Workshop-speech therapist teacher for educators

Workshop-speech therapist teacher for educators

Municipal budgetary educational organization Child Development Center kindergarten No. 17 “Vasilyok”

Workshop for educators on the topic:

“Aspects of the formation of sound culture of speech through didactic games.

Compiled by:

Teacher speech therapist

Fedorova I.A.



Workshop for educators on the topic:

“Aspects of the formation of sound culture of speech through

didactic game.


increasing the competence of teachers in working with children on speech sound culture through didactic games.

  • update the work experience of teachers;
  • introduce teachers to techniques that help overcome various types of difficulties in the development of speech sound culture;
  • gain practical experience in teamwork;
  • to form professional motivation of teachers.


a “bee” toy, strips of napkins, a mirror for everyone, clothespins, music, a strip diagram, object pictures with the sound C, a maple leaf, a ball, reminders, a large sheet of paper with a sun, a pen.



Speech therapist:

Good evening, dear teachers! I suggest being active, listening carefully, expressing your opinion. I would like to start our meeting with an interesting game!

Game "Name".


we pass the bee to each other. The one who has a bee in his hands says his name and an adjective starting with the first letter of his name, which would characterize him as a person. For example, IRINA IS INTERESTING.

Updating knowledge

Teachers sit at tables.

  1. Articulation exercises.

    Working on articulation develops the mobility of the tongue, jaws, lips, and strengthens the muscles of the pharynx.

The Tale of the Merry Tongue. These are all kinds of stories from the life of Tongue (“Morning of Tongue,” “Kitten,” “Horse” and other stories).

— Presentations of articulation exercises for a specific sound.

— Articulation gymnastics for girls and boys. To increase the interest of girls and boys in performing boring exercises, I suggest going on a journey through various fairy tales .

Girls will meet Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Mashenka and other fairy-tale characters.
The boys will go on a trip by car .
— Articulation gymnastics to music .

I use a different musical repertoire (children's songs, modern melodies).

Children enjoy doing gymnastics.

Speech therapist:

There is a specific set of exercises for each sound. Exercises are performed in front of a mirror with the child. We make sure that the exercises are performed correctly. Now we will try the following exercises. “Spatula”, if this exercise does not work, we use “Slap on the tongue”, “Cup”, “Mushroom”, “Accordion” - we do it to the music.

Teachers stand in a circle


  1. Breathing exercises.

    Exercises are used to develop diaphragmatic-abdominal breathing and develop prolonged speech exhalation.

Speech therapist:

I would like to introduce you to some gaming techniques of breathing exercises. Let's start with the youngest children. Breathing exercises are performed with poetic and musical accompaniment. I offer one of many sets of exercises: “THE CLOCK” The clock moves forward, Leading us with it. IP - standing, legs slightly apart. 1- swing your arms forward “tick” (inhale) 2- swing your arms back “tock” (exhale)

“THE STEAM LOGO” The locomotive is moving, the locomotive is moving He brought the children to kindergarten. Children move in a circle. The arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to the body, the fingers are clenched into fists. Making the appropriate movements, children say “chuh-chuh-chuh.” The exercise is performed for 20-30 seconds.

Speech therapist:

And now I suggest you get acquainted with gaming techniques for older preschoolers.

Exercise “Hamster” - sniff your nose, mouth closed (count up to 5). 3 approaches.

Exercise “Let's catch the ray” - [and].

I.p. – standing, arms down – inhale. Hands smoothly rise up - exhale: “and-and-and.”

Exercise "Snake".

Teachers sit at tables


  1. Fine motor skills exercises


Exercises with clothespins.

To develop finger motor skills, it is good to use various lacings, fasteners, braids, mosaics and other small objects (buttons, cereals, peas, beans), counting sticks, strokes, hatching and much more. You can devote a separate conversation to the development of fine motor skills, since there are a huge number of games and play exercises. I would like to focus on using clothespins.

  1. Clothes pins are good for self-massage of your fingertips. We bite each finger with a clothespin and say the words:

The silly kitten bites hard,

he thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse.

Stop biting you stupid baby

and if you bite, I’ll tell you, shoo!

  1. Game “Make sure you don’t make a mistake”

    - Name pictures with the sound “S”, and determine where it is located (at the beginning, middle, end of the word). Attach a clothespin to the diagram.

  2. I use clothespins to carry out syllabic analysis of words. The child attaches as many clothespins to the picture as there are syllables in the given word.
  1. Exercises to develop phonemic awareness

Speech therapist:

And now we will play the
ball game “Name the words.”

I say the word “
” and throw the ball opposite my neighbor, and he must say the word to the last sound, and so the game continues.

  1. Automation of sounds.

Ball game "Say the opposite."


Everyone sat down on the floor. Whoever has the ball say the syllable SA, and rolls it to the neighbor opposite, and he must say the opposite AS. Etc. All together with me: SU, YS, SO, OS, etc.

Game with a ball “Name words for objects that start with the sound Z”, “Name words for actions”, etc.

4. Summing up

Game "Sun"


All participants take turns writing their name above the rays, and under the rays write wishes and compliments. The sun, having completed a circle, returns to its owner.

Photo material from the master class.

GAME "Name"

Articulation exercises

Exercises with clothespins;
Game “Make sure you don’t make a mistake !”, sound analysis of words.

Breathing exercises.

Exercises to develop phonemic hearing:

Game with the ball “Name the words”, “Say the opposite”, “Name words and objects that start with the sound Z”.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Seminar - workshop for educators “Prevention of speech disorders in preschool children”

MBDOU "Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 17" city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region

GOAL: To increase the professional competence of teachers in effective work on the prevention of speech disorders in preschool children.


  1. To improve pedagogical cooperation between teachers, speech therapists and preschool teachers.
  2. To create, through joint efforts, conditions for the timely development of children’s speech.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of a child’s personality. But now a contradiction arises. On the one hand, the requirements for the child’s speech development are increasing. In the new, revised taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards, the “From Birth to School” , the speech development section includes: mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of active vocabulary, development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech; phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture; children's literature; listening comprehension of texts from various genres of children's literature; the formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

On the other hand, children with delayed speech development or speech development disorders are increasingly coming to kindergarten. Therefore, there is an increasing need to prevent speech disorders in preschool children. Prevention is one of the most important tasks of an educational institution. The joint work of educators and parents plays an important role in this process. It is necessary to prevent speech disorders in children from an early age.

Each age parallel has its own preventive tasks: early age (from 1 year to 3 years) in a child’s life is the most crucial period when motor functions, orientation-cognitive activity, speech develop, and personality is formed. Due to the increasing number of newborns with disabilities in psychophysical development, preventive work with young children should be a priority. With age, the possibility of plastic changes in the child’s condition is lost, and the conditions for compensation and correction worsen. It is much easier to prevent the formation of deviations in the development of speech functions than to eliminate them subsequently.

The main directions of work on the prevention of speech disorders in young children:

  1. Formation of the motor sphere: perception of the body diagram, formation of a spatial sense, exercises for the development of general motor skills, finger games, exercises for determining the position of the lips, tongue, jaw. Development of hand-eye coordination; development of self-care skills.
  2. Development of higher mental functions: memory (speech-auditory, visual, motor), attention (visual, auditory, motor), perception (visual, auditory). Mental activity in connection with the development of speech (cognitive activity, visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, mental operations), the ability to act purposefully, creative abilities, the formation of leading types of activity (subject, game). Ensuring sustainable positive motivation in various activities.
  3. Development of impressive speech: understanding of words denoting objects, actions, signs; grammatical categories and prepositional structures (instructions, questions, simple texts);
  4. Development of expressive speech: vocabulary (naming words denoting objects, signs, actions, etc.); phrasal speech, sound pronunciation, phonemic processes, activation of the dictionary, improvement of word search processes, translation of a word from a passive to an active dictionary, the formation of verbal and subject-practical communication with others, the development of knowledge and ideas about the environment.

At the age of 3-5 years, special attention should be paid to the sound-pronunciation side of the speech of preschoolers. The main directions of preventive work at this stage will be the following:

  • Formation of phonemic hearing
  • Development of articulatory motor skills
  • Development of fine motor skills
  • Development of speech breathing

Phonemic hearing

Phonemic hearing is the ability to perceive the sounds of speech, phonemes, thanks to which the distinction is made between words that sound similar: cancer - lac - poppy. Well-developed phonemic hearing ensures the correct formation of sound pronunciation, clear and intelligible pronunciation of words in accordance with generally accepted norms.

Work on the development of phonemic hearing is carried out in two stages:

  • Development of auditory attention:

Recognition of non-speech sounds - games with sounding toys, noise-making jars;

Games aimed at perceiving rhythm;

  • Development of phonemic awareness:

Discrimination by height, strength, timbre of sound complexes - the game “Three Bears” .

