Help method
Abstract of the educational activity “Journey to the Forest” Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region State Autonomous Educational Educational Institution
Formation of the foundations of life safety among preschool children within the framework of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard Oksana Klimova Formation of the foundations
Fiction in preschool educational institutions 1. Meaning Fiction contains enormous opportunities for the formation
Week “Safe behavior in nature” Natalya Arzabuzova Week “Safe behavior in nature” Day of the week
author: Yulia Anatolyevna Dorofeeva Teacher, MBDOU KV “Kindergarten No. 8 “Rainbow”, Derzhinsky MO Project
Organization of work of specialists in a group for children with disabilities In our preschool
Project for the development of coherent speech “Skillful Storytellers” author: Filippova Anna Aleksandrovna Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU “Children’s