Physical education and sports project for senior preschool age “And in our yard”

Physical education project “Outdoor Games”

State autonomous educational institution

additional professional education

"Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Project work

Topic: “The use of outdoor games as a means of increasing students’ interest in physical education”

Completed by: Knyazeva I.Yu. – FC teacher,

MBOU secondary school No. 69 of the Volga region of Kazan,

Kazan – 2016

1. Introduction.

In our unstable times, associated with new economic and political transformations in the country, physical education teachers are entrusted with enormous responsibility for the health of children. Lack of physical activity entails sad consequences - decreased performance, rapid fatigue, and a general deterioration in well-being. Over the years, the risk of acquiring various kinds of diseases increases, so the problem of health and a healthy lifestyle is especially important in childhood and adolescence, when the knowledge and skills of a person’s physical culture are laid and formed. Another danger that awaits our children is not only weakening health, but also the destruction of the child’s personality, the loss of life principles. To preserve a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to cultivate in students a sense of goodwill, tolerance, and a desire for improvement in all spheres of life. All this proves that the moral health of children is the basis of the general health of children and leads to the need for a unified approach to both the physical and moral education of the child.

Physical education of the younger generation is an integral part of personality education. The main objectives of physical education in school are: promoting health, promoting proper development, teaching students vital skills, and nurturing physical and moral qualities.

The solution of these problems is actively promoted by the game, which acts as a means of promoting health and a method of physical and moral education. Play is a natural form of lively and spontaneous activity, the love and habit of which is laid in early childhood. The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky, speaking about the game, noted that all aspects of the human soul are formed in it: his mind, heart, will. The game not only expresses the child’s inclinations and the strength of his soul, but the game itself has a great influence on the development of children’s abilities and inclinations, and consequently on their future destiny. A game is a type of activity of a child that represents a conscious, proactive activity aimed at achieving a conditional goal voluntarily established by the players. In the game, the physical and spiritual needs of the child are satisfied, his mind and volitional qualities are formed in it. The only form of child activity is play, which in all cases corresponds to his organization. In play, a child seeks and often finds a kind of work ground for developing his moral and physical qualities; his body requires an outlet in activities that correspond to his internal state. Therefore, through the game you can influence the children's team, excluding direct pressure, punishment, and excessive nervousness when working with children.

The game has a great influence on the mental development of the student. Acting with objects, the child begins to operate in a conceivable, conventional space. Gradually, play activities are reduced, and the child begins to act internally, mentally. The child begins to think in images and ideas. The environment in which a child lives must develop and educate, encourage interaction with its various elements, evoke a desire to move, provide an opportunity for multivariate games, and be comfortable.

From all of the above, the relevance of my chosen topic is clear.

The use of outdoor games increases students' interest in physical education classes.

The concept of gaming activity.

Play is a relatively independent activity for children and adults. It satisfies people's need for relaxation, entertainment, knowledge, and the development of spiritual and physical strength.

Outdoor play refers to those manifestations of play activity in which the role of movements is clearly expressed. An active game is characterized by active creative motor actions motivated by its plot. These actions are partially limited by rules (generally accepted, established by the leader or played) aimed at overcoming various difficulties on the way to achieving the goal.

In pedagogical practice, collective and individual outdoor games are used, as well as games that lead to sports activities. Collective outdoor games are games in which both small groups and entire classes, and in some cases a significantly larger number of players, simultaneously participate. Individual (single) outdoor games are usually created and organized by children. In such games, everyone can outline their plans, set conditions and rules that interest them, and, if desired, change them. Paths for carrying out planned actions are also chosen according to personal desire.

Games that lead to sports activities are systematically organized outdoor games that require stable conditions and contribute to students’ successful mastery of elements of sports technique and simple tactical actions in individual sports.

The activity of various analyzers, clearly expressed in outdoor games, creates favorable opportunities for training the functions of the cerebral cortex, for the formation of new temporary, both positive and negative connections, and for increasing the mobility of nervous processes. This has a positive effect on the students’ mastery of individual sports techniques and their combinations, creates the prerequisites for more successful mastery of tactical actions, and also confirms that playing outdoor games contributes to the development of will, endurance, and discipline in various sports. Features of the selection and conduct of outdoor games in relation to the specifics of athletics, ski training and sports games.