Distinguishing words with similar sound composition (tanks - sleds, barrel - daughter, slippers - hats).

Articulatory motor skills

Good diction is the basis for clear and intelligible speech. Clarity and purity of pronunciation depends on the active and correct functioning of the articulatory apparatus. Special exercises help develop the articulatory apparatus.

With children of the second youngest group, the requirements are small. Children need to learn basic movement skills.

Ex. Pancake / Spatula: Open your mouth, place a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip. We hold the “scapula” for a count of up to 5. Normally, the tongue should lie calmly, without twitching and not deviate to the side. Perform 5-6 times. If the child cannot relax the tongue, then first perform the exercise “Knead the dough” , which will help relax the muscles of the tongue.

Ex. Horse: We smile and open our mouths. You need to click the tip of your tongue, like horses clicking. The mouth is open, the tip of the tongue is not extended or pointed. Make sure that it does not tuck inward and that the lower jaw remains motionless.

Ex. Delicious jam: Open your mouth, wrap your wide tongue around your upper lip and “lick” the imaginary jam deep into your mouth. We move the tongue not from side to side (option 1), but back and forth (option 2). Perform 6-8 times.

In the middle group, it is necessary to monitor the precision of movements, the ability to switch the organs of the articulatory apparatus from one pose to another.

Ex. Proboscis - Fence: First, pull your lips forward like a tube, then stretch them into a smile so that your closed teeth are visible. Hold each pose for 3 seconds. Repeat the movement 5-10 times.

Fine motor skills

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills, just like articulation exercises, should be carried out systematically. Playing with children nursery rhymes, poems in combination with movement and music, finger gymnastics, laying out patterns with different types of cereals, drawing on semolina, shading, lacing and much more contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Speech breathing

Breathing during speech differs from normal breathing, with a deeper short inhalation and a long exhalation through the mouth.

Imperfections of speech breathing and their impact on speech:

Weakened inhalation and exhalation, as a result - quiet speech, difficulty pronouncing long phrases;

irrational expenditure of exhaled air leads to impaired fluency of speech, understatement of words and phrases;

pronouncing phrases while inhaling - to convulsive, unclear speech;

uneven exhalation - speech is either loud or quiet.

Impaired speech breathing can be a consequence of:

  • adenoid growths;
  • general physical weakness.

Exercises to develop a long, smooth speech exhalation must be carried out systematically, making sure that the child does not blow into the cheeks. 1-2 minutes.

Ex. “Focus” : Open your mouth slightly, keep your lips smiling. We put a piece of cotton wool on the nose and try to blow it off. cup- shaped tongue to the upper lip so that its side edges are pressed against the upper lip, and there is a groove in the middle of the tongue. We blow through the groove and blow the cotton wool off the nose. If that doesn't work, you can hold your tongue slightly.

Ex. “Push the ball into the goal”: Pull your lips forward like a tube. We blow on the cotton ball for a long time, driving it between two cubes.


In parallel with the development of breathing, work is going on to develop the voice. Speech intonation and the color of a phrase are learned by the child by imitation. Voice development pathologies are quite rare.

It must be remembered that at the age of 3-5 years, inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex are not sufficiently developed in children. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to children with quiet and loud voices.

A loud voice can be eliminated by playing quiet or whispered speech games:

  1. “Echo” Repeat a sound several times. You can lightly tap on the glass, click your tongue, repeat one syllable (la-la-la), stomp your foot, etc. Let your child listen carefully and count how many times you have done this. Then he should repeat the sound, imitating you.
  2. “Telephone” The presenter thinks of a word and whispers it to the first player so that the others do not hear. The first player whispers into the ear of the second player what he managed to hear. The second whispers the word to the third, and so on down the chain. The last player says out loud what he heard. If the word is named incorrectly, then the presenter, through questioning, finds out who “ruined the phone.” The last player becomes the leader, and everyone else “moves” along the bench. The former presenter takes the place of the first player.
  3. Pronouncing poems with changing voice strength.

Quiet voice - games accompanied by loud onomatopoeia or finishing interjections.

"Come play with us . Pick up toys: bear, bunny, fox.

Children sit in a semicircle. An adult places toys at a distance of 2-3 m from the children and says: “It’s boring for the bear, the bunny and the fox to sit alone. Let's invite them to play with us. For them to hear us, we need to call loudly, like this: “Misha, go!” Children, together with the teacher, call the bear, fox, bunny, and then play with them. Make sure that when children call for toys, they speak loudly and do not shout.

