Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: “Professions of people in rural areas.”

AIC (agro-industrial complex)

The agro-industrial complex unites industries related to the production and processing of agricultural raw materials.

The agro-industrial complex includes the following divisions:

  • agriculture is the core around which numerous industries are grouped;
  • industries producing equipment (mechanical engineering), fertilizers and pesticides (chemical industry), feed, medicines for animals and others;
  • food and light industry using agricultural raw materials;
  • divisions engaged in the procurement, storage, transportation of agricultural raw materials, universities and technical schools where qualified specialists are trained, construction organizations.

Sectors of the economy: agriculture

Agricultural professions will always be in demand!

Read: 4 min.

Which direction of study should I choose? What sector of the economy should I work in? What is happening today in Russian agriculture? How promising is it to work in the agricultural industry? What competencies do future agricultural specialists need to develop?

While the country is harvesting the harvest, and the Ministry of Agriculture, farmers and ordinary gardeners are worried about its quantity and quality, we will talk about professions in agriculture


What is agriculture


- a branch of the country’s economy that provides the population with food (food, food).
Agriculture closely interacts with other industries: it supplies the textile industry with raw materials (flax for fabrics and animal skins for leather production), uses advances in biochemistry (mineral fertilizers and pesticides) and mechanical engineering products (tractors). All industries that are involved in the production, processing and delivery of agricultural products to consumers are usually united under the concept of the agro-industrial complex

What is included:

crop farming, livestock farming, feed production, mushroom growing, gardening, etc.
Examples of professions:
agronomist, veterinarian, breeder, beekeeper, livestock specialist, tractor driver, combine operator, agricultural machine operator (manages all types of agricultural machinery), farmer, milking machine operator

Agriculture in Russia

For our country, the agricultural sector plays a vital role. Due to the vast territory and climatic differences between regions, the country can fully provide itself with food with the greatest possible variety and also develop exports. In the south of Russia, grains, tea, and fruits are grown; in the north, livestock farming is successfully developing. Over 10 years, Russia has increased exports of agricultural products 6 times. Russia contains 10% of all arable land in the world. Interesting:

Russia ranks first in the world in exports of wheat, rye, oats, barley, sugar beets, sunflowers, and buckwheat. We are also a leader in the production of currants and raspberries

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