Educational trip to the post office. Children get acquainted with the profession of a postman. Objectives: To develop children's ideas about the work of a postman, about mail, how. - presentation

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Educational project “What is mail?”

Developed by: Morozova I.M., teacher Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 24 of the village of Sovetsky municipal formation Yeisk district

Type of project: social, educational, informational and creative

Project duration: medium term.

Project implementation period: from 01/09/2019 to 03/22/2021.

Project participants: teacher, children, parents.

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Relevance of the project:

Modern children are little familiar with the work of the post office and postal employees, however, . Every profession is necessary for our society. The job of a postman is still in demand. Postal workers make a significant contribution to improving the life and development of the country. Currently, such a profession as a postman is beginning to be forgotten. Internet resources and mobile communications are used more often. And children do not know what a letter written on paper, in their own hand and sent by mail is, since adults mainly use more modern technology for transmitting information and messages. Receiving periodical literature via mail replaces purchasing it in stores or specialized kiosks. We turn to full postal and postman services less and less often. Children practically do not know what the work of a postman is. In this regard, the idea arose to create a project on this topic in order to develop children’s initial knowledge about children’s mail and the profession of a postman.

The goal of the project: to develop children’s initial knowledge about mail and the profession of a postman.

Project objectives:

  1. To form in children an idea of ​​the work of postal workers and the importance of their work.
  2. Enrich your vocabulary with words: stamp, letter, postcard, parcel, mailbox, etc.
  3. Show the stages of postal development: the appearance of mailboxes, the invention of envelopes, wax seals, stamps.
  4. Organize reading books about the work of a postman
  5. Looking at illustrations on the topic: “Mail”
  6. To promote the development of basic educational skills: perform actions according to a model, demonstration.
  7. Develop practical skills in visual arts (creating drawings on the theme of the project, “This is him, this is him, the Leningrad postman” ).
  8. Creative work of children for parents: “Draw a picture for a letter on the topic: “Who do I want to be” ,” excursion to the post office.
  9. Arouse children's interest in the role-playing game "Mail"
  10. Purchase ready-made attributes for the game - parcel boxes, postcards, postal transport
  11. Organize participation in the social action “Parcel to a Soldier” with the involvement of members of the child’s family, create in parents and children a desire to take part in joint actions.
  12. Foster respect for the work of adults and for the Motherland.

Expected results of the project:

  1. Children 5-6 years old will receive initial knowledge about the work of postal workers and the importance of their work.
  2. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Mail” .
  3. Replenishment of the development environment in the group on the topic “Mail” .
  4. Participation in the “Parcel to a Soldier” as part of the month of military-patriotic education.

Project participants:

Children, parents, teachers.

Project implementation stages:

Stage I - Preparatory and informational

  • drawing up a work plan
  • collection and design of visual material

Stage II – Main

  • conducting educational conversations
  • conducting excursions, meetings
  • organization and implementation of the social event “Parcel to a Soldier”
  • joint artistic and creative activities of teachers and students
  • involving parents in events

Stage III – Final

  • summing up the work

Demonstration material:

Illustrations on the theme “Mail” ;

pictures and photographs of mail in the past and present;

Post office in Sovetsky village;

List of used literature:

Gerbova V.V. “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten” , Moscow 2021

Dybina O.V. “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment” Senior group, Moscow 2014

Zatulina G.Ya. “Speech development of preschoolers” senior group. Moscow, 2015

Zelenova N.G., L.E. Osipova “We live in Russia” senior group. Moscow 2007

Komarova T.S. “Art activities in kindergarten. Senior group

Moscow 2021

Koldina D.N. “Applique with children 5-6 years old” , Moscow 2015

Koldina D.N. “Drawing with children 5-6 years old” Moscow, 2015

Koldina D.N. “Modeling with children 5-6 years old” Moscow, 2015

Kutsakova L.V. “Classes on designing from building materials in the senior group of kindergarten . Moscow, 2010

Kutsakova L.V. Artistic creativity and design 5-6 years. Moscow


Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group

Moscow, 2012

Pecherskaya A.N. Reader for kindergarten. Senior group. Federal State Educational Standard DO. Moscow, 2018

Ushakova O.S. “Speech development of children 5-7 years old” Moscow, 2021.


about the implementation of the project “What is mail?”

teacher Morozova Irina Mikhailovna

During the period from 01/09/2021 to 03/22/2021. in the senior compensatory group, a project on social and communicative development “What is mail?” ", developed by teacher Morozova Irina Mikhailovna. The participants of the project were children of the senior group of compensatory orientation, parents, and teachers.