The content of an outdoor game consists of its plot, rules and motor actions. The content comes from the experience of humanity, passed on from generation to generation.

The plot of the game determines the purpose of the players’ actions and the nature of the development of the game conflict. It is borrowed from the surrounding reality and figuratively reflects its actions (for example, hunting, labor, military household) or is created specifically, based on the tasks of physical education, in the form of a scheme of confrontation during various interactions of players (for example, in modern sports games) The plot of the game is not only revives the holistic actions of the players, but also gives individual techniques and tactical elements purposefulness, making the game exciting.

Rules are mandatory requirements for game participants. They determine the location and movement of players, clarify the nature of behavior, the rights and responsibilities of the players, determine the methods of playing the game, methods and conditions for recording its results. At the same time, manifestations of creative activity and initiative of those playing within the rules of the game are not excluded.

Motor actions within moving frames are varied. They can be, for example, imitative, figurative-creative, rhythmic, and performed in the form of motor tasks requiring the manifestation of dexterity, speed, strength, and other physical qualities. In games, there may be short dashes with sudden changes in direction and delays in movement, various throwing at a distance and at a target; overcoming obstacles by jumping, resistance by force; actions acquired during physical training and others. All these actions are performed in a variety of combinations and combinations.

2.Goal and objectives of the project


To increase students' interest in physical education through outdoor games.

With the help of outdoor games, teach students motor actions (running, jumping, throwing, throwing, catching, passing the ball, etc.).


  1. Strengthen the health of those involved, promote their proper physical development;
  2. Promote mastery of vital motor skills and abilities and improvement in them;
  3. To cultivate in children the necessary moral, volitional and physical qualities;
  4. To instill in students organizational skills and the habit of systematically independently playing games.

3. Expected result.

  1. Improving the health and physical development of students.
  2. Mastering vital motor skills and abilities.
  3. Mastery of moral-volitional and physical qualities.
  4. Systematic and independent organizational skills and habits for playing games.
  5. Improving performance in physical education.

4. terms of development and implementation of the project

Project duration 10 (ten) months

Stage I – preparatory – 1 month (October 2011)

Studying the range of interests in physical culture and sports among students through questionnaires and interviews.

Stage II – implementation of the main activities of the project – 8 months (November-June 2012)

Creation of a good material base for conducting outdoor games in physical education lessons.

Conducting physical education lessons using outdoor games.

Organization and conduct of outdoor games during physical education lessons, during breaks and after school hours.

Conducting a wide range of school sections in various sports.

Organization of advisory assistance for students aimed at their physical development and health promotion.

Stage III – final 1 month (July 2012)

Collection and processing of analytical material, correlation of assigned tasks with achieved results.

Generalization of best practices through methodological seminars.

5.Project resources.

1. General educational games.

2. Folk games.

3. Paramilitary games.

4. Games leading up to sports activities (preparatory and special games).

6. Outdoor games in teaching practice.

In teaching practice, social life and everyday life, there are two main forms of organizing outdoor games: classroom and extracurricular. In the lesson form of outdoor games, the leading role is played by the leader, who solves the following tasks:

1) health

2) educational

3) educational

Health-improving tasks of outdoor games.

With proper organization of classes, taking into account age characteristics and physical fitness, outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the growth, development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, the muscular system, on the formation of correct posture in children and adolescents, and also increases the functional activity of the body.

In this regard, outdoor games that involve various large and small muscles of the body in a variety of dynamic work become of great importance; games that increase joint mobility. Under the influence of physical exercises used in games, all types of metabolism (carbohydrate, protein, fat and mineral) are activated. Muscle loads stimulate the functioning of the endocrine glands.

When playing games, you need to ensure that physical activity is optimal. When systematically playing games, you can allow intense loads so that the body gradually adapts to them. This is of great importance in life and work. However, it is not permissible to bring the participants of the game to overwork. Games with active, energetic, repeatedly repeated motor actions but not associated with prolonged one-sided force tension (especially static) have a beneficial effect on the body of children and adolescents. That is why there should be no excessive muscle tension and prolonged breath holding in games. Outdoor games should have a positive effect on the nervous system of those involved. To do this, the leader must optimally dose the load on the memory and attention of the players, and structure the game so that it evokes positive emotions in the players. Poor organization of the game leads to the emergence of negative emotions, disrupts the normal course of nervous processes, and students may experience stress. Outdoor games must have strict and clear rules, which helps to streamline the interaction of participants and eliminates unnecessary excitement.

Educational objectives of outdoor games.

The game has a great impact on the formation of personality: it is such a conscious activity in which the ability to analyze, compare, generalize and draw conclusions is manifested and developed. Playing games contributes to the development in children of abilities for actions that have implications for everyday practical activities, in the games themselves, as well as in athletics, ski training and sports games. The rules and motor actions of an outdoor game create in the players correct ideas about the relationships between people existing in society.

Games that are similar in structure and nature of movement to motor actions that are studied during athletics, sports games, and ski training are of educational importance. Elementary motor skills acquired in games are easily restructured during subsequent, more in-depth study of movement techniques and facilitate mastery of it. The game method is especially recommended for use at the stage of initial development of movements. Repeated repetition of motor actions during the game helps to develop in students the ability to economically and expediently perform them in a finished form. It is necessary to teach players to use acquired skills in non-standard conditions. Outdoor games develop the ability to adequately assess spatial and temporal relationships, simultaneously perceive many things and respond to what is perceived. In outdoor games, participants have to play various roles (driver, referee, assistant referee, game organizer, etc.), which develops their organizational skills.

Educational tasks of outdoor games.

Outdoor games greatly contribute to the development of physical qualities of speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, and, importantly, these physical qualities develop in a complex. Most outdoor games require participants to be quick. These are games built on the need for instant responses to sound signals, visual, tactile signals, games with sudden stops, delays and resumption of movements, with overcoming short distances in the shortest time.

The constantly changing situation in the game, the rapid transition of participants from one movement to another contributes to the development of dexterity. To develop strength, it is good to use games that require moderate-intensity, short-term speed-strength stress. Games with repeated repetitions of intense movements with constant physical activity, which causes significant expenditure of strength and energy, contributes to the development of endurance.

Improvement of flexibility occurs in games associated with frequent changes in direction of movement.

A fascinating game plot evokes positive emotions in the participants and encourages them to repeatedly perform certain techniques with unremitting activity, demonstrating the necessary volitional qualities and physical abilities. For the emergence of interest in the game, the path to achieving the game goal is of great importance - the nature and degree of difficulty of the obstacles that must be overcome to obtain a specific result, to satisfy the game.

An outdoor game that requires a creative approach will always be interesting and attractive for its participants. The competitive nature of collective outdoor games can also intensify the actions of players and cause the manifestation of determination, courage and perseverance to achieve the goal. However, it must be taken into account that the severity of the competition should not separate the players. In a collective outdoor game, each participant is clearly convinced of the benefits of common, friendly efforts aimed at overcoming obstacles and achieving a common goal. Voluntary acceptance of restrictions on actions by the rules adopted in a collective outdoor game, while simultaneously being passionate about the game, disciplines students.

The leader must be able to correctly distribute playing roles in the team in order to teach the players mutual respect during joint performance of game actions, and to take responsibility for their actions.

Outdoor play is collective in nature. The opinions of peers are known to have a great influence on the behavior of each player. Depending on the quality of fulfillment of the role, one or another participant in an outdoor game may deserve the encouragement or, conversely, disapproval of his comrades, since children are accustomed to activities in a team.

The game is characterized by opposition from one player to another, from one team to another, when the players face a wide variety of tasks that require instant resolution. To do this, it is necessary to assess the surrounding situation as soon as possible, choose the most correct actions and carry them out. This is how outdoor games promote self-knowledge.

