To help the preschool teacher. “LIST OF EQUIPMENT AND LABOR EQUIPMENT”

How does a child's brain work?

“How to talk so children will listen, and how to listen so children will talk” - Elaine Mazlish and Adele Faber

About the book: A collection of tips on how to properly communicate with children from two psychologists and mothers of many children. Contains recommendations for building communication with children of different ages: a lot of practice, a minimum of theory.

What are the benefits: The author's methods help to conduct a dialogue with children so that they hear requests and respond to them without shouting or punishment. There are also tips on how to encourage your child to share his thoughts and feelings with adults.

"Thirty Million Words" - Dana Susskind

About the book: Professor, pediatric cochlear implantation surgeon from Chicago Dana Susskind talks about a study among children with congenital hearing impairments and their rehabilitation after implant installation. It turned out that children with the same initial data, who underwent surgery at the same age, recovered differently only because of the way their parents communicated with them.

What is the benefit: Data is provided on the influence of adult speech on children under four years of age, which helps to learn what words to use and how to construct sentences, why it is better to call a child a “helper” rather than asking for his help directly, and how many words per day are needed for development of the child's brain.

"The Emotional Intelligence of a Child" - John Gottman

What: Family psychologist John Gottman believes that in the last couple of decades, simply loving a child and adhering to certain parenting tactics is not enough, and one of the first skills that children should be taught is the ability to recognize their own emotions.

What is the benefit: Adults who read the book will be able to explain their emotions to children and thus influence their behavior and correct it. There are recommendations for building emotional education, which is aimed at eliminating nervousness and irritability in relationships between children and adults, reducing the level of anxiety and insecurity in children.

“How to stop snapping at your children” - Carla Naumburg

About what: The author, a sociologist and mother of two daughters, admits that she also had breakdowns and hysterics in her life. And most of the advice from the Internet was only about how to deal with these outbreaks. But jumping or screaming alone to relieve negative emotions is not the solution: sometimes being a parent 24/7 is too difficult. Carla offers her own ways of avoiding irritability and guilt in parenting.

What is the benefit: The book was written for parents, but kindergarten teachers have similar problems. How can you not break down and scream if 25 three-year-olds don’t hear the request to calm down? The author talks about what becomes the trigger for anxiety and the trigger for rage and screaming. This allows you to extinguish negative emotions in the “bud”, because the breakdown itself cannot be controlled and willpower alone will not get rid of it.

Classic literature about raising children

“How to Love a Child” - Janusz Korczak

About the book: This is a real bible for parents and teachers and one of the few books about child psychology that has not lost its relevance more than 100 years since its publication. Polish teacher and doctor Janusz Korczak dedicated his life to working with orphans. Over the years of practice, he came to the conclusion that it is more important to love, respect and give a child freedom, rather than lecture and build a system of prohibitions. The scientist's observations and the literary talent of the lyricist add up to a soulful text full of invaluable experience.

What is the benefit: The book gives a charge of love for children and teaches a philosophy that supports the teacher in the most difficult professional moments. Korczak teaches to understand and accept children from infancy to the end of adolescence, without changing or making them “comfortable.” Learn to live with these “foreigners” who still don’t know the language and laws well.

“Everything, everything, everything about raising children” - Lyudmila Petranovskaya

About the book: The book contains three bestsellers by psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya: “If it’s difficult with a child,” “Secret support” and “Selfmom: life hacks for a working mother.” Petranovskaya examines the most common problems and crises in relationships with children and gives practical advice for each case. For example, it explains why children suddenly become hysterical and how to stop it.

What is the benefit: The author tells how to help a child get out of a conflict or difficult situation, grow harmoniously and not waste time on struggle and competition. The book teaches adults to become significant in children's lives and understand what really lies behind “bad manners.” Readers will learn why modern psychologists beg not to make children obedient.

“The Big Book of Communication with a Child” - Julia Gippenreiter

About the book: Expanded edition of Julia Gippenreiter’s bestsellers “Communicate with a child. How?”, “We continue to communicate with the child. So?" and chapters from the book “We have different characters. What should I do? Books have been republished since the 1990s, and teachers often refer to the works of the author, who is also a professor at Moscow State University and a doctor of psychological sciences. Answers to the eternal questions of several generations of parents are collected here in a collection. The book is built on the principle of small lessons.

What is the benefit: The author teaches the correct behavior with children “by contradiction”: an analysis of incorrect parenting strategies and ways to change them, ways to solve emotional difficulties and create warm, trusting relationships are provided.

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