Information and communication technologies in the educational process

Techniques for the practical use of ICT in preschool education

There are several techniques for the practical use of ICT in preschool education, they are discussed below.

Teacher's work with children using IT technologies

Use of various illustrative materials in the classroom

To better assimilate the material, the teacher can use available means of presenting information using a variety of IT technologies. This set may include the following:

  • video materials;
  • Images;
  • presentations;
  • various interactive means of presenting material.

Using presentations

There are a large number of services for creating presentations. The bottom line is that at the moment, creating a good presentation does not require a lot of time, and such presentations can be more informative than a regular lecture from a teacher. Also an important note: the presentation can contain not only an audio presentation of information, actually in the form of the teacher’s speech, but also a visual one in the form of text. The presentation has the opportunity to include all kinds of thematic images that can help in the perception of the material.

Important! Currently, services for creating presentations provide the opportunity to create entire interactive projects with the goal of a mini-game with children, which is very helpful in memorizing information. This is not just dumping out a mass of new information: this method most strongly stimulates children to remember information.

Design of thematic corners and stands in the group

The creation of educational stands or corners in preschool educational institutions using components of children's subculture also plays an important role in the effective use of educational materials. Such stands arouse children’s interest in obtaining new information and understanding the world, because kindergarten or other preschool educational institutions inherently help children get comfortable in society and discover their child’s talents.

Organization of virtual thematic excursions during classes

Presenting educational information in the form of virtual excursions can help the assimilation of various historical material. This material is usually loaded with dates and events, and not all children are interested in such material presented in dry form. Special photo and video materials help create the effect of the excursion. The most important thing is not to simply give information; you need to support it with thematic visual design.

Conversations on traffic rules in older groups of kindergartens

Information technologies as a means of quickly visually and audibly familiarizing children with objects, phenomena, and concepts on the subject of classes

The fact is that even a regular presentation contains short text in the form of an image. And there are different types of perception of information, for example, a presentation with a story about the content in this very presentation gives two of the three types of perception: visual and auditory. This undoubtedly helps in understanding the subject and specifically the topic of the lesson. All this can be achieved through various scientific achievements. The same video can be considered more informative, since the teacher may miss some important nuances in his lecture, and a dry and informative video allows you to avoid this.

Interactive game

Also, video clips can use more different methods to attract the attention of children, and this is an important factor, since at the moment there is a problem of attention deficit in children. Also, when using various methods of creating videos, various functions can be applied aimed at increasing the narrated material in less time, for example, a video with some kind of experiment that can last a long time.

Important! Today, the Internet is filled with various educational content that is freely available. Typically, the authors of this content create it specifically for the purpose of teaching children.

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Application of digital technologies in preschool education.

Senior teacher of MDOU D/s village Poim Kryuchkova Natalya Petrovna

Currently, the surrounding digital space has become an integral part of a child’s life, starting from an early age. The source of the formation of a child’s ideas about the world around him, universal human values, and relationships between people are not only parents, social environment and educational organizations, but also media resources. For modern children, cognitive, research, and gaming activities with the help of computer tools are an everyday, attractive activity, an accessible way to gain new knowledge and impressions. We are not surprised that tablets and phones are the toys of children sitting in strollers and on their parents' laps. From an early age, children master electronic devices and know which button to press. And it’s convenient for adults: you don’t have to bother communicating with your child. Children get used to electronic devices serving as toys. But the range of their capabilities is much wider.

The needs and interests of children are taken into account in the main regulatory documents in the field of education, where the key task is to improve the quality and accessibility of education, including through the organization of a modern digital educational space.

The state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2021 - 2025 includes the priority project "Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation" , which is aimed at creating opportunities for citizens of different ages and social status to receive quality education using modern information technologies.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the information and educational environment includes electronic educational resources, a set of information and telecommunication technologies, appropriate technological tools that ensure that students master educational programs in full, regardless of the location of the students.