In addition, playing games develop coordinated, economical and coordinated movements; players acquire the ability to quickly enter the desired pace and rhythm of work, deftly and quickly perform various motor tasks, while showing the necessary effort and perseverance, which is important in life.

Health, educational and educational tasks must be solved in a complex manner, only in this case each outdoor game will be an effective means of versatile physical education of children and adolescents.

The importance of outdoor play in physical education lessons.

An important place in physical education lessons is occupied by the game method, which allows students to be distracted from the sometimes continuous monotonous work in the lesson, to increase the emotionality of classes and to add variety to them. Our task is to select accordingly, from a variety of outdoor games, exactly those games that helped to improve the technique - tactical training of students in the shortest possible time.

And we decided to improve tactical training with the help of outdoor games. Using a special set of outdoor games during lessons, you can increase the cognitive interest of students in physical education lessons.

The role of outdoor games in physical education lessons can hardly be overestimated. Essentially, here we are talking about using the most effective gaming method under these conditions. Its great advantage is that it makes the study of technical complex exercises accessible. At the same time, the use of the game provides a comprehensive improvement in motor activity, where physical strength is formed and developed along with motor skills.

Learning and improving in a game environment gives skills special stability and flexibility.

This is why you need to use outdoor games. An outdoor game helps to enliven and diversify the lesson. Emotional switching has the effect of active rest - it helps to restore strength directly during classes and makes it easier to master the material.

The game is a recognized means of general and special physical, tactical and technical training of students. Therefore, it takes the place of mandatory, auxiliary exercises for students. It is only desirable that the selected outdoor games be similar to the exercises that underlie the sport being studied. The invaluable advantage of games is that they can be used in any conditions and at any stage of the lesson. With the help of outdoor games, you can successfully solve all types of special training: physical, technical, tactical and psychological. In the game, as a rule, physical qualities develop comprehensively. But if necessary, they can improve selectively. Games are valuable as a means of mastering all the baggage of vital motor skills. Mastering the technique of sports movements fully takes place only with the systematic use of outdoor games. Initially, in simplified versions of the games, students become familiar with movements that are similar in structure and selected for study. At this stage, such games serve as introductory exercises. Game competitions are used to reinforce special exercises. This is, as a rule, a task to ensure the correct execution of what is being studied. Thus, the skill stabilizes.

A specially selected set of outdoor games allows you to quickly get acquainted with the basics of any sports game and teach them. The use of outdoor games as means and methods of sports training allows us to solve the problems of mental and moral training. Constantly overcoming various obstacles, operating in complicated conditions, forms the moral basis of the behavior of those involved. Here the traits of a sports character are cultivated, characterized by determination and the ability to fully mobilize in necessary situations.

We select games for solving lesson problems mainly from those that are well known to students. But this, of course, does not exclude the use of other, specially selected games.

A selection of outdoor games aimed at improving technical and tactical techniques in ski lessons.

Mastering technique and tactics begins with the first steps, i.e. with introductory games and special game exercises.

The implementation of the principle of consciousness and activity when studying the technique of skiing consists of awareness of the goal, objectives, the result of performing a separate exercise and the ability to independently control and evaluate one’s motor actions.

It is recommended to study the most complex elements of ski training techniques (moves, transitions, turns in motion, jumps) in three stages:

  1. Initial study;
  2. In-depth learning;
  3. Consolidation and improvement of skills.

At the initial study stage, we learn the elements of the technique, then we master the method of movement as a whole. The features of this stage of study are the following: insufficient accuracy of movements in space and time, inaccuracy of muscle efforts, instability of the rhythm of movements, the presence of movements. In this case, students spend a lot of extra effort and at the same time perform movements with general tension in all or most of the muscles of the body. All this causes increased fatigue and insufficient performance.

To do this, you need to play outdoor games that improve coordination and speed.

It is advisable to carry out games that improve the balance and coordination of a skier in the first half of the main part of the lesson. When choosing a game, one or another, you should take into account age, physical fitness, and the conditions of the game.

