Main directions of designing the educational environment of preschool educational institutions

The concept of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

In modern conditions of the preschool education system, the main goals and objectives of raising preschool children, as well as personal development, are solved in the conditions of the educational process.

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The educational process of preschool educational institutions is holistic, systematic and purposeful. Its organization is carried out by the teacher, based on the laws of teaching, upbringing and development of the child. This accounting allows us to ensure the necessary result of the comprehensive development of children.

The comprehensive development of preschool children involves the following areas:

  • Physical development
  • Social and personal development
  • Cognitive and speech development
  • Artistic and aesthetic development

For example, in the field of cognitive and speech development, children develop curiosity, independence and initiative. In searching for new experiences and testing various methods of action, answers to questions and problematic situations that arise during the activity, the child’s speech develops.

The educational process in a preschool educational institution is characterized by the general principles of organizing the educational process as a pedagogical phenomenon, as well as the general structure and logic of construction.

The specifics of the educational process in preschool educational institutions are determined by the age characteristics of preschool children, the patterns of their development, as well as the needs for acquiring new knowledge and skills.

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The quality of the educational process of a preschool educational institution largely depends on how the educator takes into account the principles of its organization and subsequent functioning.

Note 1

Thus, the educational process in a preschool educational institution is a purposeful process of comprehensive development, education and training of children aged 3 to 7 years, taking into account their individual and age characteristics, carried out using various models and forms of preschool education, in accordance with requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Organization of a developing educational environment in preschool educational institutions material on the topic

Organization of a developing educational environment in preschool educational institutions.

Child development is influenced

  1. Heredity
  2. Wednesday
  3. Upbringing

All children, as you know, are different, and each preschooler has the right to his own path of development. Therefore, in a preschool institution, conditions must be created for the education and training of the children’s team as a whole, and each student must be given the opportunity to show individuality and creativity.

An important task of preschool educational institutions (DOU) with the introduction of FGT is to improve the pedagogical process and increase the developmental effect of educational work with children through the organization of a developing educational environment that ensures the creative activity of each child, allowing the child to show his own activity and realize himself most fully.

In order for an educational space to act as a developing educational environment, during the interaction of its components it must acquire certain properties:

flexibility, which refers to the ability of educational structures to quickly restructure in accordance with the changing needs of the individual, the environment, and society;

continuity, expressed through interaction and continuity in the activities of its constituent elements;

variability, which involves changing the development environment in accordance with the needs for educational services of the population;

integration, ensuring the solution of educational problems by strengthening the interaction of its constituent structures;

openness, providing for the broad participation of all subjects of education in management, democratization of forms of training, education and interaction;

an orientation towards joint active communication of all subjects of the educational process, carried out on the basis of pedagogical support as a special position of the teacher, hidden from the eyes of students.

Ideally, a kindergarten provides a child with an environment in which natural and real life takes place, which becomes a prerequisite for solving two important interrelated problems. On the one hand, it brings teaching and educational situations as close as possible to the realities of a child’s life, which helps the child’s personal acceptance of them; on the other hand, it teaches the child to act and communicate in situations that are as close as possible to human social existence.

In this regard, the preschool educational institution is considered as a purposefully specially organized environment that serves as a model of society for the child.

Specially organized environment

  1. has a positive effect on the development of the child’s ability to self-learn
  2. Acts as a stimulant, driving force in the holistic process of development of the child’s personality
  3. enriches personal development
  4. Promotes early manifestation of versatile abilities

There are several definitions of the educational environment: The educational environment is a set of conditions that have a direct and indirect impact on the comprehensive development of a child in kindergarten, the state of his physical and mental health, the success of his further education, as well as on the activities of all participants in the educational process in a preschool institution. In accordance with the FGT requirements for the structure of the main general education program of a preschool educational institution, the environment must:

— comply with the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;

— combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability;

- meet the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allow you to solve the set educational goals and objectives only on the necessary and sufficient material, get as close as possible to a reasonable minimum);

— ensure the integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas, based on the comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process;

— provide for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

— assume the construction of the educational process on age-appropriate forms of interaction between the teacher and children;

— fully provide conditions for the support and development of children’s play activities, taking into account age, gender, individual needs, interests and abilities

The developing educational environment in modern preschool institutions must meet certain principles:

Structure of the educational environment.


  1. Spatial-objective (physical environment);
  2. Social (human factor)
  3. Psycho-didactic (training program)

It is very important to arrange the educational space in such a way that children themselves take the initiative for their development, so that an adult, seeing in which area the motivation of their activity lies, provides it with moral, material, intellectual support, suggests how to build the process of cognition, and helps to obtain a clear result. , formalize it, discuss it, make it a positive asset for the team and an achievement in the child’s life. Without indicating what needs to be done, but knowing how a specific area of ​​knowledge is formed and what the process of mastering its content consists of, what stages it goes through, the adult arranges a comfortable environment for children’s activities, gives ideas, demonstrates samples, becomes a source of information, supplies materials and equipment.

In preschool pedagogy, the term “developmental environment” is understood as “a complex of material, technical, sanitary, hygienic, ergonomic, aesthetic, psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the organization of the lives of children and adults.”

At the center of the developmental environment is an educational institution that operates in development mode and has as its goal the process of developing the child’s personality, revealing his individual capabilities, and forming cognitive activity.

Requirements for building a developing educational environment

  1. The environment must objectively, through its content and properties, create conditions for the creative activity of each child, serve the goals of actual physical and mental development and improvement, and provide a zone of proximal development
  2. At every moment of a child’s life, communication, objective and developmental activities are present simultaneously, as are educational activities, but each of them goes through its own path of development until the moment at which it becomes the leading activity. For example: at an early age the leading activity is object-based activity, in preschool childhood it is play.
  3. The environment must correspond to the structure of the child’s cognitive sphere (Vygotsky I.P.: zone of actual development - zone of proximal development; Poddyakov N.N.: area of ​​clear knowledge, area of ​​unclear knowledge).

Functions of the developing educational environment of preschool educational institutions

The basic patterns of raising and teaching children make it possible to formulate the functions of the developmental educational environment of a preschool educational institution in accordance with the requirements of FGT.

The function of stimulating children's activity is based on the goal of offering the child a variety of material for his active participation in various types of activities.

Information function

The necessary level of information content of the environment at different stages of the development of the child’s personality is ensured by the variety of topics, the enrichment of the functional properties of its elements, the completeness and diversity of its elements.

Function of preserving psychological health

The environment is the most important factor for a child, influencing his emotional state.

The content of materials and equipment, their placement, and the layout of the premises should evoke positive emotions and make it possible to find a convenient place for both collective (“free space”) and individual (“solitude corner”, etc.) activities.

The educational function of the environment does not require special decoding. The environment itself is the very center where bonds of cooperation, positive relationships, organized behavior, and caring attitude are born.

The developmental function of the environment is the leading one. Only then can an environment claim the high title of developmental when it contains material that is feasible for every child, when it provides steps for the very advancement that we are talking about, meaning development.

The developmental function of the subject environment requires for its implementation a combination of traditional and new, unusual components, which ensures the continuity of the development of activity from its simple forms to more complex ones.

The developing educational environment of a preschool educational institution consists of the following components

  1. interaction between participants in the pedagogical process;
  2. subject-development environment;
  3. content of preschool education.

The components of the developmental educational environment of a preschool institution act in unity; they are interconnected and interdependent. Thus, the content of the educational program introduces specificity into the organization of the subject environment, determines the direction of pedagogical search and self-improvement of teachers. Taking into account the specific development of a preschool child, great importance in the structure of the educational environment of a preschool educational institution is attached to the interaction of participants in the educational process.

Interaction depends on the professional competence of the preschool educational institution team: the team’s readiness for creative, innovative activities, the manifestation of communicative abilities in interaction with students and their parents.