The goal of the project: to develop children’s initial knowledge about mail and the profession of a postman.

As part of the implemented project, children developed initial knowledge about mail and the profession of a postman, skills in gaming activities, enriched practical and gaming experience, cognitive and research activities contributed to the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

During the implementation of the project, many activities were held: conversations, examination of envelopes, postcards, children's newspapers and magazines, mailboxes, practical activities, reading children's literature, didactic games and exercises: “Send a parcel” , “What is missing?” , “Get a letter” , role-playing games: “Mail” , “To whom is the letter” , replenishment of the subject development environment on the topic “Mail” , creation of a corner for role-playing games: “Mail” .

The children visited the post office in Sovetsky, listened to the postman's fascinating story about his work, and looked at the necessary equipment for receiving and sending letters, newspapers, and parcels. The children themselves sent letters to their parents and received a parcel from Postman Pechkin. Our pupils took an active part in the social action “Parcel to a Soldier” with the involvement of members of the child’s family. The children collected everything necessary for the serviceman in a parcel. Each child wanted to personally participate in assembling gifts for a young soldier serving in the ranks of the Russian Army.

The children and I took a group photo, wrote a letter and put everything together in a package for the defender. The collected parcel was sent to a soldier who had left for service in our village. Such events are an excellent opportunity to instill a sense of pride in one’s people, the army, and the Motherland.

As part of the project, an exhibition of drawings was organized, where children’s works were presented on the theme “It’s him, it’s him, the Leningrad postman .

Parents of the students were active participants in the project and, together with the children, participated in the development of the collage “Russian Post” and attributes for the role-playing game “Mail” .

The final stage of the project was the creation of a mailbox for communication in the parent's corner.

The experience of working on the project was presented to colleagues on March 26, 2019 at the pedagogical council.

Teacher I.M. Morozova

Next >

Postal history for children

Mail has always been and is the most important part of the life of almost every person. The history of its origin is very ancient and dates back to before the birth of Christ.

Great states in ancient times (Rome, Egypt, Persia, etc.) could be proud of a well-organized postal system, and
caravan messengers
traveled for many miles, passing letters by relay from one messenger to another.
The need to transmit important letters and goods has always been present.
overseas products
at the royal tables in the form of bundles and barrels .

There are several versions of when the mailbox was first invented. In the Middle Ages, the Portuguese navigator B. Dias

gave an account of the shipwreck. In order for the letter to reach the addressee unharmed, it was wrapped in tarred cloth, placed in a shoe, and hung on a tall tree near the shore. The message was found by another navigator and Novaya, on whose orders the chapel was built. Years later, a village grew there and a monument to the first mailbox was built.

Even more ancient data on mail dates back to Babylon and Assyria

They had an ingenious method of transmitting letters through clay tablets
. A layer of clay was placed on the tablet with the text. Having received such an “envelope,” they broke it, the layer flew off, and the addressee read the message. This is how the secret of the letters was preserved.

In ancient times, letters were written on wax tablets, tied with a leather cord, on which the sender's stamp was placed. Beeswax was used for printing

. The color of the seal mattered (for celebrations - white, for mourning letters - black).

Legislators of postal affairs

Letters and paper stamps were first discussed in
In this aristocratic country, it was fashionable to write letters of various formats (business cards).
However, it was inconvenient; the owner of a stationery business took on the task. He created unusual bags with pieces of paper. He distributed his products as a bonus to his product. The bags became very popular, and the master began making postal bags for various companies. The success was colossal, and Master Brever
came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a machine that makes envelopes.

