Requirements for the design of a methodological office of a preschool educational institution.

Cabinet equipment

The methodological office has a room in which the teaching and methodological activities of the team are carried out, as well as methodological and reference literature.

The office is equipped with:

  • — bookcases that contain regulatory and instructional documents, methodological and children's fiction, didactic materials, and audiovisual aids.
  • — desks, chairs, for organizing and conducting teacher councils, seminars, methodological associations and other forms of work.
  • - computer
  • - scanner
  • - Printer

Methodological support

• Information and analytical department. Materials on certification, advanced training, comprehensive assessment of teaching activities. Monitoring and analyzing the state of the educational process, its quality. Assessing the effectiveness of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.

• Department of software and methodological support. Educational programs implemented in preschool educational institutions; alternative educational programs; thematic planning according to the program “From childhood to adolescence”; methodological literature on psychology;

• Department of artistic and aesthetic development. Methodological literature, lesson notes, consultations on artistic activities, design, manual labor; Information about artists, reproductions of paintings; Information and samples on folk art, folk toys;

• Department of Physical Development. Methodological literature and development of notes, consultations on physical education and children's health; literature on valeology, encyclopedias (physical education, anatomy, human structure). This department contains literature, methodological developments, workbooks, and video materials for working with children on life safety.

• Fiction department. Collections and individual works of children's and fiction literature; Scientific and methodological magazines, booklets.

• Department of social and personal development. Methodological literature, development of notes, consultations on familiarization with the native land, the Republic of Khakassia. Literature for the implementation of the national-regional component in preschool educational institutions (fiction, teaching aids, visual and illustrative material).

• Department of cognitive and speech development. Methodological literature, development of notes, consultations; Children's encyclopedias, visual and illustrative material.

• Department for work with parents. Information on general problems of raising children, preparing children for school, and protecting the rights of the child. These are: normative documents, methodological literature, developments of consultations, conversations, visual and illustrative material related to these topics. Materials on protecting the rights of the child.

Requirements for the design of a methodological room in a preschool educational institution presentation on the topic

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Requirements for the design of a methodological office. Regulatory and legal framework of the methodological office of a preschool educational institution (in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education) Prepared by the senior teacher of the MBDOU “Kindergarten “Cherry” p. Red" Dubina V.A.

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Methodological room A place for communication between teachers of a preschool educational organization

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Functions of the methodological room Interaction of teachers with each other; Informing teachers; Methodological support Storage of didactic material

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Methodological and didactic Material is completed in accordance with: Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education; approximate basic educational programs, adapted programs, partial programs, methods; the focus of the groups; the duration of children's stay in preschool.

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Requirements for the content of the methodological room 1. The equipment of the methodological room must be rational and ensure a high level of the educational process; 2. The design of the teaching room must comply with generally accepted aesthetic requirements. 3. The main equipment of the office is educational and methodological literature, sets of visual and systematized materials, audio and video recordings, multimedia presentations in accordance with the educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, didactic materials.

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Classification of materials of the methodological classroom a) legal documentation b) basic methodological documentation c) “Scientific and methodological support of the educational process d) visual and illustrative material (demonstration and handout) e) pedagogical and children’s literature, periodicals f) exhibitions

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All documentation is divided into blocks: Block: Regulatory documentation (federal, regional, municipal regulatory documents and documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions) Block: Basic methodological documentation Block: “Scientific and methodological support of the educational process Block: “Working with personnel » Block: “Control and management” Block: “Interaction with families of pupils, sponsors, the public” Block: “Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school”

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Regulatory legal documents regulating the organization of preschool education in the Russian Federation are structured in several areas: 1. Federal documents, laws, programs of the Russian Federation, government regulations 2. Regional documents 3. Municipal documents 4. Documents of the educational organization (local acts regulating the educational activities of preschool educational institutions)

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The main methodological documentation is based on the nomenclature of cases in the methodological office; Nomenclature of cases in the methodological office; Materials on certification of teaching staff; Annual work plan of the preschool educational institution; Materials and minutes of teachers' councils; — Passport of the methodological office; — Work plan for the senior teacher for the year, cyclogram, (cyclograms of specialists); — Journal of minutes of seminars, workshops, materials of seminars; — Materials of consultations, open classes, weeks of “Pedagogical Excellence”; — Materials on monitoring the development of special educational activities and the development of integrative qualities in children; — Meeting materials, PMPC documentation; — Materials of operational, thematic and final control;

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Basic methodological documentation of the methodological room Materials on additional educational services (short-stay adaptation group - if available at the preschool educational institution); Materials of the Consultation Center (if available in the preschool educational institution); Journal, notebook for attending classes (recommendations and their implementation), observation schemes for the activities of teachers, questionnaires. Journal for checking plans for educational work of preschool teachers and specialists. Materials on interaction with parents: plan of work with parents for the school year, materials on protecting the rights of the child, plan of work with families in difficult life situations, minutes of meetings of the parent committee;

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Basic methodological documentation of the methodological room Plans for conducting a methodological (thematic) week; Orders of the head of the preschool educational institution; Instructions, protocols for conducting briefings with preschool teachers on protecting the life and health of children; primary instructions Materials on preparing preschoolers for school and on the continuity of kindergarten with school and society. Lists of materials and equipment for all premises of the preschool educational institution (in paper and electronic (disc) versions) Book of reviews of municipal and regional events held at the preschool educational institution.

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Scientific and methodological support of the educational process The main educational program of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard The Development Program of the preschool educational institution Curriculum for the work of the preschool educational institution Educational and training programs developed by specialists Work programs of teachers of the preschool educational institution Plan of methodological work for a month Plan of work with young specialists Work of the creative group. Minutes of meetings of the creative group. Notes of open classes and routine moments. Long-term plans, notes, developments to help educators in all sections of the education and training program for preschoolers. Best teaching experience by section. GCD schedule for all age groups. Schedule of additional educational services. Daily routines (warm, cold periods) Documents on the organization of summer recreational work

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Work with personnel Cyclogram of the work of preschool educational institution specialists. Information about teaching staff, recording of methodological activity. Plan for improving the theoretical level and business qualifications of teachers. Cyclogram of teachers’ participation in the inter-course period in methodological associations of the region and preschool educational institutions. Maps of observations of the work of teachers. Diagnostics of teaching staff. Information about self-education of teachers. (annual plan) Teachers' portfolio.

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Control and management 1. Control schedule for the year 2. Control materials: > Thematic > Operational > Frontal > Medical and pedagogical 3. Control cards > Control results (analytical reports on control results, reports, memos) 4. Pedagogical diagnostics > Diagnostic cards for program sections; > Results of diagnostics of pupils for the reporting period

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Interaction with families of pupils, sponsors, and the public Plan of work with families of pupils for the year. Plan of work with social partners of the preschool educational institution, the public. Monitoring of pupils' families. Plan for working with a dysfunctional family (if any) Forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family (materials on organizing general parent meetings, lectures, conversations with parents, and other forms of work.) Methodological recommendations for holding parent meetings. Recommendations for parents on raising children

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Continuity in the work of the kindergarten and school Cooperation agreement between the kindergarten and the school. Regulations on interaction with the school. Plan for joint activities of the preschool educational institution and the school. Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school (materials for joint events). Achievement of targets by children entering school (monitoring of graduates’ achievements)

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Literature: Regulatory framework of modern preschool education: Law on Education, Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, procedure for organizing educational activities. – M.: Education, 2014. – 112 p. Collection of federal normative documents for managers of preschool educational organizations / author. T.V. Volosovets. – M.: LLC “Russian Word – Textbook”, 2015. – 456 p. Internet resources.

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