These qualities can be developed in such outdoor games as “Laying the Railway”, “Train”, “Fan”, “Snake”, “Centipede on Skis”, “Tag”.

“Laying a railway”, students line up with side steps in a line sideways in the direction of movement with an interval of 1 m. They move with side steps, laying a “railroad”. Those who have a smoother and clearer ski track on the snow win.

At the second stage of training, it is necessary to solve three problems:

  1. Deepen your understanding of the patterns of the movements being studied;
  2. Add mastery and clarification of the details of the technique of the method of movement being studied;
  3. Add a clear, free and cohesive way of moving overall.

At this stage of training, the role of consciousness and activity of students increases. To do this, you need to provide as complete information as possible about the patterns and conditions for the use of various actions, and encourage a deep analysis of the technology and the results of your work. It is advisable to master the elements of technology against the background of the holistic implementation of the studied method of movement. At the same time, students’ attention switches from important actions to secondary ones, from large ones to small ones. It should be added that the student learns to analyze his movements and identify mistakes, and the teacher guides him on the right path.

Consolidation and improvement stage. The goal of the stage is to develop skills and abilities and develop the ability to use the mastered method of skiing in various conditions and combinations with other methods. The learning process at this stage includes two stages of motor skill development:

  1. The stage of clarifying the skill in the main version of the action;
  2. The stage of formation of skills in additional options of action.

The learning objectives at the third stage are:

  1. To consolidate the basic technique of skiing, continuing to refine the details;
  2. To teach how to perform learned actions expediently in various conditions, including competitive ones and in combination with other actions;
  3. Enrich the equipment with new details in accordance with the individual characteristics of the students and taking into account the improvement of their physical fitness.

The skill, first of all, is to master the “sense of skis and snow”: learn to control skis, push off the snow with skis and transfer body weight from one leg to the other. At the same time, we should not forget about the need to develop the ability to maintain balance - the ability to confidently glide on two skis and especially on one. When solving these problems, you can do leading exercises and use the simplest methods of moving on skis: repeatedly take different poses of the skier on the spot; alternately raise your legs with the skis in place, bending them as during normal walking; alternately lift the toes of the skis without lifting the heel from the snow and move the skis up and down, right and left; make flips, step in place around the heels and toes of the skis, achieving a parallel position of the skis when placing the skis; jump up in place with both legs and alternately from the right leg to the left and vice versa, simultaneously transferring body weight; take side steps to the side for two and four counts; do, while standing still, swinging sliding movements of the foot with the ski back and forth, etc.

With the help of these exercises, motor skills are developed that are similar to the technical elements of the main methods of skiing (ski moves, transitions, turns in motion).

You can also use game exercises - sliding (the one who slides the distance between the flags, taking fewer steps, is the winner); roll up (who can roll further in 10 steps); racing (legs are tied above the shin, only in a straight line 50-100m, whoever is faster). These exercises develop speed.

Strength qualities are developed in skiing games that require the application of powerful efforts with the legs, arms and torso to achieve results. To do this, select appropriate game tasks or change the conditions in which the games are played. For example, if you play the game “Fast Skier”, “Catch-up”, etc. on a slight slope or, conversely, on deep snow, then they will contribute to the development of strength.

"Catching up." Starting lines are designated at four diametrically opposite places on the circular track. 4 students participate in the race at the same time. At the start, the students begin the race. Everyone strives to quickly catch up with the student running ahead. As soon as one of the skiers catches up with the one running in front, he becomes the winner. The race ends. (Venue: a circular ski track with varying terrain, 200 m long. The game is played in a classic move. The use of push-offs with sticks is prohibited or, conversely, movement is allowed only with the help of both sticks; you can significantly increase the power load on one or another muscle group.

For example, in games with overcoming a full climb with a simultaneous or alternating stepless move (using push-off with sticks), the muscles of the arms and torso receive a large force load, and when using an alternate or skating move without sticks, the load falls on the leg muscles.

