Consultation for educators New approaches to organizing the introduction of professions to older preschool children

Developmental lesson for a psychologist: “Studying professions”

Progress of a psychologist's lesson in kindergarten on the topic of profession

1. Greeting exercise.

Children sit in a circle. Among the various cards depicting the children's emotions, participants choose one that symbolizes their current mood and greets all the children. For example, “Hey, I'm happy today!” You can download cards with emotions at the bottom of the article.

2. Game "Loto".

Children are given large cards with a picture of a representative of a certain profession. Small cards depicting objects symbolizing a particular profession are placed in the center with the image down. Children take turns taking small cards and name which profession what is depicted there is suitable for. Children look for the right profession among their large cards. Lotto cards can be downloaded here and here (we have 2 options, choose which one you like best).

3. Dynamic game.

The children get up and stand in a row. The psychologist throws the ball one by one and names the beginning of the sentence. The children must continue. “I can..”, “I can...”, “What I do best is...”, “Dad taught me...”, “Mom taught me...”, “I taught myself...”, “I love to do...”. Sentences may be repeated, but the child must respond differently. This is done so that the child realizes how much he can do. This exercise is aimed at developing self-esteem, and updating and remembering the child’s capabilities and skills.

4. Game "Tower".

Discuss the construction profession with your children. What are they doing? What do they need for work? What machines help them? What are they building? In the middle of the table there are various geometric shapes. Templates can be downloaded at the bottom of the article.

The psychologist builds a tower using various figures, and the children need to reproduce it. The task can be complicated - show the children the tower for only half a minute, then cover it with an A4 piece of paper and ask them to reproduce from memory what they saw. This game develops thinking, memory and is aimed at studying geometric shapes.

5. Dynamic game “Miniature”.

The psychologist asks the children what is the name of the profession of the people who drive the bus, collect money for travel and hand out tickets on the bus. Children are given the roles of driver and conductor. All the rest are passengers, who are given 5 “coins” each (you can take buttons). Tickets are also provided to the conductor. Children stand in a row (“sit” on an imaginary bus) and the game begins. The psychologist notes that the fare is 3 coins (children must count and give money to the conductor, who must provide the ticket). The psychologist tells a story about how the bus drives, where it is going, who is driving, what is around “look to the right, look to the left...”, which passengers are sitting, how the conductor collects money.

6. Game “Make a story.”

Cards with images of representatives of different professions (can be downloaded below) and cards with images of various objects (you can use lotto cards) are laid out in front of the children (5-6 cards in total for one story). Children are asked to take turns making up a story using everything on the cards.

7. Application “Soup and compote”.

The psychologist asks the children in more detail about the profession of a cook (what exactly do these people do, who likes to eat what dishes, perhaps one of their relatives works as a cook, someone wants to become one in the future...). Then the children sit at tables, where they glue the applique together with the psychologist. It consists of the following elements: stove, 2 pans, vegetables, fruits (you can download the template below). Children need to put on a stove, 2 pans in which to place vegetables (soup) separately and fruits (compote) separately. For a steam effect, you can glue strings over the pans. Then, to develop communication skills, they ask the question: “if the compote was only made from apples, what would it be called? (apple). What if it were made from raspberries, strawberries, apricots, plums, cherries...”

8. Farewell exercise.

Children pair up and on each other’s sheet must write the first letter of the profession that they liked best.
The one to whom they write must guess. Then the children change places. Attachments:

FileDescriptionFile size:
Lotto cards 1.docx462 KB
Cards for lotto 2.docx2138 KB
Profession cards.docx3471 KB
cards with emotions.docx225 KB
Application template.docx2201 KB
Templates geometric shapes.docx41 KB

Who is suitable for working with children?

A teacher, educator, pediatrician or psychologist has to communicate a lot. Moreover, this is not only interaction with a child or a children's group. A lot of time is spent on communication with parents, management and numerous inspectors.

