Reading fiction in the 2nd junior group: list of works

The importance of reading in preschool age

Collective reading of fiction in the 2nd junior group allows the teacher to open to his pupils through poetic and artistic images the world of relationships and human feelings, the beauty of nature, and the peculiarities of life in society. It is this that enriches the emotional world of children, promotes the development of their imagination, and introduces them to the amazing images of the literary Russian language. Such images differ in the mechanism of influence on the child’s psyche.

For example, reading fiction in the 2nd junior group in the form of stories introduces children to the accuracy and conciseness of words. The poems give an idea of ​​musicality and rhythm.

Hygienic aspects

Reading the work “Moidodyr” in the 2nd junior group is aimed not only at introducing preschoolers to poetry. Together with the children, the teacher highlights the basics of a healthy lifestyle and develops hygiene skills in their students. This work can be considered a reference book for the first acquaintance with human hygiene. Reading the work “Moidodyr” in the 2nd junior group can be done in the form of a puppet theater, so that the children not only hear, but also see how to wash themselves so as not to be sloppy people.

List of books recommended for reading

What is the best way to read fiction in a preschool educational institution? The 2nd junior group (a card index of books can be compiled for convenience) is distinguished by the use of a large number of poems and fairy tales, which will help the teacher to form a stable interest in reading among the children.

The list of works recommended by the new educational standard includes Russian folklore:

  • Fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Geese and Swans”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “The Snow Maiden”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”.
  • Poems: “Ant-grass...”, “Finger-boy...”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart...”, “Rainbow-arc...”, “Magpie, magpie...”, “Chicky-chicky-chickalochka...”, “Like our cat...”, “There are three hens on the street...”, “Zarya-Zaryanitsa.” “We lived with grandma...”, “Shadow, shadow, shadow...”, “I’m going, going to grandma, to grandpa...”, “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

In addition to reading fairy tales and poems, teachers also use memorable children's songs in preschool institutions to develop creativity and communication skills in their pupils.

For example, while learning the song “Boat,” the children develop an idea of ​​the sea, and the children get to know the world of professions for the first time.

Among the poetic works recommended for this age according to the Federal State Educational Standard are:

  • “Rhyme with answers” ​​by J. Baltvilks;
  • “Rain” by A. Bosev;
  • “Hedgehog and Drum”, G. Vieru;
  • “The Sly Hedgehog”, P. Voronko;
  • “Pencil”, N. Zabila;
  • “Who will finish drinking sooner?”, “Masha doesn’t cry” by S. Kaputikyan;
  • “Swift Legs and Gray Clothes” by L. Mileva.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs. “The Ship”, “The Brave Men”, “Little Fairies”, “The Three Trappers” English, arr. S. Marshak; “What a rumble”, trans. from Latvian S. Marshak; “Buy a bow.”, trans. with scotch N. Tokmakova; “Conversation of Frogs”, “Uncooperative Hoopoe”, “Help!” lane from Czech S. Marshak.

Fairy tales. “Mitten”, “Goat-dereza” in Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina; “Two Greedy Little Bears”, Hungarian, arr. A. Krasnova and V. Vazhdaeva; “Stubborn goats”, Uzbek, arr. Sh. Sagdully; “Visiting the Sun”, translated from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina; "Nanny Fox", trans. from Finnish E. Soini; “The Brave Well Done”, trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribova; “Pykh”, Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika; “The forest bear and the naughty mouse”, Latvian, arr. Y. Vanaga, per. L. Voronkova; "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with scotch M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; "The Pig and the Kite", a fairy tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portugal Yu. Chubkova.

Shaping Humanity

Reading fiction in the 2nd junior group, for example folk tales, helps preschoolers familiarize themselves with the expressive Russian language, figurative speech, humor, and figurative comparisons. With the help of folk tales, interest in the traditions of their ancestors is formed in the younger generation, and a sense of pride in their country is established. A child who, in preschool age, learns to empathize with literary characters will not experience problems communicating with peers and adults. It is in the process of reading that such humane qualities as kindness, sympathy, justice, and care are formed in the younger generation.

