The Tale of a Stupid Mouse Poem by Samuil Marshak

On this page read the poems “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” by the Russian poet Samuil Marshak , written in the year.

A mouse sang in a hole at night: “Sleep, little mouse, shut up!” I'll give you a crust of bread and a candle stub. The mouse answers her: “Your voice is too thin.” It’s better, mom, not food, look for a nanny for me! The mother mouse ran and began to call the duck as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Duck, rock our baby.” The duck began to sing to the mouse: “Ha-ha-ha, go to sleep, little one!” After the rain, I’ll find you a Worm in the garden. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You're singing too loud! The mother mouse ran and began to call the toad as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Toad, rock our baby.” The toad began to croak importantly: “Kwa-kwa-kwa, no need to cry!” Sleep, little mouse, until the morning, I'll give you a mosquito. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You eat very boringly! The mother mouse ran to call Aunt Horse as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Horse, rock our baby.” - E-go-go! - the horse sings. “Sleep, little mouse, sweet, sweet, turn on your right side, I’ll give you a bag of oats!” Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. It's very scary to eat! The mother mouse ran and began to call the pig to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pig, rock our baby.” The pig began to grunt hoarsely, to lull the disobedient one to sleep: “Bayu-bayushki, oink-oink.” Calm down, I say. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You sing very rudely! The mother mouse began to think: I need to call the chicken. - Come to us, Aunt Klusha, rock our baby. The hen cackled: “Where, where!” Don't be afraid, baby! Climb under the wing: It’s quiet and warm there. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You won't fall asleep like that! The mother mouse ran and began to call the pike as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pike, rock our baby.” The pike began to sing to the little mouse - He didn’t hear a sound: The pike’s mouth is open, But you can’t hear what it’s singing... The stupid little mouse Answers her, half asleep: - No, your voice is not good. You're singing too quietly! The mother mouse ran and began to call the cat to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Cat, rock our baby.” The cat began to sing to the mouse: “Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!” Meow-meow, let's go to bed, Meow-meow, go to bed. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - Your voice is so good - You sing very sweetly! The mother mouse came running, looked at the bed, looking for the stupid little mouse, but the little mouse was nowhere to be seen...

Children's poems Poems about animals

S. Marshak. Collected works. Moscow, “Fiction”, 1970.

The story of the cat and the mouse

In house number five on Kosmonavtov Street, on the third floor in apartment one hundred and twenty-four, there lived a cat named Belka.
Her owners loved her very much, spoiled her in every possible way, and bought her new toys. But the little girl Tanya loved Belka most of all. She even took the cat with her to bed at night. It used to be that Tanya would have a terrible dream, she would get up, grab Belka with both arms and pull her with her. And the cat is only happy about it.

But one day Tanya and her mother went to the pet store and brought home... a mouse. Small, white, in a cage with a wheel. When Squirrel saw that mouse, she almost fainted.

Where have you seen mice live in complete contentment in a house? They are supposed to be caught with mousetraps or cats.

And this mouse also turned out to be impudent. When everyone in the house falls asleep, the lights are turned off, Belka also falls asleep, the mouse slowly gets out of the cage and begins to roam around the rooms, putting things in order. One day Belka caught her in the kitchen in front of a bag of semolina. I tried to chase her, but didn’t have time. The mouse climbed onto the wall, along the wall to the ceiling, and along the ceiling back into Tanya’s bedroom and into his cage. She closed the door and sat there, not moving. It seems like she wasn’t acting out at all.

In fairness

Then Squirrel decided to catch this mouse and eat it. No mouse, no problem. She waited until the night was dark and moonless and pretended to be asleep. The mouse only stuck its sharp nose into the kitchen, only got close to the bag of cereal, and then Squirrel grabbed it.

She held it between her paws and was about to swallow it. She has already revealed her sharp teeth. And as soon as I looked at this tiny animal, all my appetite instantly disappeared. Belka felt sorry for her mistress. How will she grieve for the mouse, poor thing? And she released the rodent. So, either the mouse realized its mistake, or it was scared to death, but since then it hasn’t pulled any more tricks. She sat quietly in the cage and didn’t do anything around the house.

The Tale of a Stupid Mouse

A mouse sang in a hole at night: “Sleep, little mouse, shut up!” I'll give you a crust of bread and a candle stub.


The mouse answers her: “Your voice is too thin.” It’s better, mom, not food, look for a nanny for me!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the duck as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Duck, rock our baby.”

The duck began to sing to the mouse: “Ha-ha-ha, go to sleep, little one!” After the rain, I’ll find you a Worm in the garden.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You're singing too loud!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the toad as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Toad, rock our baby.”

