Business game as a form of methodological work in a preschool educational institution Definition 1 Methodological work in a preschool educational institution
Hello, dear schoolchildren and their parents! Warm greetings to mentors and organizers of fun events! On
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF “Use of play space markers in the developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution” Ashkrumova Svetlana Rafaelevna
Long-term plan for cognitive-experimental activities in the senior group Create a holistic idea of water as
The purpose and objectives of the sports ground in kindergarten The main goal of the physical zone is to introduce preschool children
September. “Let’s remember how to eat properly.” Goal: To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table, directly
Computer educational games for preschool children article on computer science on the topic Slide 1 Computer
Pedagogical technologies in environmental education of preschool children Technology of labor organization in nature is carried out
The professional competence of a teacher is the key to the success of every child Abstract: The article examines the totality of professional
“Protection and promotion of children’s health” Author: Maria Anatolyevna Pastorok Protection and promotion of children’s health