His work was perfected by the Frenchman Poirier

, and at the end of
the 19th
century, the British introduced multi-colored note paper (according to the days of the week) into fashion. In Paris, envelopes were monogrammed on the top left (embossed gold on a white shield) or sealed with white sealing wax. The cost of the envelope included a fee for its delivery.

Postal history in Russia

In Russia, mail developed according to a special scenario.
It is known that seals for letters were made of silver and gold (imprint on metal using linen thread). This was a prototype of sealing wax. Sealing wax
is still used at post offices in the Russian Federation.
But initially sealing wax was brought from the East ( “Spanish wax”
). Over the course of centuries, the recipe for sealing wax has changed.

In Russia in 1845

Stamped envelopes
for city mail were introduced By that time, the city post office was at its peak of activity: letter collection points were opened, and postal fees were collected in cash. The owners of the shops where the points were set up were responsible for the safety of correspondence and parcels. To replace them, mailboxes were invented.

Popularity of the first brands

The popularity of the brands did not come immediately. Postal reform was actively developed in England, but the common population did not take stamps seriously. The French achieved great success. They put labels on their letters stating that postage had been paid. Initially, letters with stamps were the privilege of officials, and only years later it became available to the common class.

Class hour for grades 3-11. World Post Day. Postcrossing

Class hour “October 9 – World Post Day.
Postcrossing" Author: Varvashevich Lyudmila Alekseevna, primary school teacher, Lyuban, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus This material will be useful for teachers, students in grades 3-11, group curators, students, and, in general, adults. Purpose: familiarization with the history of the postal service of the world and the country, postcrossing; promotion of learning English. Objectives: -introduce the history of the postal service of the world and the country, the sequence of sending postal items, as well as the project created to make it possible to receive postcards from all over the world (postcrossing); -strengthen human communication and popularize written contacts; -develop attention, auditory memory, thinking, coherent speech; - to cultivate patriotism, accuracy, respect. Equipment: multimedia installation, postcards for pair work, globe, postcrossing postcards, sounds of transport. Design of the board: pictures with carrier pigeons, advertising booklets about the activities of the post office (services provided, aerograms, etc.) Progress of the class hour The “Song about the Post Office” is played (Performed by the heads of the Federal Postal Service of the Arkhangelsk Region, a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” (Internet resources) ) — As you probably guessed: today we will talk about the postal service, because October 9 is World Post Day (post on the topic board)

I. From the history of the holiday Back in 1969, at the XVI Congress of the Universal Postal Union, it was decided to celebrate the day of its creation - October 9, 1874 (140th anniversary). And in 1970, UPU Day was first celebrated as a world holiday. A few years later, in 1984, at the UPU Congress in Hamburg, it was decided to change the name of the holiday to World Post Day. The holiday is part of the system of world days celebrated under the auspices of the UN and is intended to promote the development of postal services in the world. Mail Day is held as part of Letter Week. — How do you think they could transmit information in ancient times? — The need to receive news appeared among people in the most ancient centuries. At first, they used fire smoke, tom-tom drums and messengers for this purpose, who transmitted messages to neighboring tribes. And with the advent of writing, it became possible to transmit information in writing, and thus began the development of postal communication. Over time, the exchange of written messages became more and more orderly, and in Ancient Rome, Egypt, Assyria and Persia there was a well-established and extensive system of transmitting letters using a relay method from messenger to messenger. In addition, letters were also delivered using special carrier pigeons, which became a reliable method of postal messages in the Middle Ages (displaying them on a board).