The organization of a modern digital environment in preschool educational institutions contributes to the implementation of the key principles, goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Interactive educational games make it possible to organize simultaneous training for children with different abilities and capabilities, and to build educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child. Digital technologies are an effective means for solving the problems of developmental education and implementing an activity-based approach, enriching the developmental environment of preschool educational institutions. In the process of solving virtual educational problems, children develop creativity, initiative, curiosity, perseverance, hard work, and responsibility, which are the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. Digital technologies can become an important link in organizing cooperation between a kindergarten and a family, including when organizing distance learning, creating social educational networks and communities.

Pupils of preschool educational institutions are future schoolchildren, and their training should also be related to digital technologies, which have a qualitative advantage over traditional teaching methods. Digital technologies shape the modern educational environment, give new potential to classical methods and techniques, and provide teachers with new tools.

Thus, the use of digital technologies is determined, on the one hand, by the requirements of key regulatory documents in the field of education, and on the other hand, by the interests and needs of children and parents.

Areas of application of digital technologies by preschool teachers.

What digital tools are already helping us in our work?

1. Maintaining documentation.

In the process of educational activities, the teacher draws up and prepares documentation: calendar and long-term plans, reports, monitoring of program implementation, diagnostics of children’s development, and prepares material for the design of the parent’s corner. The administration of the educational organization maintains documentation and prepares reports in electronic form and sends them via e-mail.

The EISDOU system ensures the process of enrolling a student in a preschool educational institution and managing further changes. All movements of pupils through the electronic system are controlled by the Education Department.

2. Methodological work, teacher training.

In modern society, network electronic resources are the most convenient way to disseminate new methodological ideas and teaching aids, available to teachers regardless of their place of residence. Methodological materials in the form of electronic resources can be used when preparing a teacher for classes, to study new techniques, and when selecting visual aids for classes.

Online communities of teachers allow not only to find and use the necessary methodological developments, but also to post their materials, share their teaching experience in preparing and conducting events, and using various methods and technologies.

Teachers have the opportunity to improve their skills, update knowledge and support continuous self-education and advanced training using Internet technologies (these include video conferencing, webinars, online conferences, master classes, remote advanced training and retraining, professional skills competitions, methodological developments, testing ). An important aspect of a teacher’s work is participation in various pedagogical projects, distance competitions, quizzes, and Olympiads, which increases the level of self-esteem of both the teacher and students. In-person participation in such events is often impossible due to the remoteness of the region, financial costs and other reasons. And remote participation is available to everyone.

3. Educational process.

There are 3 types of educational activities using digital technologies:

1. Lesson with multimedia support.

The use of a multimedia presentation makes the lesson emotionally charged, interesting, and is an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson.

2. Lesson with computer support

Most often, such classes are conducted using game-based training programs. When working with preschoolers, teachers use mainly developmental games, less often educational and diagnostic games. Currently, the choice of computer gaming software for preschoolers is quite wide.

3. Diagnostic lesson.

To conduct such classes, special programs are required, which is rare or does not exist in some general education programs. But the development of such computer programs is a matter of time. Using application software, you can develop test tasks and use them for diagnostics.

4. Use in working with parents.

Modern parents have begun to pay little attention to information folders in groups; they rarely notice announcements until the teacher pays attention to them. Parents prefer to communicate with teachers and receive information about their child through modern means: kindergarten website, chats in Viber, WhatsApp, etc.

The use of messengers and Internet sites of preschool educational institutions allows you to increase the effectiveness of communication between teachers and parents. Detailed information about the life of the kindergarten and its students, the ability to communicate using chats and email - all this helps teachers and parents communicate more closely, and also involves parents in the life of the preschool institution and makes them direct participants in the educational process.

So, what digital devices are available that are suitable for preschool education? These are well-known computers, laptops, tablets, projectors, screens, and interactive whiteboards to all of us.

And now I would like to tell you about some digital devices specially created for teaching preschoolers. These include:

Interactive climbing walls are an educational gaming system that combines innovative technologies, physical activity and educational tasks. This is a wall equipped with ledges for climbing and changing its design depending on the choice of game.

Interactive sandboxes are a complex in which, with the help of augmented reality technologies, ordinary sand is transformed into the earth's surface with lakes and mountains, volcanoes and valleys.

Interactive children's Cartoon Studios is a new interactive system for inventing multimedia stories.

Interactive floors are a horizontal interactive system in the form of a floor that responds to the movements of the human body.

Interactive stands are floor projectors on wheels that project images and games directly onto the floor.

Interactive tables for preschool institutions with educational games, cartoons and applications are modern equipment for children. With its help, the teacher can conduct interesting, educational classes and show visual material. You no longer need to think about how to attract and hold the attention of a preschooler.

Interactive complexes. They include: an interactive panel, a built-in computer with pre-installed software, a set of teaching materials, and props for conducting thematic classes.

Today, digital technologies can be considered a new way of transferring knowledge that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of child learning and development, increasing the efficiency of organizing the educational process.

The use of interactive equipment makes the activity attractive and truly modern, causing an emotional uplift in children.

In order for the introduction of interactive equipment to truly enrich the play space of a preschooler, teachers must comply with the following conditions for the use of interactive tools.

The first is free communication between an adult and a child or a child and other children, when a “smart” object maintains the interest of the game participants in each other.

The second is an appeal to “children’s” activities.

The third condition is the child’s independence. In activity, each preschooler himself discovers the abilities hidden in him, and training only suggests the path to this discovery.

The fourth condition is pedagogical support and organization of children’s activities. An adult, regardless of what external means is used to organize the game, must be able to direct the child’s activity, expanding and enriching it, taking into account the child’s individual achievements and pace of development.

The fifth condition is support for children's creativity.

The principle of operation of the equipment should not teach the child something unusual, but, on the contrary, expand and deepen aspects of development that are natural for preschool age.

The introduction of digital technologies has advantages over traditional means of teaching:

  1. Makes it possible to expand the use of electronic learning tools, as they transmit information faster.
  2. Movement, sound, and animation attract children's attention for a long time and help increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.
  3. Provides clarity, which promotes perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children. In this case, three types of memory are included: visual, auditory, motor.
  4. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world that are difficult to observe: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it’s raining.
  5. You can also simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of nature; the operation of transport, etc.).
  6. The use of digital technologies encourages children to engage in exploratory research activities, including searching the Internet independently or together with their parents;
  7. Digital technologies provide additional opportunities for working with children with disabilities.

With all the constant advantages of using digital technologies in preschool education, the following problems arise:

1. Material base of the preschool educational institution.

As noted above, to organize classes you must have a minimum set of equipment: a PC, projector, speakers, screen or mobile classroom. Not all kindergartens today can afford the creation of such classes, as well as the purchase of interactive equipment.

2. Protecting the child's health.

The use of digital technologies in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

3. Insufficient ICT – teacher competence.

The teacher must not only perfectly know the content of all computer programs, but also understand the technical characteristics of the equipment, be able to work in basic application programs, multimedia programs and the Internet.

A teacher who organizes children’s activities using a multimedia projector, a computer, and has access to the Internet has a qualitative advantage over a colleague who operates only within the framework of traditional educational technologies. Electronic educational resources and modern information technologies make it possible to individualize the educational process, taking into account the preferences, individual educational needs, level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Teachers gain additional experience by exchanging information on the Internet with partners from other organizations.

Digitalization has provided the kindergarten with the opportunity to participate in the life of every child, even those who do not attend kindergarten for health reasons. Parents who do not send their children to kindergarten have the opportunity to contact counseling centers established on the premises of kindergartens, family support centers, and speech centers. All these structural units are designed to help parents educate and train, correct and guide, and improve the health of their children.

Variative forms of preschool education are created with the aim of increasing the enrollment of children in preschool education and creating equal starting opportunities when children enter school.

Variable forms of preschool education provide for different modes of stay for children, both with normal development and with disabilities and special educational needs.