Therefore, if intensive communication tires or stresses you, it is better not to choose a job related to children.

Pediatricians, teachers, and organizers of additional education are subject to serious requirements:

  • excellent knowledge in the specialty;
  • responsibility;
  • discipline;
  • good physical and mental health. Medical examinations by specialists working with children are among the most stringent.

In other words, you need to be prepared for constant checks and control from management and parents.

Reports, study plans and other paperwork take up a lot of time. Many people quit because of the mountain of documents that they have to deal with in addition to their direct responsibilities.

But all these shortcomings are compensated by lively creative communication with children and the opportunity for professional self-realization.

The term “profession” (Latin professio - officially specified occupation, specialty, from profiteer - I declare my business), the type of work activity (occupation) of a person who has a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training and work experience. Professional activity is usually the main source of income.

The history of the emergence of professions - in the era of primitive people, when there was no division of labor, there were no professions. As society developed, market relations arose between people and specialization by type of labor appeared. People became fishermen and hunters. Blacksmiths and potters, they exchanged the products of their labor. Knowledge and skills were passed on from generation to generation. A division of labor appeared. Professions appeared. Currently, the world of professions is very wide and diverse. A profession can combine several specialties. Doctor - surgeon, ophthalmologist, therapist, dentist, etc. Teacher - history, geography, mathematics, etc. Engineer - civil engineer, design engineer, safety engineer

There is a concept - position held. This is the range of responsibilities that a person performs regardless of his specialty. - director, head Department, Deputy Director, Assistant Teacher, Art. teacher

Professions have their own classification

Job classes"Man-man""Man-Technology""Man-sign system""Man-artistic image""Man-nature"
Types of professionsRelated to medical care, consumer services, legal protectionRelated to the creation of structures, installation, assembly and adjustment of technical devices, operation of technical equipment, repair of equipmentRelated to text, numbers, formulas and tables, drawings, diagrams, sound signalsRelated to the creation of works of art, design, modeling, and reproduction of products from sketchesRelated to the study of living and inanimate nature, caring for animals and plants, and treating diseases of plants and animals

The relevance of the work to familiarize children with the professions and work of adults is justified by the FGT to the structure of the educational educational program, which determine the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational fields. In accordance with the FGT, the content of the educational field “Labor” is aimed at achieving the goal of developing a positive attitude towards work through solving the following tasks:

development of labor activity;

fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results;

the formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person.”

The formation of generalized ideas about the significance of the work of adults requires that children, first of all, have clear concepts that in each specific process a result is achieved that has a precise purpose - to satisfy a particular need.

Familiarization with the work activities of adults is crucial for the formation of a child’s initial ideas about the role of work and the importance of professions in the life of society.

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My kindergarten

Author: Elena Anatolyevna Vladimirtseva, teacher, Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 227”, Russia, Perm.

Familiarizing children of senior preschool age with the professions of adults is one of the important tasks of a child’s socialization.

Abstract: Familiarizing children of senior preschool age with the professions of adults is one of the important tasks in raising a child. Currently, the world of professions is very wide and diverse. Along with well-known professions, new professions are also emerging. The reasons for the emergence of new professions are the high pace of modern life and the development of information technology. In this regard, there is a need to familiarize preschoolers with a variety of professions. The relevance of the formation in children of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person is justified by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. Introducing preschoolers to the world of professions is an important stage in the process of professional development of the individual. It is at this time that active socialization of children occurs, ideas about the world of professions accumulate as a complex, dynamic, constantly developing system. If 10-15 years ago it was enough to introduce children to the work of a cook, salesman, driver, doctor, military man, then at the present stage this is not enough. Modern reality dictates new demands to us. Familiarizing children of senior preschool age with the professions of adults is one of the important tasks of a child’s socialization. The idea of ​​professions allows children to penetrate deeper into the world of adults, understand and accept it. It creates interest in work, gives rise to a dream about one’s own future, and allows one to be proud of the results of the work of one’s close relatives and people in general. Experiencing the influence of the results of adults’ work on themselves, children practically internalize its significance.

