GCD in music in the senior group using ICT. Musical instruments
GCD in music in the senior group using ICT. Musical instruments Lesson notes in
Conversation with parents on the topic: “You, your child and traffic rules.”
Conversation at a parent meeting on the topic: “For parents - about road safety” Municipal budget
OD summary on speech development on the topic: Autumn clothes, shoes. Senior group
OD summary on speech development on the topic: Autumn clothes, shoes. Senior group Abstract OD
Lesson on speech development in the second junior group. Sound culture of speech. Repetition of the poem “Horse” by A. Barto. Working on the “I” sound.
Lesson notes on ZKR in the junior group “Sound [and]” by milyausha giniyatullina Lesson notes on
Calendar and thematic planning in the middle group on the theme “Gifts of Autumn” calendar and thematic planning (middle group)
Dominant lesson on musical creativity for the preparatory group “Flower Girl”
Classification of musical classes according to their content Marina Balyasova Classification of musical classes according to their content
Summary of children's fitness classes. (Middle group)
Lesson: Game stretching for children of the middle group Lesson: Game stretching for children of the middle group
Presentation. "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education"
Walk through the forest plan - summary of a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic
A walk in the forest (outline) PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON “A WALK IN THE FOREST” AUTHOR: Peshkov Alexey Gennadievich
cycle of lessons “Journey to the Russian language” outline of a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
Long-term plan for organized educational activities in the Russian language in the senior group Ni Aliya Perspective
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