Summary of educational activities for reading the fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”
Slovak fairy tale “Visiting the Sun” translated by S. Mogilevskaya One day a large cloud curtained
Topic “My Safety” lesson notes for children 4-5 years old on getting to know the environment, role-playing, didactic, outdoor play, routine moment, walk
Subject drawing in the middle groupan article on drawing (middle group) on the topic
Self-education plan on the topic: “Environmental education of preschool children.”
Game technologies in speech therapy work article on speech therapy on the topic
Game technologies in speech therapy work article on speech therapy on the topic MUNICIPAL BUDGET PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION
Educational activity "Wonders of Nature" on environmental education of children in the preparatory group for school
Summary of the lesson “Introduction to ecology” Topic of the lesson: Introductory lesson. Introduction to ecology. What is ecology?
Abstract of the GCD for children of the senior group, developed in the technology of the activity method “Situation” according to the FCCM.
Summary of a game educational situation with elements of cognitive development Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution for children
Summary of the lesson on testoplasty “Toys painted here” for children with special needs 5-6 years old.
A lump of salted dough - It’s interesting to sculpt from it! The dough ball is soft and pleasant to the touch.
Pedagogical project “Spiritual and moral education of children based on the traditions of their people”
Pedagogical project “Spiritual and moral education of children based on the traditions of their people” City District Administration
Short-term project “A book is your best friend” in the preparatory group
Class hour 3 - 4 grade. My friend - book Class Notes for
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