Notes on modeling on the topic “Who Lives in the Forest” in the preparatory group.

Summary of GCD for modeling in the preparatory group on the topic: Victory Day

Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development (modeling) in the preparatory group “Victory Day!”
Author: Aksenova Zhanna Petrovna Place of work: MKDOU “Borodinsky kindergarten “Teremok”, Borodinsky village, Kireevsky district, Tula region Purpose: the material will be useful for kindergarten teachers Goal: developing skills in artistic creativity and emotional response to topics dedicated to Victory Day. Objectives: - to give an idea of ​​the significance of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War; - learn to tell stories, answer questions, develop attention and speech; - exercise children in creating an image of an object using a constructive method of modeling; - strengthen children’s ability to depict several objects with a common content; — develop a creative approach to artistic and visual activities; - develop fine motor skills of the hands; - formation of a civic position, a feeling of love for the Motherland, respect for the memory of fallen heroes. Materials: plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, napkins; the basis of the composition for the parade and battle; audio recording of Agapkin's march "Farewell of the Slav", the song of the Proklass brothers "Three Tankmen", the song of D. Tukhmanova "Victory Day"; illustrations depicting military equipment from the Second World War, military personnel in uniform. Preliminary work: conversations about the Second World War, reading works about the Great Patriotic War, learning poems, sports entertainment dedicated to the holiday, modeling, appliqué, drawing on the theme of the Second World War, looking at illustrations depicting military equipment, the military, drawing in coloring books. Contents of GCD. Educator. – Many years ago people lived just as peacefully. They plowed the land, sowed grain, children played and studied, adults worked. At night in June, when all the people were sleeping, the Germans, without declaring war, began dropping bombs on our peaceful towns and villages. This is how war came to us. The Nazis needed our land, and in order to seize it they stopped at nothing, burning our cities and villages to the ground on their way, sparing neither children, nor women, nor the elderly - the war came, which brought a lot of grief. The entire people stood up to defend the Motherland. Every year in May we celebrate the brightest holiday for our country, Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, which ended in the complete victory of our people. (The song “Victory Day” plays)

In previous classes, you and I learned a lot about the exploits of the Russian people, about how the Russian people defended our Motherland, their land during the Great Patriotic War. What kind of warriors were the defenders? Now we will test your knowledge. I offer you the game “Pass the Packet”. Everyone stands in a circle, and one by one we pass the “military package” to the music; the music stops; whoever has the “package” in their hands answers the teacher’s question. Questions: What holiday do we celebrate on May 9? (Victory Day) What was the name of the war? (Great Patriotic War) When did the war start? (The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941) Which state attacked our country? (Fascist Germany). How many years did the war last? (4 years) What did the installation of the banner on the roof of the Reichstag mean? (This meant the victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War). When did the Great Patriotic War end (May 9, 1945) Where did the first Victory Parade take place? (Moscow, Red Square) Hero Cities (Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Stalingrad (Volgograd, Sevastopol, Odessa, Kiev, Moscow; Brest (hero fortress), Novorossiysk; Minsk, Tula, Murmansk, Smolensk. Educator. – Dear , at the price we got this victory: many people died, but their memory will never die. Peacetime has come, but the scars of that war remain in every city, every village. The people remember those who died defending our Motherland. Forge victory for ours the soldiers were helped by hardy military equipment. Look at these illustrations, military vehicles are shown here. Look at them and tell me which ones you know. (Tanks, airplanes). What parts does a tank consist of? And an airplane? Now pay attention to the military themselves. In what are they wearing? What color is the uniform? What is the difference between the uniform of a tanker? A sailor? A pilot? - Today you and I will sculpt a composition called “Victory Day”. It will consist of several parts: a parade, a battle. Let’s break into groups that will sculpt different objects. Children are divided into several groups, depending on the desire and need for cooperation. Educator. – Think about the ways and how you can sculpt a person, an airplane, a tank and get to work. (Children discuss sculpting methods and techniques with the teacher).

During the sculpting process (music is playing), the teacher conducts individual work with the children: he reminds them that the figures should be depicted in motion and explains what techniques can be used to achieve this. Draws attention to the proportions of human body parts, military equipment, and suggests independently finding ways to sculpt additional parts. At the end of the lesson, the teacher suggests creating an overall composition from individual figures.

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