Games that develop endurance are held over distances of 400m. and more. The load is reduced or increased by changing the length of the segments overcome, rest pauses between individual game tasks, the number of stages in relay races and starts in tasks, and the duration of the game.

You can play the following games: “Race to Survival”. 5-8 students start on a closed circular ski track at the same time. The start line is the finish line. After completing each lap, the last skier to finish is eliminated from the game. For example, 5 skiers started, and after the completion of the first lap the race continues 4, after the second - 3, etc.

"Fox Hunting" “Foxes” - 2-4 students go 200-300m deep into the forest. “Hunters” - all other participants - go out in 5 minutes to search for “foxes”. “Foxes” run away, hide behind trees, in bushes, change direction, and confuse their tracks. “Hunters” are trying to find and catch them. At the signal, the game stops and the players return to the gathering place.

The value of outdoor games and play exercises lies in the fact that in them, work on consolidating and improving the technique of skiing and developing physical qualities is interesting, emotional and, as it were, not noticeable to students.

7. Conclusion.

Having read and studied a number of literature on the methodology of outdoor games and their application in our work in physical education lessons, we can conclude that the use of outdoor games in physical education lessons increases students’ interest in physical education classes. Increases their technical and tactical preparation for a particular sport. Outdoor games relax students; positive energy accumulates, which they will show throughout the lesson. Students have an incentive to perform this or that exercise; they perform it with pleasure, with interest, without automatism. Students develop moral and volitional qualities, friendship, conscience, mutual assistance, kindness, justice and many other qualities.


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  2. Geller E.M., Korotkov I.M. “Fun starts” -M. 1998
  3. Osokina T.I. “Children's outdoor games” M. 1989
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  5. Ramenskaya T.I. “Special training of a skier” - M 2001.
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Story games in kindergarten

STORY GAMES IN KINDERGARTEN are built on the basis of children's knowledge of the life around them. Different professions, types of transport, natural phenomena, and especially often the habits of animals and birds: the cunning of a fox, the rudeness of a wolf, the speed of a hare, as well as thunder, rain, traffic - all this forms the basis for establishing the rules of the game in kindergarten.

When playing HORSE, kids run, raising their knees high, like horses.

The game is as follows: one of the children becomes a horse (usually the most active boy is chosen). Long ribbons are tied to his shoulders. Two or three children will immediately pretend to be a cart. They pick up a ribbon and shout “But-But!!!” make the horse run in a circle. All other children stand in a circle. The driver stops near each child, and the next passenger loudly says where he wants to go: to grandma, to mom to work, to kindergarten. When the cart with a passenger sets off for the next circle, all the children try to run in unison, raising their legs high. And the horse, at the same time, can still buck. This game develops a “sense of elbow”, since the cart must move smoothly; Children should not repeat the purpose of the trip, but come up with new ones each time. If one of the passengers or drivers loses the rhythm, then the teacher can remove such a child from the game, inventing, for example, that the cart’s wheel has broken. The game ends when all the children have ridden.

Repeating the movement of the bunnies who run away from the scary gray wolf in the game HARES AND THE WOLF, children jump like bunnies and hide wherever possible.

The game develops a quick reaction in children. At the beginning, all the bunny children are jumping and frolicking at the edge of the forest. The edge of the forest is the middle of the playground in the playroom, which is furnished with chairs.. But the teacher immediately warns that somewhere nearby a scary and hungry gray wolf is wandering through the forest. And the kids must be on alert all the time. After a certain time, the teacher shouts: “Gray wolf!” All children must have time to hide behind their chairs. Whoever doesn’t make it in time is grabbed by the gray wolf and impromptu dragged into his lair - the next room. This child is automatically eliminated from the game. The game continues until all the hares have been caught.

The children's interactions are very close. When pretending to be a train, in the game STEAM LOT, children move synchronously one after another, trying not to bump into the trailer in front.