Conclusion: systematic work on the development of phonemic hearing, articulatory and fine motor skills, and speech breathing creates favorable conditions for the normal development of the sound side of speech in preschool children.

Working with parents plays an important role in the prevention of speech disorders. It includes:

Familiarization with the results of the examination, the characteristics and capabilities of the child, and the plan for developmental work with the child; parent survey; attending classes; consultations for parents on the causes, characteristics of speech disorders in children and ways to overcome them; consultations for parents on the development of motor, cognitive spheres, impressive and expressive speech; educational work (preparation of leaflets, selection and distribution of literature).

If by the end of the middle group, after the preventive work you have carried out, there are still children in the group with impaired pronunciation or other speech disorders, you should recommend that parents seek advice from a speech therapist.

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Speech therapy training

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"Full day school"

Direction 6

Extracurricular activities in an educational institution

The target audience

Teachers – speech therapists and after-school educators

Speech therapy training for children and parents

"Games with Logosaurus"

Explanatory note

In recent years, the number of primary school students experiencing difficulties in mastering reading and writing, which are the most important general educational skills, the quality of which largely determines a child’s success in all academic subjects, has sharply increased and continues to increase.

Working with parents is of great importance in the correction process. After all, the task of a speech therapist is to help parents understand their role in the process of child development, equip them with certain methods and techniques for overcoming speech disorders, and fill home activities with children with specific content to assimilate and consolidate the acquired knowledge.

In recent years, I have been actively using this form of working with parents as trainings. It is in joint play activities that parents see problems in their child’s speech development, and a speech therapist has the opportunity to help the family cope with these problems.

Students in grades 2-3 with writing disabilities and their parents are invited to the training “Games with the Logosaurus”.

Goal of logo training

: develop harmonious and close bonds between parents and children in overcoming educational difficulties.


— To create the necessary prerequisites for the successful development of written speech, improving speech culture, expanding vocabulary, and developing a sense of language.

— Summarize and convey to parents experience in the use of didactic games, models and game materials with developmental content.

— Instill interest and desire for joint activities.

Progress of logo training

Speech therapist:

Hello guys, good evening, dear adults. We are glad to see you again at our joint game, at speech therapy training. Today we have a guest whom you guys know well. He often comes to our classes and offers you his tasks, but only in an interactive game. Who is this, have you guessed? That's right, this is Logozavrik (PMK “Computer workshop for conducting speech therapy classes in elementary school”)


Hello girls! Hello boys! Hello adults! I found out that some guys at your school don’t like to read and write, they don’t like this activity! I really like these kids! I take these kids to my cave!

Speech therapist:

Guys, let's show Logosaurus that we really like to write and read. And moms and dads will help us with this.


: Well, here’s your first task, which will show how well you know the letters.

Game "Guess the letter."

For this game you need to prepare cards with letters, which are lined with sand or some small grains. Children and parents are blindfolded. The host offers cards with letters, and the players must guess them. Then Logosaurus writes the same letters on the players’ backs, and they must guess what letter it is


I see that you know the letters well. While I was on my way to see you, I was very hungry. Do you know what kind of soup I like?! Prepare it for me and I will become a little kinder.

Game "Magic Pot".

The presenter names the sounds by throwing them into the pot. There are short pauses between sounds: [B,U,L',O,N], [K,A,R,T,O,SH,K,A], [K,A,P,U,S,T, A], [M,O,R,K,O,V'], [L,U,K].


: Now have you guessed which soup is my favorite? That's right, cabbage soup.

Speech therapist:

Logosaurus, are you satisfied? Are you having more fun?


Yes..., but to make it even more fun for me, I need to play a little and see who can complete the next task faster, the children or their parents!

Game "Attentive and fast".

Children and parents are divided into two teams. Objects whose names begin with a voiced or unvoiced sound are laid out on one table. Opposite, on the other side, there are two empty tables. At the signal “One, two, three - run!” teams begin to complete the task. Players of one team carry only those objects whose names begin with voiced sounds, players of the other - with unvoiced sounds. When the last team member transfers the object, the leader, together with the participants, checks the correctness of the task and determines the winning team.

Speech therapist

: You see, Logosaurus, what great fellows the guys and their parents are!


: Well... they just won’t find out from me! Let them try to read for themselves what I think about them. True, it is written in Old Russian.

Game: “Old Russian Letter”.

Players are asked to read a letter that is written using only consonants.

