sugar

And he himself looks like a ball. (WATERMELON)

  • Riddles - onomatopoeia, for example:

Behind the glass door

Someone's heart is beating.

Someone's heart is beating

So quiet

So quiet. (WATCH)

  • Riddles - rhymes, for example:

In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a hole

Gray baby

Who is this? (MOUSE)

  • Riddles are reversals, riddles are fables, for example:

We wound the wool into a skein

A silk scarf will come out.

Answer, is it true? (NO)

— The use of riddles is a very effective form in working on the speech development of children.


- enrich children’s vocabulary due to the ambiguity of words;

- help to see the secondary meanings of words;

- form ideas about the figurative meaning of the word;

- help to master the sound and grammatical structure of Russian speech, forcing you to focus on the linguistic form and analyze it.

“But I believe that a riddle not only allows you to solve the problems of children’s speech development, but also, most importantly, brings joy to the child.

- And a riddle is a game, and the game, as we know, is the leading activity of children. A game of recognition, guessing, exposing what is hidden and concealed, what is presented in a different image, a different quality. And you don’t just need to find out, you need to guess before, from—guess.

“But when using riddles, I discovered that many children, even children of older preschool age, do not know how to solve riddles, although older preschoolers already have certain knowledge and intellectual skills sufficient to solve riddles.

— Specifically, the following problems emerged:

- listen inattentively to the text of the riddle;

- do not completely remember the content of the riddle;

-do not fully or partially understand the text of the riddle;

- when guessing and comparing, not all features present in the riddle are used;

- cannot correctly analyze, compare and generalize the features indicated in the riddle.

— Considering that a riddle is a kind of game, I decided to teach children to play riddles: not to guess them, but, on the contrary, to invent them using the well-known TRIZ methods, which I want to introduce you to today.

- So how to play riddles? Let's now try to compose riddles using the reference tables.

Methodology for composing riddles about TRIZ technology

Ι STAGE. Preliminary work: teach children to compare objects “What does it look like?”

For example: “I have a fur hat in my hands. What does it look like? (on a kitten, on a crocodile, on a snowdrift, on a bear’s den). Simply answering the question is not enough. We must prove that the hat looks like a crocodile. “Which side do you have to look from to see a crocodile? Where is his tail? What is he doing now?

STAGE II. Algorithm for composing riddles using reference tables

First model:

1. Drawing up a reference table of the form:

"Which? (which?, which?)" “What is it? »

2. Selecting an object (included on the top line - for reading children, for others - a picture or a schematic drawing). For example:


3. Filling out the left side of the table: “Which?”

"Which" “What is it? »



4. Filling out the right side of the table: “What is bright (round, hot), but not the sun?”

"Which" “What is it? »






5. Insertion of “words - connectives” - AND NOT. Making a riddle about the sun

Riddle: What is this?

Bright, not a lamp?

Round, not a wheel?

Roast, not fire?

Second model

1. Drawing up a reference table of the form:

"What is he doing?" “Who does the same action?”

2. Selecting an object (included on the top line - for reading children, for others - a picture or a schematic drawing). For example:


3. Filling out the left side of the table: “What does it do?”

"What is he doing?" “Who does the same action?”



4. Filling out the right side of the table: “Who does the same action?”

"What is he doing?" “Who does the same action?”






5. Insertion of “words - connectives” - AND NOT. Compose a riddle about a mosquito.

Riddle: What is it?

It flies, not an airplane?

It's squeaking and not a mouse?

It's the dog that bites, not the dog?

Third model

1. Drawing up a reference table of the form:

“What does it look like?” "What is the difference?"

2. Selecting an object (included on the top line - for reading children, for others - a picture or a schematic drawing)

For example:


“What does it look like?” "What is the difference?"

3. Filling out the left side of the table: “What does it look like? (on the fence, on the saw, on the grass)


“What does it look like?” "What is the difference?"



4. Filling out the right side of the table: “What’s different?”


“What does it look like?” "What is the difference?"



