A fairy tale about a Hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations. Vladimir Suteev

Brief summary of the tale

The happy hippo enjoyed his swim and basked in the sun. The poor guy was stunned by an announcement on the beach calling on all vacationers to get vaccinated against jaundice. Marabou's friend tried to persuade Hippopotamus, as a child, to go to the clinic for vaccination. The doctor was surprised to see the patient white with fear. While the doctor was picking up the largest needle, the little coward ran away. The next morning he was hospitalized because Hippo turned yellow. Marabou came to visit the sick man. He saw his friend, red with shame. You can read the fairy tale online in full on our website.

Eternal student

or He_who_lives_in_a hut.

Author: Daria Gribanova

My dear reader, have you read the title of the fairy tale? Yes, that's exactly how it happened. Once upon a time there lived a pink hippopotamus. Are you saying that this doesn't happen? Agree. But once you can believe in this!

The matter was complicated by the fact that none of the animals surrounding the hippopotamus believed that this could happen. Moreover, the animals considered it wrong. Well, a hippo can't be pink

! More well-mannered animals discussed the hippopotamus in a whisper, while less well-mannered animals laughed at him.

Our hippo suffered a lot. He felt sorry for himself and complained about fate: why did he manage to be born pink!

One day the hippopotamus decided to take action. He bought several jars of beautiful blue paint, a brush and a roller at the store. He got down to business: he began to paint himself. There are no pink hippos, but blue hippos do exist, to say the least – they are valued! Blue hippos are not pink hippos, they are hippo aristocracy!

Since this matter was secret, secret, the hippopotamus did not ask anyone to help itself. And who would he ask? He didn't have any friends. But it turned out to be difficult to cope with the task of self-painting. The hippopotamus carefully painted the front and hind legs, tail, belly, muzzle, ears, sides... In general, almost everything was painted. Only he himself did not notice that it was impossible to reach the middle of the wide hippopotamus’s back with short hippopotamus legs.

The hippopotamus looks in the mirror and is happy. What a handsome guy! And the blue muzzle, and the tummy, and the ears...

He went for a walk, filled with pride. Small, dirty, proud thoughts kept flashing through his hippopotamus head: “Now I’ll show them all! Let them see how wonderful I am! Let them envy me, the beautiful blue hippopotamus!”

But the hippopotamus did not know that there was an unpainted pink stripe on its back.

He’s walking, that means he’s showing off, he’s not blowing his mind. The animals look at him in surprise... The more well-mannered animals chose to remain silent, the less well-mannered animals giggled.

But one exceptionally intelligent rhinoceros still decided to approach the hippopotamus. He adjusted his glasses on his horn, and, intelligently grazing, turned to our hero:

-Dear, you probably didn’t notice. Such an absurd opportunity... Something abnormally pink stuck to your exceptionally correct back. You should fix this wrong. Perhaps wash it off? Please forgive me for my tactlessness...

All the hippopotamus’s disgustingly proud thoughts disappeared in one second. He, as if scalded, rushed, rather, into the pond. Without understanding the roads? The hippopotamus ran to the water and splashed into it with strong splashes. This stuck irregularity must definitely come off!

But then the irreparable happened. The water around the hippopotamus turned blue. It was the paint of the magnificent aristocratic hippopotamus that washed away, revealing the real pink hippopotamus.

Realizing what had happened, the hippopotamus was terribly upset. He climbed out of the water, sat down under a tree and cried bitterly.

- There is no place for me in this cruel world! - the hippopotamus lamented. “Nobody needs me to be pink, and I can’t be pink!” I won't go back to the animals. I will live alone.

The hippopotamus went away from ridicule and giggles - into the forest. He collected various twigs and sticks along the way, broke brushwood and palm paws, poured water into a bucket, mixed it with sand and clay, collected resin - and started construction with these materials.

The hippopotamus worked all day and all night. The hut came out excellent. Big, round, beautiful and very durable. It was quite possible to live here, which, in fact, is what the hippopotamus did - he settled in his hut far from other animals.

The hippopotamus lived alone for several days. But this could not always last, because animals sometimes looked into even the remote forest.

I flew there one day as part of the evening exercise of a marabou, big and important. I was walking marabou through the forest, walking, and came across the hut of our pink architect. The hippopotamus was sitting in the hut at that time.

- Wow! – the marabou involuntarily burst out. - This is a beauty! What a hut! The eighth wonder of the world!

Marabou knocked.