"IN. .ch.n st.r.l.s. M.l.d.! N. vp.r.d. v.s.sch. j.t.sp.t.n..!”

Speech therapist

: Wow! But I think we are ready to overcome these challenges!


: The next task will be for the most attentive.

Game "Make a word"

" The presenter names the words, with the intention to remember:

- the first letters, and then name the resulting word:













-second letters, name the resulting word:








, S
N, T



Speech therapist:

I’m so glad that we don’t let any of the guys go into the cave!


: Wait, I have one more task left. If you do it, you will learn something very important.

Game "Cryptor"

. The players are given an encrypted text and a cipher (the idea of ​​using such a table was proposed by V.V. Kvach in the magazine “Elementary School” No. 8, 1993), with the help of which they decipher the text of the saying (Appendix 1).

G12-69-34 u-58t-144 - v33g-4 p52-63-44t-144.

(Learning to read and write is always useful)


Well done, so well done!!! Do you agree with this saying?

Speech therapist:

Now are you convinced that our children love to study, and their parents are trying to help them with this?


Yes, now I see that everyone here is friendly and tries to help each other in difficulties. I’m not taking anyone into my cave today, let them go to school, and caring parents are unlikely to want to give me such smart kids! In parting, I suggest you play a very good game.

Game "Magic Web".

All participants stand in a circle and express wishes to each other, while passing a ball of bright fluffy threads. Everyone who gets their hands on a ball wraps the thread around their finger. The result is a web.

Speech therapist:

Thank you, dear adults, for coming to our training. Now you know how fun and exciting you can do with children.

— Guys, did you like playing with your parents? And you, dear adults, what games did you like? What games can you play at home? We look forward to seeing you again at speech therapy training! Thank you for your active participation! Good luck to all of us!


To ensure that everything continues to be just as good, I give each family a gift! (brochure, appendix 2)


  1. Akhutina T.V. Neuropsychological approach to the diagnosis of learning difficulties // Problems of special psychology and psychodiagnostics of deviant development. - M.: Publishing House Min. general and secondary education of the Russian Federation, 1998.
  2. Burina E.D. Such similar different letters: A manual for primary school students, teachers, speech therapists and parents. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006.
  3. Gadasina L.Ya.. Ivanovskaya O.G. Sounds for all trades: Fifty speech therapy games. - SPb.: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2003.
  4. Dmitriev S.D., Dmitriev V.S. Entertaining correction of written speech: Collection of exercises. - M.: Knigolyub, 2005.
  5. Emelyanova E.N., Soboleva A.E. I write without errors. Russian language with a neuropsychologist. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.
  6. Game methods for correcting learning difficulties at school / Ed. J. M. Glozman. - M.: V. Sekachev, 2006.
  7. Melnikova I. I. Development of speech in children 7-10 years old. - Yaroslavl, 2002.
  8. Sukhun I.G. Funny tongue twisters for “naughty” sounds. - Yaroslavl, 2005.

Workshop for educators “The art of talking with children.”

Intonation makes speech lively, emotionally rich, thoughts are expressed more fully and completely.

Among the requirements for the speech of a preschool teacher are:

Correctness – compliance of speech with language norms.

The teacher needs to know and follow the basic norms of the Russian language when communicating with children: orthoepic norms (rules of literary pronunciation, as well as norms for the formation and modification of words.


– correspondence between the semantic content of speech and the information that underlies it. The teacher should pay special attention to the semantic side of speech, which contributes to the development of children’s skills of accurate word use.


– expression in semantic connections of speech components and relationships between parts and components of thought. The teacher should take into account that it is in preschool age that ideas about the use of various methods of intratextual communication are formed.


– the absence in speech of elements alien to the literary language. Elimination of non-literary vocabulary is one of the tasks of speech development in preschool children. When solving this problem, taking into account the leading mechanism of speech development of preschool children (imitation), the teacher must take care of the purity of his own speech: the use of filler words, dialect and slang words is unacceptable.


– the ability to use all language units in order to optimally express information. The teacher should take into account that in preschool age the foundations of the child’s vocabulary are formed, therefore the rich vocabulary of the teacher himself not only helps to expand the child’s vocabulary, but also helps to develop his skills in the accuracy of word use, expressiveness and figurative speech.


– the use in speech of units that correspond to the situation and conditions of communication. The appropriateness of a teacher’s speech presupposes, first of all, having a sense of style. Taking into account the specifics of preschool age aims the teacher at developing a culture of speech behavior in children (communication skills, the ability to use various formulas of speech etiquette, focus on the communication situation, the interlocutor, etc.).

