Space playground for kindergartens. The first in Russia!

Cosmonautics Day on April 12 has been celebrated all over the world for many years. This year marks 60 years since Yuri Gagarin first flew around the Earth. This is where the history of space exploration began.

On the eve of the anniversary, thematic exhibitions and events will traditionally be held in kindergartens and schools. Surely your child was also given the task of creating crafts for Cosmonautics Day with their own hands. We offer you a selection of ideas for inspiration, both from improvised means and from unusual materials. Children can do most of the crafts on their own. The task of parents is to organize, advise and unobtrusively help if necessary.

Corner for cognitive development “Journey into space”

Anna Kuznetsova
Corner for cognitive development “Journey into space”

Starting from the senior group of kindergarten, we develop in children

educational interest in space . For this purpose, in our group, a

corresponding corner " Space "


To form in children ideas about

the structure of the solar system and the names of the planets of the solar system

“Solar System” helps

. It's on the wall and

is a blue poster with nine

planets of the solar system and their orbits.

In the corner there is a lapbookSpace ”, made directly by the hands of the group’s teachers.

In the corner there are illustrations on the theme of space , a selection of

photographs of scientists, astronauts and spaceships .

To obtain and consolidate knowledge about space, there is an artistic and

educational literature.

“Mysterious Space is also presented.


As a result of activities in corner expanded and systematized

children's knowledge about space , the concept of oneself as an inhabitant of the planet is formed

Earth, the vocabulary on the topic “ Space ” expands and becomes more active.

This activity promotes the development of logical thinking,

creative imagination, as well as children’s ability to establish causality

investigative connections between objects and phenomena.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development “Travel on the map” Educational area: cognitive development Age group: preparatory. Types of activities: playful, constructive, motor.

Summary of an integrated lesson on the cognitive development of FEMP in the senior group “Journey to Space” Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the cognitive development of FEMP in the senior group Topic: “Journey to Space” Objectives: Educational:.

Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development in the preparatory group on the topic "Space" Synopsis of direct educational activities on "Cognitive development" in the preparatory group on the topic: "Space" Yulia Fursa.

Summary of educational activities on physical development in the senior group “Travel to Space” using fitballs MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 49 “Rucheyok” Summary of educational activities on physical development in the senior group Topic: “Travel to.

Summary of a lesson on mathematical development in the senior group “Journey into space” Summary of a lesson on mathematical development in the senior group. Topic: “Journey into space” Author: Team Tatyana Nikolaevna Purpose: formation.

NOD for cognitive development “Travel with Dunno.” Abstract of the GCD "Travel with Dunno" Program objectives: Educational: To educate and encourage: initiative, independence, goodwill.

GCD in the preparatory school group with a compensatory focus on speech development “Journey into Space” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, combined kindergarten No. 27, Uglegorsk, Sakhalin region.

Lesson on cognitive development “Journey along the Volga” MBDOU Kindergarten No. 49 “Jolly Dwarf” Chuvash Republic, Novocheboksarsk, Teacher: Korotkova Ekaterina Sergeevna A melody sounds.

Lesson on cognitive development “Journey to the Land of Knowledge” Summary of the final integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Journey to the Land of Knowledge” Purpose: Consolidation of mathematical concepts.


"The Road to Space". Room decoration

Space with children in the preparatory group for school.

and an educational conversation about the wonderful world of the Universe.

To solve this issue, we turned to museum pedagogy as an innovative technology in the field of personal education of children, creating conditions for the immersion of the individual in a specially organized subject-spatial environment. We decided to create a mini-museum “ Road to Space ”.

outer zone is represented by exclusive exhibits made by me and the kindergarten staff from scrap materials and scrap materials. They embodied great creative potential, resourcefulness and painstaking work of the author and his assistants. Certain financial costs were also required to purchase individual materials, different types of paint and glue for painting, gluing and mounting exhibits.

Entering the small room of the mini-museum , everyone pays attention to the unusual coloring of the walls. It is made in different shades of blue, indigo and violet, which allows you to additionally create a feeling of an unexplored cosmic abyss . Volumetric exhibits placed on the walls and in the air enchant both small and large museum visitors: everything attracts their interested gaze.

We made the planets using the traditional papier-mâché technique. Balloons, balls, and hops of different diameters were used to create shapes. To create the required color scheme of the planets, water-based paint with the addition of colors was used, followed by a coating with colorless varnish, which ensures the durability of the product and the possibility of wet cleaning.

Models of the planets and the sun were attached to the wall with liquid nails.

Having examined the exhibits on the central wall, visitors notice an impressively sized structure resembling a rocket in the corner. The design and its size are determined by the need to disguise the ventilation pipe protruding to a large height. The base of the rocket is made of heat-insulating material. The rigidity of the structure was given by the shipping cardboard packaging from the refrigerator.

What is a museum without historical material! They enable the child to learn about events that occur long before their birth. Based on the fact that visual-figurative thinking predominates in preschoolers, we used the possibilities of a photo vernissage: the story of the “tour guide” organically complements the illustrative material. Depending on the tasks set by the teacher, the content of the photo exhibition may change: it could be a gallery of the first space “History of astronautics in faces ” or “From the life of an astronaut : one day in orbit”, “Why does man explore space ?” or “ Space objects in a photographic lens”, “ Space through the eyes of children ”, “Belka and Strelka in Space ”.