However, in recent years, professions have emerged whose content is difficult for preschoolers to understand. As a result, children have insufficient knowledge and low vocabulary on this topic. It is very difficult for the younger generation to navigate the world of professions. It is difficult to choose a profession in your life. Very often, not only preschoolers, but also schoolchildren have very vague ideas about the world of adult professions. Even if the child visited his mother or father at work, he still did not understand the essence of their professional activity.

Currently, teachers face a difficult task. On the one hand, to interest children and introduce them to professions that will be in demand in the future, and on the other hand, to instill in children the desire to become professionals in their field. It is necessary to promote the socialization and adaptation of the younger generation in the world around them.

Based on the relevance of the topic, I set a goal and formulated tasks for work to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the professions of adults.

Goal: developing an understanding of the importance of any work, the need for interconnection and mutual assistance between people of different professions.


  1. Deepen and expand children’s knowledge about professions and the relationship between different types of work; give specific knowledge and ideas about the profession according to the scheme: name of the profession - place of work - working conditions - tools for work - labor operations performed - result of labor.
  2. Continue to introduce children to new modern professions of adults, equipment and tools, paying attention to the development of the scientific and technical sphere and safety precautions when performing various types of work.
  3. To form children’s ideas about the role of modern technology.
  4. Expand children's understanding of the work of adults and teach them to transfer acquired knowledge into their activities.
  5. Cultivate interest and respect for workers, a desire to work for others. Bring to the understanding that human activity is a necessary basis for his existence.

In order to qualitatively and successfully solve the assigned tasks, a developing subject-spatial environment was created in the group, which contributed to the development of the personality of preschoolers and their behavior, and also allowed me, as a teacher, to introduce pupils to the professions of adults through various forms of activity. I tried to create such conditions so that the process of becoming familiar with the work of adults would become an exciting activity for children. To organize work in groups, special centers were set up to introduce adults to work with game modules, role-playing games, and visual material. A properly organized developmental subject-spatial environment made it possible to: deepen the practical knowledge of students, identify their interests and inclinations, develop interest and the ability to carry out actions. When conducting educational activities with pupils, she used various means and forms of work, constantly changing types of activities, thereby increasing the cognitive activity of pupils. She formed in children an idea of ​​the variety of professions, the structure of work (what and how a person does, why he does the work, what is obtained as a result of work). Introducing various forms of work with students, she used an individual approach, innovative educational methods and gaming technologies, which are the foundation of all preschool education.

When introducing preschoolers to the professions of adults, along with traditional forms of work, I used non-traditional ones.

I’ll tell you about one of them – this is a virtual tour. A virtual excursion is an organizational form of training that differs from a real excursion in the virtual display of real-life objects.

The advantages are accessibility, the possibility of repeated viewing, clarity, the presence of interactive tasks and much more.

During the virtual excursion, the illusion of a real trip is created. The child is immersed in the world of the unknown through the monitor screen. Having examined the conditions and tools of labor of a particular profession, the child uses his knowledge in independent activities and his role-playing game becomes more intense and productive.

Currently, the quantity and volume of material available via the Internet is constantly growing, and teachers have the opportunity to use these resources and create their own electronic excursions of their choice and thus not depend on external factors that impede the educational process.

Electronic excursions when working with older preschoolers allow you to obtain visual information about places that are inaccessible for real visits; they do not require large financial and time expenditures, as they are created using information technology.

Game is a historical activity of children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them. The most important rule for adults: it is not enough for a child to know about the profession, he needs to play it! Gaming technology is built as a holistic education. It includes sequentially:

  • creative (role-playing, theatrical, constructive) game;
  • didactic (game with an object, board - printed, verbal)
  • moving (plot, non-plot);
  • folk (individual, collective, household).

Game technologies are the foundation of all preschool education.