II. Forwarding sequence - Now, of course, parcels and letters have a certain forwarding sequence. 1) Receipt from the sender 2) Sorting in district (if the shipment is in the district), regional, republican postal institutions (if the correspondence is of republican, international significance); 3) Dispatch to the destination: Game “Identify the sound”
Now I suggest you listen to the sounds of transport and determine whether they can be used to deliver mail.
Sounds: car, plane, rocket, motorcycle, ambulance. — What type of transport is the car? (ground) - What type of transport is an airplane? (air) - What other type of vehicle have we not talked about? (by water) - That's right, a significant part of postal correspondence is sent by ship. But no matter how letters and parcels are delivered - by land, by water or by air, the main point of postal communication remains - receiving news from a distance. And today, despite the rapid development of computer and electronic technologies, mail has not lost its importance. Every day, millions of people send and receive letters, parcels and parcels, money orders, newspapers and magazines by mail. 4) Sorting by destination 5) Receiving by destination (Physical training for the eyes) III. Postcards as one of the types of postal items In the age of the Internet, ordinary paper postcards fade into the background, giving way to electronic ones. All postcards can be classified into several categories: A) by size: large-small

B) by purpose: - seasonal (New Year, March 8, May 1, Victory Day) - everyday (wedding, birthday) C) by shape (rectangular, square, in the form of numbers, etc.)

D) simple and musical

D) regular and volumetric.

E) purchased and homemade.

There are people who collect postcards. They are called phylocartists, because. Philocartia (from the Greek “φιλέω” - I love and the French “carte” - card) is the field of collecting, studying and systematizing postcards. But as you know, if a postcard comes without an envelope, then it comes with a stamp, from which you can also create a collection, i.e. engage in philately. A philatelist is a collector of postage stamps and other postage marks, guided by the principles of philately when creating his collection. At the same time, the philatelist does not just collect stamps as such, but researches, within the framework of the chosen philatelic direction, a set of postage marks and other philatelic materials, studies the history and development of mail, designs and arranges his collection for participation in philatelic exhibitions. It’s interesting that in Bulgaria a philatelist is called a stamp lover, a stamp lover. And now I propose the game “Who is faster?”
It is necessary in pairs to collect the cut postcard as quickly as possible (the postcards cut into the same number of parts are placed in envelopes according to the number of desks in the class).
The winners are determined. The parts of the postcards are collected back into envelopes. - Now tell me, how many pieces were your postcards cut into? (we check attention and visual memory) IV. Postcrossing Now in the world there is a project created to make it possible to receive postcards from all over the world, which is called postcrossing. The principle of exchanging postcards is based on a single database of all project participants, as well as a mechanism for issuing addresses, aimed at ensuring that the difference between sent and received postcards for each participant is minimal. At the same time, in postcrossing there is a system of indirect exchange, that is, by sending postcards to one user, the participant receives them from others. How to become a postcrosser? A) Register on the official postcrossing website. B) The computer will give you 5 addresses from anywhere in the world where you need to send postcards. Postcards can be on a variety of topics: - species





-folk costumes


-New Year




C) we design (select, sign) postcards: 1) It is customary to select a postcard according to the Recipient’s wish list.8) It can often happen that, despite all the variety, you really don’t have a suitable one. Then the main thing is not to send a postcard that is on the anti-wish list (those postcards that a person would never want to receive. And it doesn’t matter at all for what reasons. Perhaps what you like, he doesn’t like at all. And If so, then it’s not worth sending). We choose something that is most suitable, or something from your area. Look at the “favorites” section (favorites, favas). There, perhaps, there will be postcards that you have, and which the Recipient really wants to see. 2) If you chose a postcard not according to the wish list, it is highly advisable to explain why you did so. If the postcard is from your area, tell something about it, about nature, about the city. An interesting urban legend or something that no one knows. (well-known facts are not always interesting to read. 3) Be very careful about “happy birthday”, double, handmade, etc. cards. Many people don’t like this and write about it in their profiles. The same applies to old Soviet postcards. Be careful. 4) Before signing a postcard, be sure to check whether the Recipient already has one. You can look at the “received” section on the official website or follow the link in the profile (if there is one) to the album of received messages that the user created himself. 5) The stamps you choose for the postcard can be a special treat. It is customary to glue not standard stamps (Kremlins, animals), but artistic ones. The best form is to choose stamps that match the theme of the card (for example, stick stamps with a New Year theme on a New Year's card). 6) Practice shows that it is better to first affix stamps according to the tariff. Then enter the address. Write a message in the remaining space. (You can do whatever is convenient for you, the order is not important, but the one indicated above seems more rational. The stamps may not fit after writing the address and then you will have to distort it, which will most likely damage the postcard technically and/or aesthetically). 7) It is customary to write something more than “happy postcrossing”. Sometimes profiles write what they would like to read on a postcard. You can be guided by this, or you can simply tell something interesting from your life. It’s always a pleasure to read messages written with soul and interest in you. I note that generally sending a postcard does not involve correspondence; it would not be very polite to ask direct questions in your message. You can ask a rhetorical question without burdening the recipient with an answer. However, if you have any problems with the language or time, you can write a few standard friendly phrases. This also happens. An extremely important point at this stage will be signing the postcard: And if your handwriting is not calligraphic, try to write at least the address in block letters, or print the address on paper (a picture with the address will be sent by mail automatically). — Don't forget to enter your ID. And it’s better immediately after pasting the stamps and writing the address. Later, after the message, you may simply run out of space. Also, since postcards travel “naked,” enter the ID several times in different places, this will increase the chances of saving the ID when the postcard is torn. — Be sure to include your nickname if this is not an official postcard. You can also put your name along with your nickname. (This will make the message less formal and more warm.) 9) As a general rule, it is good to send a postcard without an envelope, unless the person has indicated otherwise. D) sign the correct address: Ivanov Alexander Ivanovitch ul. Lesnaya d. 5, kv.176, g. MOSKVA RUSSIAN FEDERATION 125075 Petrov Ivan Sergeevich st. Orekhovaya, d. 25 pos. Lesnoe ALEKSCEVSKIY rn VORONEJSKAYA obl RUSSIAN FEDERATION 247112 D) send postcards E) receive postcards

Postcrossing statistics as of October 7, 2014: - 503,593 members from 214 countries - 1,636 postcards arrive every hour - 25,956,639 postcards have found their recipients - they have covered a distance of 132,198,924,401 km, which is equal to 3,298,788 circles around the Earth Statistics on Belarusian postcrossing: - 6th place among countries in the world in terms of the number of participants and postcards sent - 20,358 participants - 1,236,148 postcards sent from Belarus - 1,238,827 postcards arrived in Belarus - the most active Belarusian postcrosser - Elena from Brest, she has already received 4,581 postcards Other interesting facts about postcrossing and mail: * The postcrossing database lists 11 postcards sent from Antarctica (which has its own ISO 3166 AQ code). None of them, however, were actually sent from the southern continent - the fact is that the system allows the user to select any country during registration, including one other than the one explicitly indicated in the address also entered into the system. *The ten millionth postcard, registered on January 27, 2012, was sent from Japan to Germany. *The fifteen millionth postcard was registered on December 31, 2012. Shipped from Germany to Italy. *The twenty millionth postcard was registered on October 29, 2013. In 22 days she covered more than 10 thousand km. The New York postcard was sent on October 7 from the West Coast of the United States and was registered in Taiwan. *The twenty-five millionth postcard was registered on August 10, 2014. In 5 days she covered more than 360 kilometers. The postcard with the cats was sent on August 5 from Holland and was registered in Germany. *Americans buy 7 billion greeting cards every year. Annual retail sales of greeting cards are estimated to be more than $7.5 billion. *Nine out of 10 American families buy greeting cards for the holidays. On average, each family signs 30 cards a year. *Have you ever thought about what the first envelope looked like - an integral attribute of a letter, acting as a case and at the same time a guide in the direction of transmitting the message? It turns out that it was not at all similar to the modern version. Our ancestors wrapped the letter with branches, ropes - whatever they needed. And the Babylonians generally covered the message with a liquid clay solution and left it to dry in the sun. The latest type of envelope was recently created from plastic - thin, light, resistant to mechanical stress. You can’t even tear it, let alone wet it or burn it with acid. This is truly an invention of the 21st century! *The world's longest-running post office is located in Scotland. A year ago he turned exactly three centuries old. The postage stamp is much younger – by as much as 128 years. Its homeland was foggy Albion, and the reason for its appearance was the dishonesty of the British: having familiarized themselves with the “contents” of the letter indicated on the envelope, the British refused to pay for postage. To summarize the above, let me remind you that World Post Day is celebrated across the planet as part of the annual Letter Week. It is under the auspices of the UN and is on the list of International Days established by the peacekeeping association. To clarify: Letter Week is a seven-day period that includes the celebration of World Post Day. Numerous states use this event to promote postal products to the masses by organizing specific exhibitions and sales. The range of branded goods is huge: from unusual envelopes to postal souvenirs. Like any other similar event, World Post Day annually changes the themes under which the celebrations are held. VI. Summing up - What new did you learn? -What interested you? -Did you want to do postcrossing? -What is needed for this? (knowledge of English, basic computer skills) I would like to end today’s class hour with a poem posted on one greeting card: You can’t hold an email in your hands, And it’s hard to hold the World Wide Web to your heart, I’m handing you a postcard on this holiday, Good old custom I want to support. Let it never go out of fashion, The postcard keeps all the warmth of congratulations, And in the soul it finds its way so easily, Let joy instantly illuminate your face! I want you to never part with your smile, Even on a cloudy day or in your difficult hour, And also, that you never change, But always remain the same as you are now!

