Summary of children's fitness classes. (Middle group)

Lesson: Game stretching for middle group children

Game stretching lesson for children of the middle group “Vitya the Hedgehog”

I present to your attention the development of a lesson on play stretching for children of middle preschool age.
This material can be used by specialists: teachers of rhythm, choreography, physical instructors. education, and by parents of children. I use play stretching in rhythmoplasty classes, it is interesting for its novelty; allows you to realize in games the physical capabilities of children, their health and development. The purpose of this publication is to inform teachers and exchange experiences. Subject: physical education, rhythmic Lesson topic: “Vitya the Hedgehog” Purpose: - to carry out the comprehensive development of the physical and mental qualities of the child’s personality in accordance with age and individual characteristics. Objectives: 1. Development of physical qualities: muscle strength, agility, endurance, flexibility. 2. Development of mental qualities: attention, imagination, mental abilities. 3. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, increasing the functional activity of organs and systems of the body. 4. Creating conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children, liberation and creativity in movement. Introductory part. Children enter the hall to the music and line up.
Hello guys!!!
You have friends? And I know one hedgehog with whom none of the animals wanted to be friends. Let's go on a trip together and help him find a friend. And the road to the small forest where our hero lives is long, and we need to be very strong so that our legs don’t get tired. Are you strong??? (children answer). Let's hit the road and show how strong we are. And we will start our journey with a warm-up. 1. We stand together with you, We look in all directions, Right, left, up and down, Look and smile.
(Turns the head to the right, left, up, down) 2. Raise your arms higher, swing to the right, to the left. So, once again, it turns out for us! (Depict how the breeze shakes the trees) 3. Turn right, left, And smile at your neighbor. Here we go again, look at us all!
(Turns the body to the right, left) 4. Bend to the right, bend to the left, Bend over, don’t be lazy, Like this, again, Look at us all! (Tilts to the right, to the left) 5. Now let’s go squat, We are funny guys, That’s it, once again, It works for us! (Perform half squats) 6. And now we will all jump, Like a cheerful ringing ball. Here we go again, look at us all! (Jumping) 7. Raise your arms higher, just breathe through your nose. That's it, one more time, and we'll finish now. (Breathing exercises). Well done guys, you and I found ourselves in a forest clearing where animals live and they also do exercises (the song “Forest Warm-up” plays - the children perform movements according to the plot) Warm-up in a circle One, two, three, four. Three, four, one, two. In a clearing, at the edge of the forest, the game begins. One, two, three, four, five - Let's walk together. Little bunnies run fast, mischievous playful girls. And now a wolf is sneaking - a terrible wolf, clicking his teeth. The fox tilts its back - arches, straightens. Let's sit down next to the hedgehog, and then stand up on our feet. Nearby, squirrels are frolicking, jumping and having fun. And when they find a flower, they inhale the delicate aroma. The bunnies jumped and galloped and fell into the ravine. We need to rescue the bunnies, get them out of the ravine. Main part (children sit on the rugs) Today, guys, I will tell you a fairy tale about one little hedgehog. Hedgehog Vitya. In one forest, under an old pine tree, the hedgehog Vitya lived in his small hole. He was a small gray hedgehog with crooked legs and many spines on his back. Vita had a very bad life in this forest. None of the animals wanted to be friends with him. - Look how beautiful and fluffy my tail is. How can I be friends with such a gray thorn like you? - said Vitelisa (chanterelle exercise). “You’re too small, I could accidentally crush you with my left hand,” the bear muttered (exercise bear). “You’re so clumsy, you can’t jump or run with you,” the bunny squeaked (exercise bunny). “You have neither voice nor hearing.” Frogs in the swamp - and they sing better than you,” the nightingale cooed right into his ear (bird exercise). The poor hedgehog was very upset to hear such words. Vitya sat for a long time on the shore of an old forest pond and looked at his reflection in the water. “Why am I so small, so prickly, clumsy, why don’t I have an ear for music?” he cried. The hedgehog’s small tears poured like hail into the pond, but there was no one to even feel sorry for the poor thing. Vitya was so sad and worried because no one wanted to be friends with him that he almost fell ill. One morning, Vitya, as usual, went to a forest clearing (walking exercise) to look for mushrooms and berries for breakfast. The hedgehog slowly walked along the path, immersed in his sad thoughts, when suddenly a fox rushed past him and almost knocked him down. Vitya looked around and saw that a hunter with a gun was chasing the fox (running exercise). The hedgehog was very scared. “The hunter is so big, and I am so small,” he thought. But despite his fear, Vitya, without a moment’s hesitation, curled up into a ball and threw himself at the hunter’s feet (hedgehog exercise) . The hunter tripped over the sharp thorns of a hedgehog and fell. While the hunter was getting to his feet, the fox had already run away, and the hedgehog hurried to hide under a bush. There, trembling with fear, Vitya waited until the hunter left. Only in the evening, limping heavily, the hedgehog wandered to his hole. (walking exercise) . While saving the fox, he injured his paw, and now it was very difficult for him to walk, because it hurt so much. When the hedgehog finally got to the old pine tree, the fox was waiting for him there. - Thank you, hedgehog. You are very brave. Everyone in the forest was afraid of the hunter and hid in their holes. No one decided to help me, but you were not afraid and saved me. “You are a true friend,” said the fox. Since then, the hedgehog and the fox have become best friends. The fox took care of him and brought Vita medicinal herbs, mushrooms and berries while his paw hurt and it was difficult for him to walk. The hedgehog recovered quickly, because now he was not alone, now he had a real friend. After all, a true friend is not the one with a beautiful tail, a great voice or fast legs. A true friend is someone who will not leave you in trouble and will not step aside if you need help. The final part Guys, the fairy tale is over and it’s time for us to return home. Psycho-gymnastics “Smile” Children join hands. Let's take a deep breath and exhale. Now let's smile at each other. Let everyone see your smile, let it, like the sun, warm everyone around and this fabulous forest. And to make the journey home more fun, we will dance a cheerful dance of fairy-tale insects. Children dance the insect dance. Goodbye, guys!! Organized exit of children from the hall.

