Regulations on open displays of directly organized activities in preschool educational institutions.

Protocol on holding an open event

Olga Gerasimenko

Protocol on holding an open event

1. The teacher did a self-analysis of the open event : she introduced the program tasks, talked about the methods and techniques used in the lesson. She revealed the contents of the GCD and the equipment of the GCD.

2. Senior teacher - O. P. Gerasimenko

GCD goals correspond to the age of children and their level of development. The activity is developmental in nature.

The activity of preschoolers is adequate to the demands of the educational process.

The teacher was prepared for GCD, was carried out at a high emotional level. The principles were followed: clarity, consistency, individual approach, psychological comfort.

3. Educator – Shchukina I. I.

I think that the teacher has a good command of the group of children. The teacher used psychological and pedagogical techniques that increased the effect of the lesson: changing intonation, pitch and volume of the voice. The requirements for met .

4. Educator – Takhmazyan N. G.

The teacher is emotional, friendly, and the lesson is intense. was conducted methodically correctly, the children’s speech activity was high. The visibility used on the GCD meets the requirements.

Consider the placement of children during the lesson.

Senior teacher ___/- O. P. Gerasimenko/

Teacher ___/ Takhmazyan N. G. /

Educator _ ___/ Shchukina I. I. /

Reviewed by: ___/ Garkun M.V. /

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How to conduct an open lesson in kindergarten

An open lesson is one of the most effective forms of organizing the educational process in preschool institutions. At such a lesson, the teacher can share with colleagues, parents and others present independently developed ways of teaching and interacting with children. Although the plan is prepared in advance, the actual educational process is demonstrated during the open lesson.

Consultation “Open classes as an effective form of methodological work”

Open lesson is one of the effective forms

organization of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

Increasing the level of skill of teachers is a priority area of ​​methodological work, which occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution and represents an important link in the holistic system of advanced training of teaching staff. A constant connection between the content of methodological work and the results of teachers’ work ensures a continuous process of improving the professional skills of each educator.

Therefore, preschool educational institutions use new, effective forms of work that contribute to the activation of the teacher’s personality and the development of his creative personality.

Open classes are one of the effective forms of organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions.

In educational practice, sometimes they do not distinguish between open and regular classes, and do not represent the features of preparing and conducting open classes.

An open lesson, unlike ordinary ones, is a specially prepared form of organizing methodological work, during which the main directions of the educational process of a preschool institution are implemented.

In an open lesson, the teacher shows his colleagues his positive or innovative experience in implementing a methodological idea, using a specific method or teaching method.

In this sense, an open lesson has a methodological goal, which contains the main points of what the teacher can show to those attending this lesson.

The purposes of open viewings are varied. Before the start of the lesson, the teacher first introduces the teachers to the lesson.

I Group characteristics: - age characteristics of children;

-the degree of children’s assimilation of the program;

- real educational opportunities for children.

II A story about the project for the upcoming lesson: -place of the lesson in the topic, section, etc.;

-goals, objectives of the lesson;

-characteristics of educational content


-lesson structure.

III Justification for the open lesson project -relevance of the chosen topic of the lesson;

- connection between the topic of the lesson and the methodological

a problem, a topic of self-education that the teacher is working on.

IV Open lesson plan 1. The topic of the lesson and the “name” of the lesson.

2. Formulated methodological innovations proposed in the upcoming lesson.

3. Brief structural summary of the most interesting element of the lesson:

supporting summary;

samples of didactic materials (didactic games, handouts, sample, etc.);

memos, booklets;

list of used literature.

There are a number of requirements for preparing and conducting open classes with preschool children.

1. Open classes are conducted by teachers who have a high level of scientific and methodological training and ensure high efficiency of the educational process;

2. An open lesson is a source of innovative experience and includes current problems of methodological science in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology;

3. Open classes must be novel;

Novelty may relate to the content of didactic material or methods of studying it.

Showing classes in which methods that are widely used in practice are implemented does not contribute to the professional growth of other teachers.

In methodological work with young teachers, this limitation does not always need to be taken into account, since for them traditional, well-known methods are of a certain interest.