We recommend watching:

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“Getting to know the professions of adults - mail!

— the teacher purchases envelopes and stamps according to the number of children in the group.

- It is suggested that you ask your parents for the name of the street, house and apartment number and sign the envelopes in advance.

— children prepare cards in advance to congratulate their loved ones (February 23, March 8).

Progress of direct educational activities:


: Guys, listen to the riddle and tell me what profession I want to tell you about today.

He brought us a telegram:

“I’m coming, wait, mom!”

He brought my grandfather a pension, although he was not Santa Claus at all.

He's been on his feet since dawn, Who is he?



: That's right, today we will get acquainted with the work of a postman, as well as with other postal workers. Their work is very necessary and very difficult. S. I Marshak spoke about the postman:

Honor and glory to postmen,

Tired, dusty.

Glory to honest postmen

With a thick shoulder bag!


: offers the game “Believe it or not”:

Do you believe that there are countries in the world in which there is no postman profession? (No)

Do you believe that sparrows used to help postmen deliver letters? (No, pigeons. People have long noticed the amazing ability of pigeons to quickly and accurately find their way from any point to their native nest. A trained bird will return home, even if it is taken a considerable distance).

Do you believe there were mail dogs? (dogs delivered important orders and reports through the thick of hostilities during the war)


: Guys, remember when we prepared greeting cards? I suggest you send your congratulations by mail. To ensure that letters reach their recipients unharmed, they are wrapped in envelopes.


hands out envelopes, children look at them.

Envelopes must be signed indicating the address and surname of the person who should receive it. Your envelopes have already been signed. If this is not done, then the letters will never reach their recipients. Why do you think an unsigned letter will not reach the recipient?


: They say their guesses.


: If you want to send a letter, you need to put it in an envelope, seal it, write the address and be sure to put a stamp on it. Do your envelopes have an address and a stamp on them?


: Pay attention to the absence of a brand and answer the question.


(handing out stamps to the children). Postage stamps are small rectangular pieces of paper with carved edges, with a picture on one side and an adhesive backing on the other. Let's put our letters in envelopes, seal them and put a stamp in the upper right corner.


complete the task


: At the post office you can send not only letters, but also postcards, parcels, parcels, and subscribe to entertaining children's newspapers and magazines.

Summary of an extracurricular lesson on the topic “Mail”

Extracurricular activity topic





introduce children to the history of postal services.


  1. Educational: introduce children to the history of the development of postal services, various methods of sending mail and teach them how to format a letter.
  2. Developmental: develop in children the desire to acquire knowledge and broaden their horizons.
  3. Educational: to instill in children respect for history, to form a moral principle in them through a kind attitude towards each other.


conversation with game elements.


projector, laptop, cartoons, envelopes.

