Development of speech creativity in older preschool age

The tasks facing the teacher in the process of developing speech skills:

  1. Using concrete, understandable material, children of senior preschool age will be introduced to the concept of “sequence” as a logically substantiated, natural process.
  2. Teach children to compose a description by listing objects (signs, properties, etc.) in a certain elementary sequence. Highlight the object of speech when describing. Encourage children's desire to describe objects (pictures), etc., using more complex sequences (for example, according to the degree of significance of features).
  3. To develop children's ability to write narrative statements. Learn to isolate and verbally indicate the main theme of the story. Give an idea of ​​the structure (sequence) of the story: beginning, middle part, ending. Learn to reproduce the structural components of familiar literary works and your own monologues and narratives.
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