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Plan - summary of an Aerobics lesson for middle group children

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Walk around the hall at a normal pace, forming 3 columns.

1. I.p. feet together, hands down, keep your back straight. “One” - stand on your toes, raise your arms up to your sides, take a breath; “Two” - return to I.p. - exhale.

2. “Circular movements of the head.” I.p. basic stance – hands on the belt. “One-two” - slowly rotate your head to the right; “Three-four” - the same in the other direction.

3. “Stepping step.” I.p. main stance – hands down, on your toes. “One” - lower one heel to the floor, bending the knee of the other leg; “Two” - I.p.; “Three” - repeat the count “One” with the other foot; “Four” - I.p.

4. “Squat with rotation” a) hands behind the head; b) arms to the sides with a wave, I.p. basic hand position behind the head. “One” - turn to the right, sit down; “Two” - I.p.; “Three” - the same in the other direction; “Four” - I.p. (also – do – swing your arms to the sides).

5. "Triangle". I.p. basic handstand behind the back. “One-wa” - take a step forward with your right and left feet; “Three-four” - return to I.p. (complication with hands - at “1-2” both hands up, at “3-4” - lower them down).

6. “Additional step to the side.” I.p. basic hand position on the belt. “One-four” - an extra step to the right - clap your hands; “Five-eight” - an extra step to the left - clap your hands.

7. "Tilts to the sides." I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. “One” - lean to the right, the right hand slides along the leg, the left hand above the head; “Two” - I.p.; “Three” - the same in the other direction; “Four” - I.p.

8. "Sitting on the floor." I.p. sitting on the floor on your heels, hands on your belt. “One” - stand up, close your heels, raise your arms up; “Two” - return to I.p., open the heels.

9. "Riding on the buttocks." I.p. sitting on the floor, back straight, arms bent at the elbows. “One-eight” - moving forward and back on the buttocks.

10. "Bicycle." I.p. lying on your back, resting on your forearm. Perform leg movements, simulating riding a bicycle.

11. “Bend your back.” I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body, knees bent. “One” - raise the pelvis up; “Two” - omit in I.p. (turn onto your stomach).

12. “Stretch.” Perform the “fish” exercise - reach the toes of your bent legs with your hands, bend your back; “cat” - standing on all fours, bend your back up and down.

13. Relaxation and stretching exercise. I.p. sitting on your buttocks, bring your feet together, bend over and try to touch your toes with your forehead. The same, legs straight together. Also, clasp your feet with your hands, fold in half and lie down.

Stand up, inhale, exhale.

Children's fitness areas

Every year new branches appear in children's fitness. This is natural, since the system is built in a gaming format for children, which is based on dynamics and development. For children under 3 years of age, classes are not divided by type; for slightly older children, aged 3-5 years, they are also often offered to just do fitness. The lesson will consist of basic gymnastics, possibly including the simplest yoga asanas, aimed at:

  • straightening and stretching the spine;
  • developing the ability to sit for a while in a given position;
  • warming up the joints;
  • balancing training.

When inviting children under 3 years old to classes, the instructor will devote most of his time to playful physical activity, interspersed with a small number of exercises. Part of the lesson can be devoted to animal behavior - copying the actions of animals and logorhythmics - a combination of exercises with reciting poetry, humming songs, and pronouncing certain sounds. If the children's club has a step platform and fitballs, you can use them.