Nonverbal communication culture of the teacher:

Non-verbal communication

is a non-verbal form that conveys figurative and emotional content and includes gestures, facial expressions, postures, visual contact and touch.

Non-verbal means are just as important as verbal ones. Research suggests that in a conversation, 45% of information is conveyed through words, and 55% through nonverbal means.

The role of facial expressions in transmitting information:

A special role in the transmission of information is given to facial expressions - movements of the facial muscles. Facial expressions express lived states and relationships. Studies have shown that if the teacher’s face is motionless, up to 10-15% of information is lost.

A huge number of people suffer from stuttering. Every person who stutters, be it a child, a teenager or an adult, experiences his condition painfully, is afraid of communication, closes himself off from the world around him, and is afraid of the future. That’s why it’s so important to get acquainted with the author’s methodology of Natalya Gennadievna Shutova. The value of the developed method of speech restoration for stuttering is not only to develop a new skill of correct speech in a short time, but also to rebuild the personality as a whole. I will try to highlight the main advantages of this program.

Classes are designed for 10 days, 4 hours each, and are conducted outside of work, which involves intensive “immersion” in the correctional process. All course lessons are carefully thought out, timed, and have a clear structure. The author uses an integrated approach aimed at implementing three main tasks, which are solved simultaneously in each lesson for 10 days.

The first task is to develop the skill of stable, smooth speech, which is associated with the use of a number of traditional and innovative speech therapy techniques. The author has selected the most effective techniques. The second task is the impact on the personality of the stutterer, aimed at creating activity and changing the attitude towards his speech defect. The third task is to prevent relapses of stuttering. It is associated with therapeutic and recreational work and support for stable, fluent speech through repeated and supportive rehabilitation courses. For the method of Shutova N.G. characterized by a systematic approach to speech as a living integral organism, which involves simultaneous influence on various aspects of the speech system, such as tempo, rhythm, pausing, melody, etc. The author uses a step-by-step approach from simpler to more complex.

The work begins with restoring physiological breathing in different body positions. Then, on the basis of the acquired skill, soft vocal delivery on vowel sounds is practiced using the technology of speech motor rhythms. Course participants learn different uses of the voice: singing vowel sounds and syllables with increasing volume. In this way, speech material is processed at all levels: at the level of sound, syllable, word, phrase. The author’s use of an individual approach makes it possible to ensure that each participant performs the exercise correctly. The formation of a new speech-motor skill in patients, and not the correction of individual manifestations of the defect, is the main principle of the method of speech restoration. This problem is solved by synchronizing speech with the movements of the dominant hand, which allows not only to eliminate speech cramps from the first days of classes, but also to establish elements of prosody and consolidate the skills of non-convulsive speech. All speech material is practiced using four hand movements (right, left, “Fish”, “Flower”), which promotes the development of interhemispheric connections and allows patients with hidden left-handedness to feel the “comfort” of the leading hand. The trained hand becomes, as it were, a memory of the new stereotype, and over time, an automatic controller of the patient’s speech and new internal state. Subsequently, the skill of free normal speech passes to the subconscious level, and the need to use the hand disappears. I see this as an undeniable advantage of using this method. When developing a new speech motor skill, Natalya Gennadievna pays increased attention to working on intonation.

At the same time, the author of the technique takes into account the inextricable connection between speech and corresponding movements (facial expressions, gestures, etc.). It is they, according to the author, that determine the formation of intonation-colored sound, while immobility leads to violations of both intonation itself and the communicative function of speech. It should be noted that during the classes the personality is also corrected, which helps stutterers increase their self-esteem and establish contact with the outside world. As a rule, along with the speech disorder, its neurotic component is eliminated. This is evidenced by the videos on the author’s website - “before” and “after”. Notice how faces change, the plasticity of movements, internal tensions disappear. I witnessed a wonderful transformation of the participants in the basic course. The technique works.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, in my opinion, the basis of the methodology is reliance on the positive principle in a person. The basic course is designed so that everyone who trusted Natalya Gennadievna Shutova and came to her for help, wanted to overcome their illness, would definitely be able to do this and firmly consolidate the success achieved. And success is guaranteed to everyone! I express my gratitude to Natalya Gennadievna Shutova for the gift of the opportunity to attend classes and hope for further cooperation using your original methodology.

Teacher – speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist N.N. Pavlova e-mail

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