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Lyrics of the song “Lullaby about a monkey” Lullaby about a monkey: Hey, friends and girlfriends,
Topic: “Where did the bread come from?” Week from to Senior group. Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday Transcript
"What's more important?" A fairy tale for kids on the topic “Clothes and shoes” Natalia Dementieva “What is more important?”
Progress of the lesson: Children gradually glue the cabin and body of the car. Will our car be able to go?
Abstract of GCD: design according to a model in the middle group on the topic “Tower”. Chermakova Anna Nikolaevna
Riddles about school, students, first graders and a bell with answers Children love to solve school riddles
Notes on cognitive development Topic: “My city” for children of the middle group Transcript 1 Municipal
Methodological event for teachers of the preschool educational institution “Pedagogical Living Room” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten”
Summary of a Drawing lesson for the younger group “Rain” The teacher hangs up his sample on which
Summary of GCD for the middle group of kindergarten on the topic: Sorceress water Summary directly -