What other significance does literary reading have? The 2nd junior group is the optimal age for developing communication skills and forming the foundations of citizenship.

Aesthetic education

With the help of artistic expression, children understand the beauty of the sound of Russian speech. It gives the children an idea of ​​the moral qualities that a person should have. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said that reading is the path along which a thinking and intelligent teacher will find an approach to a child’s heart. Reading in kindergarten contributes to the formation of linguistic forms and verbal characteristics in preschoolers. The 2nd junior group is a time when it is important to form poetic vocabulary, emotional mood, metaphors, comparisons, epithets in the younger generation.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. K. Balmont. "Autumn"; A. Blok. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. "The winds are blowing." (from the poem “Russian Song”); A. Pleshcheev. “Autumn has come.”, “Spring” (abbr.); A. Maikov. “Lullaby”, “The swallow has rushed .” (from modern Greek songs); Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are powerful.”, “Our light, sunshine!”, “A month, a month.” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”); S. Cherny. “The Preacher”, “About Katyusha”; S. Marshak. “Zoo”, “Giraffe”, “Zebras”, “Polar Bears”, “Little Ostrich”, “Penguin”, “Camel”, “Where the Sparrow Dined” (from the series “Children in a Cage”); “A Quiet Tale”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”; K. Chukovsky. “Confusion”, “Stolen Sun”, “Moidodyr”, “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Hedgehogs Laugh”, “Christmas Tree”, “Aibolit”, “Miracle Tree”, “Turtle”; S. Grodetsky, “Who is this?”; V. Berestov. “Hen with Chicks”, “Bull”; N. Zabolotsky. “How the mice fought with the cat”; V. Mayakovsky. “What is good and what is bad?”, “Every page is either an elephant or a lioness”; K. Balmont, “Mosquitoes-Makariki”; P. Kosyakov. "She's All"; A. Barto, P. Barto. “Greasy girl”; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of Friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

Prose. K. Ushinsky. “Cockerel with his family”, “Ducks”, “Vaska”, “Fox-Patrikeevna”; T. Alexandrova. "Burik the Bear"; B. Zhitkov. “How we went to the zoo”, “How we arrived at the zoo”, “Zebra”, “Elephants”, “How the elephant bathed” (from the book “What I Saw”); M. Zoshchenko. -Smart bird”; G. Tsyferov. “About Friends”, “When There Are Not Enough Toys” from the book “About the Chicken, the Sun and the Little Bear”); K. Chukovsky. “So and not so”; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. “The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long Ears, Slanting Eyes, Short Tail”; L. Voronkova. “Masha the Confused”, “It’s Snowing” (from the book “It’s Snowing”); N. Nosov “Steps”; D, Kharms. "Brave Hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. “The bird made a nest.”; “Tanya knew the letters.”; “Varya had a siskin.”, “Spring has come.”; V. Bianchi. “Bathing bear cubs”; Yu. Dmitriev. "Blue hut"; S. Prokofiev. “Masha and Oika”, “When you can cry”, “The Tale of an ill-mannered mouse” (from the book “Fairy Tale Machines”); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. “Hedgehog”, “Fox”, “Cockerels”.

Reading functions

Reading literature in the 2nd junior group performs an educational function. Child psychologists consider this process to be a complex mental activity that combines emotional-volitional and intellectual motives. As a characteristic feature of the perception of a work of art, one can highlight the mental transference of the hero of the work into real life. Educators often use role-playing games during the reading process, emphasizing certain qualities of the main characters of the literary work in question.

Methodology for introducing preschoolers to literary works

Why is reading to children so important in kindergarten? Junior group 2 is the time when psychologists recommend developing imaginative thinking. To make the book that the teacher reads interesting for children, you can use role-playing games and puppet theater.

While reading a book, the teacher changes the intonation, emphasizing the positive and negative traits of the hero, highlighting certain storylines. A mandatory element after reading a work is its discussion. The teacher asks the children questions, by answering which the children develop their speech skills. They not only learn to express their thoughts, but also develop communication skills.