Various forms of preschool education for children from 2 months to 7 years include:

  • short stay group;
  • child play support center;
  • advisory center;
  • early intervention service;
  • lekoteka;
  • family kindergarten

Expected results from the introduction of variable forms of education in a preschool institution:

  • the quality and accessibility of preschool education will increase for children from different social groups and segments of the population, regardless of the place of residence and income of the parents;
  • the full personal development of the child is realized, the continuity of preschool and primary general education is optimized;
  • new approaches to economic support for the development of an innovative preschool education system will be identified;
  • regulatory and legal regulation is being optimized through innovative transformation of the preschool education system.

In the conditions of the epidemiological situation and the regime of high alert, we had to live and work in self-isolation in a new way. Today there are no people left who would not be affected by the changes. Education has entered a new format of interaction between all members of this process. The preschool education system also had to be restructured.

In the current conditions, the teacher’s activities included the main forms of working with children and parents remotely. Distance education for preschoolers consisted in the fact that educational material was offered to children and parents in an accessible form, and while at home, they studied together and completed the teachers’ assignments. Distance educational technologies in this period of time have become new means of teaching children, when the role and functions of participants in the pedagogical process have changed. The role of the adult is great here - the teacher needed to create conditions for learning, offer the material in an interesting and accessible form, so that the parents, by showing it, could interest the child in gaining knowledge and completing the task.

The use of digital technologies provides conditions under which any person (teacher, child, parent) using their mobile phone, laptop or tablet can move within the digital world and receive the necessary help and information. The use of digital educational resources is justified, as it allows to intensify the activities of students, makes it possible to improve the quality of the pedagogical process and the professional level of teachers, and diversify the forms of interaction of all participants in the educational process.

But much remains to be done to realize the benefits of digitalization and provide more opportunities for all participants in the teaching process and networking partners. But we should not forget that a teacher is, first of all, a person, and digital technologies are only tools in his hands, which he must master perfectly. The experience of using distance education in preschool educational institutions is certainly small and requires improvement. However, I would like to believe that the experience of such interaction will not remain unclaimed after the end of the self-isolation regime and will help in working with children who, for some reason, cannot attend kindergarten.

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Effective ways to use ICT in the educational process

ICT helps to stimulate children's interest in learning new materials. There is now a very large variety of educational materials available on the Internet. In fact, preschool educational institutions may not even create educational materials, but use existing ones. As a rule, such services comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and are created jointly with the Ministry of Education or even by order of it.

Educators can only monitor the correct use of IT technologies, as well as teach children to use computers and Internet resources.

The use of information and communication technologies in education has tangible advantages:

  • It can give children an incentive to explore the Internet, because it contains a huge amount of useful information. The main thing is to teach children to find useful information, and various educational programs should be aimed at this.
  • It will help motivate children to self-learn, because this pedagogical method is much more effective than conventional teaching, which, in a word, is already beginning to become obsolete, and society is very quickly improving it due to various scientific achievements. Stimulating such self-study can help to take the initial level of study at a university, and further admission to it may be easier.
  • Develops communication skills.
  • Experience in using information technologies proves that they help in certifying children.

Experimental activities in the senior group

Important! Professions related to information technology are currently developing, labor automation is taking place in most industries, and employers are in great need of people who are ready to use computer technology as a means to solve assigned problems.

Due to automation, a large number of frames are required for data processing. Therefore, it is important, starting from preschool educational institutions, to introduce the younger generation to computer technologies.

Creation of a modern educational environment in preschool educational institutions

Due to technological progress, various IT technologies are becoming cheaper every year, so equipping a preschool educational institution does not cost much. IT equipment will help children learn faster. In addition, information technologies can help the institution itself in organizing various events, and in organizing the course work of the institution itself as a whole.

Interactive technologies in preschool educational institutions

You can create an educational environment using various educational programs. There are a large number of government concepts aimed at connecting educational institutions to the Internet.

interactive board

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