The toad began to croak importantly: “Kwa-kwa-kwa, no need to cry!” Sleep, little mouse, until the morning, I'll give you a mosquito.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You eat very boringly!

The mother mouse ran to call Aunt Horse as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Horse, rock our baby.”

- E-go-go! - the horse sings. “Sleep, little mouse, sweet, sweet, turn on your right side, I’ll give you a bag of oats!”

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. It's very scary to eat!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the pig to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pig, rock our baby.”

The pig began to grunt hoarsely, to lull the disobedient one to sleep: “Bayu-bayushki, oink-oink.” Calm down, I say.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You sing very rudely!

The mother mouse began to think: I need to call the chicken. - Come to us, Aunt Klusha, rock our baby.

The hen cackled: “Where, where!” Don't be afraid, baby! Climb under the wing: It’s quiet and warm there.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You won't fall asleep like that!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the pike as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pike, rock our baby.”

The pike began to sing to the mouse - He didn’t hear a sound: The pike’s mouth opened, But you couldn’t hear what he was singing...

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You're singing too quietly!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the cat to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Cat, rock our baby.”

The cat began to sing to the mouse: “Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!” Meow-meow, let's go to bed, Meow-meow, go to bed.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - Your voice is so good - You sing very sweetly!

The mother mouse came running, looked at the bed, looking for the stupid little mouse, but the little mouse was nowhere to be seen...


The Tale of the Cat and the Mouse Nathanya

Nafanya started up in the same house. Well, she was amazing! For example, everyone wakes up in the morning and looks at the nut pie on the table in the evening, but now it’s not there. Only crumbs remained. They marvel - who did this outrage? And dad says: “Probably Nafanya.”

The cat Dasha heard about this and thought: “Wow! What kind of Nafanya is this? Is it really a mouse?

The next day, someone defaced all the wallpaper in the room. With orange, blue and red colors. The adults, when they saw it, almost fainted. Dad says: “Well, who did it?”

There’s a little boy, Vanechka, who quietly answers: “Nafanya...

Then dad says: “That’s how we got Nafanya!” He eats pies and paints wallpaper. Will there be anything next?

And the cat Dashka was already completely scared. What kind of mouse is this, incredibly literate?

A few more days passed and by morning the parents found a high chair in the kitchen, placed on the top shelf. And on the top shelf there was a whole box of chocolates. So now there is not a single piece of candy left in the box.

Dad says: “Well, our Nafanya is gone!” We probably need to take action. And the cat Dashka thinks to himself: “It’s very lucky that we got this mouse! You can get into trouble and blame everything on her.” Dasha sneaked into the kitchen in the evening, opened the refrigerator, took out a hefty piece of cheese and ate it.

The next morning, when the loss was discovered, mom and dad clasped their hands: “Dasha!” Yes, where have you seen cats roaming refrigerators? - and punished the cat.

She sits poor in the closet and cannot understand anything. Why is it that, like eating candy and pies, it means Nafanya, but like eating cheese, it’s Dasha’s fault?

A fairy tale about little mice for children 5 - 9 years old

Author's fairy tale for children about three little mice
Author: Marina Borisovna Matsenko Place of work: Municipal educational autonomous institution - gymnasium No. 22, Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad region. Description: This material can be useful both for older preschoolers in preschool institutions and for elementary school students. Goal: To introduce children to the concept of “Color Science”. Objectives: Teach children to distinguish colors. The material is presented in the form of a fairy tale. A fairy tale can contribute to the development and learning of children.

She lived on the shore of the lake at the very roots of an oak tree in a hole called Mama Mouse. She had three little gray mice, they were so identical that Mama Mouse could not keep track of them: they would get dirty in the mud, or they would fight. And it’s impossible to understand who started the fight. So Mama Mouse figured out how to distinguish them: she knitted hats for everyone. She knitted a red cap to the first mouse, a white cap to the second, and a blue cap to the third, and told them never to take them off. After this, peace and order reigned in the mouse family. The little mice became so obedient that Mother Mouse couldn’t be happier.

But one day the little mice came out of their hole for a walk. On this day the sun shone especially brightly, flooding everything around with its yellow rays. When the little mice returned to their Mother Mouse, she did not recognize them. On their heads they had caps of different colors: an orange cap, a yellow cap and a green cap.

Did you find out what color the cap was on the first mouse, the second mouse and the third mouse? “Oh,” said Mama Mouse. They will have to knit new hats in the same colors that they had before, but they mixed them up. She knitted a white cap for the first mouse, a red cap for the second, and a yellow cap for the third. But the hats got dirty, and Mother Mouse decided: “I’ll go and wash these hats in the lake.” The water in the lake was blue - blue. And this is what happened to these hats next.

The caps became blue, purple and green. And even though the little mice have grown up now and have begun to help Mother Mouse in everything, she just can’t understand who she is praising?

Tell Mommy Mouse what color is the hat on the first mouse, what color is the one on the second one, what color is the one on the third one? Mother mouse bought pencils for the little mice, and they began to draw. Most of all they liked to draw trees, grass, flowers, so they had to buy more green pencils.

They even composed a song and sang it as they drew: We draw, we draw, A large yellow moon, And a green tomato, A very red fly agaric, A blue, blue cornflower, And a brown stump. Well, we’re not drawing a black beetle yet.

Maybe the song turned out not so wonderful, but the little mice didn’t go to school and didn’t study any sciences. One day they woke up, crawled out of the hole and saw that their favorite clearing was covered with a fabulous white blanket. It sparkled and shimmered under the rays of the sun. Mother mouse explained to them that winter has come, and the white blanket is snow. “How are we going to draw it?” - said the little mice. “We don’t have a white pencil!” What advice do you guys have for the little mice?

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Fairy tale poems about a mouse and a cat

There is a magical place in our kitchen, near the stove. A door with a tiny lock, and behind it a house of mice.

Exactly at midnight, from behind the stove, Grabbing candles for light, the mice in a friendly crowd set off on a robbery.

They eat cereals and porridge, drink kvass from a bowl, refresh themselves with potatoes, and juggle peas.

Quietly, quietly, don't make any noise, they tell the cat to sleep. When he wakes up, that’s the problem! Then she will eat the mice.

But Murka doesn’t hear yet, Sleeping, the shiny jacket. Drinking milk at night, satisfying your hunger.

Well-fed people always want to sleep, They yawn all day long. Tolley is a matter on an empty stomach. Catch mice for a nickel.

In the meantime, they are roaming around, stealing food here and there, so that their pantries are all driven up to the ceilings.

You are the owners of animals, willing mouse-catchers, listen to my advice - Don’t give them cutlets.

Do not serve butter, cheese, pies or bread from the tandoor. Do not give milk or raw cottage cheese.

And then your little cats, in an unusual aerobatics, will announce a battle to the mice, revealing their strong-willed character.

Read the tale about the cat Shura and the mouse Nyura

Once upon a time there lived a mouse named Nyura in my grandmother's lower kitchen. She wasn’t especially willful, she didn’t spoil the food, so grandma didn’t touch her. Let him live.

And upstairs in the house lived the cat Shura. She was strict and vigilantly watched over the house so that not a single mouse was found. And she never went down to the lower kitchen. There was a vat of sourdough at my grandmother’s place, and Shura was about to drink from it one day and fell into the sourdough. Her grandmother scolded her very painfully afterwards.

One day Shura was sitting by the hatch into the underground, where the lower kitchenette was, and saw a picture: a mouse was walking and wandering around the kitchen, slowly, like a businessman. He’ll go up to the stove and see what’s cooking there, he’ll go up to the cabinets and check everything around him, he’ll go up to the leaven in the vat and stick his nose in there.

The cat Shura became furious, her fur stood on end. She looks with her eyes, but can’t do anything. The fear was deeply ingrained in her. Then she decided to use a trick. She got a thread somewhere, tied a piece of cheese to one end of it and lowered it into the underground.

Nyura noticed the cheese, sharpened her teeth, but she wanted to grab it like cheese - she hopped and moved away. The mouse is behind him. And the cheese for the ladder - skok-skok-skok. The mouse ran after him. She was almost getting what she wanted, when suddenly the cheese slipped out through the hatch into the house.

Then the mouse realized that something was wrong. She hid between the steps and sat and waited. Not a minute had passed before the cat appeared. But no matter how much she looked out, no matter how much she lowered her muzzle into the underground, she could not understand why her prey had been lost.

Mouse Mind

It was then that the mouse realized that the cat was afraid of the underground. And she began to tease her in every possible way. As soon as he notices that Shura is sitting on the edge of the hatch, he will immediately come out of his hiding place and walk back and forth in the lower kitchen, like a housewife. And she became so arrogant that she completely forgot about her agreement with her grandmother.

And the grandmother, when she saw that the mouse was completely insolent, put a mousetrap in the kitchen and caught it.

That's the whole story for you. It’s not for nothing that they say that the jug was proud until it broke.

Shy mouse

In one distant forest, in the dense thickets of bushes, there lived a small mouse. Her name was Tonya. She had her own cozy deep hole, in which she spent almost all her free time. The mouse was very cute and well-mannered, but for some reason she did not dare to play with other mice.

Sitting in her hole, she often watched them frolic in the forest clearing. The mice ran happily and tried to grab each other by the long tail. Tonya always laughed loudly when one of the fastest mice managed to catch another.