How to turn reading the fairy tale “The Gingerbread House” into a real performance? 2 younger group can take an active part in “revitalizing” this work. With the help of facial expressions, movements, armed with soft toys, children can “read” this work together with the teacher.

Collection of fairy tales for fairytale therapy for young children. Card index on fiction

A collection of fairy tales for fairytale therapy for young children.

"Kolobok's Dream"

Kolobok lived with his grandparents. He was obedient, and therefore did not run away from them. Every morning Kolobok rolled along the path to kindergarten. There he played with friends, had fun, sang everyone his favorite song about himself, and when in the evening he returned back to his grandparents, he always told them what interesting happened to him today in the garden. Kolobok liked everything in kindergarten, except for one thing - he could not go to bed in the garden at lunchtime: he cried, was capricious, could not fall asleep for a long time, even tried to roll out of the crib and tried to roll from the kindergarten home to his grandparents. But one day his teacher, Lisichka, managed to stop him on the threshold of the kindergarten in time and bring him back to the group. She put Kolobok back in a comfortable crib, covered him with a warm blanket and asked.

- Why don’t you, Kolobok, like to sleep in the garden?

“Because it’s so sad, lying in a crib with your eyes closed and not seeing anything.” This is so not interesting!

- Don’t just lie there, but try to fall asleep so you can see interesting dreams! - The fox said affectionately.

- Dreams? I don't know what dreams are. I never dream about them.

“Lie down more comfortably and I will teach you to dream…” said the Fox.

Then the teacher Lisichka advised Kolobok not just to lie in his crib with his eyes closed, but to relax, feel how warm and comfortable his crib is and try to dream about something pleasant.

Kolobok closed his eyes and tried to do everything as the Chanterelle told him. And a miracle happened - he fell asleep and had a good dream. He dreamed of a cheerful bunny who was jumping with him, then the Wolf played the game “Catch Me” with him - and they had a lot of fun, then Mishka danced with him to joyful, cheerful music. Kolobok also dreamed of his teacher Foxy; in his dream she was as kind and friendly as in reality. She played hide and seek with him. And then Kolobok with all the animals: a bunny, a wolf, a bear and the teacher Lisichka took hands and danced a cheerful round dance in a circle. Kolobok had such a good dream.

When he woke up, he was in a cheerful and cheerful mood. He immediately told the teacher and all the animals in the garden his fascinating dream.

Since then, Kolobok looked forward to lunch in kindergarten to see a new interesting dream

The therapeutic effect is getting used to sleep in kindergarten.


There lived in the sea a little fish called Bul-bul. Every morning she sailed to the sea kindergarten, but she was very sad, she often cried because she didn’t want to make friends with anyone, she was not at all interested in the sea garden and all she did was cry and wait for her mother will come and take her home.

There was a teacher in this garden, but she was not an ordinary fish, but a gold one. That's what her name was - teacher Golden Fish. And then one day she said to the little fish Bul-bul:

“I’ll help you, I’m a magical Goldfish and I’ll make sure you don’t cry in kindergarten anymore, so you don’t feel sad.” The teacher goldfish waved its tail - and a miracle happened - the Bul-bul fish stopped crying, she made friends with the other little fish in the group and they played, laughed and frolicked together in the sea garden. Bul-bul was even strange - why didn’t she notice before how friendly the fish were next to her in kindergarten and how fun and interesting it was to spend time with them!

Since then, Bul-bul happily sailed to the kindergarten every morning, because she knew that her friends were waiting for her there.

The therapeutic effect is a complicated adaptation of the child to the conditions of kindergarten.

"Bunny in kindergarten."

Mother Hare lived in a fairytale forest and she was the happiest in the world, because she gave birth to a little hare. She named him Fluffy. Mom loved her bunny very much, never left his side for a minute, walked, played with him, fed him delicious cabbage, an apple, and when he started crying, instead of a pacifier, mom gave him a juicy carrot and the bunny calmed down.

Time passed and Fluffy grew up. Mom decided to take him to the forest kindergarten, to which all the small animals of this forest went. And then one day, my mother brought her bunny to kindergarten. Fluffy burst into tears, he was scared and sad without his mother, he did not want to stay there. The teacher, the red-haired Squirrel, approached our bunny. She was good and loved all the small forest animals very much. The squirrel took him in her arms and gently pressed him against her fluffy fur coat. The teacher took pity, calmed the bunny down and introduced him to other little animals who went to kindergarten. She introduced him to a little cheerful fox, a kind bear, a friendly hedgehog and other animals.

All the little animals were very happy that a new one appeared in their forest garden - a bunny. They began to play games with him, walked on the green lawn, then ate and rested in their beds. And so the mother came for the little bunny to take him home. How happy she was when she saw that her bunny was not crying, but was playing happily in the garden! All the way home, Fluffy told his mother who he met in the garden, and how interesting and fun it was for him to play with his new friends. Mom was proud of her bunny and was glad that Fluffy understood that there is no point in crying in kindergarten, because it is not scary at all, but on the contrary, it is fun and interesting.

The therapeutic effect is a positive attitude towards visiting kindergarten.

"In a dark hole."

Two friends, Chicken and Duckling, went for a walk in the forest. On the way they met Chanterelle. She invited her friends to visit her, in her hole, promising to treat them with delicious sweets. When the kids came to the Fox, she opened the door to her hole and invited them to go in first.

As soon as the Chicken and the Duckling crossed the threshold, the Fox quickly closed the door and laughed: “Ha-ha-ha! How cleverly I deceived you. Now I’ll run for wood, light a fire, heat some water and throw you kids into it. Now I’ll have some delicious soup.”

Chicken and Duckling, finding themselves in the dark and hearing the Chanterelle's ridicule, realized that they were caught. The chicken burst into tears and began to loudly call his mother, because he was very scared in the dark.

And the Duckling, although he was also very afraid of the dark, did not cry, he thought. And finally I came up with it! The duckling suggested that the chicken dig an underground passage. They began to rake the earth with their paws with all their might. Soon a ray of light penetrated the small gap, the gap became larger, and now the friends were already free.

“You see, Chicken,” said the little Duckling. - If we sat and just cried because we were scared to sit in the dark, the fox would have already eaten us. We must always remember that we are stronger and smarter than our fears, and therefore we can easily cope with them! The Chicken and the Duckling hugged each other and ran home joyfully.

The Fox came with firewood, opened the door, looked into the hole and froze in place in surprise... There was no one in the hole.

The therapeutic effect is a reduction in the child’s fear of the dark.

“Why isn’t Seryozha afraid to fall asleep on his own?”

Little Seryozha was lying under the blanket and trembling all over. It was dark outside. And it was dark in Seryozha’s room too. Mom put him to bed and slept in her room. But Seryozha could not fall asleep. It seemed to him that there was someone in the room. The boy thought he heard something rustling in the corner. And he became even more scared and was even afraid to call his mother.

Suddenly a bright celestial star landed right on Serezha’s pillow.

“Seryozha, don’t tremble,” she said in a whisper.

“I can’t help but tremble, I’m scared,” Seryozha whispered.

“Don’t be so afraid,” said the star and illuminated the whole room with its twinkling. - Look, there’s no one in the corner or under the closet!

- Who was that rustling?

“No one rustled, it was fear that got into you, but it’s very easy to drive it away.”

- How? Teach me,” the boy asked the bright star.

- There is one song. As soon as you get scared, start singing it right away! - So said the star and sang:

A terrible little fear lives in the dark forest,

He lives by the swamp in the dark bushes.

And the terrible little fear does not appear from the forest,

He is afraid of the light and sits in his bushes.

And he is also afraid of laughter, a terrible little fear,

As soon as you laugh, fear disappears in the bushes!

First, Seryozha listened to the star’s song, and then he sang with her. It was then that the fear disappeared from Seryozha’s room, and the boy fell asleep sweetly.

Since then, Seryozha is not afraid to fall asleep in a room without his mother. And if fear suddenly comes to him again, a magic song will help!

The therapeutic effect is a reduction in the child’s anxiety about the fear of the dark.

"The Tale of a Little Bear Who Didn't Want to Go to Kindergarten."

Once upon a time there lived a bear cub named Alirik. He had a papa bear and a mama bear. They lived amicably and cheerfully. Mama bear played a lot with Alirik, fed him, and walked with him. Papa Bear built houses with him from blocks and told him various interesting stories. Alirik the bear was always with his parents, and they were with him. They felt like one whole, like a flower with its petals, stem and leaves.

Alirik grew and became bigger. Now he knew how to do a lot himself: eat, drive a car, put on shoes. Then the parents decided that Alirik was already old enough to go to classes with the wise Owl.

And then, one fine day, mother bear took Alirik to Owl for classes. It didn’t take long to go there, but it was fun, because mom told me a lot of interesting things along the way: where the birds build their nests, why the grass grows upward, where the ants run.

When they came to Owl, Alirik realized that now he would have to part with his mother. Even if it won’t be for long, she won’t be around. Alirik felt very sad. But at this time he heard laughter in the group. He wondered: who laughs like that and why? Alirik boldly took Owl by the hand and went to the other children.

In the evening, mother bear returned to pick up Alirik. He happily ran up to his mother and hugged her. He wanted to tell her so much: how they played, and how they sang songs, and how the Owl talked about forest dwellers, and many other interesting things.

Now Alirik was having fun parting with his mom and dad. He knew that they would always return and he could tell them about new experiences. They don’t go to the wise Owl!

The therapeutic effect is a positive attitude towards visiting kindergarten.

“How Baby Kangaroo Became Independent.”

Once upon a time there lived a big mother Kangaroo. And one day she became the happiest Kangaroo in the world, because she had a little Kangaroo. At first, the baby kangaroo was very weak, and his mother carried him in her purse on her stomach. There, in this mother's purse, Kangurenysh was very comfortable and not at all scared. When the little Kangaroo wanted to drink, his mother gave him tasty milk, and when he wanted to eat, his mother Kangaroo fed him porridge from a spoon. Then the baby kangaroo fell asleep, and mother could clean the house or cook food at that time.

But sometimes little Kangaroo woke up and didn’t see his mother nearby. Then he would start crying and screaming very loudly until his mother came to him and put him back in her purse. One day, when the baby kangaroo began to cry again, his mother tried to put him in her purse; but the purse turned out to be very tight and the baby kangaroo’s legs did not fit. The little kangaroo got scared and cried even more: he was very afraid that now his mother would leave and leave him alone. Then the little Kangaroo squeezed with all his might, tucked his knees and crawled into his purse.

In the evening he and his mother went to visit. There were also Children visiting, they were playing and having fun, calling the little Kangaroo to their place, but he was afraid to leave his mother and therefore, although he wanted to go play with everyone, he still spent the whole time in his mother’s purse. All evening, adult uncles and aunts came up to him and his mother and asked why such a big little Kangaroo was afraid to leave his mother and go play with other children. Then the young kangaroo got completely scared and hid in his purse so that even his head was not visible.

Day after day, my mother’s purse became more and more crowded and uncomfortable. The baby kangaroo really wanted to run around the green meadow near the house, build sand pies, play with the neighboring boys and girls, but it was so scary to leave his mother, so the big mother Kangaroo could not leave the baby kangaroo and sat with him all the time. One morning, Mother Kangaroo went to the store. The baby kangaroo woke up, saw that he was alone, and began to cry. So he cried and cried, but his mother still did not come.

Suddenly, through the window, Kangurenysh saw the neighboring boys playing tag. They ran, caught up with each other and laughed. They had a lot of fun. The little kangaroo stopped crying and decided that he, too, could wash himself, get dressed, and go to the kids without his mother. So he did. The guys gladly accepted him into their game, and he ran and jumped along with everyone. And soon his mother came and praised him that he was so brave and independent.

Now mom can go to work and to the store every morning - after all, Little Kangaroo is no longer afraid of being alone, without his mother. He knows that during the day his mother must be at work, and in the evening she will definitely come home to her beloved Kangaroo.

The therapeutic effect is a positive attitude towards visiting kindergarten. Fear of separation from mom. Experiences and anxiety associated with loneliness.

"The Tale of the Sun."

In a galaxy far, far away, many millions of light years away from us, there lives the Sunshine family. Big Sunny is dad, smaller Sunny is mom, little Sunny is son and tiny Sunny is daughter. They all live as a friendly family. They read together and come up with strange stories.

Each of them, from birth, has his own job, which he performs constantly without breaks or vacations - they illuminate and warm the planets that revolve around each of them. And everything would be fine, but Sonny Sunny was famous for his capriciousness: he is capricious, says “I don’t want”, “I won’t”...

Does this happen to you?

Mom and dad don’t know what to do, how to explain to their son that such behavior is not appropriate for Sunny, because being Sunny is a great honor, but at the same time, it’s also a great responsibility—after all, life on the planets depends on you. Where there is responsibility, there is no place for harm.

Sonny Sunny was capricious today too:

- I don’t want to shine from the right, I don’t want to stand in one place for so long, I don’t want to get up so early... I’ll take it and won’t shine on the planet Cyprana, where living beings live. I'll turn away!

And Sonny Sun turned away from the Cyprians, and it became dark and dark there. All the residents were scared. What will happen to them next? If the sun doesn’t shine, then plants, vegetables and fruits don’t grow, and when there’s no harvest, then there’s nothing to eat. And without food, as everyone knows, a living creature dies. Little children from Cyprus began to cry, because they were very afraid of the dark - it seemed that monsters or something terrible would attack them. But they didn’t know that in fact, almost all monsters are also afraid of the dark.

The Cypriots did not wait for death, they gathered everyone for a meeting and began to talk about how they should continue to live and what to do so that the Son of the Sun would shine on their planet again. These Cyprians are strange creatures. They had bulging eyes on their chin, a breathing and sniffing nose on their stomach, and a talking and eating mouth on their back. And they thought of solving the problem like this: they need to film a request to Sunny on a video camera. To do this, they took the last lanterns, gathered the children and all together told their son Sunny how hard it was for them to live without him. The children, crying, told about their fears. Then, the bravest ones launched a rocket and flew towards the Sun. We flew for several days to convey the request.

Sonny Sunny watched the recording (he loved watching cartoons), but this recording turned out to be sad. Sunny felt ashamed of his behavior and whims. He even burst into tears along with the Cyprian children, who were so afraid of the dark.

Since then, Sonny Sun has shone on all the planets in his system and has not been capricious, but obeyed his father and mother.

What a great guy, Sonny Sunny!

Are you also not capricious and obey your parents?

The therapeutic effect is to show the child the other side of excessive moodiness and harmfulness.

"Wet Fairy"

In one magical country under the strange name of Neverland lived a boy Roma. When he went to bed, the Wet Fairy flew into his dreams to play. She was so much fun! Together they could fly to another planet, travel to Niagara Falls, or simply sit by the Kuban River with their feet in the water. In a dream, one could order different seasons. And Roma often ordered summer. And the Wet Fairy also loved summer.

They called the Wet Fairy because she looked like a snail and left a wet trail behind her. And, of course, she liked water. She loved swimming more than other entertainments.

When Roma woke up, the bed was always wet. And for some reason the adults thought that it was the baby himself who did not reach the toilet and made a puddle in the bed. And indeed, this is how it all looked, and nothing can be done about it. But Roma was a smart boy and decided the next time the Wet Fairy arrived to talk to her about wet footprints. So I did. And this is what he heard from her:

“I’m sorry that I’m causing you “wet” trouble.” Sorry, but I love playing with you in my dreams! What do we do?

Roma answered her:

- From now on, let's play in the bathroom, where you can play with water.

“Come on,” said the Wet Fairy and added, “and before you go to bed, Roma, don’t forget to go to the toilet.” And when during our trip you want to go to the toilet, just say so, and we will return home, and then continue the games.

“Okay,” Roma answered.

And you, children, to whom the Wet Fairy flies in a dream, remember: before going to bed, be sure to go to the toilet.

