Theatrical entertainment on children's rights “Little children have great rights”
Summary of GCD in the senior group Topic: “Journey to the forest.” Plan-summary of a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic
Summary of an open integrated lesson in the senior group. Lesson topic: “Forest is our wealth” Synopsis
Role-playing games for children of senior preschool age (5–6 years old) Card index of games for planning.
Plot First of all, we are talking about the plot content of the game. During the shift, the child experiences
Summary of the final lesson for children of the preparatory group “Journey to the Land of Knowledge”
Card file of musical and didactic games aimed at developing musical and creative abilities card file on music (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Experience in teaching preschoolers traffic rules
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Safety is one of the obligatory components of the environment in which one grows and is brought up
Final integrated lesson in the middle group Topic: Crockery
Lesson on speech development in the middle group. Topic: “Dishes” Author: Kalinchuk Olesya Nikolaevna
Summary of the organization of productive activities in plot drawing in the senior group in the conditions of a “creative workshop”
Summary of productive (constructive) direct educational activities. Middle group Summary of productive (constructive) direct educational activities on the topic
Technological map of the integrated lesson “Matryoshka”
Technological map of an integrated lesson in the senior group Technological map of an integrated lesson Name of the form of organization
Experimental procedures for studying the play and productive activities of preschool children. Consultation (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic
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