Paper construction with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Professions”

Paper construction with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Professions”

Daria Korneva

Paper construction with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Professions”

All professions are important!

Goal: To introduce children to professions , to consolidate the name and concept of professions .


-introduce children to several types of professions

-show the importance of work in a person’s life

- to arouse interest in the work of adults in different professions

-to evoke respect and desire to imitate adults

-develop a kind attitude towards people of different professions

Final event: exhibition of children's works.

TEACHER: Guys, soon you will all go to school, then to college, and then you will find a profession in which you will work.

What does the word “ profession ” mean? (children's answers)


Profession is a person’s occupation , his work activity, business, work. There are many professions .

List the professions that you know. (children's answers)


Let's look at pictures with professions .

Do you think being a doctor is a good profession ? (children's answers)

Doctors, doctors are different, depending on what they treat. Surgeons perform operations, dentists treat teeth. Oculists are eye specialists, a cardiologist treats the heart, an ENT specialist treats the ears, nose and throat, and a traumatologist treats injuries and fractures.

When you and I see these people, we immediately understand that these are doctors. Why? What do they have in common (children's answers)

That's right, a white robe, a white cap with a red cross.

Now we will warm up. Stand near your chairs and repeat after me.

Physical education minute:

have many professions in the world ! (Hands on the belt - turns the body left and right)

Let's talk about them now: (spread your arms to the sides)

Here is a seamstress sewing a shirt, (Movements imaginary with a needle)

The cook cooks compote for us (“We stir” with a ladle)

The pilot is flying the plane (Hands to the sides)

For landing and for takeoff. (Hands down, hands up)

The doctor gives us injections (fingers crossed)

And there is a security guard at the school. (Arms bent at the elbows, forceful gesture)

A bricklayer lays a brick (We alternately place our hands on top of each other)

And the hunter catches the game (They make binoculars out of their fingers)

There is a teacher, there is a blacksmith (They bend their fingers, listing professions )

Ballerina and singer.

To have a profession , (We extend our fingers)

You need to know a lot, be able to (Turns with hands)

Well study my friend! And of course, don’t be lazy! (Negative movement of the index finger)

There are many different doctors. And each doctor has his own tools. All tools are stored in a suitcase.

You all love to play doctor, but we don’t have a suitcase. Today we will design (make a suitcase)

. And everyone will have their own suitcase.

Equipment: sheet of A4 paper , 2 red rectangles, handle for a suitcase in the shape of a letter (H)


Paper construction (suitcase)


We bend the A4 sheet into pieces.

We bend the sheet (where it opens)

approximately 2-3 cm.

Glue 2 red rectangles.

Take the handle for the suitcase (letter H)

and glue it on.

Glue the 2 folded ends of the sheet overlapping each other.

These are the suitcases we got.

Didactic games “Professions” in the middle group

The task of a teacher in the middle group is to expand and consolidate students’ knowledge about different professions, develop their thinking ability, concentration, ability to navigate, and give clear and competent answers.

What to whom?

To get acquainted with professions, the presenter names the worker, and the children must list the tools, devices and materials that he uses:

  • doctor - syringe, stethoscope, medical gown, rubber gloves, bandage, medical card;
  • builder - drill, hammer, bricks, boards, helmet, concrete, nails, saw;
  • teacher - pointer, class magazine, textbooks, wall maps, blackboard;
  • artist - paints, brushes, canvas, palette, easel, paper, pencils;
  • cook - dishes, oven, blender, cap, apron, food, recipe book;
  • hairdresser - hair dryer, combs, scissors, curling iron, hair dyes, hairpins, mirror;
  • gardener - rake, gloves, shovel, seedlings, lawn mower, pruning shears, watering can;
  • seamstress - sewing machine, iron, ironing board, scissors, fabric, needles, threads.

This is true?

For the game you need to prepare pictures depicting people of different professions in appropriate attire. Each player receives two cards: red – the answer is “no”, green – “yes”.

The presenter shows the children a picture and says who the person drawn works for. Players must understand whether what is said is true and raise the appropriate card. For example, the presenter, showing a picture of a fireman, says: “This is a teacher.” Children hold up a red card.

Work clothes

To play, you need to cut out paper images of a girl and a guy, as well as different work clothes.

The teacher says that the paper characters are going to go to work, but they need help choosing the right suit. The game can be built in different ways. The teacher names a profession, and the children choose the correct one from a heap of paper clothes. Or the teacher chooses the costume himself, and the players name the character’s place of work. When the children have sorted out their work wardrobe, the teacher asks them to close their eyes to consolidate the acquired knowledge, and he himself rearranges the clothes and asks them to find the mistake.

Work transport

To play, you need to arrange chairs and attach to each chair an image of a specific car: ambulance, fire, police, bus, plane, train and others. And cut out “steering wheels” from cardboard with professions written on them.