A person-oriented model of interaction allows for the creative use of the entire arsenal of pedagogical means and the formation of the subjective position of each participant in the correctional and educational process. The teacher, as a subject of the pedagogical process, ensures the development of children, forming their knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, the activities of children change the quality of the teacher’s activities, forcing him to search for new content, forms and methods of teaching that best suit the individual characteristics of the pupils. As a result, not only the development of each child occurs, but also the professional and personal growth of the teacher.

An important aspect of the educational process in preschool educational institutions is the interaction of teachers with parents of pupils, who are customers of educational services, have a certain pedagogical potential and are able to enrich the educational process with the positive experience of family education. The interaction between teachers and families is a purposeful process, as a result of which favorable conditions are created for the development of the child.

Pedagogical cooperation between parents and the child and teachers helps parents understand the individual characteristics of their children and general patterns of development.

With the introduction of FGT, the ideology in the interaction between kindergarten and family has changed. Therefore, the following sections may appear in the content of parent corners:

  1. psychological characteristics of children;
  2. corner of brief information (statements of great people, bright

lines of poetry, apt folk proverbs and sayings on issues

education and training);

  1. listen with your children (special recording of songs or poems for

listening at home);

  1. health corner;
  2. our successes;
  3. did you know (the section contains reports on new research in

fields of medicine, psychology);

children's rights (information on the observance of children's rights is placed in

preschool and family;

In accordance with the FGT to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education, the subject-development environment of the educational institution should contribute to the implementation of the main directions of children's development:

  1. Physical development
  2. Cognitive and speech development
  3. Artistic and aesthetic development
  4. Social and personal development

In the basic general education program, the subject environment should be built as a developmental one, which provides for new approaches to its organization in the pedagogical process, based on a personality-oriented model of interaction between children and adults.

The subject-development environment includes everything that is accessible to the child’s direct perception and use in practical activities; it must comply with fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements. Today, the subject-development environment should involve children in the educational process and provide maximum psychological comfort

Compliance with basic principles.

The principle of distance, position during interaction

  1. Establishing contact between adults and children
  2. Eye to eye partnership position:
  1. different sized furniture,
  1. equipment for an individual child seat,
  2. optimal distance when organizing in different types of activities

The principle of activity, independence, creativity

  1. It should be manifested in the formation of the child’s object environment: large play and didactic aids, a creative drawing wall, picturesque pictures with removable image elements (with fasteners, buttons), the use of a hygienic room for the participation of children in adult life (household work, experiments using a large number of water)

The principle of integration and flexible zoning

  1. The living space in kindergarten should be such that it makes it possible to build non-overlapping areas of activity
  2. This will allow children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other: physical education, music, drawing, design, looking at illustrations, etc.

The principle of emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of every child and adult

  1. The environment should be organized in such a way that it encourages children to interact with its various elements, thereby increasing the child's functional activity
  2. When creating an environment, it is necessary to take into account the conditions for the formation of the development of a full-fledged image of “I”

The principle of combining conventional and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment

  1. It is important to place in the interior simple but talented sketches, prints, abstract or semi-real sculptures, which give the child knowledge about the basics of graphic language and about various cultures - Eastern, European, African

Principles of taking into account gender and age differences in children

  1. When creating a subject-based developmental environment, it is necessary to take into account the gender differences of children.
  2. The environment should provide an opportunity for both boys and girls to express their inclinations in accordance with the standards of masculinity and femininity accepted in society
  3. All principles must be based on the age capabilities of children

Open-closed principle

  1. First, openness to nature, design promoting the unity of Man and Nature
  2. The second aspect is openness to culture. In its progressive manifestations
  3. The third aspect is openness to society
  4. Fourth – openness of one’s “I”, one’s own inner world
  1. In the kindergarten premises, a variety of photographic portraits of children and adults are hung in various combinations, reflecting the age dynamics
  2. Albums and folders with photographs are stored in a place accessible to the child, so that he can view them at will.

