Methods of pedagogical guidance through plot-based role play for preschool children Methods of pedagogical guidance through plot-based play
Project “Feed the birds in winter” April 9, 2016 Conference “Project activities in an educational institution -
Daily planning in the middle group for the month of March Morning. Reception of children and examination. Play activity
Explanatory note Humanity has accumulated a huge “fabulous” experience, but in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the material
Article Summary of the game lesson “Cockerel. hen and chicks." Author: Elena Pavlovna Petrauskas Game activity
Organization and conduct of outdoor games in kindergarten Galina Volkova Organization and conduct of outdoor games
“Speech therapy lesson on the lexical topic “Vegetables” with homework” Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?” (3-4 years) Goals of the game: a) Didactic
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Literacy program “ABVGDEyka” (5-7 years) (educational area: speech development) Developed by: