Summary of GCD in the second junior group for speech development. Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “The Ship”

Calendar and thematic planning in the educational field “Communication” Section “speech development”

MonthdateTopic of the Lesson,
no .
TasksMethods and techniquesForm of organizationIntegrationComponent
SeptemberAdaptation. Pedagogical examination Identify knowledge, skills, abilitiesGame, observation, conversation, individual lessonA gameCognition, reading fiction
“The Stranger” 1 hour.
Using visual material, make children want to help a person who finds themselves in a difficult situation; activate children's speech and enrich their vocabulary. Story,

direct offer

FrontalCognition, social and personal development
"Riot in the Toy Kingdom"
Using a special problem situation, activate children’s speech; make them want to show care for their toy friends; to clarify children’s ideas about which and where animals live in the wild. Story with toys showingFrontal, gameCognition, social and personal development
"The Stranger" 2 hours.
Exercise children in clearly pronouncing various onomatopoeias; activate children's speech and enrich their vocabulary. Story,
game exercise
FrontalCognition, fine art
“Sound culture of speech: the sound “A”
To train children to clearly pronounce the isolated sound “A”; consolidate the pronunciation of this sound in individual words and short sound combinations; encourage you to pronounce this sound with different durations and volumes; be able to listen and perceive a work of art, and when listening again, finish the words from the text. Story, game exerciseFrontalCognition, fiction
"Literary Kaleidoscope"
Help children remember familiar fairy tales; make them want to talk about what happened to the heroes of the works, suggesting the right words, helping to construct a sentence correctly; help children remember a new poem and give it to anyone they want. Game exerciseFrontal, entertainmentFiction, cognition
"Let's get acquainted"
Using a learning situation, activate children’s vocabulary related to the topic “Furniture”; enrich children's vocabulary with words that characterize the spatial arrangement of objects; provide the child with the opportunity to act with visual material (cut-out pictures) the way he wants, allowing the child to feel like a competent consultant. Gaming

gaming motivation

Frontal, gameCognition, social and personal development
Didactic games and exercises with vegetables.
Learn to distinguish and correctly name vegetables in their natural form, in pictures (to form the ability to generalize); identify an object by its shape (by touch); connect the tops and roots; practice children in coordinating words in a sentence; help you remember and read expressively a Scottish folk song. Game exerciseFrontalCognition, fiction, fine arts
Sound culture of speech: the sound “U”
Teach children to clearly articulate the sound “U” (isolated, in sound combinations, words, small phrases), pronounce it with one exhalation; encourage children to pronounce (by imitation) sounds at different volumes; develop auditory attention; activate the words cuckoo - coo - crow - crow in children's speech. Story, game exerciseFrontalFiction, cognition
Sound culture of speech: the sound “I”
Enrich and activate children's vocabulary; practice clear pronunciation of the vowel sound “I” in individual words and phrases; practice expressiveness of intonation when reproducing onomatopoeia and poetic lines. Conversation, demonstration, game exerciseFrontalCognition, reading fiction
Sound culture of speech: the sound “O”
Teach children to clearly pronounce the vowel sound “O” (isolated, in onomatopoeic words, phrasal speech); improve auditory attention, intonation expressiveness of speech; encourage children's improvisations on folk song themes. Conversation, explanation, demonstration, game exerciseFrontalCognition, fiction
Sound culture of speech: sounds “E, Y, M (Мь). Reading of A. Shibaev’s poem “Who Becomes Whom”
Exercise children in clear pronunciation of vowel sounds “E, Y”; consolidate the pronunciation of the sound “M (Мь)” in words and phrasal speech; contribute to the development of intonation expressiveness of speech; activate words in children's speech - the names of animals and their cubs. Conversation, questions, game exerciseFrontalCognition, fiction
Examination of dishes and household appliances. Sound culture of speech: the sound “P (Pb)”
Activate words in children’s speech - names of kitchen utensils and utensils, household appliances; practice children in pronunciation of the sound “P (Pb)”; form intonation expressiveness of speech by singing the little mice song. Looking at pictures, conversation, game exerciseFrontalCognition, reading fiction
"Literary Kaleidoscope"
Involve children in dialogue, help them express their thoughts, enrich their vocabulary, repeat literary works known to them with children; help me remember N. Saxonskaya’s new poem “Where is my finger?” Literary reading, conversation questionsFrontal, entertainmentCognition, reading fiction
Sound culture of speech: the sound “B (B)”
Training children in clear and correct pronunciation of the sounds “B (B)” will reinforce the pronunciation of the sound “B” in individual words and phrases; form intonation expressiveness of speech. Explanation, conversation, game exerciseFrontalCognition, fiction
"Literary Kaleidoscope"
Help children remember familiar fairy tales, stories, poems; create conditions for dialogue, enrich children’s speech, improve their grammatical structure of speech; improve intonation expressiveness of speech. Story,