She really wanted to go and try to play with the mice herself, but she didn’t know how to get to know them. What if she says something wrong? What if the little mice laugh at her? Tormented by these questions, she remained in her hole completely alone. Without friends. She was too afraid to take the risk.

One day, Tonya was once again watching the game in the clearing; this time the mice found a small acorn and began to kick it around like a ball. Suddenly one of the little mice launched an acorn so far that it landed right next to Tonina’s hole. She got scared and hid deeper. But still she watched what was happening with one eye.

She saw one little mouse, who was playing with others in the clearing, walking around the hole and looking for what was missing. Tonya saw where the acorn landed, but she was so afraid to crawl out of the hole and speak first that she continued to watch.

Where did he go! “I saw him fly right here…” the mouse muttered quietly under his breath.

Tonya, hearing this muttering, thought that the question was addressed to her. She closed her eyes to be less afraid and quietly squeaked:

The acorn rolled under the largest bush.

Who is this? - the mouse was surprised; he did not understand what kind of voice was talking to him.

The mouse remained silent in response. She didn't know how to introduce herself to the mouse. What should I tell him about myself? The mouse followed her instructions and found the missing acorn under a bush. He really wanted to thank his assistant, but did not understand where this thin voice was coming from.

Thank you for your help, do you want to play with us? - he turned to the void in the hope that the voice would answer.

“I want,” squeaked the little mouse.

So why don't you show yourself? Why are you hiding from me?

“I’m afraid,” she said barely audibly, but the mouse heard.

What are you afraid of? - he asked almost in a whisper so as not to scare away the mouse.

I don't know how to meet people. “I’m shy,” having said this, the mouse closed its eyes again. She thought that now she would hear laughter from the mouse or he would just leave. She even wanted him to leave quickly.

So why didn't you say it right away? — the mouse said cheerfully, “Let’s do this: you helped me find the acorn, and I’ll help you learn how to get acquainted.” It's not difficult at all, but you just need to stop hiding and come out to me.

Will you really help me? — the mouse was surprised.

Of course, get out quickly, I’m not scary, there’s nothing to be afraid of me.

The mouse was trembling all over with fear. It was the first time she talked to someone she wanted to meet. And he didn’t even laugh at the fact that she was such a coward, but on the contrary offered help. She closed her eyes again and crawled out of the hole, but was in no hurry to open her eyes.

Hello! - said the mouse, seeing the mouse, - you have very cute white fur. I've never met anyone like this before. My name is Max. I am the oldest of our company.

The mouse still did not open her eyes, she already regretted that she got out of the hole, because there she felt good and cozy, but here she was unusual and scared. But I really wanted to take at least one look at my new acquaintance.

After all, she saw him only briefly, from the hole, but now he stands in front of her, and even said his name. The mouse took in more air into its lungs and, with a loud exhalation, opened first one eye, then the other.

“Hi, Max,” she said, her voice breaking.

What is your name? - he asked and smiled broadly.

From the mouse’s smile, the little cowardly mouse, without noticing it, also smiled. She stopped shaking and the fear gradually subsided.

My name is Tonya.

Nice to meet you, Tonya. You see, it's not difficult at all.

Thank you, Max! Did I really succeed?! - Tonya asked joyfully.

Of course, you want to meet the rest of the mice? They are just waiting for me in the clearing, I must bring them an acorn to play with.

But I'm not sure that I will succeed.

Of course it will work. And I’ll give you advice: when you approach them, take a deep, deep breath, but don’t close your eyes, but rather just smile and say: “Hello, I’m Tonya.” That's all.

It is so simple? What if they start laughing at me? - the mouse was scared.

Why should they laugh? - Max didn’t understand.

I don’t know, maybe because I’m very small, and you’re all big, or because of my white fur, or because of my thin voice...” Tonya lost her newly acquired confidence with every word.

This is all nonsense! What difference does it make what you look like and how you talk? You are special and that's great. And the fact that you are younger than me is not a problem! Among the other mice there are also your peers. Come on, let's go, I'll help you.

Tonya nodded hesitantly, and she and Max moved towards the clearing, where the other mice were waiting for them. When they came very close, Max stopped and said quietly in Tonya’s ear:

Then you're on your own. I believe that you will succeed.

How, won't you come with me? You promised to help, right? - Tonya was confused.

You can manage without me. Remember my advice. But if it gets really scary, I’ll stand here, just look for me.

Ok, I'll try.

Tonya, full of uncertainty, went on alone. The other mice were already quite close, and they could already hear her. She stopped and said quietly: “Hi, I’m Tonya.” But no one turned around. Tonya remembered Max's advice and looked at him. He smiled at her. And as if by magic, Tonya gained confidence.