We fulfilled the main goals of organizing a developing subject-spatial environment: we maximally realized the educational potential of the space, ensured full communication and joint activities of children and adults. Our mini-museum fascinates, leaves a mark in the child’s memory, excites their consciousness and awakens cognitive interest.

We are sitting at home with benefit. Exhibition of children's works "Road to Space" Let's stay at home with benefit exhibition of children's works "Road to Space", dedicated to International Cosmonautics Day Goal: to create conditions for development. Photo report “The Road to Space” On April 12, our entire country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. In kindergartens and schools, various events are held for children for this holiday. Decorating the premises for March 8 “Surprise for Moms” Mother Nature, just waking up, brings us an amazing and gentle women's holiday, filled with flowers, smiles and feminine beauty. New Year's decoration of the premises Winter has come. Our most beloved and joyful holiday, New Year, is coming soon. According to the tradition that has long been established in our group, we decorate. Decoration of a group room Elena Olegovna Zolotovskaya Decoration of a group room. Hello, I looked at the design of the groups and decided to show how I designed mine. Decorating a bedroom Kindergarten is a second home for a child, in which he should feel at home. The environment fully contributes to this. Decorating the premises for May 9 It is important to preserve for centuries and pass on from generation to generation the memory of the Great Patriotic War, of tragic and heroic events. Decorating a room in a group room Hello, dear colleagues! Today I would like to share with you some ideas for decorating part of a group room. In Group.


Registration of a site in a preschool educational institution. Blooming land "Cosmos" In the course of working on environmental education for preschool children and studying innovative approaches to creating an ecological and developmental space for the garden territory, we were faced with the task of expansion.

Article “Mini-Museum “Cosmos”” in the senior. » Mini-museum “Cosmos” in the senior group Modern preschoolers ask a lot of questions about space, stars, astronauts, since this topic, like everything unknown, incomprehensible, inaccessible to the eye.

Design of the “Space Zone” corner in the middle group Since ancient times, space has attracted people with its mystery and unknown. And for more than half a century, space research has been conducted. There are many mysteries hidden in this infinite.

Corner “Space” in the middle group In the corner, illustrations on the theme of space are selected, a selection of photographs of scientists, astronauts and spaceships is collected. To obtain and consolidate knowledge about space, there is a corner.

Publication “Decoration of the music hall of a preschool educational institution for graduation “Cosmic. “This year the theme of our prom was “Space.” On April 12, the whole country celebrated the anniversary of the first flight of the Soviet man Yuri Gagarin into space, and I, as a true patriot, loved it.

Formation of the group. Preparing for the Cosmonautics Day holiday On the eve of the World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, the children and I began preparing for the registration of our group. I had a conversation about space, about the planets of the solar system. I talked about.

Decoration for Cosmonautics Day at a preschool educational institution Space has always attracted the attention of children. Even in the recent past, all children wanted to be astronauts; from early childhood they knew who Yu. Gagarin and V. Tereshkova were. Now everything is completely different.

Vegetable garden on the window “Space laboratory” In the preparatory group, the teachers and the children decided to create a space laboratory. The guys planted onions, beans, peas, zucchini, and flowers. We looked after the plants every day.

Decoration of the group with children's works for Cosmonautics Day Exhibition "Starry Sky". The purpose of the exhibition: the development of creativity, imagination, the formation of interest and knowledge in children about space. Children are always interested in space! In our group we have it on a string.

Photo report on the design of a photo zone for Cosmonautics Day. Design of a photo zone for Cosmonautics Day in a group. For the holiday dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, I made a photo zone for children and their parents in our group. The children happily “went to.


Decoration of the “Space” corner

Anoskina Guzel Rafekovna

Decoration of the “Space” corner

Decorating a group room in a preschool institution for each teacher and parents becomes not just a responsibility, but also a creative process. It implements unique ideas and experiences.

I would like to present to your attention a master class on decoratingSpace corner in a group room .

The first thing you need to do is print out the 4 planets of the solar system on a color A size printer, two pictures of each planet.

The only thing is that we printed the planet Sun in a larger format.

Then cut them out in pairs as well.

Glued together, you can sign and laminate.

That's how easy and simple your corner is ready .

In addition, you can also add stars, comets, meteorites. but this is still in our work, and you have your invention and creativity.

Thank you for your attention, I will be glad if it is useful to anyone.

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A children's room in a space style is similar to a room in a minimalist style - the room needs a small amount of practical and comfortable furniture.

The style of all furniture is exclusively modern:

  • a lot of glass;
  • a lot of steel chrome fittings;

  • interesting futurological forms;
  • the color is light, steel-gray or bright, juicy.

The desktop can be equipped with LED lighting, as can the shelves of the rack. Such a table will become a captain’s cabin for a child.

In such a room, a wardrobe with a spacesuit or star clusters depicted on the doors would be appropriate. The space room is suitable for modular storage systems, which can also be used as seating.

A bed in the shape of a rocket or on the second floor, where you need to climb a ladder, unusually shaped comfortable hanging ball chairs or bean bags on the floor - all this creates a unique atmosphere of star travel and the conquest of new planets.