game exercises

Frontal, entertainmentFiction
Sound culture of speech. Learning the Russian folk song “Shadow-shadow-sweat.”
Teach children to clearly pronounce the sound “T (Тъ)”, “Д (Дь)” in onomatopoeias and words; help you remember a new poem. Story, fiction readingFrontalCognition, fiction
Sound culture of speech: sounds “K (Kb)”, “G (Gb)”
Practice clear pronunciation of the sounds “K (Kb)”, “G (Gb)” in onomatopoeias and words; improve auditory attention; provide children with the opportunity to improvise simple rhyming text. Game exercise, artistic readingFrontalCognition, fiction
Sound culture of speech: sounds “Х (Хь)”, “К”, “Д”
Consolidate pronunciation in onomatopoeias and words with the sound “X (Хь)”; to train children to clearly pronounce the sounds “K” and “D” in words and phrasal speech. Conversation, questionsFrontalCognition, health, fiction, music
"Literary Kaleidoscope"
Help children remember familiar works of art; encourage dialogue, helping to express your thoughts; help memorize the poem “Rural Song” by A. Pleshcheev Conversation, game exerciseFrontal, entertainmentCognition, fiction, music
Looking at the picture “Elya and the Dog.” Game-dramatization “Nanny for a stupid mouse”
Using a picture, activate children’s speech, provide them with the opportunity to describe (from memory) a familiar cat or dog; make the child want to try himself in the role; suggest to children speech patterns that are appropriate in a particular case; introduce children to the poem “She’s All” by I. Kosyakov Looking at pictures, conversation, questions, artistic readingFrontal, gameCognition, fiction
Sound culture of speech: sounds “F”, “V”.
Exercise children in clear pronunciation of the sounds “F”, “V” (isolated, in words); contribute to the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech. Articulation warm-up, story, game exercise, artistic readingFrontalFiction,
“Choose a dog and a kitten for Eli.” Drama game “Hurry! Hurry!”
Using pictures, activate children's speech and enrich their vocabulary. By participating in a mischievous game, others make their mistakes; with the help of the teacher, characterize the animals (from memory); train children in forming nouns by analogy Looking at pictures, talkingFrontal, gameCognition, fiction
Sound culture of speech: the sound “S”. Memorizing the poem “Coward” by E. Charushin and E. Shumskaya.
Practice clear pronunciation of the sound “C”, consolidate its pronunciation in words and phrasal speech; develop speech breathing; improve intonation expressiveness of speech; help children remember a new poem. Articulation warm-up, conversation, questionsFrontalCognition, fiction
Sound culture of speech: the sound “Z”
Exercise children in clear pronunciation of the sound “Z” (teach to clearly pronounce the soft sound “Z” (ZI, ZY) and the hard sound (ZA, ZU); consolidate the pronunciation of the sounds “Z” _ “S” in words and phrasal speech.Articulation warm-up, conversation, artistic readingFrontCognition, fiction
Sound culture of speech: the sound “C”
Practice clear pronunciation of the sound “C” (teach children to pronounce the sound “C” slowly and quickly, quietly and loudly); help children remember the works of K. Chukovsky. Articulation warm-up, game exercise, artistic readingFrontalCognition, fiction
Drama game “Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests...” 1 hour.
Using a planned situation, help children conduct a dialogue with a fairy-tale character; activate them in speech using various verbal forms of expressing requests and gratitude. Surprise moment, play exercise, discussionFrontal, gameCognition, fiction
“Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests...” 2 hours.
Help children conduct a dialogue with a fairy-tale character, using different forms of request and gratitude in speech; enrich children's vocabulary with the names of various “outlandish” objects. Game exercise, conversationFrontal, gameCognition, fiction
Game - dramatization

“And it’s summer here!”

Using a special situation, engage children in conversation, help them express their thoughts, suggesting the most appropriate words and phrases.Conversation, story, looking at pictures, artistic reading.Frontal, gameCognition, fiction

3.8. Contents of psychological and pedagogical work on mastering the educational field “Reading fiction” Goals :
developing interest and need for reading (perception) of books through solving the following tasks:

  • formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas;
  • development of literary speech;
  • introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

Explanatory note:
In the program, the tasks of the educational field “reading fiction” are implemented in integration with the areas: “Physical education”, “health”, “socialization”, “work”, “communication”, “artistic creativity”, “cognition”, “ music,” and in special moments.
List of programs, benefits and technologies:

  • Send me good readings. BEHIND. Gritsenko - M.: Education, 2003.
  • We introduce literature to preschoolers aged 3-5 years. / Ushakova O.S. – M., 2010.