Safety principle. Teachers comply with fire safety rules, SanPiN standards and instructions for protecting the life and health of children;

The principle of rationality and expediency is convenience, space, functional significance of each component, aesthetics. If we create a subject-development environment without the implementation of these principles, then our environment will turn into a dead, expensive toy.

The subject-development environment should be selected taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas. Materials and equipment for one educational area can be used in the implementation of other areas.

The subject space of each age group has specific features that reflect the general and individual needs of children. All games and toys are located in a place accessible to children, gaming and educational aids are located at children's eye level. The play areas contain material used in the process of specially organized training; different, but similar; “free”, allowing the child to apply the learned means and methods of cognition in other areas.

With some general principles and approaches to children, much attention is paid to the development of children's individuality, taking into account the pace of development and activity of each child, and his own preferences. Much attention is paid to the free activity of children. However, this is not just a time when children are left to themselves, but a time when the teacher works in the field of activity chosen by the children. It is also possible at this time to monitor children in order to identify their abilities for interaction and activity.

The next component of the educational environment of a preschool educational institution is mastering the content of preschool education. Noting that the content of preschool education is one of the factors of economic and social progress of society, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” puts forward a number of general requirements for it. These include creating conditions for self-expression and self-realization of the individual: the formation of a worldview adequate to the modern level of knowledge. In modern conditions, preschool institutions have access to a fairly wide selection of educational programs. The conservative foundations of educators who have worked for many years using old programs and the reluctance to introduce new technologies are slowing down this process.

Integration, a variety of forms and methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of students in mastering the content of education contribute to the formation in preschoolers of the foundations of creativity, curiosity, cognitive activity, and communication. These properties are the basis for the success of children’s further education and an important indicator of the quality of preschool education.

The place of the teacher in a developing educational environment

The subject environment surrounding children, even if organized in the best way, cannot by itself, without the guidance of an adult, influence their development. Only an adult, purposefully organizing the objective world, reveals its essence in his actions and relationships with children: he “animates the Integrative approach to the organization of developing centers of activity for children”

The work of a teacher consists of three equally necessary components:

  1. implementation of the general tasks of mental development set in the program;
  2. implementation of the regional component of upbringing and education;
  3. the goals of a particular educational institution and the interests of each child in the group and his parents.

Thus, the organization of the educational environment is an area of ​​managerial activity of the head of a preschool educational institution, associated with the creation of an integral system of material, cultural and didactic resources that ensure the effective solution of educational tasks in optimal conditions.

At the same time, each preschool teacher (educator, music director, art studio director, ecologist, physical education instructor) also solves the problem of creating a subject-spatial environment as a department of the institution. It is important to note that the teacher at the same time shows his individuality, takes into account the available resources of his educational space, but necessarily coordinates his personal project with the model of the educational environment of the entire preschool educational institution. The task of each teacher is primarily related to providing optimal conditions for the individual development of each child.

The concept of the educational environment of preschool educational institutions

For the successful implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, it is important to create an educational environment.

The educational environment of the preschool educational institution is aimed at:

  1. Ensuring the protection and strengthening of the mental and physical health of pupils;
  2. Ensuring the emotional well-being of children;
  3. Professional development of teaching staff;
  4. Creating effective conditions for developing variable preschool education;
  5. Ensuring openness and accessibility of preschool education;
  6. Creating conditions to provide parents (guardians) with the opportunity to take an active part in the educational activities implemented by the preschool educational institution;

Note 2

The educational environment of a preschool educational institution has an impact on the effectiveness of the educational process, the nature of the established interpersonal relationships between subjects of education and the development of each student.

Components of the educational environment of preschool educational institutions:

  • Interaction between participants in the educational process is a coordinated activity of the teacher, students and parents, aimed at achieving educational goals and obtaining a specific educational result.
  • The developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution is an integral part of the educational environment of a preschool educational institution, represented by materials, furniture, toys, equipment, etc., selected in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the pupils.
  • The content of preschool education is a set of knowledge, skills, worldview, moral and aesthetic ideas, elements of cognitive, creative and social experience.

