Business game at the teachers’ meeting “Modern educator - What is he like?”

Severnyuk Natalya Vladimirovna, deputy director of MAOU Secondary School No. 8, Ishim

The date of the teachers' meeting is 05.11.2014

Form of conducting pedagogical Business game “Exchange of Pedagogical Ideas”

Scenario for holding a teachers' meeting

1. Plan of the teachers' council. 1. Opening remarks. Justification of the topic and form of the pedagogical council. 2. Practical part. Formulation of the problem. Work in groups. 3. Protection of the product of activity (algorithm, model, project, presentation, etc.) 4. Evaluation of results by “investors”. 5. Reflection. 6. Summing up the results of the pedagogical council. 2. Goals and objectives of the teachers' council. The goal of the work is to develop a specific algorithm of actions, a lesson model using modern technologies to effectively work with each student, as well as exchange interesting findings and ideas based on professional and personal practical experience. Objectives: 1. Increasing the motivation of the teaching staff to introduce modern teaching technologies and use a differentiated approach to each student in the lesson. 2. Improving professional skills, developing the creative activity of teaching staff of an educational organization. 3. Development of a lesson model that allows coordinating the actions of subject teachers in working with low-performing students and students who have particular success in learning. 4. Determination of practical approaches, organizational and pedagogical conditions, key methods aimed at increasing the social capital of an educational organization. 3. Progress of the teachers' council.

Pedagogical Council “Exchange of Pedagogical Ideas” Good morning, colleagues! The pedagogical council will not take place in the traditional form that is familiar to you. You will learn later why we chose this form. Today I would like to begin our pedagogical council with a statement by Yasvin Vitold Albertovich, Doctor of Psychology, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education “Changes in people’s attitudes and behavior occur much more effectively in the process of their group rather than individual functioning. A person’s personal self-development is determined by reflection on how other people perceive him,” these words contain the main idea of ​​our today’s pedagogical council, namely, in the course of group work we must find effective ways and approaches to organizing a lesson with students of different levels of training, motivation to training. And the process of communication itself, the situation of sharing experiences, mutual exchange is very important.

The education system today is undergoing significant changes: new education standards are being introduced, modern technologies are increasingly penetrating into schools: information and communication, project-based, problem-based, critical thinking, health-saving. The question arises: “Is there something inside an educational organization that can ensure its development in the plane of these modern changes?”

Yes, this is the social capital of an educational organization - joint activity, the result of collective action, in other words, this is the ability of the teaching staff to act together, independently and of their own free will, without external coercion. If we analyze the content of the standards, we can clearly see that the conditions for the transition to educational standards of a new generation require schools to change the educational paradigm. Education today is the result of collective action. In the new standard, this is reflected in the requirements for the learning outcome: the formation of educational skills, meta-subject competencies, the results of educational activities, the portfolio system, and students’ mastery of methods of joint activities.

Today, in the conditions of collective work in groups, in the process of joint learning, we will try to develop a system of professional agreements on the topic: “Technologies for working with poorly motivated children and children with a high level of cognitive activity.”

The goal of the work is to develop a specific algorithm of actions, a lesson model using modern technologies to work effectively with each student, exchange interesting findings and ideas based on professional and personal practical experience. I suggest you play a business game: “Exchange of Pedagogical Ideas.”

Let’s introduce the participants of the exchange: Group 1 – teachers of natural sciences and mathematics; Group 2 – teachers of the humanities and foreign languages; Group 3 – primary school teachers; - tutors (heads of subject and interdisciplinary school methodological associations) - a representative in each group, assistants, coordinators of ideas in groups; Group 4 (administration representatives) – “investors”, people who will invest their investments in “grand” ideas, choose effective approaches and techniques. You can materialize your ideas on paper in our press center. Attention! Exchange participants! You are faced with the following task: to propose a model of 3 lessons using technology - project activities, critical thinking, problem-based learning.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the main goal of collaboration is not updating knowledge about technologies, but developing a lesson model with interesting techniques, findings, and ideas.

Each group has cheat sheets on the table that reveal the features of each technology, as well as didactic material for creating an activity product.

We offer you key guidelines when drawing up a lesson model that you can focus on: compliance with the stages of the lesson, implementation of technology, targeting weak and strong students, examples from practice, risks.

Work in groups is limited to 30 minutes. Protection of projects for each technology separately (“3 circles”). Projects are discussed by investors after each “circle”.

The performance of each group is 3-5 minutes. Reflection. Discussion of the results of the work. Investors have made their choice. Well, now I would like to know your attitude to our event. To summarize our work, I suggest each of you take a square whose color is close to you in meaning and raise your hand up. Green - I already knew about this, but it was interesting. Blue - I learned a lot of new interesting things. Yellow - I will use this in my future work. Red - I was able to gain new experience and answer the questions that worried me at the very beginning. And finally, I would like to tell you a parable.

Parable (about cooperation). Once upon a time there lived a monk. And for most of his life he tried to figure out the difference between Hell and Heaven. He thought about this topic day and night. And one night, when he fell asleep during his painful thoughts, he dreamed that he was in Hell. He looked around and saw people sitting in front of a pot of food. But some were exhausted and hungry. He took a closer look - everyone was holding a spoon with a long-long handle. They can scoop it out of the cauldron, but they won’t get into your mouth. Suddenly a local employee (apparently the devil) runs up to the monk and shouts: “Hurry up, otherwise you’ll be late for the train going to Paradise.” A man arrived in Paradise. And what does he see?! The same picture as in Hell. Cauldrons of food, people with spoons with long-long handles. But everyone is cheerful and well-fed. The man took a closer look - and here people were feeding each other with the same spoons. Conclusion: it is necessary to cooperate, exchange experiences with colleagues in order to develop personally and professionally, as well as to lead your educational organization forward. The participants of each group will be able to receive printed materials based on the results of their work in our press center or at meetings of the ShMO.

4. Decision of the teachers' council. 1. To develop the educational environment as a condition for improving the quality of education through continuing work to improve school infrastructure, realizing one’s own professional potential, and ensuring openness of professional activities. 2. Strengthen methodological work in the following areas: - use of modern technologies in teaching; — effective pedagogical support for students with a low level of motivation to learn. 3. Develop individual educational routes for children with high and low levels of motivation to learn.

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