Literature used to prepare educational activities:

  • "Everything about everything." Compiled by: G. Shalaeva. Page 129-132 “What they wrote on in the old days”

Lesson structure:

  1. Greeting + riddle (1 min)
  2. “Would you like to know..?” (1 min)
  3. Writing before paper (+ papyrus; 2 min)
  4. Paper and birch bark (1 min)
  5. Warm-up (1 min)
  6. Game – test of knowledge (1 min)
  7. Mail is... (2 min)
  8. Cartoon and discussion (5 min)
  9. Messengers and the development of postal services (1 min)
  10. Pigeon mail (puzzle; 5 min)
  11. Cartoon (2 min)
  12. Dog sled + cartoon + discussion (7 min)
  13. What applies to mail and why? (4 min)
  14. Physical exercise (1 min)
  15. Bottle mail (2 min)
  16. Games (“Sending a letter”, “How many letters does the postman have”; 3 min)
  17. Formatting a letter (6 min)

Lesson content
Me: Hello guys! I would really like us to spend time today interesting and useful. To begin with, please guess the riddle:

The Paper Bird lies on the table. I write the address on the white wing. The Paper Bird will rush to its friend.

Children: Letter.

Me: Right! Well done! Do you know what holiday is tomorrow? Tomorrow October 9 is World Post Day. Would you be interested to know what people in different countries wrote on before the invention of paper?

Me: Would you like to know who invented paper and when?

Me: How did people used to send letters to each other?

Children: Yes.

Me: Wonderful! Let's begin our journey through the ancient world. But what do you think people wrote on before the invention of paper?

Children: On stones, leaves, pieces of bark, clay shards.

Me: Right. Words were scratched onto them with a sharp bone or piece of stone. But this method of writing was inconvenient, because the stone, the sheet, and the clay tablet could only be used once. Therefore, in different parts of the world they began to look for more convenient material for writing. Have any of you been to Egypt? Have you heard of a plant called papyrus? It was from this that the ancient Egyptians learned to make their writing material. This material was also called papyrus.

Papyrus, made by the ancient Egyptians, was not durable: the sheet made from it could not be folded or bent. Therefore, they began to make long ribbons from it, which were wound around a stick with a handle. The result was scrolls.

And paper was invented in Ancient China. What year are we in now, guys?

Children: 2014.

Me: So, more than two thousand years ago, the Chinese already knew how to make paper. Can you imagine? Bamboo fibers, some herbs and old rags were placed in a stone mortar and ground with water into a paste. Paper was cast from this pulp.

And in Ancient Rus', for a long time, the main material for writing was birch bark - birch bark. Letters were pressed out on it using a wooden stick.

Well done everyone! Now let’s follow me through a few movements. Let's mash the bones.

Handles up, on the sides, towards the shoulders. Circular movements. Hands in front of you. We work quickly with our fingers. And now palm to palm, three. Fine! Let's return to our topic.

Dear guys, let's now test our knowledge and play at the same time. If I say it correctly: clap your hands. If I say it wrong, then we say: no.

  1. Papyrus is a plant.
  2. The Greeks invented paper.

Children: No! The Chinese invented paper.

  1. Before the invention of paper, people wrote on clay and stone tablets.
  2. In Ancient Rus', the main material for writing was birch bark.

Well done! I am very glad that you understood the material well. Who can tell me what mail is? Children: Mail is one of the types of communication, human communication. Also, a post office is a room where letters or parcels are sent or received.

Me: Yes. Right! And mail is what people send to each other. Surely you heard mom or dad say: “The mail has arrived.” This means that your parents received a letter or parcel.

And now, I suggest you watch an excerpt from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”. But you must be very careful, I will then ask questions, namely, how letters, parcels, parcels and container shipments differ from each other. The cartoon will talk about this.


Did you like the cartoon? Have you watched it before? What is the difference between letters, parcels, parcels and container shipping?

Children: Letters are paper messages. People write some messages on paper. A parcel differs from a parcel in weight. A parcel is considered to be an item larger than 1 kg, and a parcel post is an item smaller than 1 kg. Those. The parcel is heavier than a parcel.

