Thematic lesson “Mother’s Day” Summary of the thematic lesson in the younger group Topic: “Mommy, honey, mom
Interesting facts about tabletop children's theaters Tatyana can't sleep. Despite placing the order, I want
Plan for self-education of a teacher on the topic “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions” Goal of work: to improve
Lexical topic “Winter”: ideas for activities on a walk and at home Change of seasons -
The implementation of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is based on cultural and activity-based approaches to pedagogy. Condition
Summary of educational activities at the weather site with children of the second junior group of the preschool educational institution "Solnechnye Luchi" Lesson summary
Early childhood. Cognitive development. 1-3 years. Methodological manual Familiarization with the environment Cognitive activity of children,
Project “My Hometown” I went to childhood - everyday discovery of the world and therefore it is necessary