- Who's there? “I’m not waiting for anyone,” the hippopotamus answered through the door.

- Oh, amazing owner of an amazing hut! I really want to meet you and make friends!

- I don’t want to meet anyone or make friends! – the hippopotamus answered angrily, without leaving the hut.

“But...” the marabou was taken aback.

No one had ever refused him before - after all, he was so big and beautiful!

Marabou walked away from the hut a few steps. But curiosity still prevailed, and he decided to lure out the One_who_lives_in_the hut in another way.

- Oh, amazing owner of an amazing hut! I saw your hut and immediately fell in love with it! Would you be so kind, courteous and courteous, would you agree to build me the same wonderful hut? And I’m ready to pay for it, as you say!

The hippopotamus thought and thought: “The idea of ​​​​building another hut is not so stupid. You can ask this impudent guy for fruits, berries or dried flies, for example...”

“Okay,” answered the pink hippopotamus without opening the door. - Come tomorrow at noon.

The hippopotamus worked all night to build a new hut. He already knew all the pitfalls of this work, the experience of building his own hut allowed him to finish it faster, and the hut came out even more beautiful than the first.

By noon the next day, the marabou flew into the forest and... was stunned. The new hut intended for him simply dazzled his eyes - it was so good! Marabou left his gifts at the door of the unknown architect and began to develop a new home.

Agreeing to build a hut in the forest, our pink hero did not take into account that someone would live in the new hut - this would violate the privacy of the hippopotamus. Marabou settled in the hut, began to spend a lot of time there, and most importantly, began to take guests there! Afraid of meeting one of the animals, the hippopotamus switched to a nocturnal lifestyle: during the day, while the animals scurried back and forth, came to visit the marabou and left the forest, the hippopotamus slept; at night, when everyone went into their holes, and the marabou fell asleep in the hut, the hippopotamus got down to business - walking, picking berries and mushrooms, going for water, and so on.

And then one morning a doe knocked on the hippo's hut.

- Knock-knock-knock, dear mysterious architect!

“I’m listening,” the hippopotamus answered roughly and abruptly, without leaving the hut.

- Dear architect, I... why am I, all of us, friends of the marabou, who were lucky enough to see your creation - this marvelous hut - are simply delighted!

“Yeah,” the hippopotamus nodded, as if his interlocutor could see it.

- Dear builder, I am a doe, of course, fleet-footed and agile, but I am very tired of running from the savannah to the forest and back. And now my whole life passes here, in the forest, because here are all my friends, all my business, and a wonderful marabou hut. And I thought - wouldn’t you build me such a wonderful hut? Then I won’t have to run so much back and forth every day...

The hippopotamus thought. This was already the second order for a hut. The hippo's pride rejoiced, somewhere inside the little proud hippo shouted: “Agree!” But the image of the biryuk hermit crumbled before our eyes. What if all the animals start asking him for huts? What if a secluded forest turns from a place of visitation into a place of mass residence?

At least move.

The hippopotamus spent the whole day thinking about the doe's proposal. But by night, when life in the forest had calmed down, everyone fled, and the marabou went to bed, the hippopotamus could not stand it. He nevertheless went into the thicket, collected suitable materials, poured resin into a bucket and began construction.

By morning the hut for the fallow deer was ready.

Need I say that the hippo’s fears were confirmed? Orders for huts rained down on him from all sides.

Then the hippopotamus decided: “I’ll build huts for everyone and leave. I'll definitely go somewhere! At night. One".

And what started here! Literally every other day the hippopotamus erected a new hut in his forest. Crocodile, rhinoceros, lion, hyena, ostrich... Everyone urgently needed huts. And even for a small jerboa - a small hut. The hippopotamus acted very carefully, leaving the hut only at night, when silence reigned in the forest. The new inhabitants of the huts brought him their gifts in gratitude, but they never saw the One_who_lives_in_the hut. Who builds such wonderful houses for them?

One afternoon the animals gathered and organized a council.

“Stop indulging the oddities of this eccentric architect,” said the marabou.

- Certainly! We must finally lure him out of the hut! – the ostrich picked up the idea.

- Sorry, but maybe he’s sick and can’t stand the sun? Or is he arrogant and concerned about our health? - suggested the exceptionally intelligent rhinoceros.

- Nonsense. He could explain this to us.

- Friends, I know what to do! - said the doe. “The builder is building our huts while we sleep.” So, he still goes out into the forest at night. I propose to watch for him!

- Great idea! - the animals agreed.

