Instructive stories for children We invite you to read the story of V.A. Oseeva. “The magic word” is about
WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE IN PRACTICE? Behind all these seemingly sophisticated concepts lies an imperceptible
Types of forms of education for preschool children The form of education, as part of the pedagogical process, is in
Cognitive development of preschool children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education "Cognitive development of preschool children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education"
How to play: Children should stand in single file, holding onto the belt of the person in front. The teacher is tying it up
Games are a great way to organize a group of people for joint activities, to motivate a person to certain
All about Baba Yaga Origin of the term In various languages of the Slavic language group there are basics,
Health-saving technologies in the educational process Currently, medical workers note a significant decrease in the number