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Counting books for kids, for children 3-4-5-6 years old

Counting books for children 3 years old and 4 years old are short rhymes aimed at developing speech and memory. They can also be used in finger games. Such rhyming rhymes for children form the concept of rhyme and accustom them to the Russian language. Children's rhymes are aimed at better memorizing the poetic form of arithmetic operations (the well-known “One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk...”).

In addition, nursery rhymes form in children the elementary concept of simple mathematical calculation. Counting rhymes are especially useful for children aged 4 years and for preschoolers, since it is in this form that they remember counting well. And it also trains your memory.

Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof, and the kittens are even higher. The cat went for milk, and the kittens went head over heels. The cat came without milk, but the kittens were ha-ha-ha.
One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk. Suddenly the hunter runs out and shoots straight at the bunny. Bang Bang! Oh oh oh! My little bunny is dying. They brought him to the hospital, He stole a mitten there, They brought him to the ward, He stole chocolate there. They brought him to the roof, he stole Uncle Misha there. They brought him home, he turned out to be alive.
Horses, horses, horses, horses, We sat on the balcony. They drank tea, broke cups, and spoke Turkish.
One, two, three, four, five, the tiger went out for a walk. They forgot to lock him. One two three four.
The clumsy bear walks through the forest, collects cones, and sings a song. The cone flew off - right into Mishka's forehead! The bear got angry and kicked!
Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-si, The cat got into a taxi, And the kittens latched on and took a free ride.
A gudgeon was swimming near the shore, and lost a balloon. Help me find him - Count to ten.
The counting begins: A jackdaw sat on a birch tree, Two crows, a sparrow, Three magpies, a nightingale.
One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk. What should we do? What should we do? We need to catch the bunny. Again we will count: One, two, three, four, five.
A dragonfly flew in, like the eyes of a pea, and itself like a helicopter, left, right, back, forward.
One day the mice came out to see what time it was. One, two, three, four, the mice pulled the weights. Then a terrible ringing sound was heard - the mice ran away.
One, two, three, four, five, There is nowhere for the bunny to jump; A wolf walks everywhere, a wolf, with his teeth - click, click! And we will hide in the bushes, Hide, little bunny, and you too. You wolf, wait!
The squirrel collected pine cones for the raccoon and the mouse. One, two, three, four, five, I'll find the bump again. Three for a raccoon and three for a mouse, who wants the rest?
We ran up the stairs and counted the steps: One, two, three, four, Multiply by four, Divide, divide by four - It turns out four.
They say at dawn, A dove, a goose and a jackdaw were gathering on the mountain. That's the whole counting rhyme.
A and B were sitting on the pipe, A fell, B disappeared, What was left on the pipe?
The lamb was walking in the meadow, The lamb lost its horns. A hungry wolf walked by, he snapped a lamb with his teeth!
Dora, Dora, Tomato. We caught a thief in the garden. We began to think and wonder how we could punish the thief. We tied our hands and feet and let them go along the road. The thief walked, walked, walked and found the basket. In this small basket there are lipstick and perfume, ribbons, lace, boots... Anything for the soul.