Children are a locomotive and carriages. All the kids stand behind each other, grab each other by the waist and begin to move in unison. The teacher will first place chairs that will indicate the area: stations, forest, bridge, house. The locomotive must smoothly go around all obstacles and safely reach the final station. The cars must move synchronously and slow down at the station in advance. As the train progresses, children in carriages should try not to bump into the carriage ahead. Otherwise, the teacher will announce an accident. All children in the group can take part in this game. Just like in the game HORSE, you can leave some of the trailers at passing stations. And the children must figure out why the carriages are detached from the train: carriages with mail, freight cars and other reasons. It is also good to place road signs regarding the railway. Children will immediately learn the rules of behavior on the railway tracks.

In the TRAFFIC LIGHT game, children's cars brake and stop at a red light when the "traffic light" waves a red flag. At the words of the teacher - Rain, rain - the baby birds quickly scatter to their nests.

This game simply must be played more often so that the children learn the rules of crossing streets. One of the guys is chosen to be a traffic light. They give him three circles: yellow, green, red. By raising the circles, the child represents a traffic light. The remaining children are divided into: transport, pedestrians and police officers. All participants in the game must move through the intersection according to the established rules. Boys can depict cars, and everyone must come up with a brand, color and a unique “beep”. Girls can transport strollers with dolls. A policeman stands at his post and punishes violators. Whoever breaks the rules is eliminated from the game.

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Project “Outdoor Play as a Means of Socialization for Children of Senior Preschool Age” Introduction A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. Sukhomlinsky V. A. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science...

Physical development project “Development of physical qualities through outdoor games and exercises” for children of the senior group Project : Duration: long-term Project : educators, children 5-6 years old, parents, physical education instructor Implementation period: March-May Relevance: Outdoor game is an educational and health-improving means of personal socialization that can intensify...

Dear colleagues - future team coordinators! I present to you a new project “Come Out! Let `s play!"

The project is dedicated to outdoor games, compiled for the implementation of the sports and recreational direction of the Federal State Educational Standard in extracurricular activities of students.

Outdoor games are a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions and have great educational power. Games develop dexterity, flexibility, strength, hand motor skills, imagination, vision functions, train reaction and coordination of movements, develop communication skills, and learn ethical standards. Folk games are of great importance for spiritual, moral, aesthetic, and family education as they introduce national traditions and culture.

By participating in the project, the children will learn folk games that have a centuries-old history, have been preserved and have survived to this day; get acquainted with the games that their grandparents, mothers and fathers played; They will come up with their own games and teach the children from the neighboring class and the children participating in the network project to play them.

The sedentary lifestyle of schoolchildren negatively affects their health, mental, physical and psychological development. Outdoor games can largely compensate for the lack of movement, and will also help prevent mental fatigue and increase children's performance while studying.

The goal of the project: to satisfy students’ need for movement, to stabilize emotions, to teach them to control their body, to develop physical, mental and creative abilities, and moral qualities.

By participating in the project, the guys will not only play, but also answer several questions.

While playing, we will look for the answer to the fundamental question of the project: Why is the game a companion to a growing person? Let's find out:

  • What is a game?
  • Why do we play folk games?
  • How to come up with a game?

Dear coordinators, the Project Business Card and the Project Plan (follow the links).

In “Come Out! Let `s play!" there will be no new services, we will work in Google Docs (view).

In any project, our main assistants are parents. Give our adult helpers booklets (1 side, 2 side).

The most important thing left is to interest the guys. The starting presentation will help us with this (on this page there is an option for the CP), look, follow all the links, read the notes on the slides

Teams will mark their successes in the project in the “Steps to Success” table ; coordinators will receive an invitation to work in the table as confirmation of registration in the project.

I invite teams to mark the successes of each participant in the “Personal Participation” table . This is a table template. To use the table, make a copy for yourself. If you wish, you can make a link to the table on the team page on the website. Only by request!

The remaining pages will be written for children. This is a children's project, and we are just assistants, right?

A forum has been created for communication between adults , write wishes, comments, ask questions.

Tell your friends about the project on your class blog or school website:

It will look like this:

See you in the project!

  • Business card of the project “Come Out! Let `s play!"
  • Come out! Let `s play! Start

Business card of the project “Come Out! Let `s play!" ›

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