Me: In the cartoon, what is a parcel post, what is a parcel, and what is container transportation?

Children: A parcel is a poker, a parcel is an iron, and container transportation is a barrel.

Me: Well done! You are all very attentive guys!

Would you still like to know how people used to deliver letters to each other?

Children: Yes.

Me: Even in ancient times, oral or written news was brought to the city by messengers. But over time, people realized how necessary changes were in postal communications. Then messenger services were organized. And in the 19th century, with the advent of railways and steamships, and in the 20th century also the airplane, the speed of mailings increased significantly. Why, guys?

Children: Trains, ships and planes move faster than people.

Me: Of course! There was also one very interesting way of transmitting letters. Now I will give you a puzzle with a picture of a bird that actively participated in this method of transmitting information. We work in pairs.

Did you manage? Well done! Pigeons are extraordinary birds! They have keen eyesight and an incredible ability to find their way home.

Now we will watch an excerpt from a cartoon where the postman Pat used this method of transmitting information.


As you saw, the pigeon was very helpful to postman Pat. In some countries, pigeon mail is still used. It is, of course, a complement to the traditional transmission of letters.

And in places where it was very cold and there were no pigeons, they used dog sleds to deliver letters. Have any of you watched the cartoon "Balto"? In this cartoon, dogs transported necessary medicine for sick children. The railway was damaged, and children could even die without taking the medicine. But the dogs managed to bring the medicine on time. Overcoming cold and hunger, overcoming various obstacles, they hurried to fulfill their assignment. But you will have to not only watch the passage, but also answer two questions:

  1. How did dogs determine which direction to move?
  2. What obstacles did the animals encounter?


Have you seen what loyal and strong animals dogs are? Now please answer the questions.

Children: The dogs determined which direction they should run by smell. Dogs are very good at smelling. Obstacles: collapse of a snow bridge, avalanche, falling ice blocks.

I perfectly! And now, I will give you pieces of paper with many bright and interesting pictures. You will need to circle with a pen or pencil those pictures that relate to mail.

Physical exercise “Mailbox”

I stand on the bench (we rise on our toes and stretch)

I can barely get the box out.

I open the box (open it)

Blue, shiny.

Spilled out of the box (squat - stand with arms outstretched)

The letters are real.

Another type of mail, you will find out if you solve the code.

Code in the presentation.

They resorted to bottle mail in cases where there were no other means of reporting the tragedy that had unfolded at sea. Now, let's play!

Game “Sending a letter”

— To send a letter by rail, you need (what?)...(Mail car).

-To send a letter by airmail, you need (what?)...(Airplane).

- To send a letter by pigeon mail, you need (who?)... (Dove).

— To send a letter by e-mail you need (what?)...(Computer).

- To send a letter to the north, you need (what?)...(Dog sleds, helicopter).

Game "Magic package"

  • The teacher shows the package to the children. Have we received a parcel, parcel, letter or telegram? Who will remember?

Guys, can you help the postman count how many letters he has in his bag?

Children: 8

Me: You are real helpers.

Now, let's do an interesting task. I will now give you envelopes and sheets for your letter. Are you perhaps missing warm summer days right now? Let's give each other some light and warmth. Draw a smiling sun or an elegant flower. Then put your drawing in an envelope and give it to your neighbor. On the envelope you will need to write to whom you are addressing the letter (name, surname) and from whom it is. The girls who sit on the last desks and I will help you.

Here you write to whom, and here - from whom. This is the place for the brand.

Postage stamps are signs of payment . Just as we pay with money for food, clothing, furniture, we also pay with stamps for sending a letter or parcel. There are different brands. Today you will use the stickers that I will give you as stamps. They will need to be glued to this place.

Now let's remember what we learned new. I'll ask you a few questions:

  1. What is mail? (means of communication between people)
  2. What means of mail transmission did we talk about today? (pigeon, bottle, dog sled; by train, boat and plane)
  3. What are stamps? (mail payment signs)
  4. What is the name of the method of transmitting information using a computer? (Email)

Thank you for your attention!

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