Calendar and thematic planning in the educational field “Reading fiction”

MonthdateLesson topic
TargetMethods and techniquesForm of organizationIntegration _
SeptemberFor a month, daily reading of children's literature recommended by the program and selected in accordance with age.Develop aesthetic perception, the ability to emotionally respond to figurative speech, evaluate the actions of heroes, characterize some of their moral qualities (good, evil, brave), teach expressive reading of poems, nursery rhymes, distinguish between genres, notice the features of literary language (epithets, comparisons, fairy-tale repetitions) .Conversation, direct proposal, questions, gameFrontalCognition, socialization.
October 04.10№ 1
Repetition of poems

from the “Toys” series.

To create a desire to recite familiar poems by A. Barto, to form a positive attitude towards poetry, to cultivate intonation expressiveness of speech.Playing with toys
looking at illustrations,


Frontal gameSpeech development,


11.10No. 2 Storytelling r. n. With. "Turnip" Help to understand the sequence of actions of fairy tale characters with the help of a model, learn to identify and name the characteristic features of the characters; develop intonation expressiveness of speech. Story, questions, looking at illustrationsFrontaltheatricalizationLanguage development, mathematics,
18.10№ 3
Telling the fairy tale "Kolobok"
Teach emotionally, perceive a fairy tale; participate in the story. Answer questions, participate in storytelling, develop creative initiative. Story, questions,
looking at illustrations
FrontalSpeech development, mathematics
25.10№ 4
Reading poems about animals.
Teach emotionally, perceive poetry, understand the content of poetic texts. Feel the rhythm of poetic speech; encourage them to express their impressions in independent terms. Looking at pictures questions
Cognition, fine arts
November01.11.№ 5.
Small folklore. forms

riddles, nursery rhymes

Clarify ideas about riddles. Learn to guess descriptive riddles, help memorize the nursery rhyme “Cat”, perform familiar nursery rhymes “Cockerel”, “Water” with intonation and expressiveness.Looking at pictures questionsFrontal
Speech development,




08.11No. 6. Telling Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Chicken”Teach emotionally, perceive the content of a fairy tale. Exercise in selecting definitions for a given word, replenish the dictionary with emotional and evaluative vocabulary, find means of expressing the image in facial expressions, gestures, intonation. Conversation, questions, looking at illustrationsFrontalCognition, socialization,
speech development
15.11№ 7
Memorizing a poem

Mirovich "Falling Leaves"

Learn to expressively recite a poem by heart, practice selecting definitions for a given word, encourage you to express your impressions in drawings and movements. Cultivate a love for nature. Questions, game
looking at illustrations


FrontalCognition, socialization,
speech development, fine arts
22.11No. 8 Storytelling r. n. With. "Teremok" Emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, remember the characters and the sequence of actions using modeling.Questions, game Looking at pictures
FrontalCognition, mathematics,
socialization, speech development
December06.12№ 9
Memorizing the poem "Whine"
Teach expressively, recite the poem “Whine” by heart. Enrich your vocabulary with the word dwarf, stimulate children’s speech activity, practice using imperative verbs.Questions, conversation, game
looking at illustrations
FrontalCognition, speech development
13.12№ 10
Reading Chukovsky's fairy tale


Emotionally perceive a poetic work, understand the theme, content; evoke a desire to memorize and expressively perceive quatrains Conversation, Looking at
to the Individual.
Cognition, development
speech, health
20.12№ 11
Memorizing art. Trutneva “Happy New Year”
Learn to express your impressions of the New Year holiday in coherent statements. Emotionally perceive poetry. Foster a love of folk traditions. Memorizing poetry, conversation, looking at
FrontalDevelopment speeches,


January11.01-16.01№ 12
Daily reading of literature of children's choice. Learn to express your impressions. Conversation, game Looking at
FrontalCognition, development
speech, socialization
Reading poems about children, memorizing “Where is my finger”
Continue to get acquainted with the variety of Russian lyrics; develop the imagination of the child. Learn to recite poetry expressively. Memorization Looking at
speech development
24.01No. 14 Telling the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”Continue learning to memorize and expressively perceive words and phrases from the text in the process of theatricalization. Learn to express your impressions Conversation, theatrical performance


FrontalArt, speech development, mathematics
31.01.No. 15 Telling the tale of L. Tolstoy “The Three Bears”Teach emotionally, perceive a fairy tale. Pay attention to the figurative word, help to assimilate the content of the fairy tale story, game