The presenter gives each player a steering wheel and names their profession. The player must find his “car”, sit on a chair, steer, “going to work”. The game is repeated, the presenter changes the players' steering wheels.

For a cook or a doctor?

This didactic game “Professions” for kindergarten systematizes ideas about the work responsibilities and professional characteristics of a cook and a doctor.

Two children are playing: one is a cook, the other is a doctor. The presenter pulls items out of the bag and asks which worker needs them. For example, a doctor needs a syringe, a cook needs a spoon. Children should not just answer, but explain why the employee needs this item.

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about different professions and their meaning. Equipment: envelope, pictures depicting different professions, cards for completing drawings, chips, emblems with a smile for each child. Progress of the lesson Educator: I have an unusual envelope, let's see what's in it? There are a lot of mysteries here. Shall we guess? I fuss with the kids, I spend all my days with them, I go for walks with them. I put them to bed, and, of course, I love them

I am my profession. (Teacher) Shovels the snow, Sweeps the yard with a broom, Have you guys guessed who keeps it clean? (Janitor) If the flames are swirling, Smoke is pouring out in a column, we will dial “01”, We will call Him for help. (Firefighter) Since morning he has been cooking soup, compote and porridge in our dining room. (Cook) He is dressed in overalls, He deftly paints the frames, He whitewashed the ceiling, He helped make repairs. (Painter) He will cure measles, and bronchitis, and sore throat, and will prescribe pills and vitamins. (Doctor) He has mountains of goods - Cucumbers and tomatoes. Zucchini, cabbage, honey - he sells everything to people. (Seller) We work as a team, they bring us sand and concrete. We need to work together to build a new house. (Builders) Use a hairdryer, brush and comb to deftly do your hair. (Hairdresser) Educator: What are these riddles about? How can you call it in one word? Children: about professions. - Well done, we will talk about professions today.

What is a profession? (Children's answers) - A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life. Every morning, the adult members of your family go to work. - Why do people need them? (Children's answers) Educator: Now let's play the competition game “Who can name the most professions.” Children receive chips for their answers.

Didactic game “Who can talk better about their profession” Educator: Guys, on your tables there are pictures depicting people of different professions. You need to talk about what a person in this profession does, explain what you need to know and be able to do to be a good professional. (Children's stories) - What a great fellow you are, you told everything correctly and interestingly. And I know another interesting game.

Children go out onto the carpet. Educator: I will throw the ball to everyone and ask a question, and you must catch the ball and try to answer correctly. Ready? Ball game “What will happen if ...” (Goal: understanding the importance of professions in people’s lives; reasoning about the consequences of stopping the activities of people of different professions) What will happen if: - cooks stop preparing food? - Will doctors stop treating people? — will teachers stop teaching children? — will builders stop building houses? — will all drivers refuse to get behind the wheel? — will the road service stop monitoring the condition of the roads? The children answer. Physical exercise “Roofer” (coordination of speech and movement, development of general motor skills)

It’s not hail, it’s not thunder - (Children stand in a circle, pretend to hit with a hammer, stretch on their tiptoes, raising their hands up) Roofer on the roof. He hits loudly with a hammer - (Imitate hitting with a hammer) The whole neighborhood hears. (Cover their ears with their hands) He covers the house with iron, (Pretends hitting with a hammer) So that it is dry in it. (Bend over, take out socks with hands) Game exercise “Name who it is?” - the teacher names the actions, and the children name the profession. — Works on a crane Children: crane operator. works on an excavator - trains animals - repairs watches - welds metal structures - covers the roof - lays concrete - plays the drum - plays the button accordion - plays the guitar - plays the piano - drives a taxi - treats the sick - drives a tram, trolleybus - builds houses - teaches children at school - raises children in kindergarten - flies an airplane - fixes plumbing - takes care of the forest - looks after the garden - grows vegetables - milks cows - mines coal - cleans yards, streets - fishes - lends out books in the library - delivers mail - cooks food - Game “Complete the Draw Correctly” (development of logical thinking, attention) - I started filling out the table with attributes that are needed for different professions. But I couldn’t fill it all the way. It is necessary that the pattern in the windows does not repeat itself. Will you help me? Children. Yes! Each child receives a card and completes the task.

After each task, children receive chips.

Reflection: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The builder will build us a house, and we will live in it together. An elegant suit, a day off. The tailor will skillfully sew it for us. The librarian will give us books, the baker will bake the bread in the bakery. The teacher will teach you everything - He will teach you literacy and writing. The letter will be delivered by the postman, and the cook will cook us some broth.

Educator: Now let’s count the chips to see who has the most. The winner receives applause. And all the guys receive emblems with smiles.

Educator: Guys, you know many professions, you know what people of different professions do, you know the meaning of many previously unknown words. And now I think when you grow up and find something you like!

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