It was decided to set up an ambush. They didn’t want to scare the One_who_lives_in_a hut, they didn’t plan to catch him. The animals only wanted to look at him: who he was and why he was hiding from them.

At night the hippopotamus came out of the hut. He was completely unaware that his neighbors in the forest were hiding behind the wide bushes, in the thickets, behind the trees. The hippopotamus was walking, whistling some melody. He held a bucket in his paw. The hippopotamus reached the pond, filled a bucket of water and headed to his hut.

It happened at night! And at night, as you know, all cats are gray, oh, that is, all hippos. Under the cover of darkness, it was impossible to make out what color the hippopotamus was: either gray or blue... It never occurred to anyone that our hippopotamus was pink! The animals sitting in ambush opened their mouths in amazement. Why? Why is an ordinary gray hippopotamus, a normal, healthy, beautiful hippopotamus hiding and not wanting to see them?

The next morning, every single animal gathered at the hippopotamus hut.

- Hey, architect! - they shouted.

- We know everything! - they shouted.

- We saw you tonight! - they shouted.

- Come out! - they shouted.

The hippopotamus was sleeping in a sweet sleep, but the cries of the animals woke him up. Hearing this, the hippopotamus became upset. He felt so sad, so sad that tears flowed from his big hippopotamus eyes onto his big hippopotamus necks. He didn't answer the screaming ones.

The animals tensed. Why doesn't he answer? Why doesn't it work?

There was an awkward silence. And then a sensitive ear would hear thin sobs coming exactly from the hippopotamus’ hut. Crying...

- Hippopotamus! – the marabou said loudly. – I don’t know what happened to you. I don’t know what is the reason for your recluse. I can only assume that the reason is really significant. But please understand us too. We, the inhabitants of this forest, became inhabitants thanks to you. Thanks to your building talent and your architectural ideas, we have acquired such huts that we could not even dream of before. That's why we were burning with curiosity all these long days. We followed you at night. But we could not have expected that the most ordinary hippopotamus would emerge from the hut. Come out to us, dear hippopotamus, call us your friends!

While the marabou was making his long speech, the little jerboa walked around the hippopotamus' hut on all sides. He found a small loophole, slightly dug the ground and entered the builder's home. The jerboa was so stunned by what he saw that he immediately crawled back out! After all, there, in the hut, sat and cried bitterly... A PINK hippopotamus!

Not remembering himself from surprise, the jerboa jumped to the whole company and shouted in a thin voice:

- I saw, I saw! I saw everything! It is something! This doesn't happen!!! Hippopotamus is RO-ZO!

The hippopotamus, who, of course, heard the jerboa’s cry, gathered his strength. Through tears, he opened the door of the hut and went out to the animals.

This forest had never seen such surprised eyes before.

And then the marabou was the first to approach the hippopotamus and hug it with its large beautiful wings.

- Dear, dear, our poor hippopotamus! How ashamed I am that I once laughed at you! Forgive me, fool marabou. Let me call you your friend. I won't let anyone hurt you.

The animals blushed - who could, of course. After all, they all used to laugh and make fun of the pink hippopotamus: some behind the scenes, and some openly. No one, no one tried to find out what the hippopotamus has in his soul, what talents he has, what you can talk to him about...

And everyone who stood then at the entrance to the hippopotamus’ hut; everyone for whom the hippopotamus built wonderful huts; everyone who watched the One_who_lives_in_the hut at night... Everyone began to approach the hippopotamus, hug him, and ask him for forgiveness.

Since then, the pink hippopotamus has no longer hidden. He sleeps again at night and is awake during the day. He made a whole forest of friends! It turns out that they, along with the intelligent rhinoceros, love the same books! Together with the ostrich they are now playing football! And the little jerboa sometimes comes to the hippo just to sit on his wide pink back and dream about something magical.

The tale was invented on April 26, 2014.

Recorded and updated May 2-10, 2014.

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Analysis of the fairy tale About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations

The preventive fairy tale was written by Suteev specifically for children to help them overcome their fear of medical procedures. It is useful to read and discuss the fairy tale with older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. Ask the children what the fairy tale about the Hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations, teaches? Your question will make children think about what qualities they need to get rid of in order not to become like a yellow or red hippopotamus. You and I can develop the author’s idea if we invite the kids to compose a continuation of the fairy tale. Our Hippo will become brave and learn to overcome his fears. All that remains is to buy a “brave” plush hippopotamus (maybe a crocodile or monkey), which will go with the baby for vaccinations.

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