4. An open lesson as a form of organizing the educational process may itself contain a new, special structure;

5. An open lesson reflects the solution to a methodological problem, a topic of self-education, on which the teacher is working;

Its individual methodological theme is associated with the general methodological problem of the preschool educational institution team; it is this indicator within the framework of the lesson that contributes to the implementation of a systematic approach to the organization of scientific and methodological work in the teaching staff;

6. An open lesson shows (proves) the advantages or high efficiency of innovation or tradition in organizing children’s activities, therefore the teacher showing the open lesson chooses a topic whose content allows this to be done;

7. The teacher selects the topic of an open lesson in advance and prepares theoretical material, visuals, multimedia, classroom space, equipment, etc.;

8. When conducting an open lesson, all requirements for the educational process are met, the lesson is conducted under normal conditions, with a generally accepted duration, etc.;

9. An open lesson should not harm the system of knowledge, abilities and skills of children, their values.

Children should gain as much knowledge as they would have learned by studying this topic without anyone attending; it is also unacceptable to explain only that part of the lesson topic that allows you to most clearly demonstrate a new methodological technique, leaving the next part for another lesson or other activity.

10. A workplace must be prepared for visitors, which is located behind the children’s backs so that visitors do not distract their attention;

The visitor cannot be seated next to the child, on the side. The number of visitors to an open lesson cannot be unlimited. For example, in a group of 20 children invited to an open lesson, there are 10-15 teachers. Observations show that the attendance of classes by at least one stranger creates discomfort for both the teacher and the children, and therefore, it is now widely practiced to study the experience of teachers using video recordings of their professional activities.

11. Open classes and their content should not contradict the programs under which the teacher and the preschool educational institution as a whole work.

12. It is unacceptable to “rehearse” an open lesson with the same group or subgroup of children;

The day before, it is recommended to inform children and parents about an open lesson; this will prepare children for the situation when there will be visitors to the lesson;

13. Open viewings of classes and other activities are carried out in accordance with the methodological work plan of the preschool educational institution and teachers must have sufficient time to prepare it;

Practice shows that it is impossible to conduct several open classes in one group on the same day; it is also undesirable to conduct such classes in the same group within a month. This is explained by the great psychological stress that children and teachers experience.

14. When preparing an open lesson, the triune didactic goal must be taken into account: teaching, educating, developing and, additionally, motivational;

When preparing an open lesson, the teacher must take into account three types of motivation:

-social – creating a situation of success, using praise, encouragement, the child’s right to make mistakes;

-substantive – the formation of experience in collective and creative activity, the organization of individual work with children, the creation of a problem situation;

-pragmatic – to increase children’s attention to this type of activity, the development of cognitive interest in preparing the future student (FEMP, speech development, children’s experimentation, artistic activities, etc.).

15. To actualize children’s cognitive interest during an open lesson, a teacher can use a variety of methodological techniques:

- clear organization and planning of all parts of the lesson;

-intriguing beginning;

- taking into account the individual characteristics of children;

- friendly tone, gestures, facial expressions that are attractive to you;

- motives for activity.

Analysis of an open lesson with the participation of those who attended the lesson is not mandatory. If the methodological work plan of the preschool educational institution plans to analyze it, then first the floor is given to the teacher - the author of the lesson. It recalls the methodological goal of the lesson and gives a brief description of the work to achieve it. In contrast to the analysis of classes attended for the purpose of control, a discussion of open viewing involves consulting those present, reflection, active discussion, exchange of opinions, discussions, disputes, etc. .

Notes of all open classes are prepared and stored in the methodological office.

When preparing for an open lesson, a teacher needs to predict the expected results and expected risks.

Methodologically competent organization of open screenings of children's activities, including open classes, contributes to the continuous improvement of teacher qualifications in preschool educational institutions, comprehension of advanced pedagogical experience at a higher theoretical and practical level, and improves professional skills.