Max's smile helped her. Tonya came very close and the mice in the clearing paid attention to her. They had never seen such a small and beautiful mouse in this clearing. Tonya took a deep breath, smiled and said:

Hello, I'm Tonya! - she said.


Hello Tonya!

Come play with us!

Beautiful name, Tonya!

The mice began to invite her to play, they said their names, but Tonya did not have time to remember them. They asked her why she had not come to the clearing before, where she lived and what games she liked.

Tonya was completely confused, she wasn’t scared, she just didn’t expect such a warm welcome from unfamiliar little mice. Suddenly, among the others, she saw Max, he looked into her eyes and winked. She mouthed “Thank you.”

Little mice, I brought our acorn! Tonya helped me find him. Let's Play!

Since then, as soon as morning comes, Tonya runs from her hole into the clearing. Max meets her there, and together they come up with new games for the whole company. Tonya was able to overcome her shyness and made many new wonderful friends. She is never sad in her hole alone again.

The Tale of the Cat and the Mouse

Once a cat caught a mouse. He opened his mouth, just about to eat. And she tells him:

- Don't eat me, kitty! Look, I'll be useful to you. - Yes, what good are you? - the cat grins. - You look so small. You'll get hit and there won't be a wet place left. “Don’t eat me,” the mouse babbles on and on. - You'll see, it will be good for me too. The cat thought, “okay, you won’t be satisfied with one mouse” and let her go in peace.

Now, time is passing. The owner got angry with the cat because he ate all the sour cream and decided to kick him out of the house. The cat was completely sad. He thinks “I’ll disappear on the street.” He sits and sheds tears. Then, out of nowhere, a mouse crawls out: “What are you crying about, little cat?”

He told her his misfortune. And she tells him: “Don’t cry.” You spared me, so I will do good to you.

In the evening the owner is sitting drinking tea with bagels, and suddenly he sees a mouse walking across the table right before his eyes. He approaches the bagels, takes one and begins to gnaw.

From such impudence, the owner almost turned green. - Cat! - he shouts. - Well, catch me this impudent one! And the cat is happy to try. He flew up like a bullet and caught the mouse. And he ate it. Make-believe. And when the owner turned away, he released her. And from that day on, the cat and mouse became best friends.

A little mouse and a big piece of cheese. A tale of greed

The mouse Peak lived with his mother in a small cardboard box in the basement of one of the city's multi-story buildings. Nobody knew how and when this box got into the basement, because Pik himself, his mother, and his mother’s mother were born in it, in this very box. The box itself was located in a fairly large concrete room, of which there are a huge number in any basement.

Yet this room was different from the others. The remarkable thing about it was that the outside of this room was not visible at all! The only way to get there was through a series of small passages at the bottom of the wall, small enough that a full-grown cat couldn't get through, but big enough for a full-grown mouse to get through! Therefore, naturally, not only Peak and his mother lived there, but also other mouse families. It was a whole mouse yard, a city, or even a whole world!

There was heat coming from the pipes running under the ceiling, and it was quite dry and cozy in this world hidden from prying eyes. Mama Mouserilla - that was the name of Pik's mother - brought him something tasty for dinner every evening. And every time she left, she strictly punished: “Pik, I’m leaving to get us something for dinner, and you be smart, sit in our box and don’t go out alone. And most importantly, never, ever leave the concrete room - it is our protection. Only mice live here, and there, beyond its borders, a world begins, full of dangers - cats alone are worth it! Someday, when you become adult and strong, I will take you with me and show you where you can get food, how to hide from people and what paths to take so as not to meet cats. For now, stay in our box and wait for me, I’ll be back soon.”

Then mom kissed Peak and left, and Peak closed the door and sat quietly. Sometimes, bored alone and impatiently waiting for his mother to finally return, he imagined this mysterious, frightening, but terribly interesting world there, outside their concrete room. Then he and his mother had dinner, and she allowed Piku to go play with his friends - the mouse Klatz and the little white mouse Pipa.

By the way, Pipa’s grandmother was an unusual mouse: once upon a time she escaped from a strange, mysterious country called the Laboratory. Pipa’s grandmother didn’t really like to remember those times, but sometimes, when she was caught in a good mood, you could learn a lot of interesting things about People from her stories.

One evening, Mousharilla's mother brought an incredibly large, simply huge piece of cheese for dinner! And what’s more, in Peak’s mind, it was perfectly fresh - only slightly overgrown with green mold on one side. It exuded such a wonderful aroma and was so large that it occupied almost a quarter of the space of the box in which the mouse and his mother lived.

Who knows what mouse cheese is? That's more than a bone for a yard dog! It's better than finding the candy your parents hid from you! It's even better than racing downhill in winter or telling scary stories in a dark, dark room!