Children 5-6 years old can already be divided into specialized groups, trying different types of fitness. Among them may be:

  • step aerobics – the child practices on a step platform, rhythmically rising and falling from it;
  • fitball gymnastics - large inflatable balls are used;
  • stretching - stretching muscles and ligaments;
  • rhythmic gymnastics - the exercise is performed according to the rhythm of the music;
  • yoga is a set of simple asanas and breathing exercises.

There are directions that combine elements from several systems. Some fitness studios for children use moving platforms, canvas suspensions (hammocks), bolsters, and hanging loops. It is extremely important that the teacher working with children also has sports training, knowledge of child psychology, is able to hold the attention and interest of the group, and can quickly switch between game elements if the situation requires it. In addition, the skill of assessing the degree of physical education is required. preparing children and correcting exercises to suit the child’s current capabilities.

Rhythmic gymnastics

Children love active games, but are not very fond of physical exercise, which is necessary for the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system and muscular system. Teachers have found a way to turn gymnastics into an exciting lesson. The music is turned on: rhythmic, cheerful, familiar, and children 2.5-7 years old perform the exercises with joy.

Rhythmic gymnastics is indicated for sedentary children, who with its help compensate for the lack of movement, strengthening their body. It is very useful for hyperactive children, who become calmer and, over time, learn to better manage large amounts of their energy.

The complex is made up of simple exercises that become more complex over time. Children are taught a simple movement, gradually adding arm swings, turns of the head, shoulders, jumps, etc. The ability to coordinate and control the actions of their body develops. Thanks to music, movements become more rhythmic and precise, making them more fun to perform. At the same time, the child masters the simplest dance elements, becomes more flexible, learns to coordinate his movements with the movements of other children and the rhythm of the music.

Rhythmic health-improving gymnastics makes it possible to work the muscles:

  • neck;
  • shoulder girdle, arms;
  • torso;
  • legs

The lesson is structured in such a way that during its time you have time to work with the muscles of the whole body. Children run, jump, squat, move in different types of walking, move their arms, subordinating their bodies to the rhythm of the music. Starting positions can be different: sitting, lying on your side and back, while standing. Fitness is aimed at a general developmental and health-improving effect.

Classes are held in the hall and last, depending on the age of the students, from 10 to 30 minutes. Air should flow freely into the room, but drafts and uncomfortably cool temperatures are unacceptable. The child should wear a light sports uniform: slippers or socks, possibly leg warmers in the autumn-winter, shorts or pants, a T-shirt.

Class structure:

  • Introductory part – up to 10% of the total lesson time. The pace is moderate with a gradual increase. Exercises to warm up the body, dynamic: slow-fast walking, jogging, jumping.
  • Main – on average 75% of the lesson. It begins with warming up smaller muscle groups: neck, arms, legs. Gradually increasing the pace and making the exercises more difficult. When performing intense movements: lunges, bending, swinging, it is necessary to control the posture and breathing of children. Due to the fast pace and constant change of tasks, they may begin to slouch and breathe through their mouths, and the goal of this particular part of the lesson is to work with flexibility and correct position of the spine, back muscles, abs and diaphragm.
  • Final – up to 15% of the time. Relaxation exercises. The pace gradually decreases, the body unloads after the intense middle part of the lesson.

When forming a rhythmic gymnastics complex, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children and their ability to concentrate. You need to set a feasible physical activity and monitor the correctness of the exercises.

St. John's wort

Fitness for little ones: fun, stimulating to do gymnastics, developing observation skills. 3 years is the optimal age for this fitness. The baby cannot yet perform the exercises in full, but he loves to imitate and repeat, and it is on these aspects that St. John’s dog is built.

Classes can be held both in a group and online. The teacher transforms into an animal, putting on a costume, or simply shows the movements, asking the children to repeat them. It’s good to start the day in kindergarten with St. John’s animals; a mother and her baby can do it, independently or together choose an animal that they will imitate today.

Of course, the lesson will be more exciting if you include songs about animals. The load should not be intense, the average time is 10 minutes, with enough game elements so that the baby does not have time to get tired.


This area of ​​fitness is suitable for children 3-6 years old. This is a game therapy for speech disorders that can be corrected without tedious exercises. The child does not feel pressure, does not feel inferior. He plays with words and sounds, learning to speak more correctly, develop his hearing and move to the music.

Who should definitely do logorhythmics? Children with:

  • delayed speech development;
  • stuttering;
  • difficulties in pronouncing individual sounds;
  • excessively fast or very slow speech;
  • motor impairment.