Preparing an open lesson in kindergarten

An open lesson in a preschool educational institution is a specially prepared form of organizing the educational process, in which the teacher demonstrates to colleagues and parents of students his professional skills and the successes of his students. Unlike a regular lesson, an open event has a methodological goal, which reflects what the teacher wants to show those present.

Determining the purpose of an open lesson

The exact formulation of the goal is where you need to start preparing an open lesson. The goal of an open lesson is the expected result, which is determined in advance by the teacher.

When setting goals, the “here and now” principle is used. It means that all participants concentrate on the processes that happen to them in a specific place and at a specific time in order to achieve the best result.

For children, an open lesson is no different from a regular lesson, except for the presence of outside observers

The first step is the formulation of a methodological goal. It is able to reflect the basic methodology for conducting an open lesson. This step will allow you to:

Examples of methodological goals:

Depending on the methodological goal, the teacher selects the necessary educational material that will help in achieving it.

The second step is to determine the triune goal of the lesson. Its components:

The threefold goal is aimed at developing knowledge and practical experience in children. The teacher must specify it according to the topic and subject focus of the lesson.

Formulation of goals and objectives at three levels

The first level of formulating goals and objectives is general. It roughly looks like this:

The second level is directly theoretical. Possible wording for it:

Finally, the third level is practical. It is based on the formation of fundamental skills. Example:

X, Y, Z - symbols of possible topics, material, skills, abilities, etc.

Formulating the goals and objectives of an open lesson is the first step towards preparing an event


During an open lesson, methodological techniques must be used. Their task is to update the material being studied or reinforced, to arouse children’s interest in the educational process, and to make it more exciting. The main methodological techniques include:

By skillfully using all these techniques, the teacher will be able to make the lesson not only as useful as possible, but also interesting.

Types of open classes

Open classes can be conducted within various subject areas (speech development, mathematics, the environment, choreography, etc.), or they can combine several areas in an integrated event form.

Such a subject area of ​​open classes as speech development is an integral part of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

An open lesson can be aimed at:

Types of activities for preschoolers

The activities of pupils can be:

According to Federal state requirements, the following types of children’s activities during open classes are distinguished:

In preschool age, a child strives to gain knowledge about the world around him and himself through play.

In municipal preschool educational institutions, groups can have from 15 to 25 children. Each child has his own characteristics, personal qualities, inclinations, speed of learning, etc. Many educators and parents ask the question: is it possible to individualize activities during an open lesson? There is no exact answer to this question. The teacher has the right to independently determine the course of the lesson. Methodological techniques include taking into account the individual characteristics of each child, but often the teacher gives the same tasks of medium complexity that all children in the group can cope with.


The following requirements apply to open classes in kindergarten:

Stages of preparing an open lesson

Almost every educator knows that preparing an open lesson is a labor-intensive and rather lengthy process. It is better to divide it into several successive steps:

It is important to prepare all the necessary materials for the lesson in advance.

Important: after preparing and conducting an open lesson, its analysis must necessarily follow. The teacher determines the results of his own and the children’s work, determines the prospects for further similar activities, and reflects.

Recommendations and common mistakes

Educators can be given the following recommendations for preparing and conducting such forms of the educational process:

Even teachers with many years of experience make annoying mistakes when preparing and conducting such classes. The most common shortcomings include the following:

Class assignments should be varied according to the types of activities of preschoolers

To avoid these mistakes, it is necessary to rely not only on theory (didactic materials, manuals, etc.), but also on the practice of previous years, i.e., the experience of other educators.

Methodological recommendations “How to prepare and conduct an open screening” methodological development


How to conduct an open show in a kindergarten in a new way.

Ksenia Belaya, Ph.D. ped. sciences,

laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education,

Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

An open show is an event at which a teacher presents his work experience and achieved results to colleagues.

In methodological work there are two types of open demonstration - educational open demonstration and master class. They differ in their goals, which are formulated by the senior educator.

The purpose of the educational open demonstration is to introduce teachers to new forms of organizing educational activities or methods, techniques that they have not used in their work before. An educational open demonstration is conducted by a teacher or senior teacher as part of a seminar to familiarize teachers with new technology, for example, on the topic “How to organize research projects with preschoolers.” In this case, the educational open demonstration illustrates the theoretical principles that the senior educator talks about at the seminar.

Preparing for a training open show. To conduct a training open demonstration, you need to: determine the purpose of the event; choose the form and venue; think over the conditions, methods and techniques; make notes; plan preliminary work with children. At the same time, the teacher does not “rehearse” educational activities with children that he will show to colleagues.

An important stage of the educational open display is the conversation at the end. Its goal is to answer teachers’ questions, explain and clarify the new knowledge they have received. If the senior teacher is confident that the teachers have understood and accepted the basic guidelines, he invites them to independently prepare and conduct such an event with the children of their group. This could be a series of open demonstrations as a report from teachers on how they have mastered new methods and techniques.

The purpose of the master class is to acquaint the team with the pedagogical experience of a particular teacher, his original findings, and everything with which he was able to achieve high results. That is, the master class is conducted by a teacher-master, whose experience has already been generalized as the author’s system of work.

Preparation for the master class. The master class consists of two main parts: showing fragments of work with children and working with teachers in order to convey teaching experience. A master teacher thinks in advance about how to demonstrate his work with children to his colleagues, discuss the results he has obtained and tell him what methods and techniques he used to achieve them. To do this, the master teacher must refer to the methodological, scientific literature that he studied and used in his work.

After the master teacher’s speech, the master class participants actively speak out, ask questions, debate and draw conclusions. So, regardless of the type of outdoor display, there are three parts that need to be followed. For more details, see the diagram.

Determine areas of responsibility at the stage of preparation for an open display

The teacher, who presents his work with children, and the senior teacher, who is responsible for scientific and methodological activities in the preschool organization, are responsible for preparing an open display (in any form). Therefore, at the stage of preparation for an open display, it is important to determine the area of ​​responsibilities and tasks of everyone.

What is the teacher responsible for? The teacher writes a note or script depending on what routine moment he will present. Thinks through answers to possible questions from colleagues. During an open demonstration, it is important not only to present the positive results of the work, but also to talk about the difficulties that the teacher encountered and how he dealt with them. To do this, the teacher analyzes his work and records all his difficulties in order to voice them to his colleagues.

An open show is most often held in a group room, so the teacher also prepares in advance a developmental subject-spatial environment, developmental and play centers that he plans to use during the open show.

What is the senior teacher responsible for? The senior teacher acts as the organizer of the presentation of teaching experience as one of the methodological events. Therefore, he supervises the teacher at all stages of preparation for it and is present at the event. Before the screening begins, the senior teacher introduces everyone present to the topic of the open screening, talks about the teacher’s work system, and suggests questions that should be paid special attention to.

At the end of the open screening before the discussion, the first word is given to the teacher who presented his work experience. And then the senior teacher organizes a discussion, sums up the results and voices a joint decision. For example, implement this experience into work, transfer notes to the methodological office, or continue to summarize the teacher’s experience in order to present it at the district (district) level.

Six Traditional Open Display Requirements

1. Formulate the topic, goals and objectives that the teacher plans to achieve. 2. Select a form for holding an open display. 3. Assess the conditions for the show and plan the space. 4. Draw up a step-by-step OD plan, calculate the timing of the lesson. 5. Select visual, demonstration and handout materials. 6. Select teaching aids, think about how to use TSO, ICT.

Take into account the new requirements for OA and the characteristics of children

In order to conduct an open show in a new way and solve all the tasks, motivate children to work together, and surprise colleagues, the teacher must take into account modern requirements for educational activities, plan and conduct them together with children, and focus on the resources of the developing environment.

Mutual visits always cause an emotional outburst in the team, which imposes additional responsibility on the teacher for the quality of his work. Because of the excitement before an open show, teachers often formally formulate its objectives. They prefer the old forms of organizing an open display, when children sit at tables and answer questions. They do not use the group space, but are limited to a small set of equipment, which children do not always use during an open show. To avoid this, follow a simple algorithm.

