Project for organizing work with preschoolers in the winter season “Winter fun holidays for preschoolers”
Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic “Furniture”
Lesson summary for the senior group of kindergarten with presentation. Furniture Lesson notes on formation
System of working with parents on the basics of child safety.
Consultation for parents “Child safety on the street and at home” Author: Olga Vladimirovna Tretyakova Consultation
Summary of a drawing lesson in the younger group on the topic: “Rings” (Multi-colored soap bubbles).
Summary of a drawing lesson in the younger group on the topic: “Rings” (Multi-colored soap bubbles). Abstract
Article Long-term plan of educational work for October. Junior group.. Author: Kirpichnikova Irina Nikolaevna
Methodological recommendations for conducting search and cognitive activities with preschool children
Organization of search activity of preschool children Bibliographic description: Minullina, R. F. Organization of search activity of preschool children /
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Visiting a fairy tale”
Lesson for children in the middle group of kindergarten: “Visiting Fairy Tales” Purpose: To teach children
Health day on the water! educational and methodological material (preparatory group) on the topic
Entertainment for the senior group of kindergarten “Birthday Day”
Happy birthday greetings to children in kindergarten Happy birthday We congratulate you
Organization of research activities for children of senior preschool age
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