One of the main types of games is a role-playing game. It allows you to concretize and expand children’s ideas about the various activities of adults, their relationships with other people, professions, tools used, etc.

Preparation for games in a profession takes place wherever only a child can get acquainted with certain qualities of specialties, accumulate the necessary amount of information, even if minimal, but based on which, it is already possible to recreate in the game a distant semblance of this type of human activity.

Understanding the professional work of adults, the formation of the most basic ideas about professions, or rather even the rudiments of them, is possible only in the process of role-playing games, in which production plots, situations, and the professional social environment are imitated.

In older preschool age, play activities become more complicated. In an instant, a child can become a driver, a fireman, or a doctor.

In her work to familiarize children with the professions of adults, she used the pedagogical technology of organizing role-playing games. This technology is based on the principle of child activity, is characterized by a high level of motivation and is determined by the natural needs of a preschooler. This technology combines elements of play and learning. Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature:

  1. a clearly defined learning goal;
  2. a pedagogical result of cognitive orientation that corresponds to the goal.

In role-playing games, the child’s personality, his intellect, will, imagination and sociability are successfully developed, but most importantly, this activity generates a desire for self-realization and self-expression. In games on the theme “transport”, knowledge of traffic rules is improved, children learn to fulfill their plans and play in accordance with the role. In games, students try to imitate the professions of their parents.

Didactic games play an important role in introducing preschoolers to professions. Didactic play is a means of all-round development of a child. In my work I used didactic games, as they contribute to the assimilation and consolidation of knowledge and skills in students, and develop mental abilities. They form and deepen knowledge about people of different professions, develop speech, replenish and activate the vocabulary, form correct pronunciation, and develop coherent speech. For example, such didactic games - exercises “Who needs what for work? Who's doing what? Professions, What would happen if…”, etc. With great pleasure, my children became acquainted with the professions of adults through a theatrical game in which they played out plots from literary sources. Theatrical performances, where they were both actors and spectators, brought particular joy to the children. This form of work made it possible to engage shy, insecure students and reveal their potential. Likewise, the students interacted with dolls dressed as people of different professions. While playing with them, we analyzed and drew conclusions: why does a person of this or that profession need this type of clothing. For example: “Why does a builder need a helmet?”, “Why does a miner need a helmet with a flashlight?”, “Why does a cook need an apron and a cap?”, “Why does an astronaut need a spacesuit?” etc. The pupils received special attention from printed board games: “Who needs what?”, “What’s missing?”, “Inserts”, where the simplest task is to find two completely identical ones among different pictures. Gradually the task became more complicated - the child had to combine the pictures not only by external features, but also by content. In the games “What does a builder need?”, “What is in the store?”, “What does a journalist need?”, students selected pictures based on common features and established connections between objects. The main difficulty in introducing children to professions is that a significant part of the work of adults is not available for direct observation. Therefore, pupils were introduced to the work of adults and their professions through the organization of observations and excursions. Such forms of work ensured the greatest expressiveness of ideas, the maximum effectiveness of the knowledge acquired by students, where they discovered and consolidated the acquired knowledge in practice, and showed communicative qualities. During the observation process, the children’s attention was concentrated on those aspects of adults’ work that are of greatest importance for instilling in them the right attitude towards work. Observing the work of adults had a positive effect on the behavior of children and their attitude towards working people. Another undeniable plus is that work to familiarize children with the professions of adults in the form of observations and excursions contributed to interaction with the families of the students. It is no coincidence that the family plays an important role in the process of introducing preschoolers to the professions and work of adults. The informational influence of parents can manifest itself in all types of their educational activities, since at every step we are faced with the need to give the child information about a particular profession. These are, first of all, accessible conversations about yourself, your work, explanations of fairy tales, works of fiction, illustrations for them, cartoons, i.e. everything seen and heard. One of the forms of work was the weeks of parental professions, when parents of pupils - representatives of various professions - came to the kindergarten. Conversations with parents, looking at the tools they brought, photos and videos, and most importantly, live communication with mom or dad, aroused the genuine interest of the children. Together with parents, we designed photo exhibitions, video presentations, lapbooks, video clips, photo albums. Parents were involved in project activities. Parents helped organize excursions to their workplaces to help their children develop a clear understanding of their profession. One of the effective methods of modern education is the project method, which is based on the independent activities of students (research, cognitive, productive, during which the child learns about the world around him and transfers the acquired knowledge to real life.) The project method is also good because it is a special mechanism interaction between family and kindergarten. In my case, working on projects (“Builders”, “Journalists”) allowed students, using simple examples, to more deeply master the concepts of certain professions, increase independent activity, develop creative thinking, the ability to independently, using various forms and methods, find information about subjects and decide problematic situations created by the teacher. As part of the project activities, a model of three questions was used:

  • What do your parents do and what do you know about their professions?
  • What should we do to find out?
  • How can we communicate what we learn?

Answering these questions, the children and I determined the stages of work on the project. The main stage of the project involved conducting final thematic classes: “I want to become an astronaut!, Who should I be?” Conversations: “Who works in kindergarten”, “The World of Professions”, “Objects and tools needed by people of different professions”, etc., didactic and outdoor games, familiarity with proverbs and sayings about work. I believe that the goals of the projects have been achieved and the tasks have been solved, since the students reflect their impressions in playful and productive activities. In the process of working on the topic being studied, the students took part in a variety of entertainment and leisure activities, where they gladly tried on the role of an actor, musician, singer, dancer, and athlete. A lot of time was devoted to children’s independent activities:

  • productive types of children's activities (design of albums, professional-oriented CPC (production of attributes for games), drawing, appliqué, design, making collages and posters);
  • performing labor actions (at the request or instructions of an adult).

In independent activities, children consolidated and expanded their acquired knowledge about professions. As a result of the work, the pupils began to actively show interest in the professions of their relatives, be proud of their parents, and try to evaluate the results of the work of adults. Children know the purpose of professional equipment, tools and materials in the work activities of adults. Professions are distinguished according to essential characteristics, and important qualities of representatives of different professions are named. They highlight the structure of labor processes, explain the role of labor in human well-being, model in a game the relationships between people of different professions, participate in feasible work activities of adults, have an emotionally positive attitude towards work and work in general, and demonstrate a conscious way of safe behavior in everyday life. These results guide me towards further continuation and development of activities in a given direction. I hope that as a result of such multifaceted work, my students will in the future choose a profession that will allow them to feel happy and in demand.

Lesson summary “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Author: Khakimova Liliya Filaredovna

teacher of MADOU Kindergarten No. 21, Ufa

Lesson summary “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Summary of the final lesson

on speech development

“All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Khakimova Liliya

Summary of the lesson on speech development for the senior group “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Lesson objectives:

generalize and specify children’s ideas about the work of people in different professions



- strengthen the ability to complete sentences using words and phrases that are correlated with a person’s specific profession;

— Strengthen the ability to compose a descriptive story according to plan about people of different professions;

— Improve the grammatical structure of speech and the ability to clearly answer the teacher’s questions.


— To cultivate a kind and respectful attitude towards the work of people of different professions.


— develop the skill of self-control of pronunciation in independent speech.

— develop children’s speech activity, memory, attention, thinking.

arouse interest in the professions of their parents and their significance.


demonstration pictures depicting different professions of people, a ball, a letter, a parcel, a steering wheel, a rod, a syringe, a pipe, a hairdryer, a ladle, a pointer.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, look how many guests we have today! Greet them.1. Creating motivation for the lesson. Educator:

The sun rose a long time ago and looked into our window. It gathered all our friends in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands together, And smile at each other. Let's smile, wink, And start talking. (Children do exercises in accordance with the text.) - Children, which of you wants to grow up quickly and become an adult? - Tell me, where do your kids go every day? moms and dads, adults? Children: adults, moms and dads go to work— Why do people go to work? Children: to earn money, build houses, drive cars, grow bread.— What do your parents do? (ask each child) - What benefits do they bring? Children: they sew clothes, teach children, treat the sick, prepare food, transport goods.


