Summary of organizational educational activities on the surrounding world on the topic: “Seasons” in the preparatory group
Summary of an integrated lesson for children 6-7 years old on the topic: Seasons Description of material: Lesson
Article “The role of construction in the life of preschool children.”
Article “The role of construction in the life of preschool children.” Article “The role of construction in the life of preschool children.” One of
Effective forms of working with parents on valeological education
Article Technologies of value education of parents in preschool educational institutions Nikiforova K.S. MBDOU DS No. 47, teacher of Technology
Methodological recommendation for educators How to correctly prepare a GCD outline in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education
Before starting to compile and write notes for an assignment in kindergarten, the teacher must:
A selection of literary material “Our Motherland - Russia”
Curious Ant Once upon a time there lived a little ant in his little anthill. I dragged grass and twigs and thought,
Notes for modeling classes in the younger group (2-3 years old)
Summary of a speech therapy lesson in a senior group on the topic “Transport”
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic "Transport" Summary of a speech therapy lesson in a preparatory training group
Practical material “Musical greetings” (games)
Summary of a lesson in speech and alternative communication on the topic: “Maintaining a dialogue on a given topic.” Abstract
Article "Game as a means of economic education of older preschoolers."
Lesson summary for children 6-7 years old on the topic: “April 22 – Earth Day”
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