Uncle Vanya, look, we are blowing bubbles. Blue, red, light blue - choose any one for yourself!
The hedgehog walked through the forest, walked, walked, walked, and found a fungus under a bush. He walked around the fungus: “This is a good find!” He brought the fungus home, and what came out was a nice mushroom soup!
The cat was riding on a barrel, selling flowers. Blue, red, light blue - Choose any one for yourself.
Once upon a time there were two neighbors, two cannibal neighbors. The cannibal cannibal invites you to dinner. The cannibal replied: “No, I won’t go to you, neighbor!” It’s not bad to go to lunch, but not in the form of a dish!
One, two, three, four, Who lives in our apartment? Dad, mom, brother, sister, Murka the cat, two kittens, My puppy, a cricket and me - That's my whole family! One, two, three, four, five, I’ll start counting them all again.
Our Masha got up early and counted all the dolls: Two nesting dolls on the window, Two Tanya on the pillow, Two Irinkas on the feather bed, and Parsley in a cap on the green chest.
A cheerful dog was walking, Chicky-bricky-woof! And the geese ran after her, with their heads raised, and behind them was a pig, Chicky-bricky-oink! Chiki-briki, repeat, what am I saying?
Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta! A cat married a cat, A cat married a cat, A cat married Pyotr Petrovich! He is mustachioed and striped, Well, not a cat, but just a treasure!
One, two, three, four, five, the cat learns to count. Slowly, little by little, he adds a cat to the mouse. The answer is: There is a cat, but no mouse!
Seagulls lived at the pier, The river rocked them with waves. One, two, three, four, five - Help me count them!
The wind flew across the sea, The wind counted the songbirds. I counted every one of them! And then I took the day off. It's our turn to count! One two three four five!
The seagull warmed up the kettle, invited eight seagulls: - Come all for tea! - How many seagulls? Answer!
Behind the glass doors sits an ass with pies. Tell me, my little ass, how much does a pie cost?
Midges, Thin legs, Dancing along the path... Night is close, Fly away.
Tick-tack, tick-tack, There lived an old crayfish under the bridge. The red cat came to the bridge, Cancer grabbed the cat by the tail. Meow-meow, help, unhook the crayfish from its tail! Everyone is running, and you run, help Vaska the Cat.
Dot-dot, comma, minus, crooked face. Stick, stick, little cucumber, so the little man came out.
A jackdaw sat on the fence. The counting begins: one, two, three, four, five! I’ll count all the guys: Yulia, Misha, Sveta, Kolya, Petya Ira, Vitya, Olya... If I get tired of counting, I’ll stop for a minute. I’ll keep quiet, take a break, and start counting again.
A dog was walking across the bridge, four paws, the fifth was a tail. If the bridge fails, then the dog will fall. To prevent her from drowning, you run to pull her!
Eni, beni, ricky, taki, Turba, urba, synthbrucks, Eus, beus, krasnobeus, Bam!

Counting books about animals

Illustration: Ekaterina Denisenko / Lifehacker
One, two, three, four, five, The bunny went out for a walk. Suddenly the hunter runs out and shoots straight at the bunny. But the hunter did not hit, the Gray Bunny ran away.

A bunny was running along the road, but his legs were very tired. The bunny wanted to sleep. Come out and look.

A hare runs across the bridge, long ears, short tail. Don't run too far, help us do the math. One, two, three - Get out!

Somehow a little crocodile swam away from his parents. He went on a spree, got lost and became confused out of fear. We will help, so be it! Come out, you should drive!

One, two, three, four, midges lived in the apartment. Then Krestovik, a large spider, suddenly got into the habit of visiting them. Five, six, seven, eight, let’s ask the Spider: “You glutton, don’t go.” Come on, Mashenka, drive!

The cat walked along the bench, handing out pins. He walked along the bench - Handing out pennies: Some ten, some five - Come out and look for you!

One day the mice came out to see what time it was. One, two, three, four, the mice pulled the weights. Then a terrible ringing sound was heard - the mice ran away.

I am an animal and you are an animal. I am a mouse, you are a ferret. You are cunning, and I am smart. He who is smart came out.

A goat walked along the bridge and wagged its tail, got caught on the railing, and fell straight into the river. Whoever doesn’t believe is him, get out of the circle!

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, The cat got into a taxi, And the kittens latched on and took a free ride.

A gudgeon was swimming near the shore, and lost a balloon. Help me find him - Count to ten.

Once upon a time there were three herrings: Kulya, Mulya and Balda. Kulya and Mulya slept together, and Balda slept alone.

The turtle tucked its tail and ran after the hare, ending up in front. If you don't believe it, come out.

Counters for the driver

Driver counting rhymes are short funny rhymes that determine which member of the team will be in charge, who will “drive” or search. They can be used for team games such as “Hide and Seek”, “Tag”, and all kinds of “catch-up”. Counting books for children are not only for children, but also for older children, for example, schoolchildren.