Four modern requirements for open display

1. Think about how to activate children, increase their motivation for activity (identify means). 2. Select methods for constructing a dialogue with children, taking into account the characteristics of the group. 3. Select games from the card index (games with rules, didactic, finger games, role-playing games, board games). 4. Organize a modern educational environment: work in activity centers, workshops, mini-studios, laboratories.

Clearly formulate your goals and objectives. When setting goals, rely on age-related targets and the content of the Basic Educational Program of Preschool Education. Proper formulation of tasks will prevent conflicts with programs and allow them to be successfully solved. If the educational process is based on an original program, the open display must take into account its requirements.

Choose the form of open screening taking into account the interests of children. Modern preschoolers are oversaturated with impressions, so boring classes will not bring the desired result. To interest children during open space, use modeling of situational conversations and didactic speech situations, dramatization games, travel games, solving problem situations, organizing a creative studio or experimental research laboratory.

Any of the modern forms of organizing children's activities requires the creation of a modern developmental space. There are two options to solve this problem: create the RPSS in advance or do it along the way with the children.

Create display space in advance. Consider the location of the open display based on the nature of the activity: the free part of the room is for physical activity; mini-podium, screen - for dramatization games; arrangement of tables - for productive activities.

Plan activity space with your children. To do this, include the necessary time in the organizational part of the open display. The main advantage of this option is the active position of children who feel involved in a collective decision.

At the initial stage, give children a task to change the situation. For example, in a travel game: “You need to go on a journey and save the hero. But how will we get to Antarctica? Next, using a globe or map, the children jointly plot a route to a distant country. They discuss together how best to get there. They can fly on an airplane - a pair of chairs are built, or they can sail on a ship - they are built from large soft modules.

Creative tasks for children that activate the imagination require stress resistance and high communication skills from the teacher. After all, there will be a child who wants to instantly teleport or involve the president of the country himself in the problem. We need to not get lost and find solutions to support any children’s initiative.

Comply with SanPiN requirements for the duration and safety of ML. Conduct public screenings under normal conditions, for a generally accepted duration. Take into account the age characteristics of children: physiological and psychological. Build the content of the activity on material that they know and that evokes a positive emotional response in them.

Alternate mental and physical activities. Children get tired quickly if they stay in one position for a long time. To relieve tension, play games, use music or a relaxing melody.

Choose visual material. Focus on standard requirements: cultural and hygienic, age, size taking into account the age of children, artistic design. For example, the excessive attractiveness and novelty of toys and aids can distract the child from the main cognitive process.

Children are waiting for open screenings. They know that the teacher will prepare interesting material and it will be fun. To meet children's expectations, use a new generation of visuals: an interactive panel, a table or floor, a board with a multimedia projector. This will highlight your high level of ICT competence.

A ready-made cheat sheet will help your teachers prepare for the open screening, taking into account their status.

Cheat sheet for teachers “How to prepare and conduct an open screening”

Conducting an open lesson in kindergarten

An open lesson is a lesson prepared in advance. The teacher describes the plan for the event minute by minute and draws up special documentation.

Motivating start to class

The start of the lesson takes no more than 5 minutes, which is the smallest part of it. But it is the exposure of the open lesson that determines its further course and the involvement of children in the process. The main techniques that can be used as a motivating start to a lesson include:

Group reading is one of the effective methods of motivating the beginning of an open lesson in kindergarten

The leading activity of preschoolers is play; children strive to gain knowledge and skills through play.

Lesson time plan

The time plan of the lesson, according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, consists of 3 parts:

Table: time plan for open classes in different age groups

Child's ageDuration of classesType of activitiesMaximum number of classes per day
From 1.5 to 2 years8–10 minutesGame classes in subgroups or individual2
From 2 to 3 years10–15 minutesGroup classes with various activities2
From 3 to 5 years15–20 minutesGroup classes with various activities2
From 5 to 7 years25–35 minutesGroup classes with various activities3

Examples of open lesson notes

Here are useful examples of open lesson notes that a teacher can use as samples when preparing an event:

An open lesson is always exciting for both the teacher and the students

Protocol for discussing an open lesson in kindergarten

The minutes of discussion of an open lesson at a preschool educational institution must include the following information:

Reviews of open classes in kindergarten

I work in a kindergarten as a teacher. I love my profession very much and am proud of it. During the time that I have been working in kindergarten, I have conducted a lot of open classes, and I am very pleased with them. She conducted open classes for both parents and teachers on the continuity of kindergarten and school, and also held open classes for young professionals. And I’ll tell you for sure that they play a big role in raising children. All of them are very useful and necessary for us, educators. If your tasks in class are all solved, if your children are happy, that’s just wonderful! If your children feel good, then you should feel good too. It's my opinion! Open classes are very necessary!

M. V. Vitskova

Open classes are very exciting, but they are also an opportunity to show off and hear outside opinions about your work. Preparing for an open lesson is a search for new ideas and knowledge. And then, if a teacher works consistently and gives children knowledge from lesson to lesson, then he always has something to show.

R. V. Shatokhina

A great activity that left me with the most positive emotions. Nadezhda Viktorovna told the children about the human senses in a very interesting and, most importantly, very accessible way. A lot of visual materials were used. Each child had the opportunity to touch, feel, smell, try everything, which, naturally, contributed to the best assimilation of new material.

I especially liked that during the lesson the children had the opportunity to move around and warm up, that the material was presented in different forms, and that there was repetition and consolidation of what had already been covered earlier.

E. V. Tsapkina

Organization of open viewings of children's activities in the conditions of preschool education plan-summary on the topic

Municipal preschool educational institution Bolshealekseevsky combined kindergarten "Kalinka" of the Stupinsky municipal district


Topic: “Organization of open viewings of children’s activities in preschool settings”

senior teacher Granchak Irina Alekseevna.

Open viewings of classes play an important role in the system of advanced training for teachers and in the educational process in general. They allow teachers to see how their colleagues work, use their positive experience, and realize their shortcomings. The effectiveness of this form of work largely depends on its correct preliminary preparation.

Open classes or educational events for preschool children are one of the effective forms of organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions. But in educational practice, open and regular classes are not always distinguished, and the peculiarities of their preparation and conduct are sometimes not highlighted. It should be taken into account that an open lesson, unlike a regular one, is a specially prepared form of organizing methodological work, during which the main directions of the educational process of a preschool institution are implemented.

In an open lesson, the teacher demonstrates to colleagues his positive or innovative experience in implementing a methodological idea and using a specific technique or teaching method.

The purposes of open viewings are varied. For example, in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, this is teaching children to solve inverse arithmetic problems, logical exercises to find missing figures; on speech development - the use of reference diagrams and models when composing descriptive stories about nature; to get acquainted with the outside world - showing the methodology for organizing integrative activities of the cognitive cycle (speech development, children's experimentation).

Requirements for preparing and conducting an open lesson.

There are a number of requirements for preparing and conducting open classes with preschool children. Thus, an open lesson should be conducted by teachers who have a high level of scientific and methodological training and ensure high efficiency of the educational process.

Such classes should become a source of innovative experience and address current problems of methodological science in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology and have novelty. Novelty may relate to the content of didactic material or methods of studying it.

As a form of organizing the educational process, an open lesson must contain a new, special structure. It may reflect the solution to a methodological problem, a topic of self-education that the teacher is working on. His individual methodological theme is associated with the general methodological problem of the preschool educational institution team. It is this indicator within the framework of the lesson that contributes to the implementation of a systematic approach to the organization of scientific and methodological work in the teaching staff.

These classes should show (prove) the advantages and high efficiency of innovation or tradition in organizing children’s activities. In addition, the teacher must prepare theoretical and visual material, equipment, organize space for conducting classes, etc.

Open classes are conducted without “rehearsal” under normal conditions, with a generally accepted duration, without violating the requirements for the educational process. The day before, it is recommended to inform children and their parents about the upcoming lesson. This will prepare the children for situations where strangers will be present.

The lesson is held in accordance with the methodological work plan of the preschool educational institution. Teachers must have sufficient time to prepare it. Practice shows that it is impossible to conduct several open classes in one group on one day, and they should not be organized in the same group several times a month. This is explained by the great psychological stress that children and teachers experience.

