“Russian birch in autumn attire” abstract of GCD drawing, preparatory group

Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Birch in Autumn”

Drawing lesson in kindergarten “Birch in autumn” step by step with photos.
Preparatory group Author: Andreeva Irina Emelyanovna, teacher, MADOU Kindergarten No. 9 “Alyonushka”, Birsk. Description: this master class is intended for preschool children, additional education teachers, and parents. Purpose: the work can be used as interior decoration or a gift. Intended for use by children aged 6 years and older. Goal: to strengthen children’s skills in drawing a birch tree. Objectives: - To consolidate children’s ideas about the signs of autumn; — Teach children to convey impressions of autumn in a drawing; - Cultivate accuracy, perseverance, cultivate love for native nature. Materials: palette, brush, glue, felt-tip pens, glass of water, napkin, orange cardboard, gouache, paper, scissors, birch tree template.
Progress of work
Organizational moment Guys, someone threw a letter through our window. Look at the letter. Maybe it’s a ray of sunshine. What tickles our face. Maybe it’s a sparrow. Dropped it while flying? Educator: Guys, do you want to know who wrote the letter to us? Educator: (reads the letter)
Hello guys! The forest boy is writing to you.

I want to ask you
a riddle , try to solve it. The field is empty, it's raining. The wind blows away the leaves. Fog is creeping in from the north, menacing clouds are hanging. Birds move south, barely touching the pine trees with their wings. Guess, dear friend, what time of year is it? -...

Children: autumn.

Educator: what signs of autumn do you know? Children: the sun rarely shines, birds fly south, the days get shorter, it rains often, it gets colder, animals stock up on supplies for the winter, animals change their coats. Educator: what happens to the trees in the fall? Children: leaves turn yellow, leaves fall off.

Educator: That's right. Leaf fall is an amazing and very beautiful natural phenomenon! In autumn the leaves change colors. And autumn trees dress in colorful, bright outfits. The first frosts arrive and leaf fall begins. This happens in September or October. Fallen autumn leaves cover the ground like a carpet and warm it in the cold winter. Lesovichok: I have another riddle . In a white sundress she stood in a clearing. The tits flew and sat on their braids.

Children: birch.

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a birch tree. She can be found everywhere, she is the first to populate new places and decorate the forest with lacy crowns. But the forest, consisting only of birches, is especially beautiful. Who knows what this forest is called? Children: birch grove.

Lesovichok: I really want to visit a birch grove. Educator: Lesovichek, now our guys will draw you a birch grove and you can take a walk there. Lesovichok: I’ll be only too glad. Fizminutka Birch trees have grown in the field It’s good to grow in the field! (Stretching - arms to the sides)
Each one tries, Reaches towards the sky, towards the sun.
(Stretching hands up)
A cheerful wind blew.
The branches began to sway immediately. (Children wave their hands)
Even thick trunks.
They bent down to the ground. (Hands on the belt, squat)
Right, left, back, forward.
This is how the wind bends the trees (Tilts to the right and left)
He turns them, he turns them.
When will there be rest (Rotation of the body)
The wind died down.
The moon has risen. There was silence. (They lower their arms to their sides)

Educator: guys, let's draw a birch tree. Educator: We’ll make a birch tree like this.

We will need: a palette, a brush, glue, felt-tip pens, a glass of water, a napkin, orange cardboard, gouache, paper, scissors, a birch tree template.

Use a black felt-tip pen to draw a birch trunk

Cut a birch trunk along the contour

Glue the birch trunk onto the orange cardboard

Prepare yellow gouache

crumple the paper

Dip paper into yellow gouache

Apply gouache to the birch with a poke

You need to apply yellow gouache at the birch root

The work is ready!

Finger gymnastics Here are the trees: Maple, rowan, linden, Oak, birch, elm, Ash, poplar, spruce, fir, We meet you in the forest. (Children show the palms of both hands with their fingers unclenched. When listing the names of trees, children bend their fingers first on one and then on the other hand)

Independent activity of children (individual assistance). Lesson summary Teacher: how beautiful your birch trees turned out. Well done.

Educator: what is the name of the forest where only birches grow? Now Lesovichok will be happy to walk in the birch grove. You can also make autumn trees in other colors.

Autumn trees decorate our group’s corner of nature.

Presentation on the topic: Birch in autumn

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Notes on art activities (drawing) in the preparatory group “Birch in Winter”

Irina Motorina

Notes on art activities (drawing) in the preparatory group “Birch in Winter”

Program content: teach children to draw a slender birch trunk with a thin brush. Long, as if broken, hanging down, the main large branches. Branch - mother, branch - father, branches - children: branch - son and branch - daughter and small branches. Strengthen the ability to draw spots on a birch tree with the end of a brush without pressing. Develop smooth lines, visual attention, visual memory. Cultivate accuracy, perseverance, and leisureliness.

Material: sample, reproduction of the painting by Yuonn - “Winter Morning”, Grabar - “February Azure”, watercolor, brush No. 1 (“Mishutka”), water, birch branch in a vase.

Preliminary work: looking at birch branches on walks (pay attention to the many small branches and broken lines), paintings, illustrations, reading poems about winter birch by S. Yesenin, F. Tyutchev, A. Pushkin.

Vocabulary work: Yuonn, Grabar, broken, contour, horizon line, bluish, thicker, thinner.

GCD move:

Educator: there is a twig in a vase on the table in front of you. Who knows what tree the branch is from? Why do you think so?

Children: this is a birch branch, it is black in color, it has many small branches and it looks like it is broken.

Educator: yes. Today we will draw a birch tree in winter without leaves and snow on the branches. Natasha will read you S. Yesenin’s poem “White Birch”.

(Reads a poem about a birch tree under the snow)

Educator: look at the paintings of Russian artists. Who knows the artists?

Children: These are paintings by artists Grabar and Yuonn.

Educator: pay attention to the splendor of the branches, color, thinness and smoothness of the lines. And what color is the snow painted on a white background?

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