Design of the space corner “Road to the Stars”

Nadezhda Dudnik

Design of the space corner “Road to the Stars”

This is the name of our space corner , which was jointly designed by the teachers of the MADOU “Kindergarten No. 21”

Engels, Saratov region Nadezhda Sergeevna Dudnik, Olga Dmitrievna Zagoruiko with the participation of Elena Zharkova.

The corner occupies two walls , a window and a ceiling.

On the left wall, the artist colorfully painted the space world : cartoon astronauts , aliens, space rockets and ships .

On the same wall there is a place for creative exhibitions of our students, where crafts and drawings of children, teachers and parents are placed. Once a year, on Cosmonautics , a creative competition is held in the garden, the jury selects the best drawing and craft, and the winners in various categories receive prizes.

We hung a blue curtain on the window, blue is the color of space , with gold stars , in front of the window on the floor there is a photo zone, figures of a rocket and an astronaut

and a mock-up of a rocket that can take off and land.

On the right wall there is information for older children, preparatory and senior groups. The wall depicts the solar system and the planets located on it with names, information about each planet, and an imitation of the Mir


Three-dimensional papier-mâché planets hang on the ceiling.

In our kindergarten we conduct excursions for children to the space corner , where our kindergarten children and guests learn a lot of interesting things and receive useful information.

Layout of a kindergarten for the traffic rules corner “The road to kindergarten” Purpose: To consolidate knowledge of traffic rules (pedestrian crossing, traffic lights); develop the ability to navigate the terrain; form the foundations of safety. Decorating the “Space” corner Decorating a group room in a preschool institution for each teacher and parents becomes not just a responsibility, but also a creative one. Decorating a Christmas corner With the onset of the New Year holidays, the soul itself is filled with a feeling of celebration. And we all suddenly want to share and create. Decorating a theater corner Our kindergarten “Beryozka” recently held a competition for the best design of a theater activity corner. Each group began to prepare. Decorating a theater corner Hello, dear colleagues! Today I continue the conversation about the design of the group. It's time for the theater corner. How interesting everything is happening. Decorating a theater corner “The theater is a magical world. He gives lessons in beauty, morality and ethics. And the richer they are, the more successful the development of the spiritual world is. ". Decorating a corner for parents “Winter” Decorating a corner for parents “Winter” While walking outside, introduce your children to nature. On a sunny day, draw children's attention to beauty. Design and filling of the traffic rules corner Good day everyone! I want to show you how my partner Svetlana Nikolaevna Peskova and I designed a corner according to the “Rules of the Road. Decorating the corner “Everything for girls” Hello, dear colleagues! Let me remind you today how we played with dolls in childhood. I had a doll house made from a big one. Decoration of the Cossack corner Good day everyone! I hasten to share with you a joyful event that happened in our group. On your first working day.


Wall coverings in the space room

The walls continue the space theme; they can be decorated in different ways, using various techniques and materials:

  1. Cover with wallpaper. There are a lot of wallpapers on sale with images of ships or constellations; such wallpapers can easily be combined with plain ones.

It is convenient to use wallpaper for painting. This will hide uneven surfaces of the wall, and the wallpaper can be repainted up to 5-7 times. Walls in blue, silver, steel, and white colors look organic in a space room.

An interesting solution is a combination of wallpaper. For example, the wall near the bed is painted dark blue and decorated with drawings, and the wall near the desk is light. Fluorescent wallpaper looks original; it glows in the dark, replacing a night light.

  1. Liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster. Using these materials, it is easy to create interesting textured surfaces that imitate the unusual topography of alien planets. It’s easy to place drawings, stickers on top, or use stencils to apply an image.
  2. Plasterboard structures. Allows you to recreate in the nursery:
  • a real star rocket control room with a control panel;

  • decorate one of the walls with a porthole overlooking the surface of a mysterious planet;
  • turn the wall into an interstellar ship control panel with levers and instruments.

The impression will be enhanced if the complex plasterboard structure is illuminated with hidden spotlights or LED lamps.

This design allows you to visually expand the boundaries of the room, giving it depth and volume.

  1. Photo wallpaper. The simplest and most win-win option. Space scenes with planets, aliens, rockets, star clusters will decorate the room, but it is necessary to maintain proportionality to the size of the picture and the dimensions of the nursery.

Design of the group “Space Corner”

Irina Kalinina

Design of the group “Space Corner”

Space has attracted and continues to attract the views and thoughts of man of all times. There are so many secrets, so many inexplicable and amazing discoveries and opportunities.

We tried to tell children about space as clearly and interestingly as possible.

I would like to present to your attention a corner in which information about space , astronauts , and celestial bodies is presented in an accessible form.

— create conditions for the development of curiosity in children in the process of getting to know space and space objects ;

- to form a holistic picture of the world in children;

— replenish the development environment for cognitive development;

— organize joint activities of children, teachers and parents.

For this purpose, in our corner we selected and manufactured:

— illustrations on this topic, didactic material;

- encyclopedias and books about space that the children brought from home;

— poems and riddles, a card index of sedentary games on the theme Space


— planetary caps for outdoor games, entertainment and free physical activity.

Educational activities are organized: appliqué, drawing, design, etc.;

— presentation of the “First in Space


- examining with the teacher illustrations of books about space , photographs of the first cosmonauts , designers;

— a Lego spaceship


- independent creative activity;

- participation in competitions together with parents.

