Summary of a lesson on speech development junior group reading and viewing the fairy tale “The Three Bears” Marina
Models and types of preschool education. For educators Models and types of teaching preschool children Modern
Preview: Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten “Fairy Tale””, Turgenevsky village, Pugachevsky district, Saratov region
“Optimization of interaction between teachers and children” Consultation - workshop for teachers Author: Bundakova Larisa Aleksandrovna
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Educational field: communication. Integration of educational areas: “health”, “socialization”. Name of GCD: speech development.
Notes for a lesson on social and communicative development in the second junior group of a preschool educational institution. Notes for a lesson on social
Seminar - workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions "TRIZ Technology" In preschool childhood, children love to create