Familiarizing early preschool children with the world around them through play activities

Middle group

By the age of four, a child’s perception changes; this is due to changes in the structure of the brain, improvement of mental processes, mastery of speech and the acquisition of experience. Cognitive activity changes: the child is now able to perceive and assimilate verbal information, and not just subject information. To consolidate this skill, you need to act in stages:

  1. The child is given verbal information about some object or phenomenon.
  2. This phenomenon or this object is shown by demonstrating certain functions or qualities. The story is repeated aloud to consolidate knowledge.

Imagination and creativity in childhood

In this way, children connect words and the material world. What parents should pay attention to when shaping the cognitive activity of a preschooler at this age:

  1. New information must be understandable to the child and based on those images of the external world that have already been formed.
  2. First of all, the baby is introduced to objects and phenomena in the immediate circle of his life.
  3. This should be positive information that is familiar to the adult who is delivering it.

Preschoolers of this age are taught sequences of actions and develop their work skills. Children learn the external parameters of materials - fabric, glass, paper, make models and collages.

Preparatory group

When working with children over six years old, educators and parents are faced with an important task - to direct the cognitive process to organize information. The child must be able to comprehend cause-and-effect relationships and have a positive attitude towards the world around him. Information is organized into blocks: historical, geographical, cultural and other areas. The preschooler is prepared to perceive more complex information, his perseverance and attention are formed. With the help of reading, retelling, conversations, and watching TV shows together, adults form new, more complex information about the world around them.

Senior group

In older groups, children already have a solid base of knowledge about the world around them, and they feel a desire to expand their knowledge. There are several ways of cognitive activity at this age:

  1. Action with objects, practical experience.
  2. Conversations, stories from adults.
  3. Reading books, watching educational TV shows.

By the age of five, children can already acquire concepts such as “sign”, “symbol”, “sign systems”, “time”. That is, they are approaching educational activities. The child is introduced to maps, a globe, symbols, and is told about climate zones, relief, and the calendar. Children learn to tell time by watch, make a personal calendar of daily routine, immerse themselves in the history of the planet, learn about atmospheric phenomena, wild and inanimate nature. Knowledge should be classified by educators into information blocks, and answers to questions should be detailed, accurate, and interesting.

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