Children continued their cognitive activities in their free time

Photo report “Excursion “Space Corner of Moscow”. Part 3 The history of the Museum of Cosmonautics began in the second half of the 20th century, when in 1964 the monument to the Conquerors of Space appeared on the map of Moscow. Integrated lesson for children of the 2nd junior group. “Space landscape” (draftage) Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, speech development, artistic creativity, fiction. Summary of educational activities with children of the middle group “Space Robot in Kindergarten” “Space Robot in Kindergarten” Purpose: To introduce children to electricity and the rules for safe handling of it. Objectives: Educational:. Summary of a lesson on plasticineography with children of the senior group “The Amazing Space World” Program objectives: 1. Clarify and expand children’s knowledge about space. 2. Learn to create an expressive and interesting plot in half volume.



A space-themed children's room should have appropriate flooring that will support the overall style of practical spaceship decoration.

The following are used as floor coverings in children's rooms:

  • floorboards;
  • parquet;

  • laminate;
  • multilayer linoleum.

To match the space design, the floor can be made either dark (dark brown, black, gray) or sandy white with a silver tint.

Important! When zoning the room, a comfortable soft carpet with low pile or velor covering is placed on the floor in the play area of ​​the room.

The carpet can be either bright, with images of stars, planets, or a plain steel color.

A nuance: the puzzle carpet looks interesting, which the child can drag from place to place during the game.

Crafts on the theme of space for kindergarten and school. Original DIY ideas for Cosmonautics Day

How are you, dear readers and guests of my blog? Did you have time to take a break from crafts for Easter? I think it’s not stressful to make something and do it with the kids. And now there is still one more holiday ahead - Cosmonautics Day. And it falls on April 12th. On the day when our Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time.

Usually this is a boyish theme - space. They really love inventing flying machines, saucers and rockets. But some girls are not far behind either. Still would! This is very exciting, and from waste and natural materials you can make such works that they will win any competition.

Let's look at a selection of interesting ideas. Most likely, they will give you some interesting thoughts and you and your children will create your own masterpieces. After all, there is room for imagination to run wild here. The work can include planets, satellites, flying vehicles, UFOs, rockets and much more.

I would like to note that I also get ideas from the Internet, from its publicly available sources. Basically, these are cool and original creations for kindergarten and elementary school children. Plus, I can recommend excellent options for paper airplanes in the note

Well, here we go! As Yuri Gagarin once aptly said).

Cosmonautics Corner

Ekaterina Kulikova

Cosmonautics Corner

To make such an astronautics corner you need to purchase balloons, PVA glue, a gymnastics hoop (I used a children’s hoop, tape, foil, fishing line. First you need to prepare a base (starry sky, for this, insert the hoop and attach the foil to it, then this the foil needs to be covered with tape so that the foil does not tear. Then I moved on to the most time-consuming work, this is gluing the planets. To do this, inflate balloons of different sizes, place them in a convenient container and begin to paste newspaper or waste paper over these balls, when finished, leave them in a warm place room until completely dry. After covering one of the planets with newspaper, I put crumpled paper napkins on it, which created a very interesting effect of irregularities. I decorated the other planet with circles and

napkins to create spectacular funnels. Then, when it’s all dry, start painting the planets. I used simple gouache. Dip a dish sponge into the paint and use light touches to paint all the planets in different colors. Then hang them on a fishing line to the starry sky.

Cosmonautics Day. Photo report On April 12, our country celebrated Cosmonautics Day. This is a national holiday! April 12, 1961 for the first time in the world on the Vostok spacecraft.

Event for Cosmonautics Day “If you really want to, you can fly into space” For children of the preparatory group Completed by: Gibadullina E. A. Buraevo - 2015 Tasks.

GCD for Cosmonautics Day “Space Travel” Lesson to familiarize yourself with the environment “Space Travel” Program content: Educational: To form an idea of ​​professions.

Open lesson for Cosmonautics Day Open lesson for Cosmonautics Day Purpose: developing children's cognitive interest in the history of astronautics, developing creative abilities.

Celebrating Cosmonautics Day 2. SUMMARY OF THE MAIN EVENT Musical entertainment for children of the preparatory group on the theme: “Space” Goal: To bring joy to children.

Project “Cosmonautics Day” Goal: introducing children to the Russian holiday, to space, to the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin. Objectives: to provide knowledge about the Russian holiday.

Project “Cosmonautics Week” Relevance Cosmonautics Day is not given due attention. But this holiday is aimed not only at inducing knowledge of the vast cosmos.

Wall newspaper for Cosmonautics Day “Cosmonautics Day. Go!" As part of the long-term project “According to the Stars and Planets”, a wall newspaper was made with children of senior preschool age for Cosmonautics Day. A corner of solitude and a corner of nature This year our group has a new corner of solitude, and to the corner of nature I added hand-made material. I've seen a lot.


Interesting ideas on the theme of Space with your own hands

First, let's look at what can be made on this topic. For younger kids, it will be possible to make (with the help of their parents) such a layout from colored paper. All the planets of our Solar System are located on it. At the same time, of course, we teach the kids the names of the planets.

Application Solar System

You can make such applications from small plasticine balls. It’s better to draw such compositions first and even paint them with flowers. And then you can roll small balls and just stick them on.

After all, it’s really possible to submit it for a competition?