FrontalCognition, fine art
Familiarization with small folklore forms.
Continue to introduce children to nursery rhymes, expressively tell the nursery rhyme “Grow your braid up to your waist.” Learn to solve descriptive riddles. Find pictures that correspond to the answers, practice rhythmic and expressive pronunciation of the text in the game “Bear the Bear in the Forest” Story, discussion
Making riddles

Base A game



Frontalk/g skills,

physical training,


Telling a tale

"The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster"

Teach emotionally, perceive a fairy tale. Understand and remember the plot. Repeat songs from fairy tales, practice word formation. Foster a love of folk art Story



FrontalCognition, speech development
Familiarization with small folklore forms.
Continue to introduce children to nursery rhymes, expressively tell the nursery rhyme “You are frost - frost.” Learn to guess descriptive riddles Find pictures that correspond to the answers, help you remember the saying “Take care of your nose in the deep frost.” Questions, conversation
Looking at pictures
FrontalCognition, socialization,
Telling a tale

"Cat Rooster and Fox"

Learn carefully, listen to the fairy tale, understand its content, memorize individual words and songs of the fairy tale characters, and expressively reproduce them. Foster a love of folk art. Story,

looking at illustrations

speech development
Memorizing poems for March 8
Induce a joyful emotional mood, help children express their attitude and love for their mother through poetry and creative activity.Memorization, conversation, looking at illustrationsFrontalCognition,
speech development
Memorizing Blaginina’s poem “Fly”
Teach emotionally, recite a poem by heart, conveying an incentive and interrogative intonation. Cultivate a love for birds. Story Memorization

Looking at illustrations


Frontal observationCognition speech development walk
Telling a tale

"Kids and the Wolf"

Introduce children to the artistic features of the fairy tale genre; expressively convey the characters' characters when playing songs. Story,

looking at illustrations

FrontalCognition, speech development,
Telling the fairy tale "Mitten"
Develop children's creative thinking.
Listen carefully to the fairy tale, understand its content, introduce the proverb “In crowded conditions, but not in offence.”
Conversation, questions,

looking at illustrations

FrontalCognition speech development walk
April04.04No. 24 Telling a fairy tale.
"The Snow Maiden and the Fox"
Develop children's creative thinking.
Listen carefully to the story and understand its content.
Conversation, questions,
FrontalHealth, cognition, socialization
"Where does the Motherland begin..."
Cultivate respect for home, the land on which a person lives. Give the idea that we live in Russia. Story, art. word, consideration FrontalCognition, socialization, music,
development. speeches
Familiarization with small folklore forms.
Introduce children to the meaning and content of nursery rhymes - chants, recite the nursery rhyme "Sun - Bucket" by heart.
Foster a love of folk art.
Looking at paintings
FrontalCognition, speech development
Reading poetry

Klokova “Winter has passed.”

Practice selecting definitions for a given word. Teach children to recite a poem by heart with intonation and expressiveness. Conversation, discussion
Looking at illustrations
FrontalCognition, work, socialization,
telling a tale

"Lazy Brucholina"

Teach emotionally, perceive the content of a fairy tale. Listen carefully to the story and understand its content. Discussion, questions
Looking at illustrations
speech development
Reading “How the rooster was treated”
Learn to perceive the artistic features of a poetic text. Foster a love of folk art. Discussion, questionsFrontalCognition,
speech development
Reading works at the request of children
Study carefully, listen to the fairy tale, understand its content, memorize individual words and songs of the fairy tale characters. Reproduce them expressively. Foster a love of folk art. Discussion, questions
Looking at illustrations
speech development

3.9. Contents of psychological and pedagogical work on mastering the educational field “Artistic Creativity” Objectives:
developing interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, satisfying children’s needs for self-expression through solving the following tasks: developing children’s creativity;

development of children's productive activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué, artistic work);
introduction to the fine arts. Explanatory note:
The educational area “Artistic Creativity” includes the following sections: “Artistic activity”, “Artistic work”.

Art activities are carried out in specially organized activities once a week in alternation between drawing and modeling, carried out by the teacher, and also implemented in integration with other types of activities: “Cognition”, “Speech Development”, “Reading Fiction”, “Game”.

Artistic work is carried out in specially organized activities once a week, in alternation: “Construction” and “Application”, and is also implemented in integration with other types of activities: “Cognition”, “Speech development”, “Reading fiction”, “Game” ", "Drawing", in the free activity of children.
List of programs, technologies, benefits:

  • “I’m learning to draw” T.N. Doronova. – M.: Education, 2007
  • “Visual activity and aesthetic development of preschool children” T.N. Doronova. – M.: Education, 2008
  • Application for preschoolers. / Petrova I. - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2003.
  • Magic stripes. Manual labor for the little ones. / Petrova I. - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2003.
  • Volumetric pictures. / Salagaeva L. - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2006.
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