Preview: Goal: Creating conditions for the development of creative abilities in the process of productive activity. •
Card index of educational and research activities (first junior group) Topic “I bake, bake, bake...” Material: , molds
Essay for 5th grade Everyone in the world has a family. These are the closest and
Sports entertainment “Small Winter Olympic Games” Vedas: “Sticks, skis, fast running. Under the bright sun
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Visual modeling as an effective means of mental development of preschool children Anna Kharchenko
The ABCs of safety for preschool children Yulia Verkhozina The ABCs of safety for preschool children
Progress of the game: On the front door of the group there is a poster with the name of the play. I ask
Notes “Conversation about bread” lesson plan (3rd grade) on the topic State budgetary educational institution school