Squirrel in a rocket

We make figures of astronauts and a lunar rover from salt dough. I described a simple recipe here. This material is pleasant to work with for several reasons:

Russian cosmonauts and lunar rover

Children 4-5 years old can make simple paper rockets. This turns out to be a simple form of origami. And you can glue them onto a dark blue background, which will represent outer space.

Rockets in the universe

Let's make these funny aliens from toys, jars, tubes and plasticine.

Funny aliens

Another option for the competition using the modular origami technique.

We turn on our imagination and use everything: polystyrene foam, tree branches, foil, wire. Bushings will even be useful for making rockets.

Gagarin in flight

Plasticine composition with Saturn, stars, rocket and our green planet.

Milky Way

Cat in a hat from the planets of our solar system

I hope that we have already more or less chosen something for ourselves, that we will make it and move on.

Design of a subject-spatial environment on the theme “Space”

So that children could learn how stars are born, which is the hottest star in the Universe, who was the first to fly into space, and much more, within the framework of a thematic week about space, a subject-development environment was created in the group.
To create a subject-developing environment on the topic
The World of Space ,”
the principle of maximum use of the group room space for children’s activities and the conditional division of space into zones were observed. In the same area, according to the principle of integration, different types of activities can be carried out.

We enriched the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, creative and motor activity of children.

We organized the environment so that every child had the opportunity to freely do what they love.

They launched a role-playing game with costumes for astronauts, a space cafe, a computer for controlling a rocket, and a portable screen. There is a screen table with pockets where games on this topic are placed.

Creative activity zone - there are didactic materials “How to draw space”, “Space coloring pages” and materials for free creativity.

We have set up a space laboratory where children can be told in an accessible form how day and night and seasons change, how a solar eclipse occurs, why it is dark in space, and explain why all the planets revolve around the sun.

Our library hosts an exhibition of books about space, card indexes of poems and riddles.

There is a selection of didactic material “How to tell children about space?”

A child's whole life is a game. And therefore, the learning process cannot take place without it. Tactile sensations, fine motor skills, and mental operations are developed in children's play. Working with a child should be playful, dynamic, emotionally enjoyable, tireless and varied. And this objectively pushes us to search for both traditional and non-traditional gaming techniques and means in working with children.

Multifunctional felt aids were chosen as this tool.

The uniqueness of these manuals lies in the fact that felt toys not only embody the principle of clarity, according to which learning is based on specific images that are directly perceived by students when learning new educational material, but also carry great developmental potential. We made a “cosmic cube” with 4 games: “Labyrinth”, “Tic Tac Toe”, “Solar System”, “Tactile Paths”.

In the locker room there is an information center for parents, where consultations on the topic and exhibitions of children's works were presented.

In the speech therapist's corner, parents were invited to get acquainted with games for developing children's speech on this topic.

The choice of equipment, manuals, games and toys was approached creatively, based on the conditions and capabilities of the group room.

Simple crafts for kids in kindergarten on Cosmonautics Day

I suggest making a rocket with the kids from a sleeve (you can even use toilet paper) and colored paper. It turns out such a long and stable little thing that can be placed on a blue background and next to an astronaut figurine.

Add some foil and you'll have a more realistic spacecraft.

Let's make a starship out of paper. You can do this simply according to the diagram below.

And here is the finished version. Color it as you wish.

Or we’ll make an unidentified flying machine out of thick paper. You can make several of these things and put them again on the blue sky.

Look how colorful and at the same time original UFOs we produce.

Let's use the baby's favorite toy - plasticine. It is pliable, soft and adheres well to almost any surface.

Here are some applications you can make with it in disposable plates.

Saucers - open space

Oh, and we parted ways! Let's sculpt a cute alien. It will look good next to a paper flying saucer.

Funny alien

Don't feel like folding paper? So let's blind her too, because there is a lot of plasticine!

When working with plasticine, the first thing you need to do is explain to children that this is an inedible material and should not be put into their mouth.

Alien and flying saucer made of plasticine

Crafts from plasticine

We offer ideas for modeling that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Astronaut made of plasticine and foil

This astronaut can become either an independent craft or part of a larger composition on the theme of an expedition to the moon or the conquest of space.

You will need:

  • plasticine;
  • foil;
  • toothpicks;
  • hot glue;
  • black paper.


  1. Roll from plasticine:
      8 balls of the same size (legs);
  2. 8 balls slightly smaller in size (hands);
  3. oval (torso);
  4. ball (head);
  5. square (knapsack);
  6. 2 small balls (headphones on the spacesuit);
  7. oval base for the body and head.
  8. Wrap each piece tightly with foil.
  9. Place balls in foil for arms and legs on a toothpick so that the tip on one side remains free.
  10. Using the free end of a toothpick and using hot glue, attach the legs and arms to the astronaut’s body. Glue the backpack and headphones.
  11. Twist a long hose from foil to supply oxygen and glue it with one end to the helmet and the other to the backpack.
  12. Cut an oval out of black paper and glue it to the front side of the helmet - this will be the viewing glass.

The astronaut is ready!

Expedition to the Moon

Image source

We recommend this craft for both 4-year-old children and 40-year-olds. After all, even an adult will be interested in making the surface of the Moon with craters with his own hands and installing the Russian tricolor on it!