All of these components of the educational environment of a preschool educational institution are closely interconnected and are implemented by the teacher in the aggregate.

DOW task

The developmental environment of a preschool educational institution promotes the modeling of conditions conducive to the manifestation of a child’s creative abilities, his knowledge of figurative language, and the realization of cultural-communicative and cognitive-aesthetic needs. With the correct selection of methods and techniques, children receive real opportunities for self-improvement.

The internal environment of an educational institution promotes cooperation, interaction, and mutual learning of children. With the correct organization of the developmental process, the comprehensive development of each child is achieved. Each child will be able to choose an activity to their liking and believe in their own abilities and strengths.

The developmental environment of an educational institution helps children acquire skills in interacting with peers and teachers, assessing and understanding the actions and feelings of other people. This is the basis of developmental education.

Domestic developments

The educational environment of an educational institution has been studied and created over many years by domestic and foreign teachers and practicing psychologists. At the Institute of Pedagogical Innovations of the Russian Academy of Education, N. B. Krylova, M. M. Knyazeva, V. A. Petrovsky formulated the philosophical aspects of the term “educational environment”, as well as thought out the technologies and techniques for its design.

The educational environment of a modern educational institution is based precisely on the works of the founders of developmental education. Thus, V.V. Davydov proposed, introduced, and tested the “school of growing up” model.

The educational environment of a preschool institution is a narrower concept. It refers to the functioning of a specific educational institution:

  • material factors;
  • spatial-subject resources;
  • social components;
  • interpersonal relationships.

They are interconnected, complement, enrich each other, and influence each subject of the educational space.

Information and educational system

Currently, it is the most popular and in demand in domestic education. In the concept of the development of distance education in the Russian Federation, it is considered as “a systematically organized set of means of transmitting various information, methodological, organizational support, focused on fully meeting the needs of children and adolescents.” To achieve this task, information exchange is carried out between various educational institutions, and special software is used.

V. A. Yasvin defined the educational environment as a process of purposeful formation of personality according to a conventional social model. He identifies the following elements as structural units: training programs, human factors, physical environment.

Uri Bronfenbrenner highlights the following:

  • microsystem, which is characterized by a complex of relationships between the environment and the developing child;
  • mesosystem, which involves a set of microsystems influencing each other;
  • exosystem, covering special structures of formal and informal types;
  • macrosystem, focusing on social, economic, legal, political structures.

V.I. Panov systematized models of the educational environment, highlighting the following directions:

  • ecological-personal (V. A. Yasvin);
  • communication-oriented (V.V. Rubtsov);
  • anthropological and psychological (V. I. Slobodchikov);
  • psychodidactic (V. A. Orlov, V. A. Yasvin);
  • ecopsychological (V.I. Panov).

A technique for vector modeling of the educational and developmental environment appeared, which involved the construction of a coordinate system. One axis became “freedom-dependence”, and the second – “activity-passivity”.

The construction of a vector in this coordinate system for a certain type of educational environment is carried out on the basis of six diagnostic questions. Three relate to the presence in an environment of optimal opportunities for the full development of the child, the rest - opportunities for children’s self-realization.

Activity in this aspect is considered as a desire for something, initiative, struggle for one’s own interests, and passivity is the absence of such qualities.

Assessment of OS maturity

An examination of the social component is carried out according to the requirements of developmental education using special diagnostic techniques that are carefully selected from psychology and sociology. The main factor in ensuring the normal functioning of the social component of the developing educational environment will be improving the quality of retraining of teachers, in particular in the field of psychology. For such training, it is important for the teacher to periodically participate in various types of socio-psychological training.


J. A. Komensky (Czech teacher) considered the spatial-subject environment of an educational institution to be a “pleasant place”, in which there should be geographical maps, historical diagrams, space for games, a garden for communication with nature.

Makarenko noted the importance of equipping schools with a set of elements:

  • benefits and furniture;
  • materials and machines;
  • decorative elements.

