Outline of the educational lesson “The world of professions and your place in it”

Lesson summary “World of Professions”


Purpose of the lesson:

forming an idea of ​​the world of professions and its diversity based on classification.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Introduce students to basic concepts (profession, specialty, position) and types of classifications of professions.
  2. To develop students' ability to analyze, synthesize, classify and generalize.
  3. To form among students a sustainable interest in acquiring the knowledge necessary for successful professional self-determination.

Time spending:

30-40 minutes.

Children's age

: 7th grade

- Let's look at each other, smile, to recharge with good energy for the lesson.

- And now, in order to determine the topic of our lesson, I will give you cards with letters and examples written on them. You need to arrange the cards in ascending order of answers.

- What can we do? Let's read it? (WORLD OF PROFESSIONS)

- Yes, we will talk about professions. Soon you will be faced with a choice: where to go to study? Those. decide on the choice of profession.

— Please answer the question: What is a profession? (In your own words)

A profession is a limited area of ​​application of a person’s physical and spiritual forces that is necessary for society, giving him in return the opportunity to exist and develop. (or Profession is a type of work activity of a person, for which he must have certain knowledge, skills, and abilities.)

- What does specialty mean then?

A specialty is a type of occupation within one profession. (i.e. clarification of the direction of the profession.)

-For example: a doctor is a profession, and a surgeon is a specialty.

- Now give your examples...

— How many professions are there?

- No one knows….

— But there is a Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory, which lists all the professions that exist today in Russia.

It lists more than 6 thousand professions. In order to somehow navigate this huge world of professions, scientists classified professions according to certain criteria.

“Human-person” is a type of profession aimed at direct interaction with people. (Give examples?)

“Man - technology” is a type that includes professions related to the operation of any technical means. (Give examples?)

“Man - nature” is a type that combines professions related to the study of living and inanimate nature, with the care of plants and animals. (Give examples?)

“Sign Man” is a type that collects professions related to working with texts, numbers, formulas, tables, drawings, maps, diagrams, sound and light signals. (Give examples?)

Summary of the educational lesson Topic: “The world of professions”


1 Municipal state-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students with disabilities “Chernukhinsk special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type” Summary of the educational lesson Topic: “The world of professions” Completed by: teacher Zatukhina A.N.

2 Topic: “The World of Professions” Goal: to consolidate and expand students’ knowledge about the diverse world of professions. Objectives: 1. To create motivation to master professions for subsequent choice. 2. Correction of negative character traits of disobedience and lack of discipline; Formation and development of generalization skills. Correction of speech and memory, visual figurative thinking, attention, visual analyzer based on synthesis analysis exercises. Equipment: presentation, poster, cards, crossword puzzle Preliminary work: conversations about professions, discussion of proverbs about work, guessing crossword puzzles, Lesson progress I. Organizational moment 1. Seating children at their desks. 2. Introductory speech by the teacher. Hello guys, sit back and get ready for a serious conversation. Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. We are starting our lesson. Educator (reads an excerpt from a poem by V. Mayakovsky Who should I be?) My years are growing. I will be seventeen. Where should I work then? What to do?

3 Educator: What do you think is the topic of our lesson? (Children's answers). With these words from V. Mayakovsky’s poem we will begin our lesson “The World of Professions”. (Message of the topic of the lesson Slide 1). Today we will talk about the diversity of the world of professions, their importance in our lives, and the qualities needed by people of a particular profession. There are thousands of professions in the world. Is it easy to understand this diversity and make the right choice? With many responsibilities a person has in society, he is judged primarily by his work for the common good. Work helps to reveal your personality and show your abilities. It is not for nothing that people have composed many poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about work. For each of you, in due time, the last bell will ring, you will pass the final exams, and you will be faced with the question: Who should you be? What to do? What profession should I master? II. Main part 1. Educator: Tell me, who can explain the concept of PROFESSION? A profession is a person’s labor activity, which provides him with the means for existence and development. (Slide 2) Educator: let's find out how informed you are about the world of professions, how many professions you know. Now you will be offered some unusual characteristics of professions, and you must name those

4 professions that, in your opinion, most closely correspond to this characteristic.8) For example, the characteristic is the most lucrative profession. What professions are the most lucrative? Answer: cashier. Salesman. So, listen to the following characteristics: 1. the greenest profession (gardener, forester) 2. the sweetest (pastry chef, cook) 3. the hairiest (hairdresser) 4. the most childish (educator, teacher) 5. the most responsible (driver, doctor ) 6. the funniest (clown) 7. the most well-read (librarian) 8. the bravest (policeman, fireman) 2. Task Educator: now guys, I will give each of you cards on which words related to any profession will be written , each of you should read these words to the whole class one by one, and the guys should guess what profession it is. Cook (cap, white apron, ladle) (slide 3) Seamstress (centimeter, fabric, scissors) (slide 4) Postman (bag, newspaper, magazines) (slide 5) Cleaning lady (robe, bucket, rag, mop) (slide 6 ) Janitor (broom, mittens, dustpan) (slide 7) Milkmaid (hay, milking machine) (slide Driver (bus, steering wheel, people) (slide 9) Builder (brick, cement, sand) (slide 10) Teacher (books, children , notebooks) (slide 11)

5 3. GAME “Proverb Competition” Educator: How many wonderful wise proverbs and sayings have been written about work. Assignment: Now I will hand out cards to each of you at your desk, one green card is the beginning of a proverb, and three yellow cards are the ends of proverbs about work. Your task is to choose the correct continuation of your proverb according to its meaning. And then we will check whether you completed this task correctly. He did the job. (walk boldly) (slide 12) The master’s work. (he’s afraid) What goes around (comes around) Time for work (an hour of fun) Patience and labor (everything will grind) You’ll hurry (you’ll make people laugh) Measure seven times (cut once) 4. Writing an application when applying for a job. Educator: Guys, let's imagine that you left school, graduated from college, and it's time to get a job. What should you do first? Children: come to (employer director of the enterprise) to write a statement. Educator: Now I will give you application forms, you will have to fill them out. Educator: Guys, do you know what documents are needed to get a job? - application (13 slide) - passport (14 slide) - certificate of education (or diploma) (15 slide) - pension certificate (green) (16 slide) work book (17 slide) -TIN (individual tax number) (18 slide) )

6 5. Test Teacher: now I suggest you do a test. Try to correctly determine who does what. Highlight the required profession. (slide 19) 1. Teeth are treated by: Surgeon, therapist, dentist. 2. Children are taught by: Educator, librarian, teacher. 3. Books written by: Writer, reader, poet. 4. The house is built by: Doctor, carpenter, builder. 5. Bread bakes: Actor, forester, baker. 6. Snow blowing: Owner, janitor, pilot. 7. The dress is made by: Tailor, seamstress, driver. 8. Milking a cow: Shepherd, calf man, milkmaid. 9. Toys are sold by: Director, salesman, hairdresser. Educator: now let's check if you completed the task correctly. Look at the board for the correct answer. (slide 20) 6. “Guess the profession”

7 Educator: now we will play another game called “Guess the Profession”, for this I have phrases printed on pieces of paper that people of different professions say. I will come up to each of you, and you will pull out your ticket, read the phrase out loud and answer what profession the person is pronouncing this phrase. “Who needs supplements?” (cook). “Which tooth is bothering you?” (dentist). “Thank you very much for your purchase” (seller). “There’s a package for you, sign for it” (postman). “A lot of fish got into my net” (fisherman). “The topic of today’s lesson is “Minerals” (teacher). “Sit down, how are we going to get our hair cut?” (hairdresser). - Well done! You correctly guessed the professions of the people who uttered these expressions. Educator: so guys, let’s remember once again what a profession is. Who will answer me? Children: profession is the main type of human labor activity. Educator: a profession where people are engaged in one type of work that requires certain training and is a source of livelihood. The doctor treats people. A teacher teaches children. Is director a profession? In addition to the concept of profession, there is also the concept of position. Position is an official position associated with the performance of certain duties. (slide 21) Responsible, conscientious people are elected to the position. Who do we choose and appoint? President. Governor. Directors. Head teacher.

8 (slide 22) 7. Game competition Profession or position Educator: now words denoting professions and positions of people will appear on the screen, your task is to determine the person’s position, I will ask you, and you will answer me and explain your answer. doctor head accountant (slide 23) director seller governor (slide 24) builder president miner (slide 25) head teacher foreman pilot (slide 26) 8. Warm-up. (slide 27) Educator: let’s you guys do a little warm-up, for this we need to each come up with some kind of profession, and with the help of gestures, hands, facial expressions, without words, show it to the neighbor on the desk, and he must guess what profession we will talk about . 9. Crossword. Educator: today we talked a lot about different professions, our lesson is coming to an end and I want to check what new things you have learned and how many professions you know. To do this, I will now give you crossword puzzles, and you will carefully read the questions and answer them. And then we will check if you answered correctly and compare it with the answers on the board. (slide 28-29)


10 Educator: Well done guys, you completed this task correctly, and finally I would like to read you a poem about professions, and you listen carefully. A mason builds houses, Dress is the work of a tailor. But there is nowhere for a tailor to work without warm shelter. The mason would have been naked, If skillful hands had not made an apron, a jacket, and trousers in time. The baker instructs the shoemaker to sew the boots on time. Well, can a shoemaker without bread sew and sharpen a lot? So it turns out that everything we do is necessary. So, let's work honestly, diligently and amicably. Educator: guys, please answer me what professions are found in this poem, and explain to me the meaning of this poem.

11 III. Result Educator: Well done guys, you worked hard today, I’m glad that we finished the work in a good mood. Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. -Summarizing our lesson, I would like to quote the words of K.D. Ushinsky: Sl. “If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own. K.D.Ushinsky" (slide 30)

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