You can sculpt anything you have enough imagination for - from humanoids to a lunar rover. Don’t forget to tell your children interesting facts about our planet’s satellite while sculpting. Kids will especially love the fact that the first living creature to orbit the moon was a turtle.

Space idea made of paper and cardboard for April 12

From components such as paper and cardboard, it is easiest to do work for kindergarten and school. Because they are always present in any home. And also scissors and glue. If all this is available, then I propose to build such a composition from a flying spaceship, the sun and Saturn on a black background.

To work you need:


1. Cut the sleeve in half. At one end we cut off the edges to create the nose of the rocket.

2. From blue paper, cut out three blue cones, which we bend in the middle. These will be our rocket engines. We glue them to the uncut (back) part of the sleeve.

3. Glue the rocket onto a black background.

4. Cut out two petals from red and gold paper. This will be fire coming out from behind the ship.

5. Glue the flame and the cut out window.

6.Draw the sun on gold foil, and Saturn with a ring on silver foil. Cut out and glue both shapes onto black cardboard.

7. Apply glue to the background and sprinkle semolina on top. This is our milky way. Beautiful craft is ready!

Did you like the collage? If you have schoolchildren, you can make a flying luminous object below.

star ceiling

An ordinary white ceiling in a starry room is boring and wrong.

The ceiling sets the direction of the style, so you can design it in the following ways:

  • Tension. Such a ceiling can demonstrate galactic spirals, the surfaces of other planets, or become part of the night starry sky - the choice of pattern on the surface of the stretch ceiling is up to the owners of the room. If you install fiber optic threads and a projector behind the stretched fabric, then in the evening the ceiling will become a real sky, on which stars shimmer and galaxies replace each other.
  • Plasterboard structures. With their help, the most complex design solutions are implemented, including semicircular vaults of the ship’s interior. A multi-level suspended ceiling with built-in spotlights and fluorescent lighting fits perfectly into the space theme.

  • The metal beams on the ceiling look original, supporting the associative row associated with the interior view of the interplanetary spacecraft.
  • Stickers and stickers. Ready-made luminous stickers with images of stars are attached to the ceiling to create constellations. In the evening, the pictures will glow, creating a special atmosphere in the room.

  • Drawings. Made with luminescent paints or voluminous textured materials, such images will become an exclusive decoration of the room, fully meeting the needs of the little owner.

How to make crafts from disks on a space theme?

CDs are already being thrown into the trash, but in vain. After all, this waste material is very suitable for souvenirs for Cosmonautics Day. Its shiny and round flat surface is very suitable for the production of unidentified flying objects.

Here is a second grader's masterpiece. She used the disk under a flying saucer with a very cute alien.

And this is the alien himself with antennas made of springs and foil.

Interplanetary taxi from the children from the preparatory group in kindergarten.

The cutest plate made of rhinestones and fluffy antennae.

ABOUT! And here is a whole group of funny humanoids with their own transport.)

And one more idea on how to use CDs.

Space helmet

The theme of space is relevant for children of any age, not only on the eve of Cosmonautics Day. UFOs, aliens, travel to distant galaxies are one of the main topics for games for both preschoolers and older children. A helmet, like that of an astronaut, can become a favorite accessory in the “space adventures” of young explorers.

You will need:

  • balloon;
  • paper, newspapers or napkins;
  • bowl of water;
  • PVA glue;
  • foil;
  • wide brush;
  • scissors and a stationery knife.


  1. Inflate the balloon.
  2. Cover it with several layers of paper over the entire surface.
  3. Allow to dry thoroughly (about 24 hours).
  4. Cut a hole for the head, cut a window for the eyes using a utility knife and scissors. Pull out the ball.
  5. Cover the inside with foil.
  6. Decorate if desired: with drawings, stickers.

Step-by-step 3D postcard in the form of a rocket

If you have never created three-dimensional postcards, here is a step-by-step method for you. Again, everything is as simple as two and two. Templates can be found at the end of my post.

We need:


1. Fold the A4 sheet in half. On the fold we draw half a rocket.

2. Part of the rocket in the photo below is marked with a dotted line. This means that we will not cut here. And we will cut out all the straight lines using scissors.

3. We try to do everything as carefully as possible.

4. We turn our spaceship inside. It will fold inward and the entire card will fold outward.

5. Draw the details of the ship: nozzles, porthole, nose and flame below.

6. Paint the background black with gouache. And the rocket itself in suitable colors.

Here you can get creative and make an astronaut’s face in the porthole window.

7. Draw beautiful flames.

8. Cut out different planets from colored paper. We glue them all over the background. You can also make stars from foil.

Voila! Our cool three-dimensional card is ready. We give it away for its intended purpose.

Space playground for kindergartens. The first in Russia!

A new star has lit up in the world of outdoor educational equipment for preschool educational institutions! In June, a new and unique play complex for kindergartens was released. Its highlight (and there are two of them) is its cosmic style and developmental potential for preschoolers.

Lunokhod "Astronaut", rocket "Start", stand "Star Trek"! These and other elements of the space platform have an aesthetically attractive design and unusual functionality. 12 educational, didactic and decorative modules - something fundamentally new, different from the usual swings and sandboxes. This is what attracts the guys and makes them “turn on the researcher” to the fullest.