And when you dream that you want to go to the toilet, wake up, check (pinch yourself) to understand that this is not a dream.

Get out of bed, walk to the toilet, find the toilet and then... do your wet business.

The therapeutic effect is to teach children to go to the toilet before bed.

Speech development

What other function does reading perform in the 2nd junior group? Below is a list of those works that are recommended by the new federal educational standards, but we note that all books should contribute to the development of communication skills of the younger generation.

The preschool program involves the formation in children of a certain category of words that denote the names of objects, elementary actions, and phrases. All of them are present in the literary works included in the preschool educational program.

Particular attention is paid to expanding the orientation of preschoolers in the existing reality. Short stories, nursery rhymes, and poems discussed in class during this period contribute to the development of active speech, the development of the ability to ask questions, and convey impressions of a work of art heard.

The role of fairy tales in the development of children of the second younger group

At primary school age, the child begins to develop comprehensively. It is at this age that many psychological processes actively develop in children:

  • imagination
  • speech
  • memory
  • thinking

In addition, during this period the formation of the child’s personal qualities continues. At the age of 3-4 years, children require special attention from parents and teachers; during the educational process, educators should pay attention to the use of various approaches, methods and means of teaching and education.

In modern society, the most acute problem is the social health of children and adolescents. You should pay attention to the social health of children from early preschool age. Already from the age of 3-4 years, it is necessary to lay the foundations of spirituality and culture for children, to instill in them highly moral and ethical qualities.

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One of the most effective tools in this work is fiction. A variety of fairy tales, poems, and stories resonate in the hearts of children.

Role play while reading

Special classes on speech development, which are a mandatory element of the program in preschool institutions, involve the use of physical activity and independent role-playing. The use of visual aids: living and inanimate objects, images, toys, pictures is accompanied by words and replicas, allowing children to enrich their speech.

Works of folk oral art, artistic expression, nursery rhymes, jokes, fairy tales - all this presupposes the use of visual aids in early preschool age. The teacher shows actions and movements using toys. A child, listening to figurative speech, perceives movements in full accordance with the voiced text, reproduces small excerpts from a fairy tale or poem he heard.

Of particular importance is the use of pedagogical methods that promote the development and improvement of independence of preschool children. The tasks that preschoolers must complete gradually become more complex. For example, they not only listen to a fairy tale, but also have to describe the appearance of the hero and list the qualities that he possesses. Such tasks develop logical thinking in the younger generation, form imagination, and teach them to observe and analyze the phenomena and events they see.

While reading books, which are supplemented with bright and colorful illustrations, the teacher focuses the pupils’ attention on the image and asks the children to describe the picture. After listening to the work, the teacher invites the children to reproduce excerpts from the book they read. In addition, in the process of reading poetry, the teacher uses the method of collective memorization. Children repeat 1-2 lines of the poem in turn; by repeating it repeatedly, they memorize a short poem.

Thanks to this method of work, the teacher fully fulfills the task assigned to him by the Federal State Educational Standard, namely, to form a harmoniously developed personality.

During role-playing games, children learn to communicate with peers and use speech to explain their own actions.


The program list of works for storytelling and reading to children of the third year of life includes folk tales and nursery rhymes, works by Soviet writers and short stories by Russian classics. This type of work with children is allocated approximately 4-5 lessons per month.

Fairy tales. Over the course of the year, children are introduced to approximately five Russian folk tales. It is easier for a small child to perceive a story than reading, so storytelling in the first younger group is preferable. It requires careful preparation from the teacher. Usually in class a fairy tale is told twice, sometimes repeated a third time. This does not bother the children, since the teacher ensures their activity while listening: he offers to perform imitation movements (the kids show how big the turnip was; how they pull and pull it, etc.), uses a variety of visual aids (showing tabletop theater figures is replaced by showing pictures on a flannelograph, etc.), encourages you to stage or dramatize an excerpt from a fairy tale.