Can't climb

Doesn't saw

Doesn't grow

5. Insertion of “words - connectives” - HOW, BUT. Making a riddle about a comb

Riddle: What is this?

Like a fence, but you can't climb.

Like a saw, but doesn’t saw,

Like grass, but it doesn't grow.

Work in subgroups.

Now I invite you to become pupils and try to compose riddles using reference tables yourself in subgroups using this technique.

Words: apple, cat, car.

So, colleagues, let's see what you got. I suggest you ask the composed riddles to each other.

— Tell me, what speech problems did you solve when composing riddles? (teachers' answers).

- How can you play riddles? Various forms can be used.

Forms of working with children to write riddles:

  1. Compiling riddles collectively for one guesser.

One child is sent out the door. The teacher and the children select an object and discuss how to create a riddle. The object is hidden, a child is invited and one of the children asks a riddle.

  1. Compiling and telling riddles for children to each other in two teams or subgroups.
  2. Compiling house riddles using reference tables. Parents are actively involved in this work.

— So, colleagues, I suggest you exchange information:

- What were we doing with you now?

- How did we do it?

- Thus, a riddle is a real high creativity, accessible to preschool children.

Guessing and inventing riddles has an impact on the diversified development of children's speech. The use of various means of expressiveness to create a metaphorical image in a riddle (the device of personification, the use of polysemy of words, definitions, epithets, comparisons, special rhythmic organization) contributes to the formation of figurative speech in preschool children.

Analysis of the riddle helps not only to better understand and guess it faster, but also teaches children to pay attention to the word, arouses interest in figurative characteristics, helps to remember them, use them in their speech and create an accurate, vivid image themselves.

Summing up the master class, reflection.

— Returning to where we started, that is, with the motto of our master class: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do it and I will understand,” I would really like today’s information you found it interesting, useful, and most importantly, helped you in your creative work with children.

— I really like the words of E. Ermolova: “How to communicate with a child? Yes, it’s very simple: captivate until you get carried away. The richer and more multi-layered the classes are at first, the more freedom in the process and the greater talent as a result.” I wish you success and creativity in your daily work with children!

And for my further pedagogical work, I will ask you to evaluate today's master class. Reflection:

"Dear Colleagues! I ask you to evaluate the event by filling out the table using the expressions “yes”, “no”, “partially”. Thank you in advance!

Satisfied with today's work Gained theoretical knowledge I can design teaching activities on this topic

TRIZ for speech development: how to write riddles?

Why do they make and guess riddles?

Because children love to reveal secrets. It is a fact. They also love to remember what they hear and then test each other.

How do you usually get acquainted with riddles? An adult reads a new riddle to the children. As a rule, the smartest child (probably through insight) guesses what the answer is (or in more complex cases, the person who made the guess himself suggests until it dawns on someone). The rest of the children listen and remember. When the same riddle is repeated after some time to the same children, we see a “forest of hands.”

But if you dig deeper, then such “knowledge” of riddles and, accordingly, the ability to remember the desired answer is simply a memorization skill. Thinking doesn't work, and creative thinking doesn't work either. Yes Yes.

So, it is much more useful to learn to write riddles yourself.

This is not at all difficult to do, even for the little ones (with a little help from an adult).

Why? Because wonderful authors (hereinafter, three-page odes to them)) have already come up with simple and effective algorithms for this.

Simple models for writing riddles for little ones

(from T.A. Sidorchuk and A.A. Nesterenko)

Children 3-4 years old can come up with riddles based on these models.

Model 1

1. Figure out what the riddle will be about,

2. Select the main properties of this object (no more than 4),

3. For each property, select another object that has the same property.

In other words, write down the characteristics schematically, based on the table. Let our riddle be about a kitten.

Add linking words and get a riddle:

Affectionate, but not the sun,

Warm, but not a sweater,

Mustached, but not a catfish.

Model 2

Similarly, you can create simple riddles based on the actions that the object performs. It is better to take as a basis an object that can have 2-3 properties associated with movement, sound, light effects, and smells.

I'm talking about the kitten again.

The result is a riddle:

Hunts, but not a wolf,

Can jump, but not a ball,

It rumbles, but not the engine.

Model 3

Here we need to write down in the table what object our answer is similar to and how it differs from it. Once again about the kitten:

Looks like a toy, but alive,

Looks like a lion, but without a mane,

Looks like an owl, but does not fly.

There is absolutely no need to draw signs every time! It is enough to mentally imagine the desired model. And you can even combine two models in one riddle.

If you look at this way of coming up with riddles more broadly, you can use it with older students to better memorize scientific concepts from chemistry, physics, and biology. What helps with this is that in the process of composing, imaginative thinking is involved, and, therefore, memorization is more effective.

A way to write a riddle for children over 7 years old

(from A.V. Kislov and E.L. Pchelkina)

The steps of the algorithm are partly similar to those already described, but there are a little more of them:

1. Select an object; 2. Select from 1 to 3 properties of the object - visible, audible, tangible, tasteful, constant or changeable; 3. Each highlighted property is supplemented with an image that arises by association; 4. Imagine yourself in the place of the original object and describe the associated impression; 5. Select the most vivid, interesting and original descriptions from points 3 and 4, combine them into a short story or poem.

The guys and I came up with a riddle about a faulty light bulb that was blinking above our heads. Of course, I did not write down the algorithm itself word for word, but simply indicated the steps with icons. Here's how it happened.

It doesn’t matter if the riddle doesn’t add up to a poem! Prose riddles and stories are also very interesting and unusual, and most importantly, they encourage verbal creativity.

Share your original riddles in the comments!


speech development

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TRIZ games for preschoolers, part 3

TRIZ for speech development: how to write riddles?

Drawing without a brush

Using TRIZ in the family

The main task of TRIZ is to help people overcome the inertia of thinking - the habitual way of thinking. For example, how can you use a toothpick other than its main purpose? Psychological inertia is a force that keeps a person captive to familiar concepts. Without overcoming it, we cannot invent anything.

TRIZ also trains memory and attention, develops ingenuity, logic, and imagination. Games and tasks that can be called TRIZ captivate both children and adults. At home as a family, we ourselves can practice and develop.

For example, you can watch TRIZ cartoons (or films) in which the hero faces difficulties and solves them in an unusual way, thanks to his ingenuity and balanced approach. A classic example is the cartoon “Foka - Doc of all Trades.” The story is based on a fairy tale by Evgeny Permyak about the blacksmith Fok, who solved all the problems of Tsar Baldey.

Here are some more ways to introduce TRIZ technologies into everyday life.

One of the main tasks in the development of preschool children is the task of speech development. To successfully master the school curriculum, a preschooler must develop the ability to coherently express his thoughts, construct dialogues, and compose short stories on a given topic. However, over the past decades, the number of preschool children with speech pathology has sharply increased, who have a decrease in vocabulary, insufficient development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech. A particularly acute problem is that children with insufficiently developed oral speech are not ready to start school.

Thus, the problem of finding optimal means of speech development and their systematic use, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the development of preschool children, is very relevant.

One of these methods is the TRIZ system - the theory of solving inventive problems, created by G.S. Altshuler, which allows learning through creativity, through solving non-standard problems. TRIZ pedagogy, adapted to preschool childhood, aims to form non-standard thinking, search activity, and promote the development of speech and creative imagination.

One of the objects of invention for preschoolers is a riddle. Using the material of riddles, many methodological problems can be solved: from systematizing the properties of objects and phenomena to constructing models and developing associative thinking. In addition, writing riddles is a creative activity that is accessible even to 4-5 year old children. After all, coming up with a riddle, sketching it, and asking parents to tell it to a child is a truly creative task, much more interesting than completing the teacher’s task “describe the object.” When writing, children do not engage in boring generalizations, but create something new.

Writing riddles and using TRIZ elements well develops not only the speech creativity and creative thinking of children, but also contributes to their psychological emancipation, eliminates the fear of incorrect statements, and develops courage in imagination.