You can start classes at 2.5 years old. They can be held in a children's club, kindergarten, or at home. If the baby is shy, the help of the parents comes in handy - by singing along with the mother, the little one will soon begin to sing along with the teacher.

Logorhythmics uses:

  • musical-rhythmic games - develops speech, sense of rhythm, attentiveness;
  • speech therapy gymnastics – works with the muscles responsible for articulation;
  • finger gymnastics - hands move while singing or reading rhymes, allowing you to develop fine motor skills, make speech smoother and more expressive;
  • singing – strengthens the muscles of the larynx, helps to form correct breathing during speech;
  • word creation – development of erudition and vocabulary;
  • Dancing is general bodily gymnastics, a good switch between other types of exercise.

Since this fitness also poses a therapeutic task, it is important to take into account a number of features, especially if the activity is designed for very young children (up to 3 years old):

  1. The child repeats words, phrases and movements after the teacher or parent. There is no need to force him to learn the material.
  2. You need to be patient. The results of the lessons may appear in six months, provided that the lessons are regular (2 times a week).
  3. The teacher must create a pleasant and exciting atmosphere so that the child wants to study. The use of pictures, toys, and costumes is recommended.
  4. The exercises are repeated until perfect mastery of them. If a child, after trying a certain number of times, cannot say a phrase/make a movement, the attempts are stopped for a while (a month or two), then resumed again.
  5. As musical accompaniment for the lesson, you can use the sounds of wildlife, children's songs, and light classical music.
  6. The program is always developed for a specific child; it is based solely on the individual characteristics of the student.
  7. The teacher carefully works through the exercise, making sure that it is easy for the child to repeat it.

Logorhythmic exercises, especially if children have difficulties with speech, initially cause difficulties for them. It is necessary to maintain a positive attitude and continue studying.

Fitball gymnastics

A fitball is a special fitness ball, a simple and effective exercise machine that can be used in a variety of positions. The child does not need special physical training; he can sit, lie on the floor or a ball, move, stretch and bend, and make throws.

Exercises with fitball:

  • strengthen the muscle corset;
  • deepen breathing;
  • improve cardiovascular activity;
  • calm down;
  • correct postural disorders;
  • improve blood supply to internal organs;
  • increase the body's endurance.

When children perform exercises while sitting on a ball, they experience vibration, which is used in medicine in the treatment of scoliosis and neurasthenia. The fitball perfectly relieves the load on the spine, including the muscles of the whole body.

The ball must be selected according to the child’s height. Young children are taught to exercise on a fitball under the constant supervision of an adult. The baby, even when performing light game elements, can get carried away and slip off the ball.

It is very important to carry out this set of exercises before meals. Total duration up to 25 minutes. The uniform is light, not wide, but not restrictive. If you have muscle weakness, handling the ball may cause discomfort. In this case, you must first warm up the muscles, then start with the simplest exercises. Movements in which twisting of the cervical or lumbar region, as well as sudden jerking movements in any zones, may occur should be excluded.

Step aerobics

Children's aerobics using a step platform can be regularly practiced as early as 4 years old. She:

  • develops mobility of the ankle joint;
  • correctly forms the arch of the foot;
  • strengthens the muscles of the legs, buttocks and abs;
  • trains the sense of balance;
  • promotes beautiful posture;
  • improves heart function;
  • invigorates the body.

Fitness is good because it allows children and adults to exercise - a child, looking at his parents, may want to work out too. All that is required is to lower the platform, turn on upbeat music, and show the correct step.

A set of exercises for children should include a preparatory part that warms up the body, which is performed without a platform and consists of bends, rotations, lunges, and leg swings. The main part consists of ups and downs to a pleasant dance rhythm. Finally, a series of breathing exercises and a couple of exercises to relax the muscles in the legs.

Step aerobics lasts from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the age of the children. It is recommended to change the complex once every 1-2 months, including movements for other muscle groups.

Game stretching

By doing stretching, kids stretch their muscles while playing. This is a very useful type of physical activity for children, which allows them to develop:

  • flexibility;
  • dexterity;
  • muscle strength;
  • imagination;
  • attention.

With regular 10-15 minute exercises, the musculoskeletal system and the entire body are strengthened. Stretching can be done at 3-4 years old, in school and youth - at any age. Stretching muscles improves mobility, prevents future joint problems, and improves overall well-being.

At a young age, stretching is carried out in the form of a group fairy tale, in which all the children involved are included. They repeat after the instructor and interact with each other. For children 6 years of age and older, you can use targeted stretching movements, increasing the load to enhance the development of different zones.

Stretching has a visible psychological effect, especially in the teenage years. Angularity, stooping and awkwardness disappear, the child feels stronger, more attractive and more confident, and suffers less from complexes.

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