An open lesson is built taking into account didactic goals: teaching, educational, developmental and additional motivational. In the lesson, children should gain as much knowledge as they would have learned by studying this topic under normal conditions. It is unacceptable to explain only that part of the topic that allows you to most clearly demonstrate a new methodological technique, leaving other aspects for the next lesson or transferring them to another activity.

During an open lesson, the following methodological techniques can be used to actualize children’s cognitive interest:

* clear organization, planning of all parts of the lesson;

* intriguing start;

* taking into account the individual characteristics of children;

* friendly tone, gestures, facial expressions, inviting;

* motives for activity.

The presence of strangers in the room should not distract children or create discomfort. Work places must be prepared for visitors, which are located behind the backs of preschoolers so that guests do not distract them. The visitor must not be seated next to the child, on the side. The number of invitees should be limited. Observations show that the attendance of such events by at least one stranger creates inconvenience for both the teacher and the children.

An open lesson should not contradict the programs under which teachers and preschool educational institutions as a whole work. It is impossible to exorbitantly expand the content of information and educational material.

Before conducting an open lesson, the teacher first introduces his colleagues to his characteristics, drawn up according to a specific plan.

Open lesson characteristics plan

Item characteristics Content
Characteristics of the group Age characteristics of children.

The degree to which children have assimilated the program.

Real learning opportunities for children.

Description of the project for the upcoming lesson Determining the place of the lesson in the topic, section, etc.

Listing the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Familiarization with the content of educational material.

Sounding out the structure of the lesson.

Justification of the project for the upcoming lesson Justification of the relevance of the chosen lesson topic.

Identifying the connection between the topic of the lesson and the methodological problem, the topic of self-education, on which the teacher is working.

Open class project Voice the topic and title of the lesson.

Formulation of methodological innovations proposed in the upcoming lesson.

A brief structural summary of the most interesting element of the lesson:

- voicing the supporting summary;

-presentation of samples of didactic materials (didactic games, handouts, sample, etc.);

-distribution of leaflets, booklets;

-reading the list of used literature.


Analysis of an open lesson is optional. If it is provided for in the methodological work plan of the preschool educational institution, then first the floor is given to the teacher - the author of the lesson. It recalls the methodological goal of the lesson and gives a brief description of the work to achieve it. In contrast to the analysis of classes attended for the purpose of monitoring the teacher, a discussion of open viewing involves consulting the guests of the class, reflection, active discussion, exchange of opinions, discussions, disputes, etc. Notes of all open classes are prepared and stored in the methodological office.

When preparing for an open lesson, a teacher needs to make a forecast of expected results and expected risks. For example:

Forecast of expected results and expected risks of an open speech development lesson

Expected results Estimated risks
Children are active, every child is involved in work Children are not active, have little initiative
Children willingly engage in role-playing play, play out roles emotionally and expressively Children have complexes when performing role-playing games; they speak quietly and inexpressively
Children show sustained interest in the content of the lesson Children are distracted, noisy, attention is unstable
Children actively enter into dialogue with the teacher The teacher's speech is monologue
The teacher’s speech and questions to children correspond to the literary norm and do not contain factual or methodological errors. Errors in the teacher's speech
Equipment and visual materials correspond to the age of children and sanitary rules The materials are not visual: the pictures are small, inexpressive, outdated, not relevant, etc.
The teacher works in the child’s zone of proximal development, providing an individual approach taking into account the level of his characteristics (rate of speech, attention) The teacher adheres to his own pace of teaching: he rushes the children, there is no individual approach
The emotional level of the lesson is satisfactory The emotional level of the lesson is unsatisfactory

Thus, methodologically competent organization of open viewings of children's activities, incl. open classes, contributes to the continuous improvement of teachers’ qualifications in preschool educational institutions, their understanding of advanced pedagogical experience at a higher theoretical and practical level, and improves their professional skills.

Used literature: g. “Handbook for senior educators” No. 3 2009, p. 4.

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