The space playground was created for bright leisure and comprehensive development of children, as well as to help methodologists and educators. Therefore, the complex is of interest to all children's institutions that:

  • select innovative and safe design for the preschool site;
  • create innovative and meaningful PPSS for children's development in the fresh air;
  • are looking for ways to motivate teachers to develop new general and inclusive education programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

5 space games and exercises for children's development

The space playground is universal equipment. Each teacher can come up with games and exercises for children aged 3-8 years, following the themes of the calendar. The diversity and multifunctionality of the modules will help keep students occupied with different types of activities, which are provided for by the federal standard of preschool education.

Role-playing game for social and communicative development “Flight to the Moon”

Choose a captain, his mate and two crew members. The rest of the children are passengers. The captain and assistant take a seat in the cockpit of the Astronaut lunar rover. The crew is on the steps to the left and right, and the passengers are in two groups near the stairs.

During a flight from Earth to the Moon, the captain gives commands to the assistant: “Prepare for launch!”, “Fasten seat belts!”, “Start!”, “Zero-gravity zone!”, “Prepare for landing!”, “Open the hatches!”, “ Abandon ship! The point of the game is for the assistant to transmit commands to the crew, and each crew member to his group of passengers. And everyone together pretended to carry out these commands.

During the flight, passengers can contact a crew member (fly to another planet, return to Earth, go into outer space to look at the stars). The crew members convey the request to the mate, and the mate to the captain. And the captain already makes a decision.

Cognitive development game “Cosmic Forms”

Study the pictures with your kids on the module “Cosmic Shapes Catcher”. Introduce basic geometric shapes. Let the children take turns looking through the catcher's viewing window to look for triangular, round, and other constellations on the Star Trek educational display.

Speech development exercise “Solar System”

Invite the children to carefully look at the images of the planets on the stadiometer. Name them and repeat these names with the children. Let the guys take turns choosing and describing in words the planet they liked. In the older group, invite the game participants to compare two planets by shape, color, size, name, and other features.

Exercise for artistic and aesthetic development “Cosmonaut’s Song”

A spaceship and a rocket are modules that allow children to get used to the role of astronauts. Use the atmosphere of interplanetary travel to learn songs about space with your kids: “Grass near the house”, “Anthem of the astronauts”, “Hope”, “Gravity of the Earth”, “And apple trees will bloom on Mars”.

Game for physical development and coordination “Constellation”

Arrange a group of children as the stars “stand” in the constellation (choose any one on the Star Trek educational stand). Show different physical exercises (squats, swings of arms and legs, steps and jumps to the side, body turns and turns around). Children should repeat after you, maintaining their position in the “constellation”.

This is just the beginning

Now the “Umnichki™” team, together with teachers and psychologists from the “Territory of Development” educational center, is working on a methodological basis for the space site. The goal is to provide our customers with user-friendly and relevant manuals. Such that will allow educators to use the playground equipment daily, fully and without additional training, for the comprehensive development of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Buy a space playground for your kindergarten and be the first among preschool educational institutions in Russia!

Making original works for a school competition

Let's be inspired by the ideas of the kids who won space-themed craft competitions. They all tried, working out every detail in their masterpieces.

Any available materials were used in the work. These are twine, foam balls as planets, glass pebbles, felt and much more.

International station

Composition of planet Earth, a rocket and two astronauts in outer space.

Russian cosmonauts

Solar System with satellite and planets.

And here is a magnificent model made from plastic bottles.

We use felt for voluminous applique.

Beautiful applique made from napkin balls.

To make it, you need to roll out many, many balls from colored paper napkins. But the work seems to be worth it!

The squirrel and the salt dough arrow are waving their paws at you).

A little imagination on the theme of the galaxy, starships and UFOs - and a wonderful work is ready for the competition!

Why a space playground in kindergarten? Video review and list of useful functions

The children's space playground was born in the summer of 2021. This is the third Umnichki™ product from a series of outdoor playgrounds to improve the efficiency of preschool education.

In the article “Space playground for kindergartens. The first in Russia!” We mentioned that this development was created for bright leisure and comprehensive development of children. They gave us 5 exercises and games on the theme “Space”.

It's time to clarify what the practicality and educational potential of “space” equipment is.

What opportunities are available to a preschool teacher if he uses a space platform in his work?

  • First of all, specialists will feel the convenience of organizing and conducting outdoor classes for both children with normal mental development and preschoolers with disabilities.
  • At the space site it is possible to conduct classes of different directions, volumes and intensity, involving all preschool groups in the training.
  • In the process of using innovative equipment, teachers of preschool educational organizations increase professional competence.
  • Open events at the space site will help attract the attention of parents to the problem of raising children. Consultations and master classes are a great way to increase the interest of mothers, fathers and children in studying the world around them through observation and conducting various experiments (testing scientific propositions).
  • You can introduce non-traditional forms of children’s joint activities with each other: experiments and intellectual games.
  • A platform with innovative space-themed equipment allows you to develop new gaming technologies and immediately implement them into work.

How does children’s free play on the space playground affect their physical and mental development?

During classes on the space platform, children develop:

  • independence;
  • positive self-esteem: self-confidence, self-esteem, positive attitude towards oneself and others in general;
  • general and fine motor skills,
  • attention and interest in active cognitive activity.

Children have the opportunity to plunge into the world of space, freely explore interesting equipment and independently conduct research work with it.

How do specially organized activities on the space platform affect the development of children?

