Abstract on healthy lifestyle in the second junior group on the topic “Be healthy!!!”
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Lesson summary on the use of health-saving technologies
Leisure entertainment for Cosmonautics Day “Fast rockets are waiting for us”
"Cosmonaut School" Sports entertainment for children of senior preschool age Program content: Expand children's ideas
The first total online traffic rules test started in the Moscow region 
The first total online test for traffic rules started in the Moscow region. A total online test for traffic rules was launched in the Moscow region.
Consultation “Creating conditions for speech development in preschool settings”
Consultation “Creating conditions for speech development in preschool settings” In traditional preschool development methods
Kozitsina S.V. Article "Reflective techniques at parent meetings"
Kozitsina S.V. Article "Reflective techniques at parent meetings" Reflective techniques at parent meetings
Main types of joint activities between teachers and children
Main types of joint activities between a teacher and children Time dictates change. We change, ours changes
"Hooray! Hooray! It's time to go for a walk!" Organizing children's activities during a walk (practical advice from work experience)
Organization of walks (from work experience) What is a walk? And how to organize it? Many
Work program of the theater club “Fairytale World” (for children 5–7 years old)
Formation of beautiful speech The problem of many children is speech. Some people cannot pronounce sounds, others -
Individual professional development plan for a teacher
Long-term entertainment plan for the first junior group
Long-term entertainment plan for the first junior group Entertainment plan for the first junior group September
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