As you know, creativity should not be forced; introduction to TRIZ should be carried out in a playful way, and it should be built taking into account the age characteristics of children and the characteristics of speech development at each stage. The goals of TRIZ are not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think and express themselves systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place.

Stages of work when composing a riddle:

The first stage: through a game exercise, teach children to compare objects “What does it look like?” To make it easy and interesting for children to find and compare, we use computer presentations and pictures that help children cope with the task of finding the simplest similarities.

The next second stage is composing riddles based on models. There are three main models for composing riddles.

The first model is composing riddles according to the principle: “Which one? What happens the same? To compose a riddle, an object is selected (inscribed on the top line - for reading children, for others - a picture or a schematic drawing). Next, a figurative characteristic is given (color, shape, actions, qualities), which is recorded on the left side of the table. The content of the right column is discussed with the teacher and filled in independently by the children in the form of drawings. After filling out the table, children are asked to read the riddle by inserting the connectives “HOW”, “AND NOT” or “BUT NOT” between the lines of the right and left columns. For example: SUN

Which? What happens the same?
Bright Rainbow
Round Watermelon
Hot Candle

Riddle: What is this?

Bright, but not a rainbow

Round, but not a watermelon

Hot, but not a candle

When children can freely select nouns for comparison, we enrich children’s speech with adjectives.

Then we introduce the children to the second model of composing riddles. Riddles are composed according to the principle: “Who does it? Who (what) does the same?” To compose a riddle, we use the connectives “HOW” or “BUT NOT”.

The third model for composing riddles: “What does it look like? What is the difference?".

The operating procedure is similar to working with previous models. Teaching children how to write riddles goes from the semi-active stage (the teacher and the children create a common riddle) to the active stage (the child himself chooses the object and model of the riddle). In this case, the child can use a mixed model.

Work on teaching how to write riddles should begin with middle-aged children (fifth year of life). The objects for composing riddles are objects that children most often encounter, repeatedly perceive, and which have an emotional impact on them: toys, household items, pets, etc. Children are asked to name bright, characteristic signs of appearance (color, shape, size), to note those qualities and properties that children know well. Children of senior preschool age broaden their horizons significantly. Consequently, the topics for composing riddles become more diverse. Objects for composing riddles are selected in accordance with the lexical topic being studied: “Fruits”, “Vegetables”, “Transport”, etc., which have a multifaceted characteristic and allow you to select a wide range of other objects for comparison. The teacher stimulates children's speech activity and suggests using vivid, figurative comparisons. This approach leads to the formation of a preschooler’s sustainable interest in creating his own speech product. Making riddles is accessible to all children, since the entertaining form of the riddle makes learning unobtrusive and interesting.

The process of composing riddles encourages children to observe, think, and learn; it requires active thought, which is especially important for children with general speech underdevelopment, who are characterized, along with various deviations in phonetics, vocabulary and grammar, by impaired memory, attention, and thinking.

Thus, the use of TRIZ technology in working with children of senior preschool age increases the level of development of creative thinking and enriches the speech of a preschooler.

The use of modern educational technology TRIZ is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of training. This technology allows you to solve problems of speech development based on the child’s interest.


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The task of TRIZ in the cognitive development of preschool children "LUNOKHOD"

A Lunokhod on large inflatable wheels was landed on the Earth's satellite, designed to study the surface and soil in detail. But the task was complicated by the fact that the gravitational force of the Moon is much less than on Earth, and any unevenness on the surface turned the Lunokhod on its side. The researchers weighed down the car with a load, hanging it under the body, but a new obstacle arose. When hills appeared on the way, the load clung to them and did not allow us to move further. Task: it is necessary to increase the cross-country ability of the Lunokhod without making fundamental changes to the design.

Solution : The first thing that comes to mind is to move the weighting material to the roof, or inside the cabin. But such actions will lead to a shift in the center of gravity, which will further affect the instability of the Lunokhod. As a result, the astronauts came up with the idea of ​​distributing the load evenly across all wheels and placing it in the tires. This solution has already been used in practice. Japanese scientist P. Shoho proposed this option as applied to large trucks, cranes and loaders.

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