  • Preschoolers gain knowledge on the following lexical topics: space and its components; professions related to space exploration; the influence of space on human life; the problem of human contamination of outer space and ways to eliminate space debris; the future of astronautics.
  • Research work with site modules has a beneficial effect on the development of children’s musculoskeletal system and mental health.
  • Children develop a love for learning activities. Active study of material on the lexical topic of the lesson, experimentation and creative work consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Every child learns that in nature everything is interconnected. All animals and plants obey the strict laws of nature. Even a person cannot contradict these laws, because he himself is part of the natural world!
  • The joint form of work on the space platform develops cooperative relationships between children with special needs. Creates the prerequisites for their successful socialization in society.

What are the advantages of using the complex as a decoration for a site on the street?

The Lunokhod, the Krugozor installation, the Start rocket and other space modules are so unusual and interesting that children will not have time to get bored. All attention is paid to the educational process in a fun way.

The space playground attracts the attention of adults and children with its aesthetic appearance. When you want to go to a kindergarten because its yard is beautiful and interesting, this is an important component of the image of a successful institution.

A promising direction for the design of preschool educational institutions that conduct correctional and developmental classes. After all, the space playground can be used as a ready-made educational environment for children with disabilities, who especially need additional equipment for the educational space.

What else can be included in a space kit?

  • Three-dimensional model of the solar system. Children will be able to rotate the planets around their axis and the Sun.
  • A colored arc-shaped path (like a mound), divided into plates with images of planets and stars. With the help of this track, the teacher will be able to conduct interesting physical exercises to develop general motor skills and relax children from tasks. The path can be placed along the entire fence of the site, marking the start and finish.
  • On the fence around the space platform you can place multi-colored figures of aliens and astronauts. This will help develop children's ability to perceive and recognize color and its shades. It will be useful in speech development classes: when describing figures based on external features and inventing entire stories about heroes of space adventures.
  • “Cosmonaut Spacesuit” suit made of fabric and safe plastic. Every child can try on such a spacesuit, which will increase their involvement in the role-playing game.
  • The entrance sign can be decorated in accordance with the space theme.

Be among the first to use developmental equipment from Umnichka™

Among the amazing starships and interesting stands, children feel like conquerors of the Universe! On the space playground, children's mood improves, attention, curiosity and motivation to learn increase. Children perceive new information faster.

On exciting expeditions across the galaxy, kids learn to take responsibility, follow team rules and make friends. A good start for a successful person. :)

You can order or reserve a ready-made space platform with a guarantee from the manufacturer on this page.

Decorative and educational panels

Quick view

Set of decorative and educational panels “Urban environment”

Quick view

Set of business boards “Professions + transport”

Quick view

Set of business boards “Professions”

Quick view

Decorative and educational panel “Police”

Quick view

Decorative and educational panel “Polyclinic”

Quick view

Decorative and developmental panel "Ministry of Emergency Situations"

Quick view

Decorative and educational panel “Skate Park”

Quick view

Decorative and educational panel “Shop”

Quick view

Decorative and educational panel “Kremlin”

Quick view

Decorative and educational panel “Stop”

Kindergarten design: decorating walls in a group

Products for kindergarten design from were developed “from scratch” together with teachers and child psychologists. It is unique in its kind, easy to use and safe for children. Our products comply with sanitary standards for children's educational institutions, meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and the CU TR "On the safety of toys."

With the help of innovative equipment, you will create a preschool design that combines practicality and safety, quality and aesthetics.

What we have for the “wall” design of a preschool educational institution:

  • Wall panels. “Honeycombs”, “Puzzles”, “Crackers” and “Tetris” in sets with different numbers of pieces allow you to adapt to the existing design. Design kindergarten groups according to the Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account the height of the ceilings, the width of the walls and the interior style;
  • Shelves. Decorate the interior of the kindergarten with practical furniture. With the help of our shelves - “Apple Trees”, “Fir Trees”, “Oak Trees”, “Mega Parking” - you will expand the usable area of ​​​​the room and complement the subject environment for the development of children;
  • Didactic panels. New developmental developments “Umnichki”. Now it’s easy for a teacher to organize classes in a playful way and involve preschoolers in the learning process in 1-2 minutes;
  • Height meters. These are wall themed boards with a measuring scale in centimeters. A height meter is useful when you need to find out the height of a child or all students without visiting the nurse's office.

Important! Wall panels in a kindergarten protect walls from damage during active games or when changing the interior design of the group. All shelves, stands, paintings, flowerpots and other attachments can be mounted directly on the “Honeycombs” or “Puzzles” (or “Crackers”) and hung as many times as you like.

Main materials: elite plywood (grade FK 1.2, class A), water-based paints (resistant, odorless). For reliability, dowels are used as fastenings.

We will select products for decorating walls in a kindergarten in 30 minutes

Dial our number. An expert in equipping a preschool educational institution will select products taking into account your needs and budget. Call!

This is just the beginning

Now the “Umnichki™” team, together with teachers and psychologists from the “Territory of Development” educational center, is working on a methodological basis for the space site. The goal is to provide our customers with user-friendly and relevant manuals. Such that will allow educators to use the playground equipment daily, fully and without additional training, for the comprehensive development of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Buy a space playground for your kindergarten and be the first among preschool educational institutions in Russia!

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