Yes, there has never been such a holiday in Peak’s life! He ate and ate, to his fill, and even more, and his mother said that he shouldn’t eat so much at once, because his tummy might hurt. But Peak was still too small, did not listen and quietly bit off two or three more times, he didn’t remember exactly, but certainly no more than five or seven times! And, naturally, I suffered with my tummy all evening...

In the morning, Pieck felt much better, his tummy stopped hurting, and there was still quite a lot of cheese left. This immediately lifted Peak’s spirits, and after breakfast - this time quite moderate - the happy little mouse ran to play with his friends Klatz and Pipa. And the first thing Peak did after greeting his friends was to tell them about cheese.

Do you remember what mouse cheese is? Oh, how Klats and Pipa wanted to visit Piku today! Oh, how they wanted to see this miracle - a piece of cheese larger than a mouse! Feel its alluring aroma!.. Stick your sharp little teeth into its pulp!.. Well, at least bite off a small piece... Well, at least eat this small piece in half... And friends again and again asked Pik to tell them about cheese, and Pik was happy to told, swallowing saliva from time to time...

Pipa was the first to break down - after all, she was a girl, and a lot of things can be forgiven for girls. “Listen, Pieck,” she said, “we are friends, right, and if so, could you treat me and Klatz to at least a small, at least tiny piece of your wonderful cheese, because you have a lot of it, right?”

This was the honest truth, there was a lot of cheese, but some strange feeling, unknown to Piku before, rose from the very depths of his small tummy, stopped somewhere in his throat and hung silent on the very edge of his tongue. He didn’t know what to say, because although there was a lot of cheese, he didn’t want to share it at all. With no one. Klats and Pipa looked at him silently and waited. Pieck froze, looking somewhere at his feet in front of him, and could neither move nor answer his friends.

“Let’s get out of here, Pipa,” Klats said after a moment of silence, “you see, the toad is strangling him!” Klats and Pipa turned around and silently left, and the little gray mouse stood still for a long time, and then trudged home, sad and drooping. What a “toad” is and why it strangles someone, Pieck, of course, did not understand, but in his soul it was as if on a cold autumn day he, still sleepy, had been thrown out of his warm bed into the cold and damp street and silently slammed the door . The little mouse felt bitter and hurt, and the tears somehow slipped from his eyes by themselves, leaving a salty taste in his mouth...

In the evening, Mom called Peak for dinner, but he didn’t feel like eating at all. I didn't want anything. Even cheese.

“Aren’t you sick with me, son?” - Mom asked. “No, mommy, everything is fine,” Pieck answered sadly and trudged to his crib. But I didn’t want to sleep either. Again and again he remembered how his friends looked at him expectantly, how Klats talked about the toad that for some reason was strangling him, Pika, and how they, his closest friends, left him. He lay in the dark and remembered, remembered...

- Mom... Mommy! - Peak whispered and gently rubbed his sleeping mother by the shoulder.

- What happened, Pieck, did you have a bad dream?

- No, I didn’t sleep at all. Mom, what kind of toad is this and why is it strangling me, huh?

- Are you having trouble breathing, are you sick? - the sleepy mother did not understand.

- No, mom, I’m not sick, it’s just hard for me to breathe, because the toad is strangling me, but I don’t understand what it is and why it’s strangling me.

- What toad? What does a toad have to do with anything?

“I don’t know, that’s what Klatz said.”

Mom sat the little mouse on her bed.

- Well, tell me what happened to you? - Mom said, hugging him affectionately.

And Pieck told her everything as it happened.

“...and now I have no friends at all, and I’m left alone,” Pieck sadly concluded his story. - Now you probably won’t love me, right?

“My stupid little mouse,” my mother said tenderly, hugged him even tighter and kissed the top of his head, “I will always love you, no matter where you are and no matter what you do, because I am your mother.” It’s hard for you to breathe from tears and resentment, and “the toad is strangling” is just an expression. This is what they say about those who are greedy and do not want to share with anyone. But since you regret your action, it means that not all is lost and we will return your friends! Tomorrow do this...

And the next day, Pick did everything exactly as his mother advised him: he found his old friends - Pipa and Klats - and asked them for forgiveness for being so greedy. He sincerely and wholeheartedly said that they are more valuable than any cheese and promised to always, always share everything he has.

The tale of the mouse who ate cats

It was around New Year's. The mice gathered behind the baseboard to have a meal. They put little by little from each tail into the general pile: some a dry piece of cheese, some the skin of a sausage, another dumpling, barely bitten, a crust of bread - in general, the table was set for the holiday.