Burn, burn clearly. So that it doesn't go out. Stand by the side, Look into the field - The trumpeters are riding there, Let the rolls eat. Look at the sky - The stars are shining, The cranes are screaming. One, two, don't be a crow, run like fire!
On the road, yogis sat with their legs twisted on nails. Thirty days without eating or drinking. You still have to drive.
The month (moon/German/hare) came out of the fog, He took a knife out of his pocket - I will cut, I will beat, You still have to drive!
On the golden porch sat the Tsar, the prince, the King, the prince, the Shoemaker, and the tailor. Who will you be? Speak quickly, Do not detain good and honest people!
One, two, three, four, There were mice/midges living in the apartment. Their friend Krestovik himself, a large spider, got into the habit of visiting them. Five, six, seven, eight, We’ll ask the Spider: “You glutton, don’t go!” Come on, Mashenka, drive!
Behind the seas, behind the mountains, Behind the iron pillars, On the hill of the tower, There is a lock hanging on the door, You go get the key And unlock the lock.
- Stork-stork, stork-bird, What do you dream about at night? - I want the swamp edges. - And what else? - More frogs. You can't catch them, you can't catch them. That's it, you drive!
We are going to play, Well, who should start? One, two, three, you begin.
The rooster was sitting on a bench, counting his pins. One, two, three - you will be the pin!
One, two, three, four, five - Let's start the games. The bees flew into the field. They buzzed and buzzed. The bees sat on the flowers. We play - you drive.
A cuckoo walked past the net, And behind it were small children, The cuckoos asked for a drink. Come out - you can drive.
The cat walked along the bench, handing out pins. Walking along the bench - Handing out pennies: Some are ten, some are five, Go out and look for you!
Two caring old ladies baked buns for their grandchildren. Everyone sat down around the table, drank tea and ate. They wanted to play. You catch it! I have to run away!
Bells, bells, The little doves flew through the morning dew, Along the green strip, They sat down on the barn. Run, catch up.
“Tili-teli,” the birds sang. They took off and flew towards the forest. The birds began to build nests. Whoever doesn't howl should drive.
We are going to play, Well, who should start? One, two, three, you begin.
The king was sitting on a bench, Counting his pins: One - two - three, you will be the queen!
The king was sitting on a bench, Counting his pins: One - two - three, you will be the queen!
Abacus-abacus-abacus, Bees are making honeycombs! The honeycombs are filled with honey and counted by cells: One, two, three, four, five, go out and look for it!

Fairy tales

Illustration: Ekaterina Denisenko / Lifehacker
On the golden porch sat the Tsar, the prince, the King, the prince, the Shoemaker, the tailor... Who will you be? Speak quickly, Do not delay Good and honest people!

The king was sitting on a bench, Counting his pins: “One, two, three...” You will be the queen!

The gnome was looking for gold and lost his cap! He sat down and cried: “What can I do?!” Come out! You should drive!

Old gnomes live under the mountain by the river. They have a bell hanging, a gilded one ringing. Digi-digi-digi-don, get out quickly!

“The giant is sitting in a cave,” all the animals say in the forest. A hungry giant is looking for something suitable for him to eat. The animals hid in the bushes - So you will be water!

Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains, Behind the dense forests On a hillock there is a tower, On the doors there is a lock. Whoever finds the key to the lock will go out of the circle.

A carriage was driving along the old bridge. The bridge collapsed, the carriage went to the bottom. I don’t feel sorry for the carriage, I don’t feel sorry for the bridge, But I feel sorry for the princess and the white horse.

The fishermen brought the skinny pike from the river. The predatory pike is more terrible than the monster Kashchei. We gave her vegetables and thicker fatty cabbage soup. The pike slapped its tail, as if it had cracked a whip, and with such a strong blow it split the table into splinters.

Trynts, bells, bells, the daredevils rang. Digi-digi-digi-don, get out quickly!

The apple was rolling on the dish, I won’t drive.

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