- Right. Now let's sit down on the chairs, I invite you to listen to an excerpt from the poem


Vitaly Tunnikov

There are many professions in the world, even children know this. And there are no unimportant professions - everyone will tell you this.

There is a wonderful master - a carpenter, He is a hunter of wood. He creates furniture for people and he is always honored.

The doctor cures all diseases - There is no more useful profession. If someone gets sick, the Doctor will be able to cure.

Who cooks soup and porridge, cake, compote and yogurt? The cook knows all the secrets. For dessert he will give you candy.

An engineer is an inventor - He is a creator, a creator of miracles. What he comes up with, he creates. We are drawn into the world of accomplishments.

All professions are needed, All professions are important. Everyone must decide for themselves what they want to become when.

- What do you think the poem is talking about? Children: the poem talks about professions. Educator:

What does the word “profession” mean? Profession means: business, work, occupation. People work what they like to work with, do what they do best. There are many professions in the world. What professions do you know? Children: teacher, driver, worker, salesman, doctor, builder.

  1. Story from slides (photos)

Q: - Guys, can you tell me what your parents do? (children’s answers)

I have prepared a little surprise for you, please take a look.

-What profession is this?……………

Slide 1.

That's my mom. Her name is Olga Alekseevna. She is a nurse

Slide 2. ……..

3 Game “Wonderful Chest”

All professions are needed, all professions are important. The main thing is to do your favorite job well. People of different professions use different tools for their work. I have a “wonderful chest” that contains many interesting things. To find out what lies there, you need to say the following words: “Chest, chest, open your barrel.” Reval, look into the chest, but first say the magic words. - Who needs this item? Children: this tool is needed for an artist. (Children take turns taking out tools and telling who needs them and why.) Educator: - Well done, guys, you named all the subjects and professions correctly.

  1. Physical education driver - washed the car
    (stomping step) He sat behind the wheel and arched his back. The janitor sweeps the yard. The janitor removes litter
    . (bends forward, simulating sweeping).
    Our guard on duty boldly looks into the darkness
    . (turn right - left, putting his palm to his eyes).
    And the shoemaker will sew boots for anyone
    (vest - sit down, stand up, placing your feet alternately on the heel).
    Horseshoes will be nailed to the boots, And they will dance without stopping. Our pilots - pilots Prepared
    flight . take a calm breath through your nose) 6. Educational games and tasks. Did. game “Define a profession and find an extra object” (by slides

Slide 1. Policeman. Extra item…………..

Slide 2. Sailor.

Slide 8 Florist. Profession “Florist” is a specialist who works with plants (primarily flowers), composes bouquets, compositions, and also grows flower crops. Moreover, this profession can use not only fresh flowers, but also dried flowers, special decorations, butterflies, mushrooms and other natural and artificial materials.

  1. Watching the cartoon: “All professions are needed, all professions are important...”

Guys, do you want to watch a cartoon? (yes)

Look how people of different professions are interconnected and sometimes dependent on each other. Look carefully, maybe you will see some profession that is not yet familiar to you, try to remember it (after watching, the teacher asks the children what new professions they learned about from the cartoon). (children call)

— Next time we will definitely talk about these professions: molarist, oil worker, etc. 9. Lesson summary:

— Children, what do you think, can you become a cook, pilot or doctor right now? Of course not, because for this you need to grow up and learn, because every profession needs to be learned, are you ready for this?

-Now please tell me, what did we talk about today?

-What interesting things did you learn?

-What's new, what new profession have you learned?

-What did you find difficult?

Guys, let’s take another look at our “wonderful chest” (The teacher takes candy from the chest and distributes it to the children.)

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