The greatest completeness of perception is achieved when the teacher combines his story with the display of figures from a tabletop theater, and when telling the story again, he either operates with the same figures or resorts to staging a fairy tale (both with the help of a flannelograph and using “Living Pictures”). It is most convenient to work with tabletop theater figures: showing them does not take much time and does not interfere with the smoothness of the presentation. The use of visual materials during the lesson activates children's attention, ensuring its focus, and also promotes the child's recall of the text of the fairy tale during subsequent independent play with familiar figures.

It is known that in the third year of life, a child can listen to an adult’s story, not accompanied by a demonstration (of toys, actions, play situations). To what extent can this be used in storytelling classes?

Storytelling without visual accompaniment is advisable for classes devoted to repeating fairy tales familiar to children.

In this case, after the first telling of the text, the teacher helps the children remember the content of the fairy tale through tasks that simultaneously help the kids change their position and move (show how they pulled a turnip; jump like frogs, etc.). Here the passages that are most interesting in terms of enriching speech are recalled (reproduced) (“the mouse ran and touched its tail”; “the little house crackled, fell on its side and completely fell apart”; “little goats, open up, open up!”). You can offer kids a task that requires them to perform more complex mental operations. For example, ask to tell about who pulled the turnip (in front of the children there are figures of all the characters from the fairy tale), but not in the traditional presentation, but in the reverse order: mouse for... cat, cat for... Bug... etc.

It is also necessary to provide tasks for the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech.

The perception of some fairy tales, for example the Russian folk tale "Kolobok", is more successful if preliminary preparation is carried out. 1-2 days before the lesson, children look at the illustrations for the fairy tale (preferably done by Yu. Vasnetsov or E. Rachev), and read the kolobok song to them. Or before telling the fairy tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf,” the teacher shows illustrations and characterizes the characters: “The little kids are small, the wolf is big, very scary.” Children learn and remember that the goat went “to eat silk grass and drink cold water.” And only then the teacher offers to listen to a fairy tale “about a goat, smart and obedient little kids and a scary, big, bad wolf.”

It is advisable to end the lesson with children playing independently with tabletop theater figures, as well as looking at the illustrations. Kids remember the words that one or another character says in a fairy tale; The teacher encourages attempts at dramatization and staging.

One of the lessons can be devoted to repeating a fairy tale that was recently told to children, and a fairy tale that the kids were introduced to a month and a half ago (for example, “Turnip” and “Rocktail Hen”).

When repeating a fairy tale with children, it is not always necessary to tell it in its entirety. In some cases, it is enough to recall individual passages, in particular those that are easier to forget or are most interesting in terms of enriching speech. The teacher begins to tell the passage alone, and continues together with the children. Here, tasks to develop intonation expressiveness of speech are required. Let’s give an example: “Now grandma and grandpa are pulling a turnip. Who will they call for help? - the teacher thinks. “They’ll call their granddaughter,” the children prompt. “For some reason there is no granddaughter. She probably ran far away. Let’s help grandfather and grandmother call her,” says the teacher. “Granddaughter, go pull the turnip!” - the children call (choral and individual statements). Or, consoling a grandfather and grandmother who have lost a golden egg, children practice exclamatory intonation (“Don’t cry, grandfather!”).

When repeating fairy tales, it is advisable to introduce elements of dramatization. This brings the kids a lot of joy. And although often, having willingly taken on this or that role, the child forgets it and does not always coordinate his actions with the actions of his partner, the teacher should not be embarrassed by these difficulties. The teacher must remember that such exercises require great tact, patience and more frequent approval of the children’s actions and evaluation of their speech (both the content side and the emotional side).

Nursery rhymes. In the first junior group, very serious attention is paid to familiarizing children with nursery rhymes. In this manual, a lot of space is devoted to this issue, since this type of activity often makes it difficult for the teacher (if necessary, the teacher can replace the nursery rhymes given in our book with others that are more accessible to his students, or read the most difficult nursery rhymes to the kids in the summer months).

Getting to know each new nursery rhyme brings joy to the kids. They listen with pleasure to the sound of folk speech, catch the poetic rhythm, the richness of the shades of words: ant grass, ant grass, tit bird, etc. Reading itself creates favorable conditions for emotional contact with children. They become quiet, smile, ask

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