Abstract of the educational activity "Magic dishes" senior group. Summary of a lesson on object drawing in the senior group “Dishes for Fedora”
Aspects that need to be taken into account when preparing for a drawing lesson in the middle group of a preschool educational institution
Outline of the lesson on FCCM “How animals prepare for winter” using mnemonics in the preparatory group
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the objective world “Torn off button”
Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old Lesson plan for the FCCM “Like animals”
Summary of educational activities for cognitive development with children of the preparatory group “Types of transport”
Summary of GCD on cognitive development with children of the preparatory group “Types of transport” GCD in the preparatory
Speech development in the middle group of kindergarten - norms and features
Speech development in the middle group of preschool educational institutions Development of communication and speech skills, which includes
Rainbow maze
Summary of a lesson in a senior group on the topic: “Journey along the Rainbow”
Work program for the Rainbow program, senior group. the child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow
Educational trip to the post office. Children get acquainted with the profession of a postman. Objectives: To develop children's ideas about the work of a postman, about mail, how. - presentation
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Educational project “What is mail?” Developed by: Morozova I.M., teacher Municipal budgetary preschool
DIY themed albums for kindergarten
Manual “Collection of Fabrics” Lyudmila Verchenko Manual “Collection of Fabrics” Dear colleagues! I would like to introduce you to my
Making proposals based on the actions being demonstrated, on the picture, on subject pictures that are related to each other in meaning
Goals and objectives The goal of the game “Make a sentence” is the development of lexical elements of speech, improvement of grammatical
Thematic week "Professions" second junior group
Methodology for introducing preschoolers to the work of adults Features of work in the junior preschool group In the junior
How to draw a clown step by step with a pencil - 4 easy master classes for children
Lesson for drawing a clown by cells This lesson, of those presented in this article, is the most
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