M. Montessori was the first to pay attention to the spatial-subject component of the educational environment as a key factor in the personal development of the younger generation. She designed a “preparatory environment” that encourages preschoolers and primary school children to realize their individuality through independent activity.

Didactic material: frames with nests of different shapes and inserts for them, cubes-inserts, children's furniture - all these devices gave the child the opportunity to independently find errors when performing certain exercises and eliminate them. Montessori considered the spatial-objective environment to be the most important element in children's acquisition of multifaceted sensory experience. Thanks to independent activity, children organize their ideas about the world around them, learn to understand and love nature.

The preparatory environment, according to Montessori, contributes to the child’s awareness of opportunities for spiritual and physical development. It helps the younger generation adapt to the demands of society. Montessori suggested that teachers choose exercises whose content corresponded to children's needs.

The spatial-subject component of the educational environment includes:

  • school building architecture;
  • level of openness (closedness) of interior design elements;
  • spatial structure and size of premises;
  • ease of transformation;
  • possibility of movement for subjects.

V.V. Davydov, L.B. Pereverzev, V.A. Petrovsky identified the main requirements that apply to an integrated environment, without which the comprehensive development of children of preschool and primary school age is impossible:

  • the content of various elements, without which optimization of the intellectual, physical, emotional and volitional components of activity is impossible;
  • consistency, interrelation of individual elements;
  • controllability (possibility of adjustment by both the teacher and the child);
  • individuality.

Due to the complexity of the structure, the spatial-subject educational environment contributes to the development of each subject.

In such an environment, subjects not only search for, but also construct artistic, cognitive, sensory, motor, and play activities.

Important aspects

The subject-developmental environment of an educational institution directly affects the success of a primary school student and his acquisition of independent orientation skills in the volume of information.

The development environment is a mediator and background for interaction between a child and an adult. In it, the child can share his experiences and build his own behavioral line. The educational environment of an educational institution should become a second home for him, where he wants to stay for a long time.

The economic transformations taking place in the modern world require an increase in the quality of education for young people, the creation of methods for the correct transfer of knowledge to children, so that they become worthy members of modern society. The idea of ​​educational environments is the basis for solving the problem of adapting the younger generation to reality.


The educational environment of an educational institution is mentioned in the concept of modernization of Russian educational institutions. Each subject has the opportunity to influence its development and functioning, bearing responsibility for creating optimal conditions for schools and kindergartens to perform their main educational and social functions.

Considering the features of the environment of an educational institution, we will dwell on some psychological aspects. Environmental psychology emerged under the influence of ideas about the importance of studying human responses to a changing environment in the second half of the 20th century.

The main purpose of this branch of knowledge was to study the patterns of relations between the surrounding world, society, and people. The concept of “environment” was considered as the interconnection of conditions that ensured the full development of the child: mutual influence, understanding of reality, relationships with other people.

Theoretical points

The educational environment of an educational institution is a subsystem of the sociocultural environment. It represents the sum of circumstances, factors, situations aimed at organizing pedagogical conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of each child. This is a structure that includes several interconnected levels.

The global layer consists of global trends in the development of science, politics, and economics. The regional level is educational policy and culture. Local is the system, which includes the methods of education and training, the personality of the teacher.


The information and educational environment of an educational institution includes several components, taking into account a specific educational institution. For example, currently there is a virtual space that promotes the creative development of children. Thanks to information technology, every child develops self-development.

The pedagogical environment of an educational institution presupposes a specification of the term “learning environment”. It means the connection of specific communication, material, social conditions that ensure the processes of learning and teaching.

It is assumed that the student (trainee) is present in the environment and actively interacts with other subjects of the educational institution.

The educational environment of a preschool institution creates specially organized conditions that are aimed at children acquiring certain skills, abilities, and knowledge. Methods, content, goals and forms of work become accessible and mobile (changing) within a particular educational institution.

The external environment of an educational institution is a system that generates the learning process, permeated with characteristic, specific features.

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