And as soon as they ate, they began to have fun. There are different stories to tell. Some will remember a joke, some will remember an exciting, even scary story about a mousetrap. There was one fat old mouse sitting in the corner. She sat quietly, and then just say: “Have you heard the story about the mouse that ate cats?” A tragic story, I must say, but a true one.

The other mice, of course, didn’t hear anything like that. And they began to ask her to tell.

Creepy story

There is nothing to do, the old mouse yawned and began her story: “A long time ago, when my mother was still a little mouse, there were stray cats in their area, apparently or invisible.” The mice were completely dead from them. These cats began to pester ordinary households. Where there was one cat in the house, now there are three, four, or even more. And these cats began to mercilessly destroy our brother. It got so bad that there were only a handful of mice left for the entire village.

So, probably, our breed would have completely died out. If, out of nowhere, a large, even huge, unprecedented mouse had not appeared. She came at night and ate all the cats that came in her way. And soon there was not a single cat left in the area.

- And then what happened to this mouse? - asked one little mouse with a shaking tail.

“Nobody knows that,” answered the old mouse. “They say that she is hiding and waiting in the wings, when she can feast on cat meat again.”


When the mice heard the story, they started making noise. They waved their fists and said that this is what they need with a mustache and a tail. And they got so excited that they decided to go to war against the cat.

- Wow, we’ll ask him now! Wow, he'll see us! Let's not let him hurt us anymore!

They just came out of the hole, and then suddenly there was a cat. Eyes - staring, teeth - clicking. The mice rushed into the scattered space. Only the tails flickered in the corners.

Samuel Marshak - The Tale of a Stupid Mouse: A Fairy Tale

A mouse sang in a hole at night: “Sleep, little mouse, shut up!”
I'll give you a crust of bread and a candle stub. The mouse answers her: “Your voice is too thin.” It’s better, mom, not food, look for a nanny for me!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the duck as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Duck, rock our baby.”

The duck began to sing to the mouse: “Ha-ha-ha, go to sleep, little one!” After the rain, I’ll find you a Worm in the garden.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You're singing too loud!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the toad as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Toad, rock our baby.”

The toad began to croak importantly: “Kwa-kwa-kwa, no need to cry!” Sleep, little mouse, until the morning, I'll give you a mosquito.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You eat very boringly!

The mother mouse ran to call Aunt Horse as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Horse, rock our baby.”

- E-go-go! - the horse sings. “Sleep, little mouse, sweet, sweet, turn on your right side, I’ll give you a bag of oats!”

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. It's very scary to eat!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the pig to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pig, rock our baby.”

The pig began to grunt hoarsely, to lull the disobedient one to sleep: “Bayu-bayushki, oink-oink.” Calm down, I say.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You sing very rudely!

The mother mouse began to think: I need to call the chicken. - Come to us, Aunt Klusha, rock our baby.

The hen cackled: “Where, where!” Don't be afraid, baby! Climb under the wing: It’s quiet and warm there.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You won't fall asleep like that!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the pike as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pike, rock our baby.”

The pike began to sing to the mouse - He didn’t hear a sound: The pike’s mouth opened, But you couldn’t hear what he was singing...

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You're singing too quietly!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the cat to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Cat, rock our baby.”

The cat began to sing to the mouse: “Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!” Meow-meow, let's go to bed, Meow-meow, go to bed.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - Your voice is so good - You sing very sweetly!

The mother mouse came running, looked at the bed, looking for the stupid little mouse, but the little mouse was nowhere to be seen...


A quiet tale about a cat and a mouse

On a starry night, on a moonlit night, on a thin field path, a little mouse walked cautiously, quietly walked to his home.

And a gray-brown cat quietly trudged towards him, and the mouse saw him, hiding behind a snag.

Eka, he thinks, good luck. I'll refresh myself for a night's sleep. It's painful to wander on an empty stomach.

But the mouse was not a mistake, having recognized the spirit of the cat, he quietly hid behind a hummock, gathering all his will in his tail.

The pitch-black night has come, Not a single star is visible. Quiet in the field, quiet in the sky Grace, as it is - peace.

Here they sit, hiding, And in the pitch silence You can hear an owl flying, Yes, over the field, under the moon.

It's a joke, whoever runs first across the field will give himself away in the night. My heart is beating wildly...

The cat doesn’t want to wait, And the little mouse is trembling all over, Eh, now he should go to his mother - the mouse, She will surround her with care.

But under no circumstances should he run, no, no, no. Otherwise, that's it, I fell for the mouse pate.

Quietly the night passes. The mouse is sleeping, the cat is sleeping. It’s a joke, whoever reveals his dream first will snore...

Samuel Marshak

Read a fairy tale in verse about a stupid mouse:

A mouse sang in a hole at night: “Sleep, little mouse, shut up!” I'll give you a crust of bread and a candle stub.

The mouse answers her: “Your voice is too thin.” It’s better, mom, not food, look for a nanny for me!

The mother mouse ran and began calling the duck to be her nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Duck, rock our baby.”

The duck began to sing to the mouse: “Ha-ha-ha, go to sleep, little one!” After the rain, I’ll find you a Worm in the garden.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You're singing too loud!

The mother mouse ran and began calling the toad as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Toad, rock our baby.”

The toad began to croak importantly: “Kwa-kwa-kwa, no need to cry!” Sleep, little mouse, until the morning, I'll give you a mosquito.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You eat very boringly!

The mother mouse ran to call Aunt Horse as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Horse, rock our baby.”

- E-go-go! - the horse sings. Sleep, little mouse, sweetly, sweetly, turn on your right side, I’ll give you a bag of oats.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” It's very scary to eat!

The mother mouse ran to call Aunt Pig as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pig, rock our baby.”

The pig began to grunt hoarsely and lull the naughty one to sleep: “Bayu-bayushki, oink-oink.” Calm down, I say.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You sing very rudely!

The mother mouse began to think: I need to call the chicken. - Come to us, Aunt Klusha, rock our baby.

The hen cackled: “Where, where!” Don't be afraid, baby! Climb under the wing: It’s quiet and warm there.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You won't fall asleep like that!

The mother mouse ran and began calling the pike as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pike, rock our baby.”

The pike began to sing to the mouse, He didn’t hear a sound: The pike’s mouth was open, But he couldn’t hear what he was singing...

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You're singing too quietly!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the cat to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Cat, rock our baby.”

The cat began to sing to the mouse: “Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!” Meow-meow, let's go to bed, Meow-meow, go to bed.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “Your voice is so good.” You eat very sweetly!

The mother mouse came running, looked at the bed, looking for the stupid little mouse, but the little mouse was nowhere to be seen...

Samuel Marshak

The Tale of a Smart Mouse – Samuel Marshak

The cat took the mouse away and sang: “Don’t be afraid, baby.” Let's play cat and mouse for an hour or two, dear!

Frightened and awake, the little mouse answers her: “Our mother didn’t tell us to play cat and mouse.”

“Pur-pur-pur,” the cat purrs, “Play, my friend, a little.” - And the mouse answered her: - I have no desire.

I would like to play a little, but let me be a cat. You, cat, at least for an hour, be a Mouse this time!

The cat Murka laughed: “Oh, you smoky skin!” No matter what you call, the Mouse will never be a cat.

The mouse says to Murka: “Well, then let’s play blind man’s buff!” Blindfold your eyes with a scarf and catch me later.

The cat is blindfolded, But looks from under the blindfold, Lets the mouse run away And again, grab the poor thing!

He says to the cunning cat: “My legs are tired, please let me lie down and rest a little.”

“Okay,” said the cat, “Rest, short-legged, Let’s play, and then I, my dear, will eat you!”

Laughter for the cat, grief for the mouse... But he found a gap in the fence. He doesn’t know how he got through. There was a mouse - but it disappeared!

The cat looks to the right, to the left: “Meow-meow, where are you, baby?” - And the mouse answered her: - Where I was, I’m no longer there!

He rolled down the hill and saw a small hole. In this hole lived an animal - a long, narrow ferret.

Sharp-toothed, sharp-eyed, He was a thief and a crawler, And it happened that every day he stole chickens from the villages.

The ferret came from hunting and asked the guest: “Who are you?” If you fell into my hole, play my game!

- Cat and mouse or blind man's buff? Says the nimble mouse. - No, not blind man's buff. We ferrets love “corners” more.

- Well, we’ll play, but first, let’s do some math:

I am an animal, And you are an animal, I am a mouse, You are a ferret, You are cunning, And I am smart, Whoever is smart gets out!

- Stop! - the ferret shouts to the mouse and runs after him, and the mouse goes straight into the forest and crawls under an old stump.

The squirrels began to call the mouse: “Come out and play burners!” “My back,” he says, “is on fire without playing!”

At this time, an animal worse than a cat walked along the path, it looked like a brush. It was, of course, a hedgehog.

And a hedgehog was walking towards her, covered in needles, like a dressmaker.

The hedgehog shouted to the mouse: “You won’t get away from the hedgehogs!” Here comes my mistress, Play tag with her, And leapfrog with me. Come out quickly - I'm waiting!

But the mouse heard this, but thought and did not come out. - I don’t want to go into leapfrog, - I’ll end up on needles!

The hedgehog and the hedgehog waited for a long time, and the mouse quietly slipped along the path between the bushes - and there he was!

He reached the edge of the forest. He hears frogs croaking: “Guard!